
Chapter 1134

HK1119 R&D awards and eight sets of products

Lin’an Underground Base, Fourth Level. June twenty day, five o’clock in the afternoon.

Liu Dongrui took the test of the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform. After Shi Lei watched it, in the heart was very satisfied with the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform. The new Motion Sensing Operation Platform is basically able to meet Gamer’s Motion Sensing Operation needs.

But what about the manufacturing cost?

Shi Lei looked at Liu Dongrui and nodded affirmatively: “Old Liu, the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform, I am quite satisfied.” Shi Lei did not express a very satisfied attitude, and said something reserved.

Liu Dongrui Although slightly disappointed, Shi Lei said at least satisfaction, isn’t it?

“Old Liu, I want to ask, what is the cost of manufacturing for the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform?” Shi Lei asked, cost control is important, and it is related to future sales and pricing.

“Chief Shi, wait a moment.” Liu Dongrui turned and trotting to the workbench not far away, on the workbench, picked up a paper document, then ran back to Shi Lei and handed the paper document to Shi. Lei, “Chief Shi, this is the cost list for the Motion Sensing Operation Platform.”

Shi Lei took the paper documents and looked at the price of each component in the paper file. The most expensive one was the four pneumatic lift pumps, and the price of four pneumatic lift pumps reached 1200. The price of hydraulic rotary bearings also requires 600.

In addition, any angle No-Dead-Angle conveyor belt, cost price also requires 500 yuan, taking up a lot of cost. With the exception of several major components, the rest of the components do not have to be much cost, and the remaining component costs, including the Logic Control Chip, require only about 300.

As a result, the overall cost of the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform. Reaching the 2600 element, apparently not cheAP, almost caught up with the cost price of the WHDI version vrGame Helmet.

After Shi Lei finished reading the cost details, he closed the paper documents, and Shi Lei in the heart was acceptable for the manufacturing cost of 2600. Anyway, the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform, Shi Lei is also going to get huge profits, and will not sell at a price.

After all, the cost price has been 2600. No matter how low the price is, at least 5000 yuan is required. The price of the 5000 yuan is no different from the 50,000 yuan for the Ordinary Gamer. It will not be bought anyway. What is the difference between the Five Thousand and the 50,000 yuan?

Motion Sensing Operation Platform. The user facing, mainly the high-end game player. Given Brave’s World’s positioning. Motion Sensing Operation Platform If the price is cheaper. It will even be suspected by High-end Player, is it a fake product!

For the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform, the initial pricing of Shi Lei in the heart is intended to be the same as vrGame Helmet, which is the Five Thousand US Dollar. Converted to Xia Nation Yuan, exact as stated Forty Thousand. The cost price is 2600. The price is Forty Thousand, and the profit is more than fourteen times.

For this profit, Shi Lei does not put any law at all!

Shi Lei’s long silence made Liu Dongrui look a little nervous. He guessed in the heart, ‘Is it the cost of the Motion Sensing Operation Platform is too high? Hey, the specifications of the pneumatic lift pump and the hydraulic rotary bearing should be reduced, so that the cost will be reduced! ‘

Liu Dongrui When developing the Motion Sensing Operation Platform, Dong Guoguo told Liu Dongrui to develop products according to the premium quality specifications, not to the cost price of the products. Therefore, when Liu Dongrui selected the main components, they all chose very high-end components to ensure the quality of the products.

“Old Liu, Old Dong, if we are going to produce the Motion Sensing Operation Platform, what is the capacity?” Shi Lei asked.

When Liu Dongrui heard it, his eyes suddenly lit up. Since Shi Lei said that he wanted to produce it, it means that the Motion Sensing Operation Platform meets the standard of Shi Lei in the heart.

‘hā hā hā , success, success! 200,000’s R&D rewards, hēi hēi 嘿, is my two-year salary! ‘Liu Dongrui in the heart cheers. Subsequently, Liu Dongrui immediately answered Shi Lei’s issue, “Chief Shi, we have not yet established the assembly line of the Motion Sensing Operation Platform. If we build the assembly line of the Motion Sensing Operation Platform, the capacity can reach about one month Thirty Thousand. Well, it’s an automated assembly line to get this number.”

Shi Lei brows slightly and continues to ask: “How long does it take to build an assembly line?”

“It takes about half a month to get the fastest!” Liu Dongrui compressed the time response. If the assembly line is built according to normal time, I am afraid it takes more than twenty days.

Shi Lei regretted with a sigh. “If Handmade builds production, how much can it be made in one day?”

Liu Dongrui hesitated for a moment and finally said with certainty: “If Handmade is produced, it should be able to produce five units a day.” After that, Liu Dongrui smiled and said, “There is no way to achieve more. We have developed a member of Little Group. The number is not enough, and it takes the necessary rest. It can’t be four hours of uninterrupted work like automated machinery.”

“Five?” Shi Lei licked his head and then pointed to the prototype of the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform. He said: “Old Liu, my Hope, you produce eight new Motion Sensing Operation Platforms, and then arrange Motion Sensing. The assembly line of the Operation Platform.”

