
Chapter 1097

HK1082 steal source code !


At 10 o’clock in the evening on June 16.

The Big Shots of Shuangqing City Government reached a basically unanimous agreement on the disappearance of Vice-mayor Xie Nanfeng in the Responsible for Economy. In view of the wide influence of Dream Entertainment Company and other factors, Shuangqing City Government aspect will not take any action on Shi Lei for the time being.

Mainly relying on the influence of the company, the Government department has concerns, which is the target that Shi Lei achieved at the beginning of Hope. Now, this target has been implemented.

In less than a year, the Dream Entertainment Company has grown from the ground up to become a company that has attracted worldwide attention and is now moving toward Giant Rank’s Company.

Although Shuangqing City Government aspect, temporarily abandoning the forced arrest of Shi Lei, does not mean that Shuangqing City Government will give up investigate Shi Lei. Instead, Shuangqing City Government will be more attentive to investigate Shi Lei!

In view of the personal relationship between Shi Lei and Bai Qiang, Bai Qiang was excluded from investigate Shi Lei’s Core, and Wang Hong arranged Chen Boyi as the Group Leader of the investigate SpeCIA l Cases Team.

Wang Hong is not unaware of the relationship between Chen Boyi and Xie Nanfeng, nor does it not know that Chen Boyi will definitely be biased against Shi Lei, but as Hierarch of Shuangqing City, Wang Hong knows the way to go, if Bai Qiang investigate Shi Lei , then it will not be the rhythm.

Wang Hong almost guessed that the disappearance of Xie Nanfeng was related to Shi Lei, but there was no evidence.

Shuanghu District, Jingya Garden.

Shi Lei didn’t know Shuangqing City Government aspect and discussed so much around him, but Shi Lei knew Shuangqing City Government and wouldn’t be directly arresting him.

Even though Retreating to Ten Thousand, Shuangqing City really caught him. Shi Lei also had the means to use the international influence of Dream Entertainment Company to let the Shuangqing City aspect let him go.

because. Law will be Shi Lei’s best umbrella!

Xia Nation is a Ruled by Law Nation, and everything is evidenced. At least Shi Lei can enjoy this treatment now, isn’t it?

Jingya Garden Building Ten No. 3 Room, Shi Lei edited the source code in the bedroom. Interweave Net Miwang’s optimization work is a huge Task.

“Sir. System detected some abnormal information, is it viewed?” Izual suddenly reminded Shi Lei.

Shi Lei nodded and signaled Izual to send the detected abnormal information to the screen of Number One Server.

Izual immediately sent the information. Shi Lei looked at the information on the screen, and the abnormal information detected by Izual combined to include two information.

The First Item message is that Izual retrieved all users of Brave’s World’s and found users over 50 years old. 500,000 people have been reached, and Shuangqing City has nearly 400,000 people.

The message of Second Item abnormal, Izual found some special Gamer, according to Izual using Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine and Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine together, those special Gamer are all hospitalized patients.

The two types of Gamer cases, according to Izual’s Deep Natural Logic Thinking Module determine, they are not normal players. When the number of two types of Gamer reached a certain level. Izual will automatically notify Shi Lei.

Shi Lei looks at the data report given by Izual, the special Gamer hospitalized, throughout Brave’s World’s Game World. Also more than ten thousand people.

“Izual, Luo lists all the registered areas of Gamer.” Shi Lei told Izual.

Since Brave’s World is a real-name game, Gamer’s real-name information is stored in the data library, registering the regional information, and it is easily retrieved by Izual.

After Shi Lei looked at it, he told Izual to display the regional maps of these Gamers in Brave’s World. Almost all older Gamer and patient Gamer. All concentrated in the Novice Safe Zone.

Shi Lei randomly checked the twenty name Gamer and told Izual to retrieve the game data of the twenty name Gamer. The game data was used to reversely analyze what these Gamer did in Brave’s World.

However, through game data reverse analysis, Shi Lei got a result of didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. Older Gamer In this Game World, it’s basically chatting.

One of the old Gamer’s game data caused Shi Lei’s surprise, that is, the old Gamer, who taught a Non-player Controlled Characters in Brave’s World, although it was just a simple ‘six rush’, but Izual’s Autonomous Induction Learning Judgement Module, successfully passed the Non-player Controlled Characters, learned the rules of ‘Six rushing’, and then played chess with the old Gamer, and both sides won each other.

“Chess?” Shi Lei’s eyes lit up and he seemed to understand that these old Gamers entered Brave’s World’s purpose. Shi Lei has been advertised, and Brave’s World is Human’s Second Segment Life Journey, but Shi Lei has ignored the existence of some Gamer.

For example, the old Gamer!

The Brave’s World’s Gamer group is in fact not limited to the vast youngster. The middle-aged Gamer group is also a very large market.

“The news often reports that the World of the elderly is too lonely, and they should care more about the elderly. Maybe Brave’s World can be used as a market for middle-aged and old-age Gamer.” Shi Lei said to himself.

In the heart After a general logical concept, Shi Lei temporarily put down the optimization work of Interweave Net Miwang, and began to write game code for the elderly Gamer entertainment.

Shi Lei is preparing to open a new System in Brave’s World, which is the Qi Pai Entertainment System. With the High Degree intelligent Non-player Controlled Characters in Brave’s World, you can simulate a very suitable Qi Pai Entertainment environment.

For example, the old Gamer and the Non-player Controlled Characters played the ‘Six Son Chong’. Once the Dream Entertainment Official opened the Qi Pai Entertainment System, the numerous old Gamer will find his own entertainment in Brave’s World.

Whether you like a gossip aunt, a Chinese Chess Boss, or a mahjong veteran, all can be done in Brave’s World.

Even though more difficult Go, or some local rules of entertainment, can also be implemented in Brave’s World. Even if Shi Lei and Dream Entertainment Company’s programming personnel don’t know the relevant Local Rules and Regulations, Gamer can teach Non-player Controlled Characters by himself! Like the old Gamer of the church’s Non-player Controlled Characters.

Shi Lei glances at the time at the bottom right of the Number One Server screen. Although it is close to eleven o’clock in the evening, Shi Lei is still preparing to write the source code of the entertainment system.

fortunately. Most of the code for the Entertainment System can be automatically filled in by Izual, and Shi Lei’s workload is not large.

June 17th, one o’clock in the morning.

Shi Lei yawned and was embedded in Brave’s World’s Entertainment System. Basically already accomplish. This set of System is not complicated. The essence is an ‘Entertainment Rules and Regulations Expert System’. Shi Lei mainly writes the Logical Judgement program. It is clear that it is precisely as stated Shi Lei needs compiling code to let Non-player Controlled Characters understand Under what circumstances should you win and when should you lose. When should I be.

As for the rules of all kinds, such as chess, cards, etc., where is Shi Lei written?

Not to mention the rules of chess and cards, how much work is necessary, how much time does it take for Shi Lei to write.

Just saying one thing, how can Shi Lei know the rules of the game of chess and cards?

For example, Shi Lei knows the rules of Chinese Chess and understands the rules of International Chess, but Shi Lei does not understand the rules of Chinese Chess!

For example, Shi Lei understands the rules of Shuangqing Mahjong and Rongcheng Mahjong. But how can Shi Lei know the rules of the Northeast Mahjong? There are more International Mahjong rules, and Shi Lei will not know.

I don’t even understand the rules, how do I write a Specialist program?

Let Shi Lei learn those rules from scratch. When do you want to learn? Shi Lei, how do you