
Chapter 1135

HK1120 Li Yuan visits, exchange conditions


Lin’an Underground Base, Second Level, office area.

Shi Lei currently writes the Interface Device Driver for the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform. Although the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform is very advanced, you must have the Interface Device Driver to work with the performance of the Motion Sensing Operation Platform.

Otherwise, the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform will not work with Brave’s World at all.

From the afternoon until the early morning, Shi Lei, in conjunction with Izual’s, combined with the basic source code of the previous two generations of Motion Sensing Operation Platform, Shi Lei completed the source code writing of the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform.

June twenty one day, at 0:00 in the morning.

Shi Lei stretched out and held a contact with Izual with a Bluetooth headset, “Izual, debugging source code, automatically correcting logic errors and syntax errors, failing to accomplish modify errors, marking prompts.”

“yes, sir!” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

Izual quickly started to debug source code line by line, and each line of source code passed Izual’s test. In general, grammar errors and punctuation errors, or letter errors, Izual can automatically modify; logic errors are not easy to modify, Izual does not have the ability to independently innovate. Some logic errors, Izual can’t correct.

Nearly ten minutes later, Izual issued a prompt, “sir, debug acccomplish, modify two punctuation errors, a syntax error, a logical error, System cannot be modified, the corresponding error source code has been marked as blue highlight. ”

Shi Lei looked at the computer screen and Izual has shown the source code of the logic error. Shi Lei read source code and finally found a logic error, which is a logical contradiction, which will lead to the action of Motion Operating System, Unable to Judge Motion Sensing Operation Platform.

After another five minutes of modification, Shi Lei succeeded the modification of the source code of the logic error, which was verified by Shi Lei and Izual’s. The source code after modify reaches the target of Shi Lei design.

Although it is close to half past half, Shi Lei still has no sleepiness. After packaging the source code, he brings a Notebook Computer to the Fourth Level of Lin’an Underground Base.

The Fourth Level is empty, and Shi Lei came to the test site of the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform. He first connected the Notebook Computer to the control interface of the Motion Sensing Operation Platform and wrote the written Interface Device Driver to the Logic Control Chip of the Motion Sensing Operation Platform.

Then connect to network, update the recognition data library of Brave’s World Motion Operating System, and then open the Motion Sensing Operation Platform to connect with Brave’s World’s.

Thanks to the Motion Sensing Operation Platform. The 360° seamless display system is not arranged, so Shi Lei can only use the notebook as the Signed In carrier, and the Notebook Computer, using the clip buckle, is fixed on the ring metal tube of the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform.

After half an hour of testing, although the display EQ uipment is relatively simple, Shi Lei still uses the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform and accomplish the test. The test results are very good. As predicted by Shi Lei, the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform is basically perfect for meeting the needs of Gamer.

Especially in the game weightless method state, the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform can almost reproduce the weightless method effect in the game. Because, with the quick-hanging part and the elastic zipper, the Gamer is pulled up to achieve a floating state, which is almost similar to the weightless method in the game.

At the same time, the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform. The mechanical consumption of Gamer has been reduced by a lot. After half an hour of playing, Shi Lei basically didn’t feel tired.

This is because, when the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform and Shi Lei wrote the Interface Device Driver, modify a little bit of settings, under normal circumstances. The new Motion Sensing Operation Platform takes the weight of a part of the Gamer and lets the Player Activity pass through the quick-hanging parts and the elastic cable. Reduces the burden of own gravity, thereby reducing physical exertion.

The only one that is somewhat flawed is the assimilated as stated weightless method. In the state, the Gamer is used for the first time, and the Gamer with a poor balance may not be suitable. However, this situation, with the continued use of Gamer, will adapt very quickly.

Near the morning, Shi Lei took the test, picked up Notebook Computer, and returned to his break in Lin’an Underground Base, hū hū and got asleep.

At ten o’clock in the morning, the door of the rest room was sizzled, and Li Yuan’s voice came from outside the door.

“Shi Lei, hurry up, I know you are inside!”

Shi Lei is still asleep, not awakened by the knocking on the door.

Li Yuan continued to scream, but Shi Lei did not hear it. Lin’an Underground Base’s rest room had good sound insulation, and even though knocking on the door was also controlled to a certain extent.

In desperation, Li Yuan can only wait at the door of Shi Lei’s. He has something to look for in Shi Lei. It is impossible to leave without seeing Shi Lei. In Li Yuan’s in the heart, he thought that Shi Lei was deliberately hiding from him, because he was not a simple thing to find Shi Lei.

Until eleven o’clock in the morning, Shi Lei finally woke up, and he simply washed it out and came out of the rest room. When he came out of the rest room, a figure flew over.

Shi Lei was shocked and reached out to the waist, only to find that he was in a hurry and did not bring the two Beretta 92f to his body. However, Shi Lei thought about it. Lin’an Underground Base has a lot of cameras. If anyone wants to be bad for him, Izual should give a hint.