Liu Dongrui has a puzzle in his eyes and doesn’t seem to understand why Shi Lei needs the Handmade manufacturing version of the eight Motion Sensing Operation Platform.

Shi Lei glanced at Liu Dongrui and looked at Dong Guoguo’s hesitant face. Then he explained: “I need them to carry out propaganda work and Gamer test. Old Dong, tomorrow vrGame Helmet, if it meets the requirements, I also Eight prototypes are needed as a promotional need.”

Dong Guoguo and Liu Dongrui nodded together and said that they answered.

Shi Lei smiled and patted Liu Dongrui’s arm with a tone of appreciation. “Old Liu, you accomplished the Motion Sensing Operation Platform and deserve a reward!”

Liu Dongrui in the heart, hi, think of it, finally get a reward!

“Old Liu, call your members who develop the Little Group, each of them is a hero, everyone has a reward!” Shi Lei said.

Liu Dongrui took a glimpse, then sighed in the heart, ‘Shi Lei, as Dong Guoguo said, is not a stingy Boss! It seems that if the Military District allows it, you can continue to work with Mirror Science and Technology Group in the future. ‘

The Little Motion Group, the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform, all research personnel, all from the Rongcheng Military District. Several of them are still from Liu Dongrui from the Rongcheng Military District.

Originally, Liu Dongrui was still planning to send a red envelope to the subordinates after he received the money for R&D rewards. But now, Shi Lei wants to give the red envelope to all the staff, Liu Dongrui has to admire, Shi Lei is really very good.

R&D Little Group A total of 12 people, Liu Dongrui yelled at the direction of the Little Group, “Little Ming, you all come over!”

Little Ming is Liu Dongrui’s student, whose full name is Zhou Xiaoming. This year, twenty is six years old. In Ergonomics and Mechanical Structuring aspect, he has a very outstanding innate talent. During this development of Motion Sensing Operation Platform, Zhou Xiaoming was not a small force.

“Okay, Teacher.” Zhou Xiaoming immediately greeted the remaining ten Little Group members. The rest of the members were also youngsters. Unfortunately, all were male. Their R&D Little Group, at Lin’an Underground Base, was dubbed the ‘Monk’ R&D team. .

Zhou Xiaoming, with everyone, came to Liu Dongrui and looked at Big Boss at Lin’an Underground Base at close range.

‘This is Big Boss Shi Lei? ‘Zhou Xiaoming in the heart, thinking darkly, ‘What are we going to do? ‘

Shi Lei glanced around the crowd and said to Liu Dongrui: “Old Liu, introduce me to these youngsters, what they have played in the development process.”

Liu Dongrui In the system of Rongcheng Military District, mixed with twenty years, how can you not understand Shi Lei? This is asking everyone for their credit, so that they will be rewarded according to their merits.

At this time, we must be fair, and we must also consider the people’s minds. A bowl of water should be flattened before it will be spilled. Liu Dongrui thought for a moment, introducing each person’s name and the working conditions of the Little Group.

Zhou Xiaoming was last introduced, except for Liu Dongrui, Zhou Xiaoming had the most credit. “Chief Shi, Little Ming is my discipline. This time, R&D work, Little Ming has contributed a lot!” Liu Dongrui took credit for his own discipline.

Shi Lei took a look at Zhou Xiaoming and nodded and said that he knew.

Liu Dongrui in the heart thought, Shi Lei will give R&D Little Group a lot of R&D rewards. ‘If you give me 200,000, then Little Ming should get about 50,000, and the rest of the Little Group member, maybe Get an 20,000. These brats are good luck, a 20,000 R&D reward, Daddy has never been seen before! ‘

Shi Lei in the heart is also thinking about how many R&D rewards should be issued. When he looks at the development of Little Group, it is a youngster, he has a decision in the heart.

“Old Liu, this time I developed the Motion Sensing Operation Platform, you have worked hard! Although you are the personnel of the Rongcheng Military District, after all, we have contributed to our Mirror Science and Technology, I decided to reward you.” Shi Lei thought Now, how to issue R&D rewards, he needs to use R&D rewards to draw these youngsters.

“Old Liu, this time remember your first contribution, reward 500,000!Zhou Xiaoming, your credit is not small, reward you 200,000; other Specialists, each reward Hundred-thousand yuan. The reward will take effect immediately, you will prepare the Bank account Ok, I’ll give you rewards right away.” Shi Lei spoke out a research and development award that made Liu Dongrui, and the entire R&D Little Group surprised.

To be honest, they have never seen so many bonuses in the Rongcheng Military District!

Dong Guoguo is not strange, watching Shi Lei give him a look, Dong Guoguo immediately started talking: “Old Liu, still doing something, hurry up to get the Bank Card number, Boss rewards very quickly !”

Liu Dongrui and the Motion Sensing Operation Platform developed the members of the Little Group, all laughing, they are no longer sentimental, have reported the Bank account to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei directly directed Izual to issue R&D awards to each member of the Little Group for research and development just as he promised.

Looking at the smile of Little Group member, Shi Lei also laughed. With the premise of this award, I buried the research and development personnel in the future and buried a good relationship.

(To be continued.)
