
Chapter 1109

HK1094 electric baton attacked the police and turned it over!


The contradiction between Shi Lei and Shuangqing City Official is that a solid authority Vice-mayor of Shuangqing City Government is bizarre missing, and they suspect that this matter is related to Shi Lei.

This contradiction is not irreconcilable.

The pressure of Shuangqing City Government is more about worrying about the blame of the top, rather than how to deal with Shi Lei.

In the Jade District Police Force Substation, Bureau Chief Deng Kun, Criminal Investigations Vice-chief Lin Changlong, with eight criminal Police Forces, was blocked outside Shi Lei’s door. They knocked on the door for almost ten minutes before they stopped.

Lin Changlong looked towards Deng Kun and asked: “Chief Deng, what do we do?”

Deng Kun is the Substation Bureau Chief. The status is a little higher than Lin Changlong. His brow is wrinkled and he doesn’t know what to do. However, the eight people of Lin Changlong and subordinate are waiting for his decision. He can’t say that he doesn’t know.

“We knocked on the door for so long, isn’t Shi Lei not at home? Will he be in the company?” Deng Kun said a possibility.

Lin Changlong smiles, he knows that this is a slogan, Shi Lei’s file is not in the Shuangqing City Police Force System, Shi Lei’s basic situation, Lin Changlong read in data, Shi Lei rarely goes to the company, especially Working overtime at night.

However, since Deng Kun proposed it, Lin Changlong also pushed the boat: “Is it possible! Chief Deng, let’s go to the Dream Entertainment Company and find out what Shi Lei is doing?”

“Good!” Deng Kun simply promised.

In the Jade District’s Police Force, the rapid departure, which makes Shi Lei a little confused, ‘What are these Police Force ready to do? Are they a funny ratio from Monkey? ‘

Sitting in the living room, Shi Lei’s sly expression, he is currently considering whether or not to resist. Even the assault police, the Police Force outside the door actually left?

This feeling, as if in the dead of night, friend sent a link. The tone of the silver said that the content of the link is very good, and then the content of the link is actually the diamond gourd baby!

Your Mother! Daddy pants are off. You show me the gourd doll?

“Boss, we arrived at the safety staircase of X 9-Layer, please instruct the next move.” Li Zifeng’s voice came from the Bluetooth headset.

Shi Lei depressed started: “Standing on standby.”

After telling Li Zifeng and others to stand by, Shi Lei looked at the surveillance video tracked by Izual. The three police cars in the Jade District Police Force Substation, which drove away from Jingya Garden, then turned to Hu Bin Road. It seems that I went to the Emerald Building.

“Sir.System found another batch of Police Force. Enter Shuanghu District. According to the destination analysis, the other party has the possibility of 70% six, go to Jingya Garden.” Izual issued a reminder.

“Hmm?” Shi Lei’s face is startled. “Are you coming again? Check it out quickly, who is the other person.”

“please wait a moment. Currently through the Road Safety Monitoring System, using the Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine, confirm the relevant Person Identity Information.” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

Due to the road safety Monitoring System, the shooting angle issue is not a camera with no road Safety Monitoring System, which can accurately record the driver and co-pilot Human FaCIA l Feature.

Izual requires repeated confirmed information to finalize Human Identity Information.

“Sir, System determine the Identity Information for all five people. All five are the personnel of Shuangqing City Police Department SoCIA l Security and Stability Branch, including the four people of Division Head Zhao Rong and its subordinate.” Izual describes the situation of the determine .

Shi Lei’s eyes flashed, “Zhao Rong ?Wang Hong?” Shi Lei For the network of Shuangqing City Government, almost investigate is clear, the relationship between Zhao Rong and Wang Hong, Shi Lei naturally knows.

What is the attitude of ‘Wang Hong? It is rumored that the next session of Wang Hong is very likely to enter the Elders Council. His Big Shot will not be considered with my little shrimp like Right? ‘Shi Lei in the heart.

What Shi Lei didn’t know was that Wang Hong would definitely compare with his ‘small shrimp’. Wang Hong If you want to enter the Elders Council, you must solve Xie Nanfeng’s business. Otherwise, this thing will become other powerful political opponents attack his powerful weapon.

In less than ten minutes, the Second wave sent by Monkey was not, it should be a rescue, and it came outside Shi Lei’s door.

Zhao Rong called the door through the security door: “Shi Lei, we are the Police Department, open the door soon! Don’t grind, we know you are inside, don’t pretend not!”

Shi Lei grinned. He was still guessing, Zhao Rong would say that he was sending the courier!

On the 19th floor, the Safety Stairway.

The two Elite Squadrons of the Ruling Security Company are still waiting here, waiting for Shi Lei’s order. Li Zifeng listened to Zhao Rong’s shouting, and he was shocked at the heart.

‘Is there two dials of Police Force? Could it be Xie Nanfeng that thing leaked the wind? ‘Li Zifeng suddenly got nervous. If the things of Xie Nanfeng are exposed, they are basically impossible to continue mixing in Xia Nation.

‘Stay calm! Even if Xie Nanfeng’s affairs are revealed, Boss is in the front, and everything follows Boss’s arrangement as exactly as stated! ‘Li Zifeng tried to calm down, things have gone beyond his ability to control, and simply no longer embarrassed himself.

