
Chapter 1099

HK1084 experience/meeting with tracking!


Jingya Garden, Building Ten, Underground garage.

Shi Lei, driving the white Porsche Cayenne, is preparing to go out. He has a Bluetooth headset on his left ear to keep talking with Li Cai.

“Little Plum, are you at the R&D base?” Shi Lei asked.

Li Cai’s temporary research and development base is located on the 18th floor of the Emerald Lake Building. The Dormitory too pit of the Shuangqing University doctor dormitories building is a bit too small to install the too much number of NC Machining Center.

“Well, Big Brother Stone, you can take a quick look, please let me have lunch!” Li Cai prepared for a meal without any frustration.

Shi Lei hēng hēng said: “Little Plum, can you afford to stop eating?”

Li Cai complained, “Big Brother Stone, you don’t know, I am poor now!”

“I am going! You brat and dupe me? I didn’t give you a bonus?” Shi Lei didn’t believe that Li Cai would be poor. If Shi Lei remembers it, Li Cai’s total assets should have 3 Million.

Li Cai coughed a bit: “Big Brother Stone, I gave it to Ruoyun, and we bought a few suites in the Beiyu District for investment.”

Shi Lei in the heart It is a good compliment that Shuangqing City’s future house prices will grow very fast, and Wen Ruoyun is a good eye. If Li Cai and Wen Ruoyun are able to reach the end, it is also a good blessing for Li Cai.

“Okay, okay! I treat you for dinner!” Shi Lei didn’t care about the stopped meal, but enjoyed the friendship between the brothers.

Li Cai listened to Shi Lei for dinner, and immediately cheered, and quickly said: “Big Brother Stone, since it is your treat, the place to eat, should I choose isn’t that right? I will call Ruoyun first, call She is eating with me at noon.”

Shi Lei doesn’t mind Wen Ruoyun eating together. For Wen Ruoyun and Li Cai coming together, Shi Lei is the last don’t sustain injuries of Hope Li Cai. after all. Wen Ruoyun is a lot bigger than Li Cai.

“I am waiting for me at the R&D base. I will be there soon.” Shi Lei hung up the phone and pressed a little throttle. The speed of Porsche Cayenne was suddenly promoted.

From the Jingya Garden, the white Porsche Cayenne has just entered Huanhu Road. Izual immediately reminded: “Sir, found three tracking vehicles!”

“Tracking?” Shi Lei smiled.

Here is Shuanghu District!

Shuanghu District is Shi Lei’s Core Old Nest !

In the boundary of Shuanghu District, Shi Lei has a very large authority, and can even be said to be omnipotent within a certain range!

“Izual, identify the other’s license plate number, determine the other’s Identity Information!” Shi Lei told Izual.

These jobs Izual have been accomplished one step ahead. If Shi Lei does not order, Izual will automatically remind Shi Lei the next time. “Sir. By identification of the license plate number, the three tracking vehicles belong to the three Empty Shell Company, System investigates the three Empty Shell Company, the registrant behind them, just the ordinary personnel, there is no special identity background. System logic speculates that the three Empty Shell Company’s registration data is the identity data that steals someone else.”

“Wú!” Shi Lei is complimentary. “Strange, who is tracking me? Izual, can I identify the FaCIA l Feature that tracks the person?”

“Unrecognized. Tracking the car’s window glass and windshield. Special treatment, low light transmission, may be one-way glass, surveillance cameras can not capture the inside of the vehicle.” Izual responded.

Shi Lei squeezed his chin and controlled the steering wheel with one hand, reducing the speed of the Porsche Cayenne.

“Since I can’t find the identity of the other party, I will grab the other party and interrogate the identity of the other party! I have to see, who is the person who dares to follow me on the domain of Shuanghu District!” Shi Lei is very confident. In Shuanghu District, it is not a big issue to catch three cars that track him.

After looking at the surrounding topographic map, Shi Lei dialed the phone number of Black Tiger Gang to describe the situation and let Black Tiger Gang’s personnel help dispel the unrelated personnel. At the same time, Shi Lei also contacted the Elite Squadron of the Ruling Security Company. Shi Lei usually doesn’t personally deal with things that can’t be seen, so as not to drop any handles.

The white Porsche Cayenne, driving slowly on Huanhu Road, followed by three black cars, only reduced speed. After Izual’s reminder, Shi Lei also noticed the three black cars behind.

The tracking technology of the three black cars was quite adequate, and Shi Lei concluded that they should not be professional personnel. If it is a professional person, at least three cars will not track one target at the same time, but three cars will drive separately. Each car will track for a period of time, so as to avoid the same car for a long time behind the target, causing the target’s suspicion.

“Izual, pay attention to controlling the traffic lights and cut off the Ordinary vehicles behind the vehicle.” Shi Lei told Izual.

By controlling the traffic lights, it is a good way to split the tracking vehicle and the Ordinary vehicle. There is almost no flaws and it is very convenient.

“yes, sir!” Izual controls the traffic lights through the road safety Monitoring System to accurately cut off the distance between the three Shi Lei’s vehicles and the Ordinary vehicles.

