
Chapter 1108

HK1093 brings Shi Lei back and asks! Refused to arrest?


Dream Entertainment Company, from establishment to rise, is too fast, and this speed exceeds the expectations of all network entertainment related companies.

The company, which was founded on 2007 1 Day in 7, has changed from a company named nameless to Overlord of Worldwide Network in less than half a year.

For the success of Dream Entertainment Company, some established Network Entertainment Company, it is impossible to have no opinion. Dream Entertainment Company is in a hurry. In the Worldwide network entertainment circle, the resources of High-end Player are robbed. Other Network Entertainment Company, how could there be no opinion?

These companies were originally just watching the fire, waiting for Xia Nation’s Network Entertainment Company and Dream Entertainment to fight, but Xia Nation’s Network Entertainment Company, obviously not very strong, they are not rivals of Dream Entertainment Company.

Therefore, in order to protect their own interests, these Network Entertainment Company, have begun to do some small moves. On the bright side, they certainly can’t announce directly, they have to go to the Dream Entertainment Company.

Can be in the dark, it is not the same!

For example, Li Jian Nation’s Network Entertainment Company, it is impossible to open to the public’s expression, ‘So, let’s go to deal with Dream Entertainment Company! ‘. After all, everyone is mixed in a circle, and some rules need to be followed.

You can’t say that on the bright side, you can do it in the dark, just need to change one. In general, Network Entertainment Company has its own team of Hacker minions. If they want to ‘learn’ a target, it is basically accomplished by the Hacker team.

If you want to deal with Dream Entertainment Company, they will use the Hacker Minion team to implement. As for the method of calling friends and calling friends, it should be like this: ‘Some, we want to invade Dream Entertainment Company. It is rumored that their Server defense is very powerful. We want to challenge ourselves. Do you want to follow them? ‘

The current situation is almost like this.

Li Jian Nation and Europe’s Network Entertainment Company. The team behind the Hacker Minions colluded with each other and prepared to launch the First Period Brave’s World Martial World Struggle for Power Competition at the Dream Entertainment Company, suddenly under the Black Hand of the Dream Entertainment Company.

“Phinney, do you know, what are the high-end Hacker teams. Are you ready to find our Dream Entertainment Company?” Shi Lei asked Raphael.

To be honest, Shi Lei is not worried. Dream Entertainment Company’s Server defense, with Endless Defense System, is basically impossible to break.

“Stone, this news. It’s just circulating in the circle, there is no open to the public, I don’t know which groups are in the body, ready to work for your Dream Entertainment Company.” Raphael slightly speaking for the inconvenience With.

It seems to be to make up for it, Raphael continues: “Stone, I will find time, use other identity. Join their group, and then tell you the specific situation.”

Shi Lei in the heart, laughing, “Okay, Phinney, this thing is more important to our Dream Entertainment Company, thank you!”

“Stone, we are friends, don’t be so polite!” Raphael deliberately said in an unsatisfactory tone.

Subsequently. The two discussed the handling of this matter and ended the conversation with each other happily.


Shuangqing City, headed by Vice-mayor Chen Boyi of Responsible for Construction, established the SpeCIA l Cases Team, which was missing by investigate Vice-mayor Xie Nanfeng.

This one SpeCIA l Cases Team, for the number one investigate target, exact as stated Shi Lei !

June 17th, at eight o’clock in the evening.

In the Shuangqing City Government building in Jade District. In a Small-scale conference room, Chen Boyi currently hosts the conference, including the Person Head Shen Kuo of the Shuangqing City Police Department Criminal Investigations. This guy formerly is the personnel of Dai Guanghua. Later, with some means, he has not lost his position at Shuangqing City Bureau.

Zhao Rong of Shuangqing City Police Department, SoCIA l Security and Stability Branch is also present. He is the personnel of Shuangqing Mayor Wang Hong. Zhao Rong served as the Deputy Group Leader of the SpeCIA l Cases Team, ready to report all kinds of situations to Mayor Wang Hong.

In addition to the City Bureau people, the rest of the personnel, precisely as stated in the Jade District Substation’s personnel. Branch Bureau Chief Deng Kun, Criminal Investigations Vice-chief Lin Changlong, Jade District Police Force Substation.

