
Chapter 1098

Cooperation of HK1083 Shuangqing Television Station


On the 17th of June, it was one o’clock in the morning.

Shi Lei opened Interweave Net Miwang and looked at Interweave Net Miwang’s computing resources. The entire Interweave Net Miwang is based on the huge Brave’s World Gamer group. However, the main force group is Personal Game Server user and Dream Entertainment is not available for sale. Personal Game Server, Interweave Net Miwang’s computing resources, did not increase the too much, still maintained between 1000tflops and 1200tflops.

“Izual, prepare Interweave Net Miwang resources.” Shi Lei intends to personally invade the Big Penguin Company’s gaming platform to prevent Izual from controlling Black Magic Software’s invasion.

Big Penguin Company’s technical strength is very good, if Izual is just a simple invasion failure, Shi Lei will not care. In the unlikely event of any flaws, the Big Penguin Company will seize the key evidence clues, and I am afraid that it will lead to a lawsuit.

“Sir, Interweave Net Miwang is ready for idle computing resources.” Izual reminded Shi Lei that on the screen of Number One Server, Interweave Net Miwang’s idle computing resources were displayed, reaching 1137tflops.

Shi Lei didn’t mobilize all the computing resources at all. He only mobilized 100tflopscomputing resources and killed the Big Penguin Company’s gaming platform.

In the early hours of the morning, Big Penguin Company’s game platform, the number of online Gamer is not much, Shi Lei used Izual’s previously registered Big Penguin account, Signed In Big Penguin Company’s game platform.

Shi Lei directly accesses the data channel of the Big Penguin Company game platform through this account and enters the server of the game platform. Inside the game platform, Shi Lei did not tamper with data. Nor did it delete user data, but browse the source code data of the Big Penguin game platform in an unconventional way. I then ordered Izual to copy.

“sir, source code copy accend.” Izual issues a reminder.

Shi Lei hēi hēi smiled, “Izual, clean up all the traces of the invasion!”

From Shi Lei’s invasion of Big Penguin Company’s game platform to Izual copy to get the source code, it took less than three minutes before and after. Big Penguin Company’s game platform Server defense strength is not weak, but Shi Lei’s technology is very powerful, plus Shi Lei has a very large computing resources, and Shi Lei is not stealing the confidential technology or user data of Big Penguin Company. Therefore, the game platform of Big Penguin Company is almost undefended.

Shi Lei added the source code copied by Izual to the ‘Qi Pai Rules and Regulations System’ and embeds Brave’s World’s Main System.

“Izual. Test the Qi Pai System and check if there is any flaw?” Shi Lei told Izual.

Brave’s World’s Qi Pai System, not only to woo the middle-aged Gamer, but also has another role, which is exactly as stated to consume Brave’s World’s currency.

Big Penguin Company’s game platform, the method of consuming the game currency is very shameless, taking one of the mahjong games as an example, after each mahjong. The System of the Big Penguin Company gaming platform automatically deducts Gamer’s fixed table rental. And, this rent is charged in an unlimited number of times. Just open a game and collect it immediately after the end.

This behavior is equivalent to the evil tyrant, in the circle of the Big Penguin game platform, formerly protested by the numerous Gamer. However, the Big Penguin Company was able to withstand the protests of Gamer and eventually the disgusting table rental method. Has been retained.

In Brave’s World, Shi Lei does not intend to borrow the Big Penguin Company’s disgusting charging method. Shi Lei intends to imitate the real world. In some specific places in Brave’s World’s, the chess Activity Room is opened. The charging method is also referred to Reality, according to hourly billing, or how much. Money buys out a period of time.

As for how to consume Gamer’s Game Currency?

If Gamer and Non-player Controlled Characters play, Non-player Controlled Characters wins Gamer, and those currencies naturally return to Brave’s World Main System. Of course, Shi Lei is not going to cheat, but really relying on luck, Non-player Controlled Characters will not have any advantage over Gamer.

When Izual tested the Qi Pai System, Shi Lei yawned into the bathroom. Shi Lei, who is not used to staying up late, always stays up late for such reasons.

After a few minutes, Shi Lei simply finished washing, Izual reported: “sir, after 164,197 test, Qi Pai System is working normally, no flaw is found. System has automatically included Qi Pai System into the flaw monitoring plan. Once there is Gamer utilization Qi Pai System gets the advantage of abnormal, System will automatically determine and repair.”

Shi Lei nodded and lay directly on the soft bed. Before going to sleep, Shi Lei wrote a Text Message to Li Cai using the gesture command.


At 10 am on June 17th.

Shi Lei currently hū hū sleep, the sun shines brightly, the cell phone on the computer desk, the screen shows the calls information, but before the phone has not sounded, Izual switched the cell phone’s scene mode to mute.

Because the number dialed to Shi Lei is not the number marked by Shi Lei. According to Shi Lei’s preset processing scheme, Izual took a silent mode to prevent waking up Shi Lei.

