
Chapter 1110

HK1095 accident help, Shuangqing settlement

Assaulting the police, if you put it in peacetime, it is not a matter at all!

But now is an extraordinary period, Shi Lei is not willing to carry this name, so Li Zifeng and others have brought black wig to act. However, since Tao Wenxian has modified the data of Zhao Rong and others, Shi Lei has to rectify Zhao Rong.

“Jazz, this thing, you did a very good job!” Shi Lei once again praised.

Tao Wenxian hēi hēi smirked twice, then said: “Big Brother Stone, Yinjia Nation, things are almost clear, give me another half a month, I must find As the water recedes, the rocks appear !”

“Don’t worry!” Shi Lei patted Tao Wenxian’s arm. “The issue of Levitation Slate must be cautious and cautious. We only have one chance, and we need to find a way to deal with electromagnetic interference. The damn Levitation Slate, There is electromagnetic interference, and if we don’t solve this issue, it will be very difficult to win the Levitation Slate.”

Not only is Tao Wenxian wanting to get a Levitation Slate, but Shi Lei is also very eye-catching to the Levitation Slate. What is the principle of Levitation Slate, or what secret is hidden, Shi Lei is extremely interested, it is a key factor to open Levitation Tech and Anti-gravity Science and Technology.

If Dawn has the technology of Anti-gravity Science and Technology, its combat capability will definitely be terrifying!

“Èn! Big Brother Stone, I understand this thing. I will investigate to an absolute level of detail, we will act again. Yes, Big Brother Stone, at the investigate Levitation Slate, I found an interesting thing. Yinjia Nation and our Xia Nation border have collided. They shot down the three Steel and Iron border patrol aircraft in the Rongcheng Military District. Now the Rongcheng Military District is in a stalemate with Yinjia Nation. Hope Yinjia Nation gives them a statement.” Tao Wenxian looked Shi Lei, then asked. “Big Brother Stone, The Steel and Iron, seems to be the Right you sold to the Rongcheng Military District?”

“Well, yes, we sold it to the Rongcheng Military District.” Shi Lei will be ‘you’. Changed to ‘we’, indicating that Tao Wenxian and he are also a group, invisibly close the relationship between the two. “The Steel and Iron was shot down? Check this out, what is the use of weapon Yinjia Nation to shoot down The Steel and Iron?”

The Steel and Iron of Rongcheng Military District has very good anti-ballistic performance. The rifle of the calibre two hundred meters away can’t help The Steel and Iron. I want to get rid of The Steel and Iron. Only Anti-EQ uipment Sniper Rifle is possible with close range shooting.

But The Steel and Iron is equipped with the Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector, sniper’s ‘Aiming’ Dynamic Behavior Signature, which is the focus of the Steel and Iron’s confirmed, once the sniper ‘targets’ the Dynamic Behavior Signature, the Steel and Iron will Automatically issue a warning and perform an evasive flight.

Therefore, it is not easy to kill The Steel and Iron in the form of snipe!

“Okay. Big Brother Stone, this thing, I will check it in the network of Yinjia Nation. Yinjia Nation’s news report. It seems that a ten person patrolled Squadron, using pistol to shoot down three of The Steel and Iron.” Tao Wenxian was not aware of The Steel and Iron’s defense, so he spoke about the news coverage of Yinjia Nation.

“chī ~ ” Shi Lei snorted, “Jazz. Next time I will take you to play The Steel and Iron !pistol ?even though twenty meters close-range shooting, pistol don’t want to hurt The Steel and Iron!” Shi Lei said disdainfully.

“Hey?” Tao Wenxian said curiously: “So, if you have time, I have to play The Steel and Iron!”

“Well, when it comes to Yinjia Nation and the Levitation Slate, there is time!” Shi Lei said with a smile.

“Yinjia Nation, I…” When Tao Wenxian was talking, he suddenly stopped and his face changed a little. “Big Brother Stone, next time I talked, I was in the Trojan Horse of Yinjia Nation. Someone touched. I am going to see it!” After that, Tao Wenxian immediately turned into the door and closed the security door.

Shi Lei didn’t care if Tao Wenxian suddenly flashed. He also went back to the Room and closed the security door. After sitting on the sofa, he pressed on the Bluetooth headset and waited for a moment. He asked: “Zifeng, are you standing at Shuanghu Coach?”

“Not yet, Boss, we are currently looking for no one’s alley. Yes, Boss, are we going to take off the clothes of these five guys?” Li Zifeng said with a little evil.

If Tao Wenxian didn’t tell Shi Lei, he blacked out the data of Zhao Rong’s five people, and Shi Lei would agree with Li Zifeng’s suggestion, but now, Shi Lei has a more evil plan.

“No need!” Shi Lei denied. “Zifeng, wait a minute, you remember to take a few photos and send them to me. It’s fine to make their clothes a little messy.”

“Okay.” Li Zifeng didn’t ask much, just agreed.

Ten minutes later, Li Zifeng sent ten photos, five of them, Police Force, wearing police uniforms, sleeping in an unmanned black alley.

Shi Lei looked at the photo, nodded with satisfaction, and immediately tapped on the keyboard. It was busy for about fifteen minutes. At about 10:30 in the evening, Shi Lei finally accomplished a satisfactory news and published it on the local forums of Shuangqing City in an anonymous way, even the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum. Also did not let go.


