
Chapter 1139

HK1124 mysterious experience voucher


With the screen selection of vrGame Helmet, Shi Lei eventually prefers tftLCD Screen.

Making this choice is not just because the cost of the tftLCD Screen is cheap, it’s just one factor. Another factor is the key factor.

Shi Lei gave up the ips screen, not dislike the ips screen, but paved the way for Second Generation vrGame Helmet.

If First Generation vrGame Helmet uses ipsLCD Screen, then Second Generation vrGame Helmet, what screen material will be used? Do you want to be oled?

vrGame Helmet is positioned as display EQ uipment and display EQ uipment is upgraded. The screen is the most important upgrade scheme, except for the screen, which is precisely as stated resolution.

The next generation of Smart Phone, keeps on the screen material and resolution fuss. Among them, the cell phone produced by Nanchao Nation’s three-bar company is always the same, but because the material of the cell phone screen is oled, it has been sought after by many people.

It can be seen that the choice of screen material is really important.

Shi Lei does not choose the biggest reason for the ips material screen, which is precisely as stated to leave room for future Upgrade. Besides, the current tft screen and ips screen, in the image color restoration aspect, really does not make much difference!

After personally verifying the availability of the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform and vrGame Helmet, Shi Lei issued orders to Liu Dongrui and Dong Guoguo to produce eight new Motion Sensing Operation Platforms and eight vrGame Helmets.

Shi Lei is preparing to distribute the eight sets of Motion Sensing Operation Sets to the Gamers for a one-month use test. As for the way to distribute to Gamer, Shi Lei in the heart has a similar idea.

When Shi Lei thought about the Motion Sensing Operation Set distribution issue, Li Yuan patted Shi Lei’s arm and squeezed her eyebrows: “Shi Lei, the vrGame Helmet and the Motion Sensing Operation Platform, give me a shot!”

Shi Lei’s contemptuous look. “Little Yuan Zi, will you play Brave’s World?”

Li Yuan, who is underestimated, dissatisfied with hēng hēng said: “Shi Lei, you brat don’t look down on people! I am at Brave’s World’s character, Grade has reached Fifteenth Grade !”

In Brave’s World, First Group’s Gamer Grade has reached Twenty-fifth Grade. Grade of Fifteenth Grade. It can only be regarded as a Second Group, and it is the tail of the Second Group.

“Fifteenth Grade!” Shi Lei stunned Li Yuan, “Little Yuan Zi, you brat, this Grade, participated in Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition?”

“Crap!” Li Yuan reveals the look of ‘Daddy Is First Under Heaven’, “Shi Lei. You don’t understand, in Brave’s World, Grade doesn’t mean everything Right? I beat a few twenty levels.’ Expert ‘It!’

When talking about ‘Expert’, Li Yuan’s tone was very disdainful.

Shi Lei smiled and said: “Grade does not mean everything. But Higher Grade, Equipment is good, even if the operation is a little worse, you can rely on Grade suppression and Equipment suppression. In absolute advantage, defeat the low level Gamer.”

“Let’s say this!” Li Yuan showed a smile of evil. “I don’t need to get a high ranking. I just need to beat the opponent! Shi Lei, I know, you set up a Victory Reward. Just win. And you can get a reward, isn’t that right ?”

“Of course! If you are lucky. It is possible to get Legend Rank Equipment. Even Epic Rank’s Equipment is not impossible. As for the Myth Rank’s Equipment, of course it is not!” Shi Lei revealed some information.

Victory Reward’s lottery treasure chest can indeed open the Legend Rank and Epic Rank Equipment, but that chance is similar to the big lottery jackpot!

“Legend Rank ?Epic Rank ?啊hā hā. Wait for the brother to get it!” Li Yuan suddenly fell into the second state.

Shi Lei can’t help but roll one’s eyes, “forget about it forget about it, you want a set, then give it a set! You tell Old Liu and Old Dong yourself. Let them produce one more set, don’t take up The eight sets of shares.”

“En En, no issue!” Li Yuan turned and left, apparently immediately informed Old Liu and Old Dong that she had left Shi Lei alone.

Shi Lei helplessly smiled. He returned to the Second Level of Lin’an Underground Base. In the workplace, Shi Lei connected to Izual via the Internet.

“Izual, update Brave’s World Task reward random events and monster random drop rate, add an item, the item is named: mysterious experience voucher, the appearance of the item is a bamboo slip. The attribute is introduced as: mysterious experience for oneself invitation, important Item, specific information Xia Nation Time June Twenty-three Day 2 12 Point 2 12 points announced. Items can not be dropped, can be transaction.” Shi Lei issued a command to Izual by voice.

The so-called Task reward random event is that Gamer has acquired a Task. When receiving the Task reward, there may be random events, which will give Gamer more rewards.

Monster random drop rate is a simple drop rate probability. In Brave’s World, except for the humanoid monster, which will explode Equipment and money, the rest of the monster will only explode raw materials. However, the random drop rate is not subject to this rule restriction, and any monster may have the item drop set by the random drop rate.

Shi Lei prepares to determine the ownership of the four sets of Motion Sensing Operation Sets by means of random drop rate and random reward events. As for the Gamer who got mysterious experience voucher, will it sell mysterious experience voucher, which is Gamer’s personal will.

