
Chapter 1126

HK1111 Worldwide shipping included, continued downturn


The Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum post, although quite reasonable, tells the voice of an Ordinary Gamer that will make Dream Entertainment Company, Black a bottomless loss of the company.

For this kind of post, Shi Lei only wants to vomit the landlord!

The landlord said all kinds noble, the Dream Entertainment black became a dog, but in fact, to put it bluntly, only this Gamer vented dissatisfaction in the heart. Say the easiest thing, even if vrGame Helmet supports First Generation Personal Game Server, will this Gamer buy it?

This is just a kind of psychology that can’t eat grapes and say sour grapes.

Shi Lei didn’t intend to respond to this post, but with this post affecting more and more unknown players, Shi Lei decided to deal with this post.

The solution is not to delete the post. If the post is deleted by the penalty, the other party’s question is actually taken. In fact, the upgrade of vrGame Helmet will definitely not happen soon.

Second Generation Personal Game Server was launched in less than two months. It is not a normal situation, but it is because of the need to lay the groundwork for AMD Company, but also for the great benefit, the next development of Mirror Science and Technology Group, Numerous funds, relying solely on the reserve funds on the books of Dream Entertainment Company, are not enough!

The release interval between the Second Generation Personal Game Server and the Third Generation Personal Game Server will definitely be completely open, at least for more than a year.

The same is true of vrGame Helmet, which is manufactured and sold exclusively by Dream Entertainment Company, and Dream Entertainment Company holds all the profits. Therefore, it is certainly not anxious to release Second Generation vrGame Helmet.

According to Shi Lei’s, the release of Second Generation vrGame Helmet definitely requires innovative technology. The new vrGame Helmet will be released and will not be upgraded indiscriminately.

The Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum post, the numerous Gamer still maintains restraint and waits for a response from Dream Entertainment Official. A lot of Gamer, in fact, also saw it, this post is just a complaint from the poster.

First Generation Personal Game Server and Second Generation Personal Game Server. Some smart Gamer also understands the relationship between the two. Most of Gamer can basically understand Dream Entertainment Company and release Second Generation Personal Game Server.

However, it can be understood that it does not mean that you will pay. At the very least, Dream Entertainment Company does not give a clear answer, and the numerous Gamer will certainly not compromise.

Shi Lei’s solution is very simple, the Center idea that the post wants to be reflected, accurately as stated, accuses Dream Entertainment Company of being too greedy. Since the Dream Entertainment Company is too greedy, the Dream Entertainment Company has performed a bit more.

At the Dream Entertainment OffiCIA l Website home page. In addition to vrGame Helmet’s Pre-sale System, Shi Lei also added a new announcement, indicating that vrGame Helmet will support First Generation Personal Game Server, and the price of independent purchase of vrGame Helmet is still 5000US Dollar, no additional price adjustment. And it’s still Worldwide shipping included, and even the Africa area is shipped included.

The Worldwide shipping included policy will lose some of its profits, but it has a huge impact. because. There has never been a company that sells products that implement the strategy of Worldwide shipping included.

If you go to Africa from Xia Nation, you can only reach 50 US Dollars by postage, which is not a small amount of postage. Fortunately, Dream Entertainment Company cannot ship every vrGame Helmet independent.

Dream Entertainment Company will sort the orders according to Nation and regional classifications, such as Li Jian Nation and Canada, as well as orders from Mexico, and will be combined by air to Li Jian Nation. Then sorted in Li Jian Nation and sent to different locations. Orders in the Europe region will also be combined. After being airlifted to Europe by collective, it will be sent to the country in the European region.

This method of collective delivery in large areas will significantly reduce the cost of shipping, thereby reducing freight costs on a large scale.

After the announcement of Dream Entertainment Company’s announcement, the Gamers who originally purchased First Great Personal Game Server quickly gave the Dream Entertainment Company a good reputation on the Forum.

Even so, it will reduce the sales of Second Generation Personal Game Server, but how can Shi Lei have no restriction? Game makers want to restrict hardware vendors, and in fact there are a lot of ways.

As long as Brave’s World is optimized for AMD Company’s Graphics Card and not for nvidiaCompany’s Graphics Card, it becomes the so-called a meal.

The same performance of the Graphics Card, if optimized for one side of the Graphics Card, will promote a lot of game performance, and the other side of the Graphics Card, if it is slightly dice, it may even deliberately reduce the Graphics Card performance.

The previous life of the AMD Company, with this trick hit the nvidiaCompany, making the AMD Company’s Graphics Card, the real and nvidiaCompany’s Graphics Card, a close rival.

