
Chapter 1104

HK1089 Raphael for help!


June 17th, at 8pm.

Shi Lei currently silently checked the inside of Brave’s World. This time, Brave’s World updated the Qi Pai Entertainment System, but did not make any publicity announcement at Brave’s World’s OffiCIA l Website.

According to the past, if there is any update or change in Brave’s World, Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website will definitely release announcement and will also list the detailed update content.

But after all, Qi Pai Entertainment System, more or less with a hint of gambling, if the mass is carried out, it will not cause some trouble. Although the game platform of Big Penguin Company is the same nature, but people are very low-key, isn’t that right?

Dream Entertainment Company has a self-operated Official Virtual Goods Trading System. In this System, about Brave’s World’s Virtual Goods, Freedom can use the Dreamer Online PaYM ent System for transactions.

Although the transaction tax will be generated through the Dream Entertainment Official Virtual Goods Trading System, the advantage is that the Safety, transaction sides are Officially protected, and the identity transaction can be concealed, avoiding a lot of trouble.

Now this complicated era, the online game has evolved over the years, resulting in a lot of bad phenomena, such as the net black. The so-called cyber black, precisely as stated in Virtual Game World, not the opponent of other Gamer, they tried to retaliate in the real world.

Don’t think that Net Black doesn’t exist. In fact, this kind of thing really exists in the Large-scale multiplayer online game.

Dream Entertainment’s Official Virtual Goods Trading System can effectively contain such things happening if there is a need. The transaction can use the Virtual temporary number transaction without leaving any real identity records.

In Brave’s World, copper coin and silver have long been the hot items of the Official Virtual Goods Trading System. Shi Lei did not arrange Izual as a childcare initiative to acquire Brave’s World’s currency!

For Brave’s World, the sudden emergence of Qi Pai Entertainment System, the middle-aged Gamer of numerous, has found a new way of entertainment. These middle-aged Gamers want to participate in the entertainment of the Non-player Controlled Characters. You need Brave’s World’s currency.

At present, Brave’s World’s internal currency system is very stable, and the ratio of Gold, Silver, and Copper Coin is maintained at a benchmark of 30 to 30. The proportion of copper coin consumption is very well controlled and there is no depreciation. Similarly, the exchange ratio between copper coin and Xia Nation Yuan is still maintained at a ratio of ten to one.

Middle-aged Gamer, there are not many channels to get Brave’s World currency, except for the accomplish Tasks in some novice areas, there are basically no other channels.

Brave’s World’s newbie Task. It will never be simple. For example, a Task that rewards Sixty copper coin usually requires Forty minutes to an hour of accomplish. This calculation method corresponds to the real world situation. Sixty copper coin is converted into six Xia Nation Yuan, which is almost the basic salary of part-time personnel for one hour.

If the middle-aged Gamer. I don’t want to get the copper coin through the accomplish newbie Task. Only one side can only be obtained through the Official Virtual Goods Trading System.

If you think that Shi Lei has released Qi Pai Entertainment System, it is just to swindle money, it is not appropriate. Because the Qi Pai Entertainment System inside Brave’s World is definitely not like the Big Penguin Company. In Brave’s World, the size of the bet is fully qualified according to Gamer’s requirements.

If a Gamer has insufficient financial resources, only one copy of the Xia Nation Yuan’s copper coin will be purchased at one time. 95copper coin was obtained through the extraction of Official Virtual Goods Trading System. If this Gamer, only play a copper coin once a mahjong, as long as it is not too bad luck, how can it be easily lost?

If in real world. Ten Xia Nation Yuan Play Mahjong? Hē hē !

Brave’s World Qi Pai Entertainment System was launched in a low profile and caused a lot of discussion at the Official Gamer Forum. Some of Gamer initially thought that this was the means of Dream Entertainment Company’s fraud. After playing cards with Non-player Controlled Characters, wouldn’t EQ ual to play with Main System?

However, when part of Gamer personally experienced for oneself, it was discovered that Brave’s World’s Qi Pai Entertainment System was set up very fairly, as if it were real world, related to luck and technology, and there was no internal operation.

Qi Pai Entertainment System, at the Official Gamer Forum, got a very high rating!

Originally, Shi Lei thought that Qi Pai Entertainment System was more suitable for middle-aged and old Gamer, but Shi Lei obviously expected the mistake. The mainstream gamerous Gamer also joined the Qi Pai Entertainment System.

According to Izual’s statistics, after the launch of the Qi Pai Entertainment System, up to one hundred 300,000 Gamer was simultaneously entertained. This situation is beyond the expectations of Shi Lei’s.

“Izual, what is the income and expenditure surplus of the Qi Pai Entertainment System?” Shi Lei asked about the situation.