The composition of SpeCIA l Cases Team directly excludes the Bai Qiang and Bai Qiang personnel, which makes Bai Qiang unable to get First hand information.

The private relationship between Bai Qiang and Shi Lei became an excuse to block Bai Qiang from joining SpeCIA l Cases Team. Bai Qiang could not break through Mayor Wang Hong’s restriction and forced to join SpeCIA l Cases Team.

Chen Boyi scanned a circle of the presence of the person, started talking: “We have a solid authority Vice-mayor of Shuangqing City, mysteriously disappeared at home, this thing, I think everyone knows Right?”

The personnel of the Police Force System present, nodded.

Chen Boyi continued: “We must thoroughly investigate the disappearance of Xie Nanfeng Mayor. I don’t know the police elite Elite. Do you have any opinion on this matter?”

The status of Jade District Branch Bureau Chief Deng Kun is slightly higher than Half-step. He first said: “Mayor Chen, about the disappearance of Mayor Xie, we suspect that the surveillance video on the day of the incident was replaced. Mayor Xie should be Being taken away from home, not in the home.”

Criminal Investigations Vice-chief Lin Changlong of Jade District Substation said: “Chief Deng is right. The Technical Expert in our bureau conducted a case simulation through technical means and found that it can be done by replacing the surveillance video. It’s seamless.”

Chen Boyi quickly asked: “Is this technology complicated? How many people can do it in Shuangqing City? Can Shi Lei do it?”

Listening to such a targeted inquiry by Chen Boyi, neither the two in the Jade District Substation nor the two in the Shuangqing City Bureau have no too much surprise.

There seems to be a personal contradiction between Chen Boyi and Shi Lei. From the current situation, it may not be a hole!

Lin Changlong thought a little and responded to Chen Boyi. “Mayor Chen, according to the opinion of our Substation Specialist, it is not very difficult to replace the surveillance video technology. As for the suspect Shi Lei, can it be done? We are temporarily unable to know.”

“Hēng!” Chen Boyi coldly snorted.

Zhao Rong of SoCIA l Security and Stability Branch, who has long been responsible for maintaining peacekeeping, he immediately stood up as a moderator of the mitigator, “Mayor Chen, we really don’t know the Shi Lei. What kind of computer technology standard? If In the absence of evidence, we are looking for Shi Lei’s trouble, perhaps the Bureau Chief Bai is not good enough.”

“Bureau Chief Bai ?hēng hēng ! If Mayor Xie is really related to Shi Lei, I will see the good day of Bureau Chief Bai! I doubt it, this case is internal and external collusion, after all Shi Lei A person does not have the authority to monitor the video. There must be an internal personnel, which provides convenience for Shi Lei.” Chen Boyi pointed the finger at Bai Qiang.

But this time, all four police elites Elite did not say anything.

Even though Chen Boyi’s status is slightly higher than Bai Qiang, Bai Qiang’s relationship in Shuangqing City’s Police Force System is deeply rooted. They are the personnel in the Police Force System. I don’t dare to like Bai Boyi, there is no scruples about Bai Qiang.

“Bureau Chief Deng, I have an issue to ask, as if you are a Police Department, you can bring the relevant personnel back to the Police Department for investigate, even if there is no evidence. You can also detain no more than twenty hours, isn’t That right ?” Chen Boyi thought of a sinister approach.

Deng Kun even connected points First: “Well, that’s right. If our investigate needs, we can indeed put Shi Lei ‘please’ back and temporarily leave him ‘in the Substation, no more than twenty hours.”

In the Xia Nation area, there are indeed regulations that citizens have an obligation to cooperate with the Police Force Investigator. If necessary, the Police Force System can have a ‘question verification’ time of no more than twenty hours of twenty.

The so-called inquiry verification, the nature and detention are not much different.

Chen Boyi thought of this insidious way, first grabbed Shi Lei, they had a four-hour interrogation time no more than twenty. Whether or not they can catch Shi Lei, they will take the initiative.

