
Chapter 1133

HK1118 test and draw


Rongcheng Military District is one of the seven largest Military Districts in Xia Nation. As a Country Grade military organization, the Rongcheng Military District is not a private company with a strong economic incentive.

The Rongcheng Military District is more likely to use military rank awards or glory rewards for the personnel who contribute to the research aspect.

After Shi Lei discovered Liu Dongrui’s apparently inviting attitude, in the heart raised an idea, perhaps using money, to draw the research personnel of the Rongcheng Military District, and let the research body of the Rongcheng Military District be the Mirror Science and Technology Company. Make a dedication.

Money is moving!

This is an unchanged reason!

The research personnel of Rongcheng Military District is obviously a cheaplabor force. Although their ownership rights belong to the Rongcheng Military District, Mirror Science and Technology can mobilize the power of the Rongcheng Military District research team at a very low cost.

As for Rongcheng Military District, permission is not allowed?

Please be assured that the Rongcheng Military District will definitely allow it!

Senior executives of Rongcheng Military District, why are they willing to take part in the research team of Rongcheng Military District, assist Lin’an Underground Base, and participate in the research project of Mirror Science and Technology Group?

That’s because the Rongcheng Military District wants to steal technology!

From the very beginning, Hope has been able to steal the advanced technology of Mirror Science and Technology by working on science projects together with Hope.

It’s a pity that Shi Lei’s research project at Lin’an Underground Base, although very advanced, requires a special software program to get started.

Whether it’s The Steel and Iron or Dawn, although the original purpose of the Rongcheng Military District has been achieved, they have mastered The Steel and Iron and Dawn’s manufacturing process and assembly technology, but there is no corresponding Control System, these two powerful weapon It’s just a broken copper!

It is really very difficult for Rongcheng Military District to develop the corresponding Operating System!

Especially Dawn’s Operating System, without Izual’s assistance. The rhythm that is completely impossible to achieve.

Even though, the Rongcheng Military District is still keen to mix with the Mirror Science and Technology Group. The mind of the Rongcheng Military District is very simple. It is mixed with Mirror Science and Technology Group and has the opportunity to acquire the technology of Mirror Science and Technology Group. If you don’t get along with Mirror Science and Technology Group, you don’t have access to Mirror Science and Technology.

Liu Dongrui took the initiative to report to Shi Lei, and Dong Guoguo blinked. With a touch of smile on his face, he said: “Boss, this is Liu Dongrui, the Ergonomics of Rongcheng Military District and the Specialist of Mechanical Structuring.”

Shi Lei looked towards Liu Dongrui, smiled and said: “Hello, SpeCIA list Liu.” Shi Lei took the initiative to reach out and tried to shake hands with Liu Dongrui.

Liu Dongrui in the heart, I immediately asked Shi Lei’s right hand, and the expression looked a little excited. “Hello, Chief Shi, welcome to Lin’an to inspect the work.”

Shi Lei smiled and took back his right hand. “SpeCIA list Liu, you just said, you have accomplished the Motion Sensing Operation Platform, right?”

“Yes, Chief Shi!” Liu Dongrui scratched his head and twitched slightly. “Chief Shi, you still call me Old Liu. It sounds pleasing to the ear.”

Shi Lei is also welcome. “Well, Old Liu, take me to see your Motion Sensing Operation Platform!”

“Please come here.” Liu Dongrui immediately led the way to design the Motion Sensing Operation Platform for this game. Isn’t it just for Shi Lei to get R&D rewards? and so. After Shi Lei personally, Liu Dongrui appeared to be more enthusiastic.

Liu Dongrui took Shi Lei to the distant workplace, and in the workplace, the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform. The whole is like a treadmill, but it is a round chassis, which seems a bit odd.

The circular chassis is divided into two structures. The outermost circle looks like a protective plastic casing, and the middle is a round black belt-like thing.

In the all around of the circular chassis, there are four cylindrical struts. By observing, Shi Lei found that these circular struts should be pneumatic lift pumps for High Degree adjustment.

The four circular struts are ninety degrees apart from each other, around the circular chassis all around, above the circular struts, there is a black ring-like thing like a pipe.

On this circular pipe, four black ropes were dropped in the same position as the four circular struts, and it was supposed to be a stretchable elastic material from the external material.

Looking at this Motion Sensing Operation Platform, Shi Lei has no expression on his face. The new Motion Sensing Operation Platform seems to be similar to the original First Generation Motion Sensing Operation Platform.

But Shi Lei analysis, the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform, makes up for some of the shortcomings of the First Generation Motion Sensing Operation Platform and, overall, should be better than the Second Generation Motion Sensing Operation Platform.

But the specific performance, after the actual test, can be known. The Interface Device Driver can only be written after testing.

“Chief Shi, this is the Motion Sensing Operation Platform we developed. We have improved some shortcomings with reference to some old platform solutions, especially the issue of wearing comfort and the issue of Freedom.” Liu Dongrui does not. Concealed, the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform draws on the facts of the old platform.

