
Chapter 1107

HK1092 took the opportunity to frame it!


Gabriel was implied just by being present !

As the Second Giant of the Angel Parliament, Gabriel couldn’t have the power to control himself in the dark. Third Giant Uriel has two Supercomputers. Isn’t Gabriel?

In fact, Gabriel secretly holds his own Supercomputer, and the computational performance is very strong. It is in the same Gradation as Supercomputer Holy and is also the computing speed of 80tflops.

Gabriel’s Supercomputer, called Redemption, the existence of this Supercomputer, precisely as stated Angel Parliament’s First Giant, does not know, Gabriel does not want to expose its existence!

In the current situation, it is very dangerous. If you don’t use Supercomputer Redemption, the two World Summit Grade Hackers will break through the defense of his private server.

When Gabriel hesitated, Shi Lei controlled Interweave Net Miwang’s computing resources, and used a rare flaw that had not yet been released to directly break the Gabriel Private Server’s defense.

Angel Parliament’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System Abdiel immediately gave Gabriel a hint, “Archangel Leader, the intruder broke through Server defense and has successfully entered the server.”

Gabriel’s face changed dramatically, he said directly: “Turn off the physical power control switch of the server!”

The so-called cut-off physical power control switch, precisely as stated, through the way of Remote Control, pull out the plug of the main power supply. This process is irreversible and can only be switched off by Remote Control and cannot be switched back on.

Once the power is turned off, Gabriel’s private server is naturally disconnected from the Internet.

Shi Lei is in the voice chat room where Raphael is located. Shi Lei originally told Raphael that he had broken Gabriel’s private Server FIRE wall, but for a moment, Gabriel turned his mind to cut off the Physical ConNEC tion. This EQ ual to directly exposes the address of the real world.

“Mr. Phinney, the other party cut off Physical ConNEC tion, do we track each other’s real address?” Under the cover of Izual’s voice changing software, Shi Lei asked Raphael.

Raphael directly denied Shi Lei’s proposal, “No need!”

Regarding Gabriel’s private server, Raphael clearly knows where it is. I even went to see the actual Machine Room in person. Raphael is not about checking Gabriel’s identity, but about the evidence that investigate Gabriel and Mr. M.

“Hey?” Shi Lei pretended to be curiously asked: “Mr. Phinney, if we follow the connection ipaddress, it only takes ten minutes to find the real address of the other party. If the real address is found, for the next investigate It will be more convenient.”

“Mr. Li, thank you for the proposal, don’t need to investigate the actual address of the other party.” Raphael politely refused, and asked. “Mr. Li, you said that you broke through the target server’s Defense System. Excuse me, are you looking at the data in the server?”

Shi Lei, sitting in front of Number One Server, showed a smile of evil at the corner of his mouth. If Raphael doesn’t ask for this, Shi Lei will also guide Raphael.

“Mr. Phinney, because of the short time, although I invaded the target server, I only got very little data. To be precise, I only got a GPS Global Positioning System data.” Shi Lei explained the situation. And explained, “Please wait a moment, I slightly deal with the file stream, the data stolen from the target server. Take a special file stream transformation processing, if there is no corresponding encoding conversion technology, the restore file stream can only be a bunch Garbled.”

Raphael is also not in a hurry, after all, just got a GPS Global Positioning System data, Raphael does not think there is any secret.

“Okay. Mr. Li.” Raphael replied casually, thinking secretly about what standard Mirror Science and Technology Group’s ‘Mr. Li’ is, and who is this ‘Mr. Li’ deity? .

An Exceed Grade Hacker can’t be seen out of thin air. After all, Hacker technology is not a closed-door car, but a promoted technology that needs to be implemented in practice. Therefore, basically every technology-exclusive Exceed Grade Hacker has more or less traces in the circle.

Shi Lei’s Sockpuppet ‘Mr. Li ‘, the strength of the show is very strong, in the Raphael point of view, Mr. Li’s strength exceeds him, such a powerful Hacker, even without any prior knowledge, this is simply unscientific.

After waiting for about three minutes, Shi Lei restored the data of the GPS Global Positioning System that was ‘stealed’ from Gabriel Server. He said in the Voice Communication Channel: “Mr. Phinney, the data restoration is successful, not important data, just A satellite mapof Li Jian Nation State of California. Do you need to check it out?”

Raphael replied affirmatively: “I want to see. Mr. Li, you pass the data data directly to the voice chat room.”

If you let Mr. Li transfer the file directly to Raphael, a peer-to-peer connection will be established. As a result, the real ipaddress of Raphael will be directly exposed. Even if the other party knows its identity, Raphael still instinctively avoids this. The situation happened. Through the network address of Voice Communication Channel, as a transit space, Raphael can safely extract the data of GPS Global Positioning System.

