
Chapter 1125

HK1110 Weird Pre-sale results


In the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum, Gamer quickly reposted the ‘vrGame Helmet Pre-sale’ from the OffiCIA l Website home page to the Forum for other Gamer viewing.

Game Helmet, which is full of hype, is actually on the OffiCIA l Website Home Pre-sale!

This news swiftly swept the entire Official Gamer Forum, even in Brave’s World, and was quickly spread by Gamer, letting Gamemer of the current game, also knowing Dream Entertainment Company, officially started Pre-sale vrGame Helmet.

In vrGame Helmet’s Pre-sale System, vrGame Helmet has only one version, and Shi Lei does not develop two vrGame Helmet versions, which are regular version and WHDI version, as in the original plan.

Shi Lei finally decided to vrGame Helmet, only developed a version, that is WHDI version. Using WHDI WIRE less Display Technology, it is very effective to promote the vrGame Helmet grade, so that vrGame Helmet has a high quality.

Among the Pre-sale System, vrGame Helmet is priced and accepts Storm’s recommendations. Each vrGame Helmet is pre-sale at 5000US Dollar price.

At the same time, in the Pre-sale System of vrGame Helmet, it also shows that it needs to cooperate with Second Generation Personal Game Server, and the description is vague. The performance of Second Generation Personal Game Server exceeds the 50% of First Generation Personal Game Server. the above.

The configuration of Second Generation Personal Game Server, Shi Lei has been obtained from AMD Company. According to hardware performance, the hardware performance of Second Generation Personal Game Server only exceeds the percentage of First Generation Personal Game Server.

However, the performance of hardware performance needs to be combined with software. Dream Entertainment aspect. Optimized for the Second Generation Personal Game Server, the Brave’s World’s driver is optimized to make the Second Generation Personal Game Server more compatible with Brave’s World.

With the seamless collaboration between Dream Entertainment and AMD Company, the Second Generation Personal Game Server runs at Brave’s World’s with a performance of 50% compared to the First Generation Personal Game Server.

The third grade of Second Generation Personal Game Server follows Shi Lei’s pre-plan. The price of each region, collectively promoted a dollar, made up an integer.

Excellent Grade is priced at 2000US Dollar and 16000Xia Nation Yuan; Sparkle Grade is priced at 6000US Dollar and 48000; the highest-end Bestowed by Heaven Level is priced at 18000US Dollar and 144000.

This price adjustment, relative to the performance of the Second Generation Personal Game Server, is completely worthwhile.

Looking at the price of the Second Generation Personal Game Server, Storm smiled and said to himself: “Shi Lei knows the business rules, even if the Second Generation Personal Game Server promoted has more performance. The price increase. Otherwise, High-end Player will also protest against Dream Entertainment Company.”

The interval between First Generation Personal Game Server and Second Generation Personal Game Server is too short, so that it is very easy for Gamer to generate dissatisfaction. How can Shi Lei significantly increase the price of Second Generation Personal Game Server?

Storm did not take a closer look at vrGame Helmet’s Pre-sale page, using Dreamer Online PaYMent directly with 2.3 Million US Dollar. Realized his promise and booked the Second Generation Personal Game Server of 100 Bestowed by Heaven Level.

One hundred sets of Second Generation Personal Game Server and vrGame Helmet, Storm’s name are booked at one time. Once again on vrGame Helmet’s Pre-sale page, it became the First Place of the Pre-sale leaderboard.

Shi Lei is very evil who has a list of Pre-sale and Pre-sale, which is convenient for Freedom to view the list of Gamer who has booked Second Generation Personal Game Server and vrGame Helmet.

Of course, in order to protect privacy, the scheduled Gamer can choose to hide the name and display it in the form of a meter. However, most of the Gamer should not hide the name Right?

Human nature, there is an innate comparison. Hidden list. Like Brocaded Clothing Worn At Night, except for a handful of Gamer that really doesn’t care, I’m afraid few people will hide their names.

Storm has booked a hundred sets of Bestowed by Heaven Level’s Second Generation Personal Game Server. He opened the Pre-sale list and wanted to see how many people bought vrGame Helmet.

However, among the Pre-sale list, there are only a few dozen names. These names, Storm have almost been heard, all are Exceed Grade Gamer, which is not very short of money.

Li Jian Nation’s Blue Ocean and Shengguang Shenguan also booked Second Generation Personal Game Server and vrGame Helmet. Although both are booked by Bestowed by Heaven Level’s Personal Game Server, there is only one set.

Except for Storm, the remaining Exceed Grade Gamer, all only booked a set of vrGame Helmet and Second Generation Personal Game Server, the total booking amount added together, only 117 sets.