If they catch Shi Lei, they have a solution. Let Shi Lei betrayed, and will not leave evidence, only Shi Lei will be blacked out. If Shi Lei directly rejects the inquiry from Comrade Police Force, he is not willing to come to Police Department to assist investigate. As soon as Shi Lei’s process was arrested, Shi Lei’s attitude was a little too aggressive, and they had an excuse to think that Shi Lei attacked the police and refused to arrest.

Chen Boyi’s face showed a smile, ‘Shi Lei, I see how you respond this time! I honestly put Old Xie, maybe I will let you go! ‘

Until now, Chen Boyi thought that Shi Lei had only put Xie Nanfeng and Xie Xinliang under house arrest, but did not think that these two people had been killed by Shi Lei. From the perspective of Chen Boyi, the Gov. Official of the Vice-mayor Level that killed DIRE ctly Subordinate to the Administration City is completely uninviting.

Oh, Shi Lei is really a character who is not afraid of fear!

Xie Nanfeng Vice-mayor and his son Xie Xinliang have settled in Leng River for a long time, accompanying Dragon Prince every day!

“Bureau Chief Deng, if we bring Shi Lei directly back and ask for more than ten hours, are you sure, from Shi Lei’s mouth, ask for useful information?” Chen Boyi apparently moved his mind.

Deng Kun is in a dilemma!

Bringing Shi Lei back is not a big issue, but who is going to recite this reputation? Shi Lei is not a small town, and he can easily pick it up. In the event of any mistakes in this, who will take responsibility?

“This…this…Mayor Chen, Shi Lei’s identity background is no different, we can’t…” Deng Kun said hesitantly.

Chen Boyi don’t give face interrupted Deng Kun, and said: “Bureau Chief Deng, from your Jade District Police Force Substation, sent someone to Shuanghu District to bring Shi Lei back overnight! We want to be today In the evening, I will interrogate a result!”

Xia Nation Time, June 17th, at 8pm Forty.

The Bureau Chief Deng Kun of the Jade District Police Force Substation, and the Criminal Investigations Vice-chief Lin Changlong, both of them bitterly took the subordinate eight people and rushed to Shuanghu District. Due to the final decision of Chen Boyi and the support of Zhao Rong belonging to Mayor Wang Hong, Deng Kun and Lin Changlong can only obey orders and take people to Shuanghu District to ‘arrest’ Shi Lei.

Lin Changlong drives a Volkswagen police car, Deng Kun sits in the co-pilot, there are no other people in the back seat, and the other eight are followed by two police cars.

“Chief Deng, are we really going to catch Shi Lei?” Lin Changlong is the Jade District Criminal Investigations Vice-chief. For Shi Lei’s deeds, how could Lin Changlong not know?

Shuanghu District as Shi Lei’s Old Nest, let them go to Shi Lei’s Old Nest to catch Shi Lei, the danger coefficient of this kind of work is very big!

Lin Changlong in the heart secretly guessed, what will happen in the future, ‘damn Chen Boyi, let us handle the work of such a danger. rumor. Shi Lei owns the Legal Gun License from Rongcheng Military District. If Shi Lei armed refuses to arrest, I should be careful not to let the little life be lost there. It is not worth it! ‘

Chen Boyi fights Shi Lei’s, Lin Changlong is not willing to be cannon fodder!

“Of course! Chief Lin, do you have any high opinion?” The relationship between Deng Kun and Lin Changlong is not salty. There is no direct competition between the two. In the Jade District Substation, the status of the two has risen to the top, and the next step is to develop in the City Police Department of Beiyu District.

Therefore, the relationship between the two sides cannot be considered hostile. Instead, it can be regarded as an Ordinary friend.

“Chief Deng, Shuanghu District, we all know that Shi Lei’s status in Shuangqing City, we also know, we just go to Shi Lei, okay?” Lin Changlong did not hide anything. Said directly.

Sitting in the co-pilot’s Deng Kun, a look of helpless expression, “Chief Lin, we both talked lightly, can’t control Mayor Chen’s decision. However, this matter was decided by Mayor Chen. Once the consequences are produced, of course, it will not We are responsible!”

“But… my opinion is. What should we do if Shi Lei refuses to arrest?” Lin Changlong is most worried about this issue.