When Raphael extracted the GPS Global Positioning System data uploaded by Shi Lei, it did not open directly, but carried out a full-scale scan. Borrowing a Xia Nation saying, the heart of the victim is indispensable, and the heart of the person is indispensable.

In view of the powerful power of Mr. Li, Raphael also had to be careful not to overturn the ship in the gutter.

After a full scan, it was determined that the file data was not hidden by Trojan Horse and Virus, and the Raphael opened the file data of the GPS Global Positioning System.

This is a mapfile data showing a detailed mapof the Li Jian Nation State of California Palm Springs area. The Raphael, which was not very concerned about it, changed its eyes after discovering the area displayed on the map.

‘California, Palm Springs, this is…’Raphael’s face is gloomy, and the Palm Springs area is where he and Uriel formerly were attacked. It is also the Secret Underground Base of the Angel Parliament.

When they were attacked, they thought it was the majority of Mr. M, and now it looks. It doesn’t seem to be the same thing. If Gabriel is really Mr. M, he knows Palm Springs’ Secret Base, and there is no difficulty at all.

Raphael carefully looks at the markup on the mapfile. In the middle of the series, the details of the various entries of the Angel Parliament Secret Base are listed, along with the possible escape routes for all kinds.

Simultaneously. In the area where Uriel died, a red cross was drawn.

“Mr. Phinney, this GPS Global Positioning System data should have no effect on Right?” Shi Lei stunned and confused. This mapfile data is not owned by Gabriel, but Shi Lei deliberately uses fuzzy hints. Guide Raphael to further identify Gabriel exactly as stated Mr. M.

Raphael doesn’t understand Shi Lei’s evil, he subconsciously wants to hide this thing, no matter how the data is invisible, Gabriel is Mr. M, but before he grabs the exact evidence. Raphael knows he can’t pull Gabriel.

“Mr. Li, this data is really useless. Unfortunately, we didn’t get more data.” Raphael said with regret.

“Mr. Phinney, do you still need my help?” Shi Lei in the heart smiled, and he could hear that Raphael’s mouth was wrong. but. How can Shi Lei be exposed?

“There is nothing wrong with it, thank you Mr. Li for your help.” Raphael also heard that Shi Lei’s Sockpuppet Mr. Li, I don’t want to waste time here.

“In this case, then, see you again later, Mr. Phinney. Hope will have the opportunity to fight with Mr. Phinney on the same front next time.” Shi Lei said the guest.

After that, after waiting for the Raphael response, he immediately quit the voice chat channel established by Raphael. Shi Lei told Izual to clean up the relevant data. He hā hā laughed.

This time, Gabriel was framed and Gabriel was further imprinted with the mark of Mr. M.

Raphael Although it is not completely believed that Gabriel is Mr. M, a faint evidence has pointed many clues to Gabriel, which is not suspected by Raphael.

As long as there is doubt. It will automatically fill in some things, and thus Gabriel is Mr. M. At that time, Raphael will definitely fight you with Gabriel, that is what Shi Lei Hope sees.

After taking the opportunity to frame Gabriel and ending the voice communication, Shi Lei picked up the cell phone and waited for Raphael to call.

Waiting for about five minutes, Raphael really called, he was first started talking: “, thank you for your help first. Your Mirror Science and Technology Group Mr. Li, very very powerful, do you know who he is?”

Shi Lei has a mocking smile, but his tone is innocent, as if he didn’t know that Raphael is asking the real data of Mr. Li. “I don’t know, Mr. Li is just the network power that Headquarters authorized me. I don’t know. The case of the item body.”

“Oh!” Raphael doesn’t think that Shi Lei might know the situation. He just asked with extravagant enquiries. “In any case, thank you for this time. If you don’t help, I will be miserable this time!”

Shi Lei smiled and said: “Phinney, you are welcome, we are friends! Before you helped me to do things in Tokyo Prefecture, according to your approach, would I also thank you very much?”

Raphael quickly denied: “No! I am just…”

“Well, we are friends, no need to explain. Right, how is the issue solved?” Shi Lei showed appropriate curiosity.

Raphael sighed. “The situation is not very good. I didn’t find the exact evidence. However, I found some associated data. That person is very likely to be Mr. M. If it is determined, I will notify you first. ”

“En! Ok!” Shi Lei didn’t ask more, if asked more, it’s hard not to be resentful.

“Right, is your company going to host a virtual game competition?” Raphael asked in a different tone.

“Yes, what’s wrong? Phinney, do you want to participate?” Shi Lei laughed hē hē: “If you want to participate, I can’t arrange better conditions for you. You can only rely on your true strength to win. ”

“, friendship reminds you, we Li Jian Nation and Europe, some high-end Hacker group, will start with your Dream Entertainment Company when you hold the virtual game competition!” Raphael gave an amazing secret.