Shi Lei nodded unanimously. “What is the specific effect?”

Liu Dongrui did not respond immediately, but went to the side of the workbench, picked up a thing like a briefs, put it on his body, and stood on the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform.

“Chief Shi, because the Motion Sensing Operation Platform does not have an Interface Device Driver, we have not written the corresponding recognition instructions for the Dynamic Behavior Catching Program. At present, we can only control the Motion Sensing Operation Platform through our soil method.” Liu Dongrui explains the situation. Stand in the middle of the Motion Sensing Operation Platform.

Liu Dongrui first locked the four telescopic material cords through the quick-hanging parts and locked them on the parts similar to the briefs. After accomplishing this work, Liu Dongrui introduced: “This is the part that supports Gamer and the scope of the limited activity. It can provide support for Gamer when Gamer uses the weightless method, or prevent Gamer from leaving when Gamer runs. The scope of the Motion Sensing Operation Platform.”

“Well.” Shi Lei responded casually. This design also exists in the old platform.

Liu Dongrui opened his right hand and pressed a Remote Control in his hand. There were only three buttons. Due to the distance, Shi Lei did not see the three buttons and marked the text.

“Chief Shi, this is the Lift Controller of the Motion Sensing Operation Platform. Since it can’t interface with Brave’s World, we can only simulate the real Gamer action in this way.” Liu Dongrui first pressed one of the buttons, four The round pillars are lowered downwards, and the Liu Dongrui comes with the crouch.

Shi Lei’s eyes lit up, and the crouch action, in the First Generation and Second Generation Motion Sensing Operation Platform, accurately stated as a less well-handled action that has been complained by some of Gamer.

After Liu Dongrui showed the crouch movement, another button was pressed again. The four circular pillars immediately rose upwards and exceeded the original High Degree. Pulling Liu Dongrui through four elastic materials and hanging components. Up, the High Degree from the circular chassis, about twenty centimeters.

After Liu Dongrui got off the ground, he simulated the characters in the Wuxia TV series, the characters performing the weightless method, kicking their feet in the air, how to feel how to feel happy!

Shi Lei showed a smile.

Liu Dongrui didn’t know that Shi Lei was joking in his jokes, but instead seemed to be encouraged to continue to demonstrate. A moment later, Liu Dongrui pressed the Third button, the round pillar descended and returned to the normal High Degree, leaving Liu Dongrui standing on the circular chassis.

“Chief Shi, the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform, we used a pneumatic lift pump to effectively solve the ‘crouch’ and ‘weightless method’ states.” Liu Dongrui explained the situation and seemed afraid that Shi Lei would not understand.

After that, Liu Dongrui continued: “Next, it will be a new feature of the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform, which effectively solves Gamer’s visual orientation issue.”

Liu Dongrui changed a Remote Control and pressed a button. Liu Dongrui turned on the Motion Sensing Operation Platform and turned in the direction. The four circular pillars followed the rotation direction of Liu Dongrui and followed the direction of rotation. The reaction rate is not slow, and the delay is about 0.5 seconds. After all, this is a pre-judgment without the Interface Device Driver, and it is not possible to achieve low delay.

Shi Lei’s eyes are condensed. This function is really good. The previous two generations of Motion Sensing Operation Platform can’t solve the problem of in-situ turn to issue. The new Motion Sensing Operation Platform is now a perfect solution.

When Liu Dongrui tested the direction of rotation, he said: “Chief Shi, in fact, the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform, has a very good function.” Liu Dongrui stepped on the black belt under his foot.

Shi Lei curiously asked, “What function?” Shi Lei secretly guessed, what strange function does the black belt have?

“Chief Shi, the in-situ mobile conveyor of the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform, has been carefully designed to achieve the All-Angle No Blind Spot Mobility. Also in other words, even if the hydraulic bearing rotation is not synchronized with the in-situ mobile conveyor, No-Dead-Angle’s in-situ mobile conveyor belt at any angle will not cause Gamer to have a sense of delay and difference for oneself.” Liu Dongrui said proudly.

Shi Lei was surprised to see the inconspicuous black belt, the toy that was ordered by the Liu Dongrui to move the belt in place, could achieve the All-Angle No Blind Spot Mobility, a circular conveyor belt, why can this powerful The function? Does Liu Dongrui also hold some unknown Black Technology?

Of course, this is just a joke, and Shi Lei doesn’t know much about the mechanical structure.

After Liu Dongrui’s introduction, the demonstration of the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform was almost over. He took off the hanging parts and walked to Shi Lei. He asked a little hesitant and uneasy: “Chief Shi, the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform how are you feeling?”

For the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform, Shi Lei is very satisfied with the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform, which basically meets Gamer’s gaming needs. Just, what is the price of this new Motion Sensing Operation Platform? Can you make Dream Entertainment profitable?

