
Chapter 1106

HK1091 Depressed Gabriel!


Li Jian Nation, New York.

Gabriel looked at the data on the computer screen, he didn’t have too much struggle, the intruder’s strength was great, and he also mastered the huge computing resources. With Supercomputer Holy and his own Zombie Server, he wanted to resist the invading opponents. It’s not an easy task.

Currently, there are only two roads in front of Gabriel. First choice, accurately as stated, abandoning your own private server and directly disconnecting the private server from the Internet. Even if the other party finds the real address of his private server based on the record connected to the server? Anti-currently inside his private server, there is no stored Confidential Information, even if it is found the real address, for Gabriel, in addition to losing face, there is no loss.

However, the only concern is that if the other party finds the real private server address, it may be invaded by the other party to find the relationship between the private server and Gabriel. Even, it is possible to further investigate to his real identity.

Gabriel can also choose Second Item Road, which is precisely as stated to mobilize his own private Supercomputer, or use the Supercomputer that holds the Highest Authority’s intrusion, directly overdraw the Supercomputer’s computing resources to fend off the intruder.

Either way, it is very difficult for Gabriel to make a decision. Especially if you give up the private server directly, Gabriel is not very willing.

This private server was purchased under the name of Mayorksa Johnson. If the intruder carefully investigate, it is quite possible to directly find Mayorksa Johnson.

If that happens. Gabriel probably had to give up the identity of Mayorksa Johnson.

Mayorksa Johnson is a Raised Identity that is basically the same as the real Proof of Identity. If it is not a last resort, Gabriel will not easily abandon this identity.

In order to protect your Identity Information. Gabriel finally decided to fight the invaders to the end. After deciding to fight, Gabriel immediately used authority to control Supercomputer Ember and Lava.

These two Supercomputers, although previously belonged to Third Giant Uriel. However, after the fall of Uriel, the right to use was given to Raphael. The ownership belongs to the Angel Parliament. The Angel Parliament pays numerous maintenance costs for two days of Supercomputer every year. Therefore, Gabriel certainly has the authority to use Supercomputer Ember and Lava.

Supercomputer Ember and Lava, together with 35tflopscomputing resources and 80tflopscomputing resources from Angel Parliament Supercomputer Holy, Gabriel has a total of 115tflops’ computing resources.

Thanks to the three Supercomputers, all can be fully controlled by Gabriel, so you can also achieve a larger performance release with a small overclocking, which can be promoted to around 125-130tflops.

Computeing resources around 130tflops. Against the 1000tflops’ computing resources of Raphael control, the two sides are quite equal. After all, Raphael masters 1000tflopscomputing resources, origin on distributed computing platforms, and the comprehensive performance aspect is poor, and it is impossible to achieve high synchronization coordination.

Gabriel resisted the Raphael’s offense. He was slightly sighed in relief, “God blessed, finally blocked!” Gabriel used his right hand to draw a cross. He was not God’s devout, even if he used Archangel Leader Gabriel’s Title, he still wouldn’t believe in God.

Raphael’s offense was blocked. This is not how uncomfortable Interweave Net Miwang’s computing resources are, but the gapbetween Raphael and Gabriel.

If you switch to Shi Lei and Gabriel, Shi Lei can use 1000tflops’ computing resources to completely eliminate Gabriel. At least kill Gabriel’s private server.

After Raphael was blocked by Gabriel, he immediately asked Shi Lei for help: “When will you subordinate the World Summit Grade Hacker, when will it be possible to fight?”

Shi Lei has not immediately involved in the battle between Raphael and Gabriel, and Shi Lei is dealing with some details of the issue. Shi Lei helps Raphael deal with Gabriel. I will definitely not help in vain, but I will find ways to profit from it.

“Phinney, wait a moment, you know, Expert always has Expert’s temper, I can’t force him to command him, up to two minutes, after two minutes, Expert must appear.” Shi Lei is doing a guarantee.

In fact, Shi Lei is ready to participate in the battle at any time, just to create an illusion for Raphael. Shi Lei can’t use the summon anytime and anywhere to expertly, thus reducing some suspicions of Raphael in silence.

“Good!, urge the Expert, the sooner the better, the other side blocked my offense.” Raphael tone is a little anxious.

Raphael understands the gapbetween him and Gabriel, the Expert of World Summit Grade, and the division of Gradation. Raphael is almost the lowest grade, and Gabriel is obviously much better than Raphael.

