
Chapter 1102

HK1087 layout and private testing


Absolute support from Rongcheng Military District!

This means that the Rongcheng Military District unwaveringly supports Shi Lei. Even if Shi Lei and the Shuangqing City Government aspect fall out, the Rongcheng Military District also supports Shi Lei.

He Zhenbang listened to Shi Lei’s request and his brow wrinkled deeply. However, He Zhenbang then made up his mind and decided to support Shi Lei. “No issue, our Rongcheng Military District, absolutely support you!”

“Thank you Commander He!” Shi Lei said in a sincere tone, if at this time, He Zhenbang stayed out of the way, Shi Lei would be very passive. Although the Rongcheng Military District definitely does not have the Second Generation Dawn, the cooperation between the Rongcheng Military District and Shi Lei will continue.

Shi Lei is temporarily unable to get rid of the dependence on the Rongcheng Military District. The basic industry of Shi Lei subordinate is too weak. After leaving the Rongcheng Military District, Shi Lei’s strength will be greatly restricted.

“Shi Lei, my Hope Second Generation Dawn, you don’t have any hands or feet!” He Zhenbang added an additional sentence.

Shi Lei hā hā Laugh, “Commander He, you can rest assured that I have not only done anything, but also added a Voice Explanation for your Rongcheng Military District, so that you can understand Dawn more easily. Well, Commander He, I am right away. Send the latitude and longitude coordinates to you with SMS. You are welcome to come over at any time.”

He Zhenbang couldn’t wait to get Second Generation Dawn. He responded directly to Shi Lei. “I will send Helicopter right away, you are ready.”

The two men explained that the Rongcheng Military District responded to the personnel’s information and agreed on the connector language to end the call.

Emerald Lake Building 18th floor.

Shi Lei ordered the staff of the Ruling Security Company to ship the Second Generation Dawn to the training base of Shu’an Village Ruling Security Company. The place he agreed with He Zhenbang. Exactly stated as the training base at Shu’an Village.

Originally, Shi Lei intends to hand over the roof of the Emerald Lake Building, but the roof of the Emerald Lake Building does not have the conditions for Helicopter to take off and land, and can only move the handover point to Shu’an Village.

this matter. Once again, Shi Lei wanted to build his own Headquarters base belonging to Mirror Science and Technology Group. Although the Headquarters base was built, Mirror Science and Technology Group left its roots in Xia Nation. When making certain decisions, Mirror Science and Technology Group can’t be as tough as it is now, but with its own Headquarters base, actually Still very convenient.

Especially the safety sex aspect. The independent Headquarters base is very convenient for Mirror Science and Technology Group to deploy its own Defense System. Even if the Automatic Weapons System is placed in the base, who knows if no one breaks in?

As for the hard-in, can you go out?

Once Mirror Science and Technology Group has its own Headquarters base, Shi Lei can deploy Shadow Dragon and Electromagnetic Artillery Defense System inside the base, and add numerous Access Control System to fundamentally eliminate Security Issues.

‘This time after the confrontation with Shuangqing City Government. You should consider the issue of the Headquarters base. As for whether the Headquarters base chooses to be in Shuangqing City or in the rest, you can only take one step and plan again. ‘Shi Lei in the heart sighs.

“Big Brother Stone, how many Dawns do we have to produce?” Li Cai looked at Shilei, who is currently worried. A voice prompts.

Shi Lei came back, “Little Plum, what are you talking about?”

Li Cai said it again, with a doubt in his eyes, but he didn’t ask much. He and Shi Lei were life and death brothers. If Shi Lei didn’t tell him, he was too lazy to be curious.

“Continue production, but also produce five. After a while, I will transfer your account to 80 Million Xia Nation Yuan for a total of six Dawn’s materials. In addition, I will give you 2 Million, as a dredge, is not enough? Shi Lei asked.

The actual cost price of each Dawn’s is one thousand three 1.2 Million Xia Nation Yuan. The total price of six Dawn’s, which is the seven thousand nine 1.2 Million, and the balance of 800,000. Plus Shi Lei’s extra 2 Million, as a way to unblock the joints and entertain people.

After this money was spent, Shi Lei’s private vault was further shrunk, with a little more than 1,700 600,000 US Dollars.

Dawn’s raw materials, not the Steel and Iron materials on the Ordinary market, are Special-type materials. There are no special channels, so don’t even buy them. Li Cai was able to get numerous, or because of his old man.

However, even though through the relationship between Li Cai and the old, there is no need to clear the relationship. In the context of Xia Nation, the relationship between people is always inevitable.

It is the so-called ritual exchanges that can form a human condition. With human feelings, you can do good things!

“Enough! It is mainly for the two uncles. Their Supervisor has the right to purchase and deal with all kinds of materials.” Li Cai did not elaborate on which two uncles, this is obviously a bribery, saying bribery The name of the person is obviously not very suitable.

“Well, Little Plum, this thing, it’s up to you! Right, if you don’t have enough money, feel free to contact me.” Shi Lei thought about it and said again, “How is the situation in Little Plum, Yellow Triangle Region?”

Shi Lei and Li Cai have previously negotiated and decided to establish a true research center in the Yellow Triangle Region. At the same time, Shi Lei intends to develop his own industry system in the Yellow Triangle Region.

The conditions of the Yellow Triangle Region are very good, belonging to a three-way zone. In the Yellow Triangle Region, the fist is the truth. Shi Lei took over the power domain of the Great Drug Lord Sand Lord and after a period of development, he has successfully established himself in the Yellow Triangle Region.

“currently! I have contacted some related professional friends to help deal with the issue of the design drawings. Those friends suggested that we abandon the intention of the Underground research base. First, the underground research base is too long, we don’t have time to consume. Second The Underground Base is too expensive. They recommend the ground building. Although the safety aspect is almost the same, as long as the enemy does not use the Guided Missile attack, the ground building will not have an issue.” Li Cai explains the situation.

