
Chapter 1105

HK1090 Challenge ‘Mr. M ‘! [Please subscribe! ]


Xia Nation, Shuangqing City, Jingya Garden.

Shi Lei keeps talking with Raphael. After about Forty seconds, Shi Lei utters: “Phinney, computing resources are ready, corresponding to extracting the address and password, I will tell you now, you can remember.” Shi Lei read the address With the password, I waited for a while and asked: “Phinney, have you succeeded?”

Raphael currently uses the address provided by Shi Lei to remotely log in to gain control over the usage authority of Interweave Net Miwang resources. When Raphael entered the corresponding management interface using the password provided by Shi Lei, Raphael immediately responded: “I have obtained the relevant authority.”

“Well, Phinney, I wish you all the best. In addition, I have already notified my subordinate Hacker, at which network address is it?” Shi Lei asked.

Raphael immediately spoke a series of English letters on the phone and said, “You better not come in, lest we wait for a while and we will not escape.”

It seems that I really want to think about Shi Lei. Raphael once again said: “I didn’t tell you before. Regarding the real identity of Mr. M, I already have doubts. Is it Right?”

“Well, yes.” Shi Lei replied with a smile.

Shi Lei through layout, let Raphael think that Mr. M is the Second Giant Gabriel of Angel Parliament, this thing is the most exciting thing about Shi Lei in the heart recently!

“I tried this person’s private server today and found some very important clues. However, when I want to further invade, I was noticed by the other side and then followed me backwards. Because that person is very bad, I I can’t use my own Server, so I have to borrow the computing resources of your Mirror Science and Technology Group.” Raphael tells the truth.

“Oh! Ok! I will urge the Hacker of my subordinate, help you as soon as possible, Hold On, don’t get caught by Mr. M!” Shi Lei said, cheering for Raphael keep it up.

“Reassured! That person wants to catch me, it’s not that easy!” Raphael hā hā Smile, if it is just before. In the absence of Supercomputer Lava and Ember, Raphael really did not have the confidence to block Gabriel.

But now the situation is different, Shi Lei provides 1000tflops’ computing resources for Raphael, Raphael is confident to compete with Gabriel, and has confidence to beat Gabriel.

Li Jian Nation, New York City.

Raphael hā hā Laughing, if he grabs Gabriel’s evidence of Mr. M, Gabriel will definitely be cleaned up by First Giant. The best result, exactly as stated, is the absolute embarrassment of the Angel Parliament, and the only value is exactly as stated to help the Angel Parliament deal with computer technology. As for Freedom and other privileges. Will be completely deprived by the Angel Parliament.

‘Gabriel, Gabriel, I have to see, this time how do you fight with me! ‘Raphael in the heart.

Inside the Angel Parliament, Raphael is Fourth Giant, Gabriel is Second Giant, and there are some gaps in the direct status of the two. In quite a few internal contests. Raphael is also a win-win less. There were a few poor wins, and a big reason was that Gabriel deliberately lost to her because of the face of Raphael.

Raphael is not as good as Gabriel in the technical aspect. However, Raphael is now assisted by 1000tflops’ computing resources, and his confidence has been overwhelming, not at all concerned with Gabriel.

Raphael scruples that Gabriel guessed his identity without using Supercomputer Holy and did not use Supercomputer Lava and Ember left by Uriel. But Shi Lei provides the computing resources, Raphael without a bit of scruples. Pulled 1000tflopscomputing resources, and looked at Gabriel’s private server to kill.

In Gabriel, New York, I feel a little depressed!

Gabriel truly integrates into the life of the Ordinary. He won a ‘Ghost’ Hacker’ title at Hacker World and was able to know the exact address of his private server. There are generally only two situations.

One situation is that some boring Hacker, which randomly targets the target on the network, just picks up his private server and curiously invades it.

For this situation, Gabriel is generally left unchecked. Gabriel’s private server, the defense is very strong, there is no World First-rate standard Hacker, simply can’t figure it out.

This kind of difficulty FIRE wall is enough to block most of the intruders and let the other side know.

In another case, it is the real Expert, who directly finds his private server and attempts to obtain some data information from it. For such a situation, Gabriel usually goes in person and directly confronts the invading Hacker.