“Chief Lin, we are not going to arrest Shi Lei, we are just Hope Shi Lei going to the Police Department to help us investigate some issues. If Shi Lei does not want, we can’t force, isn’t that right?” Deng Kun’s current attitude Previous attitude. The exact opposite rhythm!

The surprise on Lin Changlong’s face flashed away, and then he focused on the following: “That’s right! As a law enforcement personnel, we should lead by example and act in accordance with the law. We cannot force law-abiding citizens to do something unwilling!”

Shuangqing City, Central Jade District, Government Building.

After Deng Kun and Lin Changlong left, Chen Boyi showed a thoughtful look on his face. He faintly said to Zhao Rong and Shen Kuo: “You two think Bureau Chief Deng and Bureau Chief Lin, can you Shi Lei brought back?”

Shen Kuo consciously said that the people were light, did not answer, just bowed their heads, and a pair of people said that they followed the mainstream. The formerly is the personnel of Dai Guanghua. After the fall of Dai Guanghua, Shen Kuo tried to keep his position. Is this kind of person a simple person? Chen Boyi wants to express what opinion, Shen Kuo is very clear, but he just likes to understand and be confused.

Zhao Rong is different. Zhao Rong and Shuangqing Mayor Wang Hong, with the relative relationship between the seven aunts and the eight aunts, are plain, that is, Wang Hong’s relationship, large and small is a character.

“Mayor Chen, I think, Bureau Chief Deng and Bureau Chief Lin are not reliable! I have heard the comments of these two people, they are not enough, I am afraid they can’t get Shi Lei!” Zhao Rong As said, even the two Substation leaders in the Jade District were not in the eye.

Shen Kuo is still silent, but in his eyes, there is a sense of disdain.

Chen Boyi certainly knows the relationship between Zhao Rong and Wang Hong. For Zhao Rong who has no brains, Chen Boyi is also very despised. However, there are times when there are some things that really need such talents!

“Little Zhao, this time the project investigate group, Mayor Wang has placed a lot of high hopes on us, so we must investigate a result as soon as possible.” Chen Boyi first mentioned Wang Hong, then continued, ” Little Zhao, your worry is also my concern. I am afraid of Bureau Chief Deng and Bureau Chief Lin. I have not lost Shi Lei. So, I Hope, you go to Shuanghu District and bring you Security and The Mechanism of Stability Branch must bring back Shi Lei. I want to bring Shi Lei back with your usual experience of maintaining stability and stability. Is there any big issue Right?”

Shen Kuo listened to Chen Boyi’s words, in the heart sneer, ‘fox’s tail|evil intentions are exposed, want to make me a cannon fodder, no doors! Fortunately, this time there is Zhao Rong, everything is up by Zhao Rong! ‘

Zhao Rong didn’t seem to notice Chen Boyi’s ‘Xinliang bitterness’, but he said in his own voice: “Reassured! Mayor Chen, our Security and Stability Branch, will never do this!”

“That would be great, I am waiting for Little Zhao to return home!” Chen Boyi got up and walked to Zhao Rong and patted Zhao Rong’s shoulder. “Little Zhao, please!”

Zhao Rong seems to have been beaten with blood. “Okay, Mayor Chen, I am leaving now!” After that, Zhao Rong quickly made a few calls to the personnel of SoCIA Security and Stability Branch. Let them go to Shuanghu District together.

In the Small-scale conference room of the City Government, only Chen Boyi and Shen Kuo are left.

Chen Boyi looked towards Shen Kuo, if there is a meaningful started talking: “Little Shen, if we catch Shi Lei, your future is boundless!”

Shen Kuo pretended not to understand: “Mayor Chen, what do you say?”

“Nothing!” Chen Boyi smiled and shook his head. “Little Shen. Do you guess they can hold Shi Lei?”

“I don’t know.” Shen Kuo directly expressed his opinion, but basically there is no opinion. Inside in the heart, Shen Kuo knows that Shi Lei will not be caught. If Shi Lei is so easy to catch, can he squat in Shuangqing City for so long?

Shen Kuo formerly’s old backing, Shuangqing City First Vice-chief Dai Guanghua. Exactly as stated The rumor was right against Shi Lei, and even the fate was lost. Although rumors are unbelievable, they are not unbelievable.