“Pretend that Police Force was seen, and was fascinated by the posy! 》

Ordinary people encounter Police Force and usually don’t doubt the true or false of Police Force. But today, there was a bizarre thing. Five fake Police Forces wearing police uniforms, at the Shuanghu District coach station, took aim at a group of plagiarism gangs in an attempt to catch some extra money from the gangsters.

This can be a black and black model!

The original plagiarism gang should be extremely afraid of Police Force, but the careful plagiarism of the personnel, even the five Police Force is a fake identity, and fight with the five Police Force battle of wits, and finally with wit and courage, defeat Five fakes that damaged the image of Police Force!

After the five fake Police Forces were identified, they wanted to force the plagiarism gang to rob. However, the plagiarism gang has many people, and the five fake Police Force are outnumbered.

In the end, five fake Police Forces were stunned by the plagiarized gang’s personnel, brought to an unmanned black alley, experience/meeting with a terrible ‘report’.

For this fake Police Force, the dreg that corrupts the Police Force image. Our High Degree praises the heroic act of the plagiarism gang and thank them. I saw the fake Police Force and saved the image of Uncle Police Force’s open and aboveboard!


This article is a fake news of the law. After Izual’s push, it spread quickly in the local network of Shuangqing City.

Zhao Rong The five people fainted inside the black alley that Unmanned passed, and naturally they would not know. But the personnel of the Shuangqing City Police Force System cannot be unknown. Shuangqing City Police Department has a corresponding network intelligence collection personnel, they quickly spread related data, spread in the Internal Network, and report to the relevant personnel.

Deng Kun and Lin Changlong, who have already set foot on their way home, received a report from the subordinate, and the cold heart of the brain was cold, and Deng Kun swallowed. If they are treated like this, whether it is true or not, they are exposed on the Internet and they still have picture evidence.

Then, the truth or false of the matter is not important. What is important is that the Police Force System cannot lose face, they even though true Police Force. It will also become a fake Police Force!

“Chief Deng, it seems that we are lucky to escape!” Lin Changlong said, if they did not leave Shuanghu District. There is also an accident like this.

Deng Kun put the cell phone in the dashboard grid with a smile on his face. “I know that this Shi Lei is lawless. His relationship with Bureau Chief Bai is so good, and there is support from the Rongcheng Military District. How could he be obediently smashed? hēng hēng. Only Zhao Rong, Idiot, will go to provoke Shi Lei! Don’t look at it, Shi Lei is surrounded by some people, if Shi Lei’s own strength is not strong, how are those people? Will you be with him?”

As the saying goes, like draws like, people are divided into groups. Although this sentence is not absolutely correct, it is almost correct for 99%.

What is a person’s friend circle, what is Gradation? The friends around Shi Lei, not too much, just say Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang, one is the Bureau Chief rich|daughter of Cyber ​​Security Western Headquarters, and the other is the jewel of Shengjing City Mayor, they are all around Shi Lei. How could Shi Lei not have a bit of skill?

Deng Kun and Lin Changlong had a little more insight. They didn’t plan to compete with Shi Lei from start to finish, just taking a passing event. Even if Chen Boyi is expensive for Shuangqing City’s Vice-mayor, what about? He is only Vice-mayor after all, not even First Vice-mayor, and can’t decide the future and future of Deng Kun and Lin Changlong.

Chen Boyi and Shen Kuo are also waiting in the small meeting room of the Shuangqing City Government building.

“hū ~ ” Chen Boyi spit a cigarette, the cell phone on the table rang, and the Caller ID turned out to be ‘Wang Hong’. He immediately pressed the answer button and said with respect: “Mayor Wang, hello.”

“Chen Boyi! You see your Good Job!” After the phone was connected, Wang Hong’s face was a roar, and Chen Boyi was smashed.

Chen Boyi didn’t know what was going on, but he didn’t ask Woang Hong in a stupid way. At this time, no matter what he answered, it was inevitable that he would inevitably wear a turtle and shrink his head to bear it.

After nearly five minutes of continuous squatting, Wang Hong stopped, started talking: “Chen Boyi, deal with Shi Lei’s things as soon as possible, my Hope sees the truth!”

On the other hand, Jingya Garden and Shi Lei received a call from Meng Xun.

Shuangqing City First Vice-mayor, Meng Xun, who is over 10,000 people, called Shi Lei personally. “Shi Lei, I ask you one thing.”

Shi Lei guessed what Meng Xun was asking, but Shi Lei could never answer it truthfully. “Mayor Meng, you ask, I know everything, I can’t say anything.”

However, Shi Lei guessed it wrong!

Meng Xun didn’t ask him about Xie Nanfeng, but passed on a good news, “Shi Lei, are you willing to reconcile with us?”

“Reconciliation? What is the opinion?” Shi Lei asked without understanding.

“My opinion is that about Xie Nanfeng, it’s gone, our Shuangqing City aspect is no longer pursued.” Meng Xun said calmly.

“Hey?” Shi Lei thought about true or false. “Mayor Meng, are you sure you are not kidding? What are the conditions?”


Efforts are accomplished.

Special thanks to the sunken book friends for the reward of 10000.

Thanks to Ming Chen for drunken months, reward 9840. Open? Let’s enjoy the 1888. Sports sky, love ya, innocent Chinese, reward 588. Barbie, I want Otto egg, reward 300. Bookmate 140329020311386, I don’t want to, ride ants chasing novell, Zhijun big Brother , .com, passing Easter control, reward 100.