“Damn, you are a Shi Lei, you are hiding from me!” Li Yuan had already punched Shi Lei’s belly while Shi Lei was still thinking, but Li Yuan’s fist did not use a bit of power.

Shi Lei looked very surprised at Li Yuan, who was in front of her eyes, started talking: “Little Yuan Zi, what are you talking about, how can I hide from you?”

“Load! Continue to install!” Li Yuan showed a look of disdain. “Shi Lei, I started knocking at the door early in the morning, why don’t you open the door?”

Shi Lei said with a bitter smile : “I just slept, I just woke up! Little Yuan Zi, don’t be kidding, you are Eldest Young Master in Rongcheng Military District, where can I hide from you?”

Li Yuan looked at Shi Lei suspiciously and finally said: “Really?”

“Crap!” Shi Lei hēng hēng said, “Little Yuan Zi, let me, what is it for me?”

“Shi Lei, I found out that your brat is not kind.” Li Yuan directly blamed.

Shi Lei is completely a monk who can’t figure it out. “Little Yuan Zi, why don’t I be kind? You brat don’t play dumb, what’s the matter, just say it!”

“Second Generation Dawn! You gave the Second Generation Dawn to the Rongcheng Military District! Why don’t you give me one?” Li Yuan’s tone was uncomfortable. Apparently the Eldest Young Master of the Rongcheng Military District already knew Second. Generation Dawn’s is powerful, but it is not in the hands of He Zhenbang.

Shi Lei coughed twice, lightly said with a smile : “Little Yuan Zi, you are sure, I will give you a Second Generation Dawn, will you dare to accept it? A Second Generation Dawn’s cost price is 20 Million, you brat Do you dare to ask?”

Second Generation Dawn’s actual cost price, only one thousand three 1.2 Million, Shi Lei reported to the Rongcheng Military District price, a slight increase, reaching 1600 million. Plus a supporting service Center, quote 4 Million, together with 20 Million.

Li Yuan opened his mouth and he was ready to say that he dared, but he thought again, if he was accepted by his Grandfather, or his dad, that he accepted a gift worth 20 Million, he estimated his ass flowering.

After thinking about the truth, Li Yuan couldn’t help but be discouraged: “forget about it forget about it! Mother’s Egg, Old He, that guy didn’t even give me a play, it’s too much, it’s too much!”

Shi Lei smiled at Li Yuan, “Little Yuan Zi, do you want a Second Generation Dawn?”

“You give me?” Li Yuan responded with a sigh of relief.

“I will give you that!” Shi Lei said affirmatively, the tone was very serious.

Li Yuan glanced at Shi Lei and looked at Shi Lei’s serious look. Then he shook his head helplessly. “You are right, even if you give me, I don’t dare. Second Generation Dawn’s value is too high, if I accept it. Your gift, I am afraid it will be very troublesome.”

Shi Lei but hēi hēi smiled twice. “I can represent Mirror Science and Technology Group and sign an agreement with you to help you test the Second Generation Dawn. In this way, we can give you a Second Generation Dawn. You can use it casually. This Dawn’s ownership is still owned by our Mirror Science and Technology Group, but the right to use belongs to you.”

“Really?” Li Yuan’s eyes brightened. Li Yuan was full of desire for the performance and power of Second Generation Dawn’s, but Li Yuan stared at the smiling Shi Lei, but shook her head. “getget about it, Shi Lei You brat too sinister. You took the initiative to give me a Second Generation Dawn, what is the intention?”

“Nothing to do! I just need some infrastructure resources, such as Special-type cement, Special-type steel or something, how about this condition is very simple Right?” Shi Lei explained the situation.

Li Yuan showed an obvious unbelief. “It’s that simple?”

“It’s not simple!” Shi Lei shook her head. “I need you to ship these supplies to the Yellow Triangle Region. I can pay for the cost and shipping costs of these supplies, but how to ship them to Lee Eldest Young Master You dealt with it!”

“Yellow Triangle Region?” Li Yuan’s face changed slightly.

“Yes! Although the Yellow Triangle Region is more disorder and complicated, but for Lee Eldest Young Master, isn’t it a problem Right?” Shi Lei looked at Li Yuan, revealing a sure look.

Li Yuan bit his teeth. “What are you going to do in the Yellow Triangle Region?”

Shi Lei is preparing to build a manufacturing and manufacturing center in the Yellow Triangle Region. He has no intention of concealing the Rongcheng Military District. Rongcheng Military District is close to the Yellow Triangle Region. In the Yellow Triangle Region, the Rongcheng Military District has a lot of eyeliners. It is basically impossible to get through the Rongcheng Military District. It is better to admit that the Rongcheng Military District will not manage it anyway.

“Just planning to build a production base! How, Little Yuan Zi, this exchange condition, for you, is not a problem Right?” Shi Lei smiled at Li Yuan.

