
Chapter 1124

HK1109 official Pre-sale!


The Intel Company and the Dream Entertainment Company have jointly launched the First Generation Personal Game Server, which has achieved remarkable sales data, and the profits have shocked the whole world.

However, the popularity of First Generation Personal Game Server has become an obstacle to the sale of Second Generation Personal Game Server. Usually, although the computer product update is very fast, it takes at least a year to get fast.

The Tick-tock strategy development model proposed by Intel Company this year is precisely as stated in a one-year cycle, one year represents tick, and one year represents tock. Although the Intel Company’s expectations are very good, in fact, after the release of the iseries processor in 2008, the Intel Company is very unreliable.

The First Generation iseries processor and the Second Generation iseries processor have a performance gapof less than 10%. This weakly promoted solution, up to the Fourth Generation iseries processor, is still this urine, which makes Gamer’s desire for Upgrade very insufficient. .

The current relationship between Second Generation Personal Game Server and First Generation Personal Game Server is also the case. Gamer’s Upgrade desire is not high. After all, the Release Date between the two has not been more than two months, and the time interval is too short. !

In order to force the user to upgrade, the Intel Company’s approach is very disgusting, that is to change the type of pin interface of the central processor. Different eras of the central processing unit, the interface type is LG a775, followed by LG a1156, then LG a1155, and the latest LG a1150, as well as high-end LG a1366, LG a2011 and so on.

It is precisely because of the disgusting behavior of the Intel Company that the industry chain of the series is forced to force the user to upgrade the motherboard when upgrading the central processing unit, so that the motherboard chip group produced by the Intel Company has also gained great sales.

In order to sell the Second Generation Personal Game Server. Shi Lei is also preparing to learn about the Intel Company for bundling. Dream Entertainment Company aspect, which will restrict the vrGame Helmet, must use the Second Generation Personal Game Server. Otherwise, even if you purchase vrGame Helmet, it will not work.

At the other end of the line, Storm hears vrGame Helmet and Second Generation Personal Game Server. For bundled sales, Storm immediately asked: “Chief Shi, Second Generation Personal Game Server, is it produced by AMD Company?”

Dream Entertainment Company acquired AMD Company, and there has been no explosive news since then. AMD Company still operates without hesitation. AMD Company’s products do not have any associated sales activities with Brave’s World.

This situation, so that Gamer thinks Dream Entertainment Company, will not launch Second Generation Personal Game Server. Until now, Shi Lei said that Dream Entertainment Company will choose Second Generation Personal Game Server and vrGame Helmet. Bundle sales.

“En! We acquired the AMD Company, naturally in order to personally sell the Personal Game Server.” Shi Lei said bluntly, speaking to Storm without hesitation.

Storm has some words to stop, twisting and pinching: “Chief Shi, AMD Company’s strength, a little bit, um, AMD Company…”

Shi Lei interrupted Storm. Said with a smile : “Is the technical strength of AMD Company far less than that of Intel Company, AMD Company’s Personal Game Server, will performance performance be worse than Intel Company?”

The technical strength of AMD Company is indeed a little worse than Intel Company. Although the two companies are hot in the personal user market, AMD Company is even more dominant in some low-end markets. But the overall technical strength of the Intel Company is more powerful. Especially in the commercial world, Intel Company can sell a server CPU for the price of a small car, which AMD Company can’t do anyway.

The central processor used by the Personal Game Server. Exactly stated The CPU of the Server Level, which is a traditional weakness of the AMD Company, is questioned by Storm’s and is quite normal.

For High-end Player, replacing the Personal Game Server is not a bad thing. But if the performance of the Second Generation Personal Game Server is not as good as the First Generation Personal Game Server, isn’t it a little let them feel uncomfortable?

“Ah hā hā ~” Storm hā hā smiled, Shi Lei completely said the opinion he wants to express.

“Please rest assured! We never deny that AMD Company’s strength is slightly weaker, but the gapbetween the two sides is limited. Through our technical support, the overall performance of Second Generation Personal Game Server will be at least promoted 50% or more!” Shi Lei promised to guarantee.

In the era of 2007, the gapbetween AMD Company and Intel Company is far less than that of later generations. Over the next few years, the Intel Company invested a huge amount of research and development funds with huge total capital, which left AMD Company far behind.

“Really?” Storm asked in surprise.

50% is promoted, this is a huge promoted! The upgrade version of the product, the promoted range is below the percent twenty, whether it is computer industry or other industries, basically no development of the leap.

Once the upgrade is in place, the user has no desire to upgrade!

“Reassured, this is my promise!” Shi Lei responded with a smile.