Since Izual switched the phone to the mute state, dialed the call of the Shi Lei phone and dialed it after no one answered and then hang up automatically.

After three iterations, Izual launched the Second scheme. The so-called Second scheme, which accurately states the same calls number, dials three times in a row. Izual will automatically simulate the human tone, answer and ask the other party to find Shi Lei’s purpose.

“Hello, Mr. Shi is not here, who are you?” Izual simulated a middle-aged male voice and answered the phone number of the unknown number.

“Hello, I am Hu Ke from Shuangqing Television Station. I have important things to look for in Shi Lei. Please help me transfer Shi Lei.” Hu Ke is the ace host of Shuangqing Television Station. For some reason, Hu Ke’s cell phone number , did not take real-name certification, and did not carry out related registration. Therefore, Izual did not query the phone number of Hu Ke.

If the phone number is authenticated, Izual can obtain the Identity Information of the phone directly from the data library of the Telecommunications Operator.

“Please wait a little!” Izual keeps Shi Lei’s cell phone, muted, and calls Shi Lei through the sound system. “sir,sir…”

Shi Lei woke up in confusion and was slightly dissatisfied: “Izual, what’s the matter?”

“Sir, Hu Ke of Shuangqing Television Station called to find you, did you answer?” Izual asked.

“Hu Ke?” Shi Lei certainly knows Hu Ke. When Shi Lei and Ye Feng joined together, Hu Ke met Shi Lei. Just what did Hu Ke call to find him? Dream Entertainment has no news release Right? I can’t guess why Hu Ke is looking for him. Shi Lei walked to the computer table, picked up the cell phone, and after cancelled, he asked, “Great Host Hu, what is the wind blowing you today?” coming?”

“Why, is Shi Lei schoolmate not welcome?” Hu Ke’s tone, with a petite, seems to be the same as Shi Lei.

Shi Lei is busy with a bitter smile : “Great Host Hu, we are all friends, what can you say straightforward! If you can help you, I will never say anything, how?”

“It’s almost the same!” Hu Ke snorted, replied with a smile. “Shi Lei schoolmate, our Shuangqing Television Station, wants to work with your Dream Entertainment Company. I don’t know if you can help?”

“Cooperation?” Shi Lei asked a little weird: “Great Host Hu, you Shuangqing Television Station, what is the cooperation with our Dream Entertainment Company? Is it ad sponsored? sorry for the inconvenience, our Dream Entertainment Company does not like it. Call ad.”

“yō yō yō! I said Shi Lei schoolmate, can you not show off Ah like this?” Hu Ke said, “We Shuangqing Television Station, want you Brave’s World’s TV Live Broadcasting Right, in addition, you need to provide some Technology, turn Brave’s World’s picture directly to the TV signal, let us broadcast live TV. Great DIRE ctor-General Shi, this is a good news Right? Our Shuangqing Television Station will help you to promote Dream Entertainment Company for free!”

Shi Lei snorted: “Great Host Hu, not your Shuangqing Television Station free publicity issue, but our Dream Entertainment Company, a good Right to receive live broadcast license fees?”

“What? Even the live broadcast license fee? Shi Lei schoolmate, are we still friends?” Hu Ke asked in amazement.

Shi Lei replied affirmatively: “Of course we are friends! However, Great Host Hu, this thing, you want to contact our Dream Entertainment Company’s Xie Hui Vice-chief Xie. Brave’s World TV broadcast by Vice-chief Xie Responsible.”

“Hey? Vice-chief Xie?” Hu Ke thought a little, didn’t know what she thought of, and actually agreed to Shi Lei. “Okay, Shi Lei schoolmate, then I will go to contact Vice-chief Xie! ”

When Shi Lei still wants to say something, Hu Ke has hung up the phone neatly.

“Strange, what is Hu Ke going to do?” Shi Lei scratched his head, but Shi Lei didn’t care much about Hu Ke’s name. Anyway, he was also preparing to work with Shuangqing Television Station, which expanded Brave’s World’s influence. Opportunity, but also to expand the influence of Dream Entertainment Company in Shuangqing City, Shi Lei has no reason not to agree.

After handling personal hygiene, Shi Lei carried a cup of milk heated in a microwave oven. He sat on the sofa in the living room, holding the Remote Control in his left hand and changing the channel without aim.

“Izual, send an information to Li Cai and ask him how he is going?” Shi Lei uses Voice Command.

Izual controls the service base station of the communication service provider, and can send a message directly at the communication service provider Internal Server, or make a call. After Izual’s information was sent, I waited for about ten minutes and Li Cai called Shi Lei’s.

Shi Lei lay on the sofa and used the sound system in the Room to connect the phone.

Li Cai’s voice rang in the Room, “Big Brother Stone, what you sent in the middle of the night, I’m almost done!”

