
Chapter 1100

What are the three ways to abuse HK1085?


June 17th, near noon 12 point.

Dream Entertainment Company’s original Temporary Headquarters, Emerald Lake Building fifteenth floor, is now the Headquarters of the Ruling Security Company. In the No. 2 interrogation room, two people were held, one being Big Brother Cao and the other being a young Freedom photographer.

The other four were locked up in the Number One interrogation room and the No. 3 interrogation room, and the tracking of these Shi Lei’s personnel was able to effectively prevent them from being confessed.

Shi Lei stood in the observation room of the No. 2 interrogation room. He looked at the man named Cao through the one-way glass, and the young photographer. He said to himself: “Cao Ruiming, 34 years old, middle school. Jade District Social idle personnel, have a bad history, what kind of relationship does this guy have with me?”

Shi Lei looked forward to the young photographer. This youngster was only 12, named Han Xudong. There was no bad record. This year’s senior year is about graduation, and it is also the Jade District.

For these two Ordinary people, Shi Lei really doesn’t understand why they track themselves? Is it the trust of people? But is it a bit too much for the people who entrust them?

Li Zifeng walked into the interrogation room according to Shi Lei’s command. Li Zifeng had a black hood and only showed his eyes. He looked forward to Cao Ruiming and asked in a harsh tone: “What is your name? Why do you want to track that? Car? What are your purposes?”

Cao Ruiming is just a streetless unemployed, not even a small hoodlum. At best, it is just a thief. When they are caught by Li Zifeng, Cao Ruiming in the heart is afraid of death.

In particular, he was brought with a black opaque headgear, and Li Zifeng was walking all the way. Cao Ruiming did not know until now. Where is he, such a situation. More to make Cao Ruiming nervous.

“My name is Cao Ruiming, I am…” Cao Ruiming, like a bamboo tube, said his own details, and then said: “We track the car, no. We are tracking the CEO of Dream Entertainment Company. Because someone has paid for us to do this, we only plan to take a photo of the Dream Entertainment Company CEO’s gossip, no other purpose!”

Cao Ruiming looked at the indifferent Li Zifeng, in the heart more worried, ‘Oops, bad. These guys won’t secretly kill our Right? It is rumored that several members of Azure Dragon Gang disappeared silently in Shuanghu District. Could it be that these masked guys did it? ‘

In order to save his life, Cao Ruiming, he quickly took Han Xudong. “This is Han Xudong. He is a photographer. I hired this guy to prepare a photo of the Dream Entertainment Company CEO’s gossip!”

Han Xudong’s face changed sharply, which was not because Cao Ruiming mentioned him. But because of the target person that Han Xuming said, it is the CEO of Shuanghu District Dream Entertainment Company!

Han Xudong certainly knows Dream Entertainment Company, he is also Brave’s World’s Gamer. And it is the Senior Gamer. Han Xudong Although it is not clear how powerful the Dream Entertainment Company is, Han Xudong can vaguely guess.

“Cao Ruiming, Damn Your Mother! Your mother coin pit me? Call me the videotaped target, which is the CEO of Dream Entertainment Company. Do you know how powerful the Dream Entertainment Company is?” Han Xudong is angry. Cao Ruiming. Roaring loudly.

Shi Lei, who was watching from next door, looked at Han Xudong’s performance and showed a faint smile on his lips.

Han Xudong really is the breakthrough mouth!

Under the black hood, Li Zifeng also showed a smile, he looked to towards Han Xudong, started talking: “Han Xudong, who is it, let you videotaped?”

Han Xudong’s face pale, he eagerly explained: “Hello, this Big Bro, I don’t know, videotaped is the CEO of Dream Entertainment Company. If you know, I will not join their team. I It’s a loyal user of your Dream Entertainment Company. This thing has nothing to do with me. I don’t know who ordered us to videotaped. I was recruited by Cao Ruiming.”

Cao Ruiming roared Han Xudong, who temporarily suppressed the fear in the heart, and said with anger: “Han Xudong, you are a waste, you think you are begging for mercy, these people will let you go? You are too naive, If you stand firmly on our side, the big man behind me will definitely rescue us.”

‘The big man? ‘Shi Lei in the observation room, in the heart is thinking coldly.

“Zifeng, ask about Cao Ruiming and see who is behind him.” Shi Lei through the Bluetooth headset, Remote Control told Li Zifeng.

Li Zifeng nodded at the one-way glass and said he understood Shi Lei’s opinion.

“Cao Ruiming, naive is you! I am asking you now, who is it, instructs you videotape ed Dream Entertainment CEO’s gossip photos?” Li Zifeng is condescending to Cao Ruiming.

Cao Ruiming experienced the initial fear, and then wanted to understand the current situation. He gave birth to a kind of fearless. “Why tell you? I just want to tell you, you better let us go now. Otherwise, that person. Big man, will definitely find you trouble!”

In Cao Ruiming’s heart, he doesn’t feel how powerful a company is. Can it be more powerful than the Gov. Official of Government?

