
Chapter 1101

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At noon 12, Shi Lei finally came to the 18th floor of the Emerald Lake Building.

The 18th floor of the Emerald Lake Building was transformed into a factory-like manufacturing facility. However, there are no workers here, only the numerous robotic arm, under the control of Izual’s, according to Li Cai’s preset command, processing one by one.

Li Cai is facing the door, sitting in the rest area, and holding the cell phone to dial the Shi Lei’s phone number.

Shi Lei did not answer the cell phone in his right hand. The ringtones of the calls ringed behind Li Cai. Li Cai turned to look towards Shi Lei and immediately complained: “Big Brother Stone, what do you want to eat at noon?”

“Isn’t this?” Shi Lei pointed to the food on the table in the rest area. Li Cai, the brat, actually ordered the takeaway, and the standard of living was very good. On the table, there are spicy stir-fried noodles, stewed chicken with mushrooms, fried spinach, garlic cucumber, and a bloody soup.

Li Cai hēng hēng said: “Big Brother Stone, I don’t think you have been here, I guess maybe you have something to delay, plus Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo are still at Shuangqing City First Hospital, if we go out to eat, call On Ruoyun, it’s more or less inappropriate. So I called a table for takeaway.”

Shi Lei in the heart moved, Li Cai this brat, but careful.

“Little Plum, thank you!” Shi Lei patted Li Cai’s arm, which is his friendship with Li Cai.

“Don’t thank! Big Brother Stone, this meal is recorded on the Ruling Security Company’s account, and after a while you remember to sign a list and let the Ruling Security Company hang on the account.” Li Cai hā hā said with a smile.

Shi Lei turned helplessly roll one’s eyes, Ruling Security Company often called takeaways nearby, the surrounding storefronts worked with Ruling Security Company, the checkout method was settled once a week, and Li Cai exactly as stated in the name of Ruling Security Company. Scheduled takeaway.

This is not because Li Cai can’t afford to stop the meal, just think this kind of behavior is more interesting.

After the meal was finished, Shi Lei wiped the oil on the corner of the mouth with a napkin, and Li Cai drank the stewed chicken stew. I played a full, patted my belly, and looked satisfied. “It’s cool to eat!”

“Little Plum, what did you do before, all handled?” Shi Lei asked.

“Of course!” Li Cai stood up and said Shi Lei: “Big Brother Stone. Come here!”

Li Cai led the way and took Shi Lei to the finished area. In the finished area, a black mAT&T e Second Generation Dawn stands silent as if it were a statue.

“Big Brother Stone, as you told me. I added what you said in Dawn’s Self Test System.” When it came to this, Li Cai’s expression was very strange, he hesitated: “Big Brother Stone, we Will the Rongcheng Military District accept it?”

“Reassured, the old guys in Rongcheng Military District will be very satisfied!” Shi Lei patted Second Generation Dawn, immediately took out the cell phone and called Rongcheng Military District He Zhenbang.

Shi Lei prefers direct contact with He Zhenbang instead of the contact He Zhenbang subordinate’s personnel. If you contact He Zhenbang subordinate’s personnel every time, it is easy to give He Zhenbang a feeling that Shi Lei and his subordinate are equivalent. .

Shi Lei and He Zhenbang contact, in fact. It is also implied by this behavior that He Zhenbang, who is a cooperative relationship with the Rongcheng Military District, rather than the subordinate of He Zhenbang, can be dispatched at will.

Waiting for a while, He Zhenbang connected the phone, “Shi Lei?”

“Commander He, good afternoon! Haven’t eaten Ah?” Shi Lei asked in a gossip.

He Zhenbang is directly light snorted. Slightly dissatisfied: “Shi Lei brat, if you have something to say, you have a fart! Daddy doesn’t believe it, you brat call, just greet Daddy for dinner!”

Shi Lei doesn’t care about He Zhenbang. The so-called ‘Daddy’ is just a dialect of the Shuangqing City and Xichuan Province regions, which is equivalent to the ‘I’ opinion.

“Commander He, we have a Second Generation Dawn here, you Rongcheng Military District, do you want to try it in the first place?” Shi Lei said with a smile.

He Zhenbang immediately responded: “Do you have a good job so soon?”

“It started to be built before. It was originally intended for use. However, there are no more Thunderclash Electrolyte in hand, so you are cheaper in the Rongcheng Military District!” Shi Lei said with a smile.

“Hey? Are you so kind?” He Zhenbang is a bit out of touch.

“Commander He, you said, I am very sad! Of course I am a good person! If I am not a good person, how can I cooperate with your Rongcheng Military District?” Shi Lei refuted He Zhenbang, “However, Commander He, You know, good-hearted people have to eat too. This Second Generation Dawn only accepts a cost price of your Rongcheng Military District, one thousand six million Xia Nation Yuan, but not Right?

He Zhenbang coldly snorted, “Is this your kindness?”

“I want to give you the Rongcheng Military District for free, but I am afraid that you will not want to be in the Rongcheng Military District! Commander He, do you understand corruption and accept bribes?” Shi Lei deliberately ran on He Zhenbang.

“pā~ ”

He Zhenbang slammed the table violently, loudly: “Shi Lei brat, if you dare to send, Daddy will dare to accept it! Daddy would like to see, who dares to say Daddy corruption and bribery!”