“Big Tiger, are you ready?” Shi Lei asked Ge Dahu, who was responsible for blocking Huanhu Road. The method of blockade was to deliberately create a small accident, and temporarily block the road.

When Izual used the traffic lights to cut off the Ordinary vehicle, the Black Tiger Gang’s vehicle deliberately ran into the Ordinary vehicle waiting for the traffic lights in front, and the disguised blockade cheered the road.

“Mr. Shi, both sides are accomplished, about three minutes.” Ge Dahu responded to Shi Lei.

Three minutes is Safety time. If it is a little longer, Uncle Police Force of Shuanghu District will arrive at the scene to deal with traffic accidents. If Shi Lei wants secret to catch his person, he needs to do something faster.

“Zifeng, acting at the intersection ahead!” Shi Lei looked at the Liquid Crystal Monitor on the center console. Li Zifeng led the Elite Squadron from the Ruling Security Company. It was also arranged, just waiting for Shi Lei to track the three cars. , step into the trap.

“Received!” Li Zifeng responded briefly.

Shi Lei glanced at the rearview mirror and showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, still driving slowly and slowly.

Follow the three cars behind Shi Lei. One of the Volkswagen cars has two people inside, a pilot and a youngster in the co-pilot. The youngster is holding a telephoto camera in his hand, ready to shoot Shi Lei anytime, anywhere, as if to leave a crime?

The youngster holding the camera, glanced at the mirror, and keenly discovered what was wrong with it. “Big Brother Cao, it seems a bit wrong!”

Big Brother Cao is the driver. It looks like he is in his thirties. His face is a little bit suffocating. “What’s wrong?”

“Big Brother Cao, look at the reverse lane on our left. It seems that there is no car? And there seems to be no car behind us. Is this not quite right?” The youngster holding the camera is a Freedom photographer, he The observation is excellent.

“Hey? It seems like this. However, here is the Shuanghu District, not the main city. There are very few vehicles here. It is normal to have no cars.” Big Brother Cao said this with a scornful tone. It seems that I look down on the fringe area like Shuanghu District.

“No! Big Brother Cao. The guy we tracked must have found us! Big Brother Cao, the guy we track. What is identity?” Young Freedom photographer, anxiously said.

“The CEO of a company, Boss, who commissioned us to track, said that as long as we photographed the guy’s anecdote, we gave us the Hundred-thousand block! Don’t worry, we just took a photo of the gossip. The identity of the other person is just a rich man. “Big Brother Cao looks like a disdain, and there is no worry at all.”

However, after the Big Brother Cao had just finished speaking, the target vehicle in front suddenly accelerated, and he stepped on the accelerator and prepared to catch up. Three black cars rushed past an intersection, and suddenly there was a large truck behind them. The big truck was parked on the road and cut off their retreat. The front target vehicle, after turning a sharp turn, exceeded a large truck. After the target vehicle exceeded, the large truck also slanted in the middle of the road, blocking the road they were heading.

This happened, even though the Big Brother Cao was slow, and they understood that they had kicked the steel plate. The Target Person they tracked was definitely not as simple as a company CEO.

At Big Brother Cao, when they hadn’t figured out the situation, the large trucks rushed down a group of people wearing black masks, so Big Brother Cao, they were chilling, the personnel of these black masks rushed directly toward them.

The youngster with a long focal length camera has been scared of complicatedion pale. He is just a Freedom photographer. He is not a professional private detective. In the face of this situation, the youngster is crying out!

Li Zifeng took the opportunity to track Shi Lei’s personnel with three Ruling Security Company Elite Squadron, the 12 people. These track Shi Lei’s guys have a total of six people, each driving two people, the leader is the Big Brother Cao.

Li Zifeng took six people on a large truck and held six people in the cargo box. The three black cars were left for Black Tiger Gang. From the front and rear of the large truck to the six tracking personnel, it only took a minute and a half before and after.

Shi Lei drove to the Underground parking lot of the Emerald Lake Building. He was going to go to the research and development base on the 18th floor, but now experience/meeting with tracking, Shi Lei can only go to the Filing Security Company on the fifteenth floor.

After ten minutes of rest at the Filing Security Company on the fifteenth floor, Li Zifeng took the six tracking personnel to the Emerald Lake Building fifteenth floor. The six tracking personnel with black hoods were taken to the Ruling Security Company by Li Zifeng and immediately placed in a windowless interrogation room.

Such strict anti-leakage measures can not only increase the psychological burden of tracking the personnel, but also let them Unable to Judge where they are located, so that they can be further processed.

Shi Lei stood in the observation room of the interrogation room and looked at the six tracking personnel. His face was full of doubts. Shi Lei didn’t know these six people at all. The Identity Information given by Izual also shows that these six people are just ordinary personnel. They have no background and no influence.

“Zifeng, ask them, why follow me. That guy, maybe the breakthrough mouth!” Shi Lei pointed to the young Freedom photographer.



Thanks to the sinking book friends, reward 100.