Li Zifeng once looked towards Han Xudong, and Han Xudong immediately shook his head. “I really don’t know, I was called by this damn Cao Ruiming. He said that I need to help videotaped a few photos. One thousand dollars.”

Shi Lei’s brow wrinkled, he continued through the Bluetooth headset, and Remote Control directed Li Zifeng: “Zifeng, what do I say next, what do you say to Cao Ruiming.”

Li Zifeng nodded again to the one-way glass.

Shi Lei immediately read the data from Izual investigated, and Li Zifeng said it in the interrogation room, following Shi Lei. “Cao Ruiming, your parents are all in Right? They all live in Jade. District, isn’t that right? And your wife and son, seems to live with your parents, don’t know if you want to meet them?”

Cao Ruiming’s face, which had been calmed down, immediately panicked again. “What do you want to do? I warn you, what happens must not mess!”

“In this case, then you still don’t say, who sent you to monitor the CEO of Dream Entertainment Company?” Li Zifeng asked again.

Cao Ruiming got entangled for a while before started talking: “If I tell you who is behind the scenes, will you let us go? Will not find us trouble?”

Li Zifeng responded directly to Shi Lei, “No issue!”

These follow Shi Lei’s personnel, all of whom are Ordinary people. Shi Lei doesn’t want to care about them. It is the key to picking up the masters behind them. Shi Lei, although his heart is hot, is not the same as the Ordinary people. After all, what the other party has done is not too much.

Cao Ruiming looked towards Han Xudong and whispered, “What about Dream Entertainment Company, is there any credit? If they promised to let us go, would it be a reversal?”

Han Xudong replied affirmatively: “Dream Entertainment Company’s reputation is very good! As for whether they will go out of their way, I think it should not. You see, they all wear masks, no real face to us, which means things Didn’t go to the worst result.” Speaking of this, Han Xudong looked towards Li Zifeng, revealing a bitter smile, as if he was comforting himself, “This Big Bro, I mean isn’t that right?”

Li Zifeng nodded. “The analysis is good, but it looks a little bit!”

Cao Ruiming sighed in relief, you can save your life, even if he says the behind-the-scenes ambassador, he will definitely offend the behind-the-scenes ambassador, but at least he will not die.

“The person who told us that videotaped is Chen Xiaoyan, she said that as long as our videotaped succeeds, we will give us the Hundred-thousand block.” Cao Ruiming said it directly.

Shi Lei in the observation room immediately told Izual investigate Chen Xiaoyan. A few seconds later, Izual gave the answer. Chen Xiaoyan is the daughter of Chen Boyi, the fiancée of Xie Nanfeng’s son.

‘Hey, is this Chen’s idea, or is Chen Boyi’s attention? ‘Shi Lei in the heart secretly thinking, Shi Lei understands very well that Xie Nanfeng’s disappearance, Shuangqing City Government aspect will be thoroughly investigated.

Shi Lei is not too worried about the investigate of Shuangqing City Government. However, if it is the personnel of Shuangqing City Government aspect, if you play with a sinister trick, Shi Lei will have to guard against it.

“Would you like to play sinister trick with me?” Shi Lei’s face flashed a trace of disdainful expression. Shi Lei didn’t care what means, but if Chen Boyi wanted to play with Shi Lei, Shi Lei was a means.

Cao Ruiming said after the behind-the-scenes, looking forward to Li Zifeng, waiting for Li Zifeng to make a decision, Li Zifeng coughed, “You wait a moment!”

After that, Li Zifeng walked out of the interrogation room and came to the observation room and asked Shi Lei: “Boss, let’s put them? If they let them, they guess our identity Right?”

Shi Lei shook his head with a chuckle. “What if you guessed it? Everything must be based on evidence! Zifeng, we can let them go, but I need them to help us do one thing.”

“Hey? Boss, is there anything that can’t let us do it?” Li Zifeng asked inexplicably.

The six tracking Shi Lei’s personnel, no matter what aspect, can’t match the elite Squadron of Ruling Security Company, what can they do?

“Zifeng, there are some things that really need them to do!” Shi Lei whispered to Li Zifeng, when Shi Lei finished. I smiled and asked: “How? Is it necessary for them to do it?”

Li Zifeng nodded and praised: “Boss wise!”

Shi Lei hā hā laughed, “Zifeng, this matter was handed over to you, and I still have something to go to the 18th floor.”

“Boss is assured that there will be no mistakes!” Li Zifeng assured.

Shi Lei once again glanced at the two people in the interrogation room through the one-way glass. Although the two men were not subjective to Shi Lei, they eventually accepted the purchase.

Shi Lei is ready to use them, in turn to deal with Chen Xiaoyan and Chen Boyi!

This is called to cure others by their own way!

Shi Lei is very much looking forward to Chen Boyan’s reaction to Chen Xiaoyan experience/meeting with the next three abuses.



Feeling weak, it should be a cold