This amount of Pre-sale is completely beyond Storm’s expectations. According to Storm’s estimates, even if the number of Pre-sales does not reach two 300,000, at least Hundred-thousand stations should be easy to add.

After all, Dream Entertainment and Brave’s World have a very good reputation at Worldwide. Brave’s World is also a simultaneous operation of Worldwide. The whole world’s Gamer is crowded into a server, and the interaction between Gamer and Gamer is very high.

A registered number of 15 Million, active Gamer over 10 Million’s game, how could it be so few scheduled numbers?

Not only does Storm want to understand, but Shi Lei does not understand!

Shi Lei looked at the background data, he refreshed several times, the number of reservations for vrGame Helmet is still one hundred and seventeen sets. This data makes Shi Lei think that there is any bug in the Pre-sale System, which causes Gamer to not accomplish the reservation.

When Shi Lei personally checked it again, I got the final answer, that is, the number of people scheduled, really only one hundred and seventeen sets!

Inside the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum, a post seems to give the answer.


“Black Heart Dream Entertainment, resolutely resist Pre-sale! 》

First of all, I declare that I am just an Ordinary game player. I bought the Ordinary Gamer of First Generation Personal Game Server. It is not the gunner of other Game Company, nor the black powder that does not support Dream Entertainment Company.

As a Xia Nation Ordinary Gamer, I like the Brave’s World developed by Dream Entertainment Company. Brave’s World’s Ancient Era elements, Wuxia elements, and High Degree Freedom’s Ancient Era social background, High Degree’s intelligent Non-player Controlled Characters, and endless game maps, I am addicted to it, using Brave’s World as Second A real World.

Originally, I did not purchase the First Generation Personal Game Server, but used the Ordinary computer for entertainment. However, for Brave’s World’s love, I spent all my savings and purchased an Excellent Grade Personal Game Server.

I know that the price of an Excellent Grade Personal Game Server, for many rich Gamers, is just a stopover, or even less. However, I would like to say that the price of an Excellent Grade Personal Game Server is that I have accumulated two years of salary!

I am not a Brave’s World’s Exceed Grade fans if I spend two years to buy a Personal Game Server. Am I not a loyal user to Dream Entertainment Company?

However, in less than two months, Dream Entertainment Company has to sell the Second Generation Personal Game Server, and the vrGame Helmet, which is available for sale, can only be used on the Second Generation Personal Game Server. This is a discriminatory measure. Is it fair for us to buy Gamer for First Generation Personal Game Server?

In less than two months, the Personal Game Server is upgraded. Is the measure such as Dream Entertainment Company reasonable? Such a high replacement rate, is it more than two months, Third Generation Personal Game Server, should it come out?

As an Ordinary Gamer, I appeal to everyone to resolutely resist the Second Generation Personal Game Server and resolutely resist Dream Entertainment Company’s Pre-sale behavior. A vrGame Helmet that doesn’t know what the situation is, even Pre-sale prices are as high as 5000US Dollar.

In case vrGame Helmet is also like the First Generation Personal Game Server, after two months of release, Dream Entertainment Company will sell Second Generation vrGame Helmet, then buy Gamer of First Generation vrGame Helmet, should it be silently accepted?

I am deeply disappointed with the Dream Entertainment Company, which has no responsibility for Gamer. I will still support Brave’s World, but I will never support Dream Entertainment Company!

I know that my strength is very meager, but my Hope everyone unites and fights against Dream Entertainment Company, thank you!


This post revealing the true voice of Ordinary Gamer, in the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum, caused a wide range of discussions. Most of the Gamer who wants to book vrGame Helmet, because of this post, temporarily stopped the idea of ​​booking vrGame Helmet.

These are scheduled to be vrGame Helmet’s Gamer, not because the interval between the Second Generation Personal Game Server and the First Generation Personal Game Server is too short to be scheduled, but because of concerns about Dream Entertainment Company, two months later, Second Generation vrGame will be released. Helmet.

If Dream Entertainment Company only released Second Generation vrGame Helmet in just two months, as the post said, what about the Gamer who bought First Generation vrGame Helmet?

Product update is a good thing, but the product update rate is too fast, it is definitely not a good thing. Product update rates are too fast, often meaning that product preservation is very low. Like the flagship cell phone of the android manufacturer in the later Smart Phone Faction, especially the flagship cell phone of the Samsung Company, the price is diving fast, and people can’t help but drop the cell phone.

If Dream Entertainment Company is released two months apart, it will release new products, and it will really take a lot of effort and faith to buy their old products!

Shi Lei also found the Post of the Official Gamer Forum. For this post, Shi Lei showed a sneer on his face.



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