
Chapter 1103

HK1088 was sold and happy to help the number of people!


Rongcheng Military District Headquarters, Thirty-third Helicopter.

On this apron, close to the No. 7 test site, the Second Generation Dawn was transported here, and after some uncontested operations, the Second Generation Dawn was successfully launched.

After the second generation Dawn made an electronic synth sound, it didn’t stop, but continued to prompt for more electronic synth sounds.

“The Main Energy System has been tested, the mysterious unknown Power Source, which provides the Second Generation Dawn with a huge amount of energy that is almost unimaginable. Driving the Second Generation Dawn will continue to fight twenty for more than four hours and enjoy the battle!”

“The main Power System starts accomplish, the powerful Power System, which guarantees the fighting power of Second Generation Dawn fierce and tough. The small body of Second Generation Dawn hides the power of more than 600 horsepower, ready to level any enemy. Target !”

“Communications System is completed, the new Communications System, along with the powerful On-board Computer, will automatically connect to the special network. It also allows you to set up update Communications System, support satellite communication, cell phone Network Base Station communication, etc. The Communications System brings an unparalleled ultra-low delay experience for oneself, and it has superior anti-interference capability to ensure that Second Generation Dawn’s communication is unblocked!”

“Main Operating System launches accomplish, revolutionary and innovative Main Operating System, with the auxiliary Power System, will subvert all operational obstacles, just like the real nerve docking general operational sense, to maximize the original idea of ​​the driver, and ensure Second Generation Dawn’s absolute combat power!”

“The Main System will start accomplish for the first time after ten seconds, please ask the Highest Authority to prepare.”

“Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven… Two. One. Main System starts accomplish, and the Highest Authority is locked into Rongcheng Military District He Zhenbang, which automatically opens the cockpit with detailed instructions.”

“chī chī chī ~ ”

A light sound of a pneumatic component. The Second Generation Dawn opens the inner cabin.

The Rongcheng Military District Big Shot, who was already shocked by Second Generation Dawn’s ‘opening white’, was revived by He Zhenbang First. He asked Shi Lei about the Second Generation Dawn’s Main System and had the Speech Recognition System. Natural language can be directly recognized.

However, Shi Lei did not tell He Zhenbang, Second Generation Dawn’s Natural Language Recognition System and Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, in fact all provided by Interweave Net Miwang, which is provided by Izual.

Second Generation Dawn’s on-board System, which has very little natural language recognition, is mainly concentrated on the Control System, so that Dawn can maintain its weak combat power when it is communicated by empElectromagnetic Pulse interference.

“Little Shi, you have to drive the First Generation Dawn’s Experience. You try this Second Generation Dawn.” He Zhenbang ordered Shi An, who took out the Second Generation Dawn’s manual and took it in his hand.

Shi An smiled and nodded, “Okay, Commander He.” Can be remembered by Commander He, the future of Shi An. Obviously it will be very Light. So, how is Shi An not happy?

However, when Shi An enters the Second Generation Dawn’s driving cabin, the icy electronic synth sounds: “The driver does not have the driving authority, the Main System authority object, only the Highest Authority He Zhenbang. Please get the authorization of the Highest Authority, otherwise take Responsibility of the consEQ uences.”

He Zhenbang expressionless looks at the Second Generation Dawn, but in the heart is a happy flower, ‘Shi Lei this little fox, it is reliable. Second Generation Dawn’s Highest Authority. In the hands of my hands, I am not afraid of accidents. ‘

About Second Generation Dawn’s Controlling Right, at the top of the Rongcheng Military District, compete for each other. Even if He Zhenbang is the actual controller of the Rongcheng Military District, it is not that He Zhenbang has decided everyone. For Second Generation Dawn’s Controlling Right. He Zhenbang also wants to get it. However, from the current form, Second Generation Dawn’s Controlling Right is most likely to fall into the hands of neutral Dang Dingtian.

Now, Shi Lei directly presupposes that He Zhenbang is the Highest Authority, Second Generation Dawn’s Controlling Right, and the Big Shots of the Rongcheng Military District don’t have to fight anymore!

He Zhenbang is very satisfied with Shi Lei’s approach, in the heart!

“Dawn, authorized to allow Shi An to drive.” He Zhenbang tempted, he did not know how to order Dawn’s Main System, but He Zhenbang had seen Izual of Dream Entertainment Company, he completely took Second Generation Dawn’s Main System, too When Izual is done, it can communicate with humans normally.

“currently authorized! Highest Authority, is the Shi An First Grade authority, or Second Grade authority?” Main System icy electronic synth sound, ask He Zhenbang.