Shi Lei’s smile on his face is more prosperous. “Good! Then give it to Rongcheng Military District! Commander He, you send an airplane and come directly to Shuanghu District. I will send you the coordinates of the latitude and longitude.”

“Hmmm?” It’s the turn of He Zhenbang’s turn to be suspicious. He thought that Shi Lei was joking. Isn’t Shi Lei really white? “Shi Lei brat, do you really send a Second Generation Dawn to us in the Rongcheng Military District?”

“Of course! Commander He, I am also a member of the Rongcheng Military District, and I should make a contribution to the Rongcheng Military District!” Shi Lei said with a sigh of relief.

“If you change someone, I absolutely believe it, but Shi Lei brat, you say so, how can I believe in you?” He Zhenbang is very clear about Shi Lei’s unwillingness to suffer, the manufacturing cost of 1600 million. Even if Shi Lei has more money, he will not send Right?

“Commander He, you said this, it hurts our feelings too much!” Shi Lei’s tone, with a sadness, seems to have been abandoned by the Rongcheng Military District.

“You little fox, less acting!” He Zhenbang ruthlessly smashed Shi Lei’s disguise. “Let’s say, what do you need from our Rongcheng Military District?”

Shi Lei puts aside the laughter and solemnity: “Commander He, formerly Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo, attacked in Shuangqing City, do you know Right?”

“Èn!” He Zhenbang certainly knows.

“Their identity, do you know Right?” Shi Lei continued.

“Know!” How could He Zhenbang not know? One is the jewel of the Cyber ​​Security Western Headquarters, and the other is the rich|daughter of Shengjing Mayor. They have a danger in Shuangqing City, which brings a lot of invisible pressure to the leadership of Shuangqing City.

Shi Lei said with a sneer : “Commander He, then do you know that someone in Shuangqing City, in this matter, played a very disgraceful character? Such a person, what do you say?”

He Zhenbang did not answer immediately. Wo Sang Lifeline’s personnel, carrying weapon, entered Shuangqing City, and everyone with a clear eye knew that this must be a powerful person. Otherwise, according to Xia Nation’s Forbid Guns rigor, the Wo Sang Nation’s personnel may not have the opportunity to carry firearms, and it is an automated firearm.

“Shi Lei, can I understand that you handled the disgraceful person in private?” He Zhenbang asked.

Shi Lei also did not respond positively. “Commander He, the kind of disgraceful behavior, can be described as a treason felony. If Shuangqing City wants to investigate, I feel conscience!”

Rongcheng Military District Headquarters, He Zhenbang’s brow wrinkled. In Xia Nation, the Army System and the place do not interfere with each other. Although the two sides usually compromise each other when dealing with some issues, they will not give in to the other party’s Core interests.

However, overall, the military aspect is more powerful!

But this time the situation is different. The solid authority Vice-mayor of a Responsible for Economy in Shuangqing City has disappeared inexplicably. He Zhenbang also heard about this matter.

Shuangqing City is DIRE ctly Subordinate to the Administration City. A solid authority Vice-mayor has a very high status and has entered the high-level sequence of Xia Nation, which is a High Grade leader of Nation.

Rongcheng Military District can’t be directly involved in this kind of thing, so as to avoid falling out of the tongue and being squeezed out!

However, He Zhenbang wants to get the Second Generation Dawn. He is not greedy and cheap, but Shi Lei clearly has a threatening taste. Shi Lei’s opinion is obvious. If the Rongcheng Military District does not help, the Rongcheng Military District will not. I want Second Generation Dawn. If the Rongcheng Military District helps, not only will you get the Second Generation Dawn, but you can also get it for free.

After considering the pros and cons, He Zhenbang finally asked with deep thought: “How many people know about this matter?”

“No one knows!” Shi Lei replied affirmatively.

“OK?” He Zhenbang asked earnestly. “If it’s really seamless, it’s not a major event. After all, it’s also about Bureau Chief Ling and Mayor Mu, as long as we combine the three aspects together, Shuangqing City pressured and exposed someone’s behavior, even though there were opinions on it, but that person’s behavior was too bad, threatening the life safety of other High Grade leaders’ direct descendants, and the above people would not be too much pursued. ”

Shi Lei in the heart sighed in relief, he does not want to leave the development of Xia Nation for the time being. When dealing with Xie Nanfeng, Shi Lei considered the common strength of the three aspects of Rongcheng Military District, Ling Yuguo, and Mu Zhongguo.

Although Xie Nanfeng has a very status in Shuangqing City, his behavior is taboo, even if it is the above personnel, it will not allow other leaders to direct the descendants.

“Commander He, I am doing things, you can rest assured! If I am so careless, I am afraid that I am not today, you said isn’t that right?” Shi Lei learned to sell melons, and said that he was self-satisfied.

“What do you want from our Rongcheng Military District?” He Zhenbang is also sighed in relief. As long as there is no definite evidence pointing to Shi Lei, everything is just a suspicion. He Zhenbang is confident to withstand the pressure.

“I need the absolute support of the Rongcheng Military District!” Shi Lei said earnestly.


Ps: A serious fever, wait for a while to insist on the code word, how much can be written, as much as possible.