This is the case today, when Gabriel was attacked by Raphael and he personally went into battle. Originally, he thought that the opponent was at most the World First-rate Level Hacker, and then overestimated, that is, the level of an Exceed Class.

But Gabriel didn’t think that the strength of the other side is faint, and there is a degree of World Summit Grade!

Gabriel thinks over and over again. He recently lived the life of the Ordinary people with peace of mind. He did not offend any World Summit Grade Hacker. Which World Summit Grade Hacker is coming to him?

At the beginning, Gabriel didn’t doubt that it was Raphael. Because Raphael has also played such a joke before, there is nothing to provoke his private server.

However, Gabriel quickly investigate the Angel Parliament’s Supercomputer Holy, as well as Supercomputer Ember and Lava. When he discovered that the three Supercomputers were not in use, Gabriel ruled out the suspicion of Raphael.

If Raphael invades his private server, these three Supercomputers will definitely fight!

When Gabriel took it seriously, there was no Raphael that Supercomputer provided for computing resources, and it suddenly fell back. It relied on several computing resources provided by the temporary bot to barely resist Gabriel.

Just as Gabriel thought he was going to grab the intruder, his face suddenly changed because the intruder actually launched a large-scale counterattack. The intruder’s offensive has directly destroyed the perimeter protection of Gabriel’s private server.

Gabriel urgently called the Angel Parliament’s Supercomputer Holy and also pulled the Angel Parliament’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System Abdiel to fight the invaders.

“Damn, what’s the situation?” Gabriel’s face was a bit sloppy and seemed to be a bit confusing. After all, how can the invaders who lost the previous moments be like a big bottle of blue Viagra?

Gabriel is even suspecting that the invaders have been retreating before, whether the other party is deliberately weakening and then preparing for the current counterattack.

“Hēng!” Gabriel complexion changed, pick up the cell phone and call Raphael. He does not doubt Raphael. In Gabriel’s view, Raphael does not have such technology and resources. Gabriel contact Raphael, just because I want to call Raphael to help.

Waiting for a moment, the phone was connected, and there was a sleepy and awkward voice in the receiver. “Hey, who is there?”

“Raphael, I am Gabriel. I need your help, my private server has been hacked, my opponent is very strong, you can help me!” Gabriel said quickly.

The other end of New York.

Raphael’s sneer-faced expression, in order to prevent Gabriel from calling in the middle, especially changed the zero-volume mute keyboard, so that Gabriel could hear the keyboard sound and think of something.

How can Raphael agree to Gabriel’s help?

“Gabriel? Needs my help? What are you talking about, I don’t understand!” After that, Raphael hung up directly. Such a reply is very consistent with the identity of Raphael, because Raphael does not believe that Gabriel needs his help. At the same time, such a reply is also reflected. He did not know that Gabriel was invaded, and indirectly opened his Raphael as an intruder.

Gabriel’s face flashed away, and he bit the teeth and dialed the cell phone number of Raphael again, “Raphael, I need your help!”

“Nervous!” Raphael hangs up the phone with a sleepy voice, with an awakened anger.

Gabriel didn’t give up the call again, but got a response from the other who had turned off the machine, which made Gabriel helpless. He angrily slammed the cell phone on the ground and shouted: “bullshit !bullshit !Raphael you this婊.子. raising bullshit, see how I clean up after you!”

After anger, Gabriel had to face Reality, he could only fight against a powerful intruder. Gabriel looked at the data on the computer screen and his face changed.

Angel Parliament’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System Abdiel, prompting Gabriel, “Archangel Leader, the intruder broke through Holy’s Third Level defense and expected to break through all 5-Layer defense after three minutes.”

Gabriel quickly typed on the keyboard and typed a source code. He told Abdiel, started talking: “Position No. 4 Secret Server, assist with Defense Supercomputer Holy.”

“The order is rejected, the authority is not enough!” Abdiel directly rejected Gabriel.

Gabriel’s face is even more depressing, Angel Parliament’s Secret Server, directly under the management of First Giant, even Second Giant, there is no qualifications call.

“sh.it!fu.ck!” Gabriel angered and tried to lick the mouse, but he was forced to endure. How did the mouse control the computer? Pure keyboard control is fine, but it is not so convenient!

Gabriel complexion is hesitant, and the helpless Gabriel is facing a difficult decision…



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