“Hey?” He Zhenbang, where does he know what authority should be granted? “What is the difference between the First Grade authority and the Second Grade authority?”

“First Grade authority with full control of Dawn’s qualifications, allows the use of Alloy Sword and Shield Set, allows the use of Dawn’s exclusive Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery; Second Grade authority does not allow the use of Dawn’s proprietary Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery. System also has a transport authority that only allows the driver Moving the Dawn does not allow any attack commands.” Dawn’s Main System, Izual responded.

He Zhenbang took a moment to consider it and decided to license it to the Shi An First Grade authority. The Rongcheng Military District also had to test the Second Generation Dawn privately and test whether the second generation of Shi Lei was handed over to the Second Generation Dawn of the Rongcheng Military District.

“Dawn, authorize Shi An First Grade authority.” He Zhenbang said to Second Generation Dawn.

“Accept the command, please drive the driver Shi An to stay still, the Main System will close the inner cabin and carry out the relevant authorization.” Second Generation Dawn’s Quickly close the inner cabin, collect the pupil iris characteristics through the hudTransparent Display, and the voice recording system. , determines the authority of Shi An.

In the hudTransparent Display, it quickly shows that driving the Second Generation Dawn’s method, in fact, the driving method is what the Dawn wants to do, the driver does what, the two actions are almost the same, the delay is not high, it is acceptable Within the scope of.

“Commander He, I’m ready, Second Generation Dawn’s driving System. It really doesn’t brag, it’s really very easy to use, far more convenient than First Generation Dawn.” Shi An shows the situation through an external loudspeaker.

He Zhenbang nodded. Then Lu Qiang said: “Lu Qiang, the test environment is ready for Right? According to the specifications of the previous Shi Lei test, let Shi An test it again.”

“No issue, already prepared for accomplish!” Lu Qiang said affirmatively.

Shi An drove the Second Generation Dawn and entered the No. 7 test site due to the Second Generation Dawn. It did use the revolutionary Operating System. Even though Shi An first time touched the Second Generation Dawn, he still performed very well, almost accomplishing what Shi Lei formerly did.

After the test, Shi An drove the Second Generation Dawn back to He Zhenbang and reported: “Commander He, test acccomplish, I am very satisfied with Second Generation Dawn!”

He Zhenbang is also very satisfied with Second Generation Dawn!

Encourage a few Shi An, He Zhenbang actually drove the Second Generation Dawn. Returning to the tactical discussion room with the numerous Big Shot of the Rongcheng Military District.

In the tactical discussion room, He Zhenbang came out of the Second Generation Dawn, and the Second Generation Dawn kept the inner cabin open and parked next to He Zhenbang.

He Zhenbang seems to like the Second Generation Dawn at once. The Second Generation Dawn brings He Zhenbang an unspeakable sense of safety and power.

“Everyone, are you satisfied with the Second Generation Dawn?” He Zhenbang glanced around the top of the Rongcheng Military District and asked.

Whether it’s the picky Su Ding, the stubborn Yang Dingtian, or the other faction’s Zhang Liming, they are all very satisfied with Second Generation Dawn, and if possible, Hope also gets a Second Generation Dawn. After all, a Second Generation Dawn represents a life-saving Protective Charm. at least. From the current situation, unless the Guided Missile above Medium-scale or the Bomb of Ultra Destructive Power, it is possible to harm the Second Generation Dawn. Is such a powerful Dawn not a life-saving Protective Charm?

“Very satisfied!” Su Ding represents the Nation executive. He first answered his own opinion and also reflected the high-level opinion. “However, Commander He and Second Generation Dawn are strong, but we only have 60 and Thunderclash Electrolyte, and we can’t configure more Second Generation Dawn at all.”

“Yes, we don’t have more energy!” Zhang Liming and Yang Dingtian also echoed the issue.

He Zhenbang smiled and said: “Little Su, what I ordered you to do, how is your investigate?”

Su Ding took a moment to understand that He Zhenbang was asking, he monitored the investigate Shi Lei’s thing, Su Ding had a strange look on his face, “Commander He, I investigate to Shi Lei through Dream Entertainment, in Bermuda Triangle Island, Remote Control A personal investment in Offshore Company was formed. The name of the company is rather strange, called ‘Stone Ocean Exploration Company’. Is this a tricky one?”

He Zhenbang’s face changed slightly, lightly snorted. When Shi Lei deliberately used all the high-level members of the Rongcheng Military District, he said the origin of N235 Metal, so that He Zhenbang would not block the news.