“What is the price of the Second Generation Personal Game Server?” Storm did not express any doubts. Shi Lei is still relatively high in the external Public Faith.

Shi Lei thought for a moment and finally decided that Second Generation Personal Game Server still kept the price of First Generation Server, so that Gamer could be more acceptable.

However, in order to express more sincerity, Shi Lei decided that each level of Second Generation Personal Game Server, the price of collectively promoted a US Dollar, made up an integer.

Originally the lowest-end Excellent Grade Personal Game Server, priced at 1999US Dollar, adjusted to the price of 2000US Dollar, the real price, there is no imaginary ‘more than a thousand US Dollar’ word game.

“Aspect price, refer to First Generation Personal Game Server, we will raise the price appropriately. After all, the performance promoted to 50%, the cost pressure aspect increased a lot.” Shi Lei did not directly explain the situation to Storm.

Storm is also psychologically prepared. The performance of the greatly synchronized Second Generation Personal Game Server, to improve some of the price is also acceptable.

“Improving the price is ok. After the Pre-Sale System of OffiCIA l Website is opened, I will book a hundred sets of Bestowed by Heaven Level Personal Game Server. Yes, Chief Shi, AMD Company accepts Private Reserved Personal Game Server Right? I want to book a better performance Personal Game Server.” Storm asked Shi Lei about the situation.

Storm’s current First Generation Personal Game Server, which is exactly as stated, is looking for Intel Company for private custom-made. The performance goes far beyond the topmost Bestowed by Heaven Personal Game Server at Official.

For Gamer’s private custom-made, Shi Lei has no special restrictions, and AMD Company can accept the reservation. With a positive answer, Storm talked to Shi Lei about Brave’s World’s and then hung up.

Shi Lei put down the cell phone and thought about the ‘馊 idea’ provided by Storm. I have to say that Storm’s advice is very good. If it wasn’t for Storm, Shi Lei didn’t think of Pre-sale as an evil trick.

“Storm is a personal talent!” Shi Lei said to himself, but Storm’s background is too big to join Dream Entertainment Company.

Shi Lei once again opened the Dream Entertainment Company webServer backstage and wrote the source code himself. Prepare to develop a Pre-sale System as recommended by Storm’s.

With this Pre-sale System, Gamer can book vrGame Helmet in advance, but to purchase vrGame Helmet, you must pay Full Amount Scheduled In Advance.

Nearly half an hour later, Shi Lei worked with Izual’s to compcomplish the preparation of the Pre-sale System. Pre-sale System’s payment method was taken by Dream Entertainment’s Dreamer PaYM ent System. Make it easy for Gamer around the world to make reservations.

“Izual, pressure test look at the online Pre-sale System to see if there is any flaw.” Shi Lei commands Izual conduct test, Izual High Degree anthropomorphic Logical Thinking program, very effective for the program’s pressure test, Izual can be easily Test the program’s flaw case.

After about ten minutes, Izual issued a reminder. “Sir, after a hundred Sixty Seventy Thousand tests, the System automatically repairs three bugs and the pressure test passes.”

Izual discovered after the flaw. The repair will be performed automatically, and if Izual cannot be independently repaired, Shi Lei will be notified. Izual is the High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System. In addition to the lack of innovation and independent emotion, there is basically no too much difference with real human beings.

Shi Lei nodded and looked at the time. It is now Xia Nation Time. At 10:18 am, Shi Lei immediately set the time, and the Pre-sale System will be released at ten points.

This time, the release time of Pre-sale System finally returned to ‘Xia Nation Time’, and Dream Entertainment Company finally no longer needed to be tuned to ‘Overseas Company’ by Gamer.

June 19th, ten o’clock in the morning.

On the homepage of Dream Entertainment OffiCIA l Website, there is a picture ad. Among the pictures, a black mAT&T e fully enclosed helmet, it looks very good with The Future Science and Technology.

On the outside of the black mAT&T e’s fully enclosed helmet, it has a long mirrored ledMonitor that displays the text of the deep blue radiance in the interface, showing some basic conditions, including the remaining amount of the helmet battery, the percentage of data connection stability, and Remote connection status.

Black mAT&T e The top of the fully enclosed helmet, there is a button with a blue light flashing, depicting the ‘power’ logo, next to the text, this button, not only the power switch, but also the wake-up button, can remind the currently game Gamer, there is a person currently called.

Below the picture ad, use a bold bold blue text to mark out a hyperlink – vrGame Helmet Pre-sale !


Ps: rewards thanks to the moon, the tryd, the small match broke out, the sword took the 00, and rewarded 100