Qi Pai Entertainment System, the ultimate goal, is precisely as stated in order to consume the internal currency of Brave’s World. Izual displayed the revenue and expenditure of Brave’s World’s Qi Pai Entertainment System on the screen of Number One Server, allowing Shi Lei to view data intuitively, much faster than switching information through voice.

Shi Lei looked at the data on the Number One Server screen with a smile on his face. In the industry of gambling, only the banker is the only winner. This is a truth that is unquestionable.

Qi Pai Entertainment System has been on the line for a very short time, but has successfully consumed 340 Seventy Thousand copper coins. Xia Nation Yuan is also more 340,000. It is not a normal situation for Izual to make such a good result. A little analysis can get the answer.

In Brave’s World, Gamer and Non-player Controlled Characters entertain, if it’s a Gamer and three Non-player Controlled Characters, unless you are lucky, how could you beat three people?

All three belong to Brave’s World’s Non-player Controlled Characters, and no matter which one wins, EQ uivalent to currency returns to the Main System. It’s not difficult for Gamer to pick one.

By the same token, even if the participation of Non-player Controlled Characters is reduced, or even all of Gamer’s participation, although the volume of Brave’s World’s currency is flowing, the total amount of currency in their hands will not increase. At the same time, because of the Qi Pai Entertainment service fee charged by System, which is also known as the ‘brand money’, it will reduce the total amount of currency.

So, regardless of whether Gamer and Non-player Controlled Characters play cards, they are all contested between Gamers and have nothing to do with the Main System.

This is exactly as stated as the benefit of the bookmaker!

Shi Lei is very satisfied with the results of the Qi Pai Entertainment System. He grins and smiles. No, there are no other people around. Shi Lei wants to find someone to show off, and there is no chance. It is really the depressing of Brocaded Clothing Worn At Night.

Just as Shi Lei is ready to enter Brave’s World and experience the one for the Qi Pai Entertainment System, the cell phone calls ringing out of time.

Shi Lei was not going to answer, but when she looked at the calls number, Shi Lei changed her face slightly, brought a Bluetooth headset, pressed the answer button, and used English: “Good morning, Phinney!”

Calls number, it is the Raphael of Angel Parliament!

It’s now Xia Nation Time just after 8pm, Li Jian Nation Summer Time is just 8am, so Shi Lei’s greetings are good morning, not good evening.

Raphael’s tone is a bit nervous, and the speed of speech is slightly faster. “, I have trouble, now I need your help. Can you lend me the computing resources of your Mirror Science and Technology Group?”

Fortunately, Shi Lei’s English is very good, otherwise I can’t understand it, Raphael is anxious and fast.

“Hey? Phinney, what trouble have you encountered?” Shi Lei curiously asked.

Raphael is one of the Four Giants of the Angel Parliament. Usually, he doesn’t bother to find other people. It is already very rare. Is there anyone who is tempted to find Raphael?

“Because your Hacker technical standard is temporarily unclear to you. If you can, my Hope gets the computer resources of Mirror Science and Technology Group as soon as possible. In addition, I Hope you mobilize your subordinate Hacker, let them enter this voice chat room. It is convenient to assist me.” Raphael said with no politeness.

Shi Lei did not refuse Raphael. In order to strengthen the ‘friend relationship’ with Raphael, Shi Lei could not refuse Raphael. When I turned over the Wo Sang Nation Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System, Raphael made a lot of effort. If Shi Lei didn’t help Raphael, the ‘friend relationship’ of the two would almost go to the end of the rhythm.

“Phinney, wait a moment, our company’s computing resources, I immediately organize, and then give you control. However, my subordinate Hacker, I am afraid I need to delay for a while to join the battle. I also need to contact him, Every contact is different, it is very troublesome.” Shi Lei explained that the so-called trouble is not really to contact a non-existent Hacker, but to order Izual to do the cover work, and at the same time do the sound change work, Shi Lei wants Come and help Raphael in person, and find out what Raphael is causing.

“Okay! You better hurry, I can’t stop it for too long!” Raphael’s tone was very anxious.

“Well, at most one minute!” Shi Lei responded affirmatively.

Given the time determined by Raphael, Shi Lei uses the lip command Izual to quickly mobilize Interweave Net Miwang’s resources and do the protection work. Don’t let Raphael impudent in Interweave Net Miwang.

Li Jian Nation, New York City.

Raphael listened to Shi Lei’s answer, slightly sighed in relief, but he did not stop, his hands on the keyboard, and quickly pressed.

Fortunately, fortunately, it is not a villain with a favor favors and violate justice. Otherwise, my troubles will be big this time! ‘Raphael stares at the data on the screen, the cold sweat on the forehead keeps seeping out…



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