Shi Lei’s eyes turned, and it seems that some of the projects that were prepared in advance in the Yellow Triangle Region will not be used for the time being. “Well, we should follow the advice of the professional personnel. Little Plum, the sooner this thing is handled, the better!”

“Understood. Big Brother Stone, I will deal with it as soon as possible,” Li Cai responded.

Whether it is the research center or the industry manufacturing system, Shi Lei does not want to be in the Xia Nation environment. The environment of Xia Nation is more complicated. If Shi Lei wants to build high-end combat equipment, such as Dawn, The Steel and Iron, Shadow Dragon, etc., Factory is set up in Xia Nation, which is definitely not a good idea. Once it is known to Nation, it is the rhythm of the public, and may even be implicated in Shi Lei. Investigate law responsibility.

As for the labor issue of the Yellow Triangle Region, Shi Lei did not intend to use manual labor on a large scale, but used mechanical automatic processing. With Izual’s powerful logic, controlling robotic arm processing products is not a difficult task.

E Cai, the temporary research base on the 18th floor of the Emerald Lake Building, is Li Cai completely using automated robotic arm processing? The combination of Izual and the automated robotic arm was very successful, allowing Li Cai to produce all kinds of the speed of the APapto be promoted ten times more.

When Shi Lei and Li Cai discussed about the research center of the Yellow Triangle Region, the Machinery Factory and other issues, the Helicopter of the Rongcheng Military District came to Shu’an Village in Shuanghu District. Brought the Second Generation Dawn back to the Rongcheng Military District.

Rongcheng Military District Headquarters, location: confidential.

The dark Matte’s Second Generation Dawn was not shipped directly to the No. 7 test site, but was left on the Thirty-third Helicopter apron. The Big Shots of Rongcheng Military District are all on the tarmac, waiting for Second Generation Dawn’s to arrive.

He Zhenbang looks at the Second Generation Dawn. His face couldn’t help but smile. He reached out and took the Second Generation Dawn’s body. Lightly snorted: “Yinjia Nation, those Indians, who have not always been honest, have even sneaked into our The Steel and Iron. This time, we have Second Generation Dawn, it’s about making the Indians who are full of curry flavor look good!”

The border between Xia Nation and the surrounding Nation is not so peaceful, it is only a border conflict issue, and domestic news is generally not reported.

Yang Dingtian started talking: “Commander He. How is this Robot used?”

Listening to Yang Dingtian’s name Dawn is Robot, Su Ding’s mouth is a smile, “Division Head Yang, Dawn is not Robot, according to the detailed classification. Dawn should belong to Metal Exoskeleton, of course, we can also call it mecha.”

In the face of Su Ding’s prompt, Yang Dingtian did not feel lost face, but asked: “Division Head Su, do you know how Dawn uses it?”

Su Ding shook his head. “I don’t know, but Shi Lei should be accompanied by a description of the use of Right?” Su Ding said this when he looked to He Zhenbang.

He Zhenbang didn’t sell the goods, he said directly: “Well, Shi Lei that brat, said that we left a Voice Explanation, and in the inside of the cabin, gave a detailed instruction.”

Zhang Liming said curiously of the Logistics Department: “How does this shipment start?”

He Zhenbang looked at the dark Second Generation Dawn and came to the Second Generation Dawn’s. He cleared his throat and tried to keep it light: “Start!”

However, the Second Generation Dawn doesn’t start at all!

The Big Shots of Rongcheng Military District, weird look at He Zhenbang, He Zhenbang, a red face, in the heart, secretly Shi Lei, this startup password is Shi Lei told him at the end, but did not expect Shi Lei this is joke?

‘Damn Shi Lei, dare to joke with me! ‘He Zhenbang in the heart with a touch of helplessness.

Just when He Zhenbang didn’t know what to do, the HudTransparent Display of the Second Generation Dawn eye lit up the pale-blue radiance, a crisp electronic synthesizer.

“Voiceprint Signature vs. Accomplish, determine the System Highest Authority, Rongcheng Military District He Zhenbang. Please inject the energy solution into the Dawn, System backup power, only for ten minutes of running time.”

As the electronic synth sound fell, Dawn’s back, bouncing a high strength alloy armor board, behind the high strength alloy armor board, portrayed a simple schematic and textual description, indicating the need to manually unscrew the energy compartment valve, then inject Thunderclash Electrolyte.

As early as Shi Lei was in the Rongcheng Military District, all N235 Metals had been prepared as Thunderclash Electrolyte for the Rongcheng Military District to use. As for the electrolyte formulation that dissolves N235 Metal, Shi Lei is certainly not handed over to the Rongcheng Military District.

“Little Shi, join Thunderclash dissolved solution.” Lu Qiang told Shi An, this time went to Shuangqing City to take over Second Generation Dawn’s personnel, exactly Shi An who had dealt with Shi Lei several times.

Shi An nodded and lifted the silver metal box at the foot to Dawn’s, unscrewed Dawn’s energy cabin valve, and poured one-liter standard bottle of Thunderclash Electrolyte into Dawn’s energy compartment.

Ten bottles of one liter of standard Thunderclash Electrolyte, after the injection, Shi An tightens the valve of the Dawn energy compartment, and closes the high strength alloy armor board according to the prompts on the back of the high strength alloy armor board.

At the moment of the high strength alloy armor plate close, the Second Generation Dawn’s hudTransparent Display illuminates the bright blue light and emits a powerful synthetic electronic sound.

“currently open, the world’s most powerful soldier War System, please hold your breath and be prepared to accept the most powerful power!”



Fortunately, not insulting, not yet broken.