“Shi Lei, we are Police Force’s Police Force, open the door!” Zhao Rong yelled outside the door, and at the same time, reached out on the security door, tapping hard and making a huge sound.

Fortunately, the top 3-Layer of the Jingya Garden Building Ten was purchased by Shi Lei, so don’t worry about being heard by the rest.

In the No. 4 room next door to Shi Lei, Tao Wenxian just finished the work of Yinjia Nation. He took off the headphones and suddenly heard the movement outside the door. He moved in the heart, ‘Hey, Big Brother Stone Get into trouble? ‘

“Izual, who is outside? Show their identity data, all.” Tao Wenxian told Izual that Tao Wenxian has Izual’s authority. In addition to Shi Lei, Tao Wenxian has the highest authority.

“tao, please check.” Izual responded to Tao Wenxian, and on the computer screen of Tao Wenxian, showed the five data of Shuangqing City Police Department SoCIA l Security and Stability Branch.

“It turned out to be the guy in this department!” Tao Wenxian flashed a trace of disdain in his eyes, seemingly very dissatisfied with this department, then a smile on his lips. “Izual, we have the authority Right? into the Shuangqing City Police Department police network?”

“yes, tao.” Izual responded to Tao Wenxian, and Izual’s tone simulation was a bit like Rei Ayanami. I have to say that Tao Wenxian’s hobby seems to be a bit of a secondary development.

Tao Wenxian’s strange smile, with Izual and Interweave Net Miwang. Entered the police network of Shuangqing City Police Department, and then in the police network, Amoy modified the data information of five Police named Zhao Rong.

Tao Wenxian not only modified the information in the police network, but also entered the Internal Network of Shuangqing City Government through the police network, and also modified the data of these five people in the internal personnel data library.

Even more evil, Tao Wenxian also modified the life record data of these five people. That is, from the birth certificate, there is any network record data. Tao Wenxian has a one-to-one modification.

Fortunately, Izual helped Tao Wenxian. Otherwise so much data. Tao Wenxian A person simply modified.

Outside, five of the SoCIA Security and Stability Branch’s Police didn’t realize it. Their data has been turned upside down by Tao Wenxian modify and is also called outside Shi Lei’s door. Hope Shi Lei replies.

Shi Lei, who was a little impatient, was made to make a final decision after considering it for a long time. “Zifeng, grab them all, pay attention, don’t make a life.”

“Understand!” Li Zifeng responded succinctly, then immediately started the action with two Elite Squadrons.

The Elite Squadron of Ruling Security Company, after practicing by the Punishment Merc Warsquad, combined with the test of the war, they basically did not lose to Elite soldiers.

Because Shi Lei can’t make a life, they don’t use the high-killing weapon, and they use the black electric baton to make it easier to put down the enemy in First time.

Eight people from the Safety stairs, quietly came to the twenty floor, Zhao Rong, they did not feel the arrival of the danger, when Li Zifeng used a black electric baton, after turning over the last one behind a Police, Zhao in front Rong was shocked to look back.

When Zhao Rong looked at Li Zifeng and others wearing black full-covering hoods, he shouted loudly: “Who are you? We are Police Force!”

Li Zifeng and the Elites of the Ruling Security Company simply ignored the shouting of Zhao Rong, the black electric baton in his hand, flashing the subordinate of Zhao Rong and Zhao Rong.

Zhao Rong is still ready to say something, he has been fainted by the electric baton!

“Boss, Task accomplish, Target Person are all unconscious, there is no fish in the net.” Li Zifeng reports through the Bluetooth headset.

“kā dá ~ ”

The security door was opened, Shi Lei walked out from the inside and looked at the Police Force who had slept on the ground. Shi Lei did not change the color: “Zifeng, throw them all to the Shuanghu coach station, just find a corner, throw away Just go in! The police car downstairs also handles it, remember not to leave evidence. Right, monitor the video without worry, all surveillance videos, all closed.”

“Understand!” Li Zifeng immediately ordered the subordinate to start. Six members of Tenth Squadron and Ninth Squadron carried five Police Forces into the elevator, leaving Li Zifeng and Chen Zhiyong outside.

Li Zifeng hesitated for a moment, still asked: “Boss, is that thing exposed?”

Shi Lei glanced at Li Zifeng and Chen Zhiyong, then shook his head and said: “They have no evidence! Well, don’t think too much, don’t mess around.”

Although Shi Lei did not say much, Li Zifeng and Chen Zhiyong were significantly sighed in relief. As long as there is no evidence in Shuangqing City, according to their understanding of Shi Lei’s, Shuangqing City can’t help Shi Lei!

The two also entered the elevator and left with everyone. Fortunately, the elevators at Jingya Garden are of good quality. Thirteen people entered the elevator and there was no alarm.

“kā dá ~ ”

The sound of the security door opened again, and Tao Wenxian showed his head. Looked towards Shi Lei. “Big Brother Stone, I just did one thing for you!” He said, he just modified data All things are said.

Shi Lei hā hā laughed and applauded: “Black is beautiful! This way, the thing that just attacked the police, it is justified!” Shi Lei’s eyes, turned a few laps, his face with a smile.



Still dizzy, but there will be two more.