After one minute and thirty seconds, Shi Lei put on an English garbled Sockpuppet. Signed In entered the temporary Voice Communication Channel established by Raphael. Through the voice changing software provided by Izual, he actively said: “Hello, Mr. Phinney, I am The staff of Mi Rui’s staff, Chief Shi, have explained that the next thing, everything is listening to you.”

Raphael listened to Shi Lei’s voice through voice changing software. He immediately replied in the Voice Communication Channel: “Hello, huh? What should I call you?” Raphael looked at the Voice Communication Channel, the English garbled id He made a hard time.

Shi Lei in the heart hēi hēi giggling, but on the surface is said in deadly earnest: “Mr. Phinney, I have no code, you can call me Rice, or Mr. Li.”

Raphael is a bit of an understanding of Xia Nation’s name, ‘Li Dami? Is this the real name of the other party? This is a clue. When you have free time, you can investigate to see if you can find some clues. ‘

“Okay, Mr. Li, I will send the target of the attack to the public chat area immediately. You will cooperate with me to attack the target together.” Raphael is not polite, and arranges the Task directly in line with the idea of ​​making the best use of it.

Shi Lei did not refuse, affirmed: “No issue, ready to serve you.”

Raphael sent Gabriel’s private Server network address and asked: “Mr. Li, are you also using Mirror Science and Technology Group’s computing resources?”

“Yes! Mr. Phinney, you don’t have reasonable use of the Mirror Science and Technology Group’s computing resources.” Shi Lei didn’t say much, Raphael controls 1000tflops’ computing resources, even distributed computing resources, but with huge The number should not be blocked by Gabriel.

Raphael is not pissed. Although Shi Lei said, it makes him a little unhappy, but now Raphael only cares if he can beat Gabriel and get Gabriel’s private Server Control Authority.

Shi Lei controlled Interweave Net Miwang and, in conjunction with Izual, quickly launched an invasion of Gabriel’s private server. Shi Lei’s invasion was very sharp, and it was a lot more than the Raphael, which made Gabriel’s defense suddenly tight.

Coupled with Raphael on the side of the glare like a tiger watching his prey, constantly trying to attack, let Gabriel integrate the three Supercomputer computing resources FIRE wall, there is also a phenomenon of crumbling.

Li Jian Nation, New York City.

Gabriel’s face is very ugly!

Originally, according to Gabriel’s estimation, using Supercomputer Holy, Ember, and Lava, you can easily repel each other. Even though can’t catch the other’s trace, and determine not to the other’s identity, but at least it should be fixed.

However, the invasion of one side, originally only one intrusion force, but now there is the invasion of the Second stock, and the intensity of the invasion is very large, according to Gabriel’s determinee, Second stock invasion power, it is also World Summit Grade Hacker.

Gabriel is very, very depressed!

What kind of god did he offend?

Gabriel can guarantee that in the past six months, he has absolutely obeyed the law and has not stir up winds and rain on the Internet. Even though Angel Parliament’s Task, it’s just that he and First Giant are working on True ArtifiCIA l Intelligence instead of Raphael.

In terms of reason, Gabriel is so low-key, and still uses the real Raised Identity, it is impossible to have any Hacker Expert to find him trouble.

However, the current situation is very bad. Not only did Hacker Expert find him in trouble, but he was troubled by Hacker Expert, and he even called his friend to find him.

To make matters worse, Gabriel originally had the skill of ‘summon brother’, but only one of the younger brothers, Uriel, died. The second brother, Raphael, was disobedient. Gabriel’s summon skill had a big issue and could only be played alone.

In the case of the same Level, the two sides are fighting computer hardware. In some cases, even if the technology is lower than a Grade, the computer hardware is very strong, and the low level Hacker can beat the Higher Grade Hacker.

For example, World First-rate’s Hacker uses Supercomputer, against the use of Notebook Computer’s Exceed Class Hacker, and even World Grade’s Hacker, it can easily kill each other.

Supercomputer and Notebook Computer’s performance collision, as if Steel and Iron 疙瘩砸 tofu, frozen tofu has to give you ice slag!

Gabriel’s situation is even worse now. The intruder not only has very powerful hardware resources, but also has a very strong technical strength, and there are advantages in the number of people.

If nothing unexpected happens, Gabriel’s private server will definitely be joined by Raphael and Shi Lei!

How can Gabriel, who has suffered from innocent disasters, not be depressed?

This is exactly impliated just by being present!



If there are typos, forgive me, have a fever, tragedy.