Dream Entertainment aspect, only recognize the voucher does not recognize people!

As long as the Gamer with the certificate is available, you can get the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform and vrGame Helmet after filling in the data on the web page specified by Dream Entertainment.

The other four sets of Motion Sensing Operation Sets, one of which will be presented to Exceed Grade Gamer Storm in recognition of Storm’s Outstanding contribution to Dream Entertainment Company.

The last three sets will be placed in the Official Virtual Goods Trading System for an open auction to open to the public.

Eight sets of Motion Sensing Operation Sets were divided into three ways to determine ownership, covering all types of Gamer, so that all Gamer had no way to protest the distribution behavior of Dream Entertainment.

For example, the Ordinary Gamer protested against three sets of Motion Sensing Operation Platform for auction. Because, it is the Nouveau Riche level Gamer that has activities involving qualifications, completely independent of the Ordinary Gamer.

But Dream Entertainment Company, which took out four sets of Motion Sensing Operation Platform, was placed in Brave’s World, and with the luck of Gamer, any Gamer had a chance.

As for the Storm’s Motion Sensing Operation Set, it is sure that Storm’s contribution to Dream Entertainment. Hope Storm will continue to support Dream Entertainment Company in the future, supporting Brave’s World.

This kind of gift is not only to draw Storm, but also to send an information to other Nouveau Riche, as long as they become Storm like Winder, Dream Entertainment Company will also give them preferential treatment.


Brave’s World.

With the good reputation of Brave’s World in Gamer, the number of Brave’s World’s Gamer. It is still climbing. However, the newly added Gamer is basically an Ordinary computer with a keyboard and mouse game.

Xia Nation, Xichuan Province, An’rui City.

A woman who looks like two 12 three. Currently using an older computer for Brave’s World’s entertainment. The woman’s dress is relatively simple, the costumes in the Room are relatively simple, and it seems that the family conditions are not plentiful.

The reason why I have a computer is because the woman is innate deaf and mute, basically no friend, only in the network. Get some happy time. Since the woman came into contact with Brave’s World, she has fallen in love with Brave’s World.

Women like Brave’s World’s. The reason is very simple. It is exactly as stated Brave’s World’s Non-player Controlled Characters. It has a very high ArtifiCIA l Intelligence. In the eyes of women, these Non-player Controlled Characters are even like real humans.

Inside Brave’s World, the women’s game character. With only Fifth Grade, she stays in the novice area and chats with the text every day with Non-player Controlled Characters.

Brave’s World’s Non-player Controlled Characters, when you need it, you can use text chat, which is mainly for deaf and mute people like women. And the convenience features of the design.

June twenty one day, seven o’clock in the evening. After the woman finished her dinner, she was thrown into Brave’s World. Although her computer performance is relatively backward, Brave’s World’s display quality is not very good. But the woman didn’t mind, she just wanted to find a friend who could talk.

In the real world, she couldn’t speak and couldn’t hear the sound. She basically didn’t have a friend, and she developed a more autistic and inferiority mentality. Only in the network, the woman showed her own activity.

At this moment, the woman’s current novice area talks with an elderly female Non-player Controlled Characters. The woman is not pissed because of the other’s embarrassment, but instead talks to the other party with relish.

After talking for about ten minutes, the elderly female Non-player Controlled Characters suddenly asked the woman for help in words.

Although the woman is congenital deaf and mute, but not congenital mentally retarded, she knows that this is the scene of Task, she responded with words, she will help elderly women Non-player Controlled Characters.

The elderly women’s Non-player Controlled Characters, the help is very simple, that is, let the woman go to the pharmacy to help get back the medicine she ordered. This kind of Task is just a simple way to run, even though using the mouse and keyboard operation, it takes up to ten minutes to accomplish.

This kind of Task is mainly to test Gamer’s patience, and the rewards are generally copper coin. The amount of copper coin is generally calculated according to the one-hour standard Task time, which is calculated for one hour and six Xia Nation Yuan.

At present, the black market Exchange Rate of copper coin and Xia Nation Yuan is maintained at a scale of ten to one. The Copper coin rewarded by Task dynamically follows the black market Exchange Rate fluctuations.

The woman’s errand Task, Task standard time is fifteen minutes, rewarded with fifteen copper coin. The women’s copper coin, which has basically passed the Official Virtual Goods Trading System, has been sold out, and it can get two or thirty yuan more or less every day.

It is because of this income that the woman’s family allows her to play games every day.

When the woman accomplished the commission of the elderly female Non-player Controlled Characters, she obtained fifteen copper coin, which is 1.5Xia Nation Yuan. The woman’s face has a faint smile. As a congenital deaf and mute person, she has very few opportunities to work in the society. She can play games at home to make money, even if she does not earn much, she is very satisfied.

When she opened the parcel to see today’s harvest, she suddenly found that there was a bamboo-like thing in the package. She moved the mouse up. This bamboo-like thing shows a name: mysterious experience voucher!

The woman is very certain that there is definitely no such item in the original package. Now that the thing suddenly appears, the woman looks at the System record and finally found the situation in a recent record.

‘Congratulations to Gamer Dream of Rain, Accomplish Wang’s mother’s medicine delivery, get fifteen copper coin, and get mysterious experience voucher! ‘