Fortunately, He Zhenbang temporarily controlled Su Ding and let this news have not yet reached the top of Nation. However, this is also an expedient policy. Once the whereabouts of N235 Metal are determined, the Rongcheng Military District cannot continue to cover up. Nation executives must be able to know.

“Shi Lei this little fox!” He Zhenbang snorted. “Is Shi Lei said that Thunderclash Raw Stone origin is on the seabed isn’t that right in Bermuda Triangle Island?”

Su Ding immediately said: “Commander He, is Shi Lei ready to explore the Bermuda Triangle Island in order to get more Thunderclash Raw Stone?”

“Very very likely!” He Zhenbang said affirmatively, “Wo Sang Nation aspect, because I don’t know Thunderclash Raw Stone’s Application Plan, all did not cause them to care. But Shi Lei knows the Application Plan and also knows the discovery of Thunderclash Raw Stone. I am not surprised at all, he will find a way to find more Thunderclash Raw Stone.”

When it comes to this, He Zhenbang takes a look at Su Ding and continues: “How to get more Thunderclash Raw Stone, I think at the current Phase, it should be something inside our Rongcheng Military District, Little Su, what do you think? ?”

Yang Dingtian and Zhang Liming looked towards Su Ding. No matter what kind of battle inside the Rongcheng Military District, it was just inside the Rongcheng Military District. Su Ding is the eyeliner of the high-level, this thing is clear to the top of the Rongcheng Military District, Zhang Liming and Yang Dingtian and He Zhenbang are the same opinion.

Now, the three major factions of Rongcheng Military District are not Hope Thunderclash Raw Stone. First time is passed to the top, and Su Ding is under great pressure.

As the saying goes, the county magistrate is not as good as it is now!

Su Ding is mixed in the Rongcheng Military District. Many times, not only the high-level needs, but also the feelings of the Rongcheng Military District. He must do the best of both worlds in order to please both sides.

In the face of pressure from the top of the entire Rongcheng Military District, Su Ding chose to compromise, “No issue. Commander He, Division Head Zhang, Division Head Yang, I will press this thing. However, once the origin of Thunderclash Raw Stone is discovered, My Hope Rongcheng Military District can report to the top.

He Zhenbang nodded: “Nature! If you find the origin of Thunderclash Raw Stone, we are all heroes!” He Zhenbang made a promise that he would not be alone, he would spread all the credit. The high-level circle of Rongcheng Military District.

Thunderclash Raw Stone is a big deal. It represents a new kind of Power Source. If Thunderclash Raw Stone has a very large storage capacity, Xia Nation will use Thunderclash Raw Stone to get more qualifications into the Worldwide business. Even with Thunderclash Raw Stone’s small storage capacity, Power Source support for high-end combat power can also promote the combat power of Xia Nation Special-type units.

Rongcheng Military District wants to firmly control the channel of Thunderclash Raw Stone, they have to maintain a good relationship with Shi Lei. Because Thunderclash Raw Stone’s Application Plan is only in the hands of Shi Lei’s!

Shuangqing City, Shuanghu District, Jingya Garden.

Shi Lei currently hā hā Laugh!

He Zhenbang made a mistake, that is, should not take the Second Generation Dawn with him, Second Generation Dawn’s final Controlling Right, or in Shi Lei, through the Second Generation Dawn, Shi Lei, the high-level discussion of the Rongcheng Military District A whole process.

For the Rongcheng Military District who wants to go to Bermuda Triangle Island to find out more about Thunderclash Raw Stone, Shi Lei can only say that everything follows his script in the implement.

Shi Lei established the ‘Stone Ocean Exploration’ personal investment company through Xie Hui and Remote Control, which is precisely as stated. In order to mislead the Rongcheng Military District and ignore his power in Nanyue Nation Meishan Island, he avoided the discovery of N235 Metal by Rongcheng Military District. the truth.

Bermuda Triangle Island belongs to the domain of Great Britain. Whether it is the power of Xia Nation or the private power of Shi Lei’s, it is not easy to get involved. It is only through private exploration. From this point of view, the Rongcheng Military District is almost indistinguishable from the starting point of Shi Lei’s action.

“Commander He Commander He, you are going to find Thunderclash Raw Stone, then go find it! Since you are going to find it, give you a little Hope!” Shi Lei showed a strange smile on his face.

Obviously, Shi Lei is preparing for an unfriendly plan…



Fortunately, I am not insulted, still accomplished the evening update, and is the 4000 word big chapter!

Hope everyone supports genuine subscription!

In addition, there may be two chapters in one update tomorrow.


Thanks to Jiashimei eyes, book friend 140317195614474, Emperor Tianyi, and reward 100.