Chen Boyi glanced at Shen Kuo with vigilance and then resumed his normal smile. “Little Shen yo, youngster, should come up with some vigor. Be brave to make your own determination, not like the elderly like us, the former wolf After the fear of the tiger.”

Shen Kuo just laughed and screamed and said nothing.

On the other hand, the main city to the Shuanghu District on the express road, Deng Kun and Lin Changlong, with eight subordinates, driving three police cars. Go directly to Jingya Garden in Shuanghu District.

Jingya Garden, Building Ten, 2001 No. 3 room.

Izual reminded Shi Lei that “sir, road monitoring system found that three of the Jade District police cars were currently approaching Shuanghu District. After the Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine determine. Jade District Police Chief Deng Kun, Criminal Investigations Vice- Chief Lin Changlong, and eight Criminal Case Police.”

“Hey? How did the Police Force in Jade District come across our Shuanghu District? Is it our Shuanghu District. What is the recidivism?” Shi Lei teased.

Shi Lei didn’t think that Deng Kun and Lin Changlong came to him for trouble. However, Izual doesn’t think so. Izual’s Deep Natural Logic Thinking Module automatically determines the direction of the three police cars. When the three police cars are off the expressway, Izual immediately reminds: “sir, three police cars in the Jade District, have more than 70% Six possibilities, the destination is Jingya Garden.”

“Well?” Shi Lei took a moment, and Izual immediately showed the location of the three police cars on the screen of the Number One Server, and listed all the surrounding locations.

Around the three police cars, Izual marked the possibility of being a destination for three police cars for each location, and finally, the possibility of Jingya Garden’s destination as three police car, up to 70 % six.

“Well? Is it for me? Is Shuangqing City Government ready to start with me?” Shi Lei said to himself, in this tense moment, Police Force came to Jingya Garden, which is quite sensitive.

Plus, it is the Police Force in Jade District, not the Police Force of Shuangqing City Bureau, which makes Shi Lei more vigilant.

“Izual, command Li Zifeng to lead two Squadrons and quickly come over. In addition, start the Dawn Number One machine, and once I get my order, I will immediately send the Dawn Number One machine from Shu’an Village.” Shi Lei A series of orders.

Izual responded: “yes, sir.”

Ten minutes later, Shi Lei sat in the living room and listened to Izual’s constant reminder that ten of the Police Force in Jade District came to the door of the No. 3 room and knocked on the door.

Shi Lei did not open the door immediately. The hero did not eat the truth of the loss. How could Shi Lei not understand? In the unlikely event of Police Force, he is not very disciplined. He is now too weak to deal with ten Police Forces.

“Hello, Mr. Shi, we are in the Jade District Police Department. Please open the door. We have something to do and want to find out about you.” Deng Kun shouted outside the door.

Shi Lei did not care, pretending not to hear the same.

This stalemate lasted for almost five minutes, and the Police Force outside the door seemed to have little patience, and Li Zifeng came to Jingya Garden with two Elling Squadrons from the Ruling Security Company.

“Boss, Tenth Squadron, Ninth Squadron, arrived at the target position.” Li Zifeng with two Squadron, eight Elling members of the Ruling Security Company, was stuck downstairs in the Jingya Garden Building Ten, they are currently passing the Fire Fighting stairs, fast Upstairs.

The reason why the elevator was not used was to prevent it from being discovered by Police Force upstairs.

“Well, wait for my order!” Shi Lei responded. The police force in the Jade District outside the door, Shi Lei, has identified that they are enemies and friends, saying that they bring themselves back to ask questions, what is the difference between detention and detention? ?

Once you enter the Police Department in Jade District, I am afraid that there will be some not so good results. Therefore, Shi Lei is considering whether to stop arresting?

In other words, resisting arrest seems to be a crime?


Ps: 6200+ words, two chapters in one

The Mt. Mt. collapsed. The code word has been in such a serious issue for two years. He was lying in a Black Heart clinic and he was treating the code word.

Not much to say, the day after tomorrow, fight, try. If there is no accident, it is still a two-in-one mode.

Don’t read, still not dead.