Shi Lei also intends to use this method to deal with the First Generation Personal Game Server. This method looks very normal in the game makers and is not an evil method at all.

In addition, Shi Lei directly under the banner of Brave’s World Upgrade, adding Brave’s World’s picture quality, can make the configuration of First Generation Personal Game Server slightly weak, thus paving the way for the sale of Second Generation Personal Game Server.

The Ordinary Gamer, who posted the post, may not have thought that the Dream Entertainment Company Official’s counterattack came so quickly, and the counterattack was so thorough that the issue was dealt with sharply.

After the Dream Entertainment Company released the solution, many Gamers sneaked in the post, ridiculed the landlord even though Dream Entertainment modified vrGame Helmet’s sales plan, the landlord can not afford vrGame Helmet.

Under the pressure of the sneer of Gamer, the Ordinary Gamer posted, chose the modify post, from the Black Dream Entertainment Company, to the Black Dream Entertainment Company, the price of vrGame Helmet is too high.

For this kind of brainlessness, the majority of Gamer is no longer following up, but considering whether to order vrGame Helmet.

Shi Lei has been refreshing the pre-sale system background data of vrGame Helmet, even though that post was actively modified by the poster, but the sales performance of vrGame Helmet is still not very good.

Eleven twenty points, an hour has passed since vrGame Helmet official Pre-sale, vrGame Helmet’s Pre-sale number is only less than three hundred. Among them, it also includes one hundred scheduled by Storm.

As a subsidiary of the Second Generation Personal Game Server, the sales volume was even worse, and the original 117 units were maintained. After vrGame Helmet independent sales, there was no sale of any one.

Shi Lei’s brow is deeply wrinkled, which is not a good phenomenon. Compared to the fierceness of the First Generation Personal Game Server, the Second Generation Personal Game Server seems to have no rhythm to buy.

‘What is the matter? ‘Shi Lei thought about the reason, whether it is vrGame Helmet or Second Generation Personal Game Server, although the price is not cheAP, but definitely worthy of their price.

Using vrGame Helmet and Second Generation Personal Game Server, Signed In Brave’s World, the visual effects are completely different from Cloud and Mud compared to the current projector seamless display technology.

If you want to compare, the gapbetween the two can be compared with the ips full color gamut Liquid Crystal Monitor, which is completely revolutionary and subversive.

Shi Lei thought alone, almost half an hour later. When it was close to eleven o’clock, Shi Lei looked up and asked: “What is the situation with Izual, Pre-sale?”

Izual displays data directly on the screen of Number One Server, listing a standard list.


Pre-sale data :

vrGame Helmet :318

Second Generation Personal Game Server

Excellent Grade :0

Sparkle Grade : 2

Bestowed by Heaven Level: 122


Shi Lei looked at the data and showed a helpless look on his face. For more than half an hour, the Second Generation Personal Game Server added two orders for Sparkle Grade, and the order for Bestowed by Heaven Level increased by five. As for vrGame Helmet, the increase is not large.

It seems that Gamer does not recognize vrGame Helmet at all, nor does it recognize Second Generation Personal Game Server.

Shi Lei scratched his head and thought about why the Non-player did not recognize the Second Generation Personal Game Server, just because it was produced by AMD Company? In the previous life Shikong, the personal Gamer market, the High-end Player does not recognize the AMD Company.

The AMD Company was named by the High-end Player, with distinctive sorts and varieties, including ‘Farming Business’, ‘Massage Shop’ and other names with insults and ridicule.

Medium High-end Player selects the central processing unit and the Graphics Card device, regardless of AMD Company’s products. Even if the AMD Company’s Graphics Card device does not have much performance difference with the nvidiaCompany’s Graphics Card device, the nvidiaCompany’s Graphics Card is accepted by the High-end Player.

However, this situation is different. The image of AMD Company has not been completely discredited. After Dream Entertainment Company acquired AMD Company, the image of AMD Company has also been positively promoted.

Just as Shi Lei thought about the reason, Storm called again, and Shi Lei hesitated a bit and pressed the answer button.

“Hello, Chief Shi, I’m afraid Chief Shi is worried now, why are the Gamers not recognizing the Second Generation Personal Game Server and vrGame Helmet’s Right?” Storm is straightforward.

Shi Lei has no concealment. Anyway, vrGame Helmet’s Pre-sale System also has a list of buyers. Is Storm not invisible?

“En! Why, do you have any good suggestions? Or, you know, Gamer, why not order vrGame Helmet and Personal Game Server?” Shi Lei asked with a look forward.

“hēi hēi, Chief Shi, the reason for this, I know a little bit!” Storm sells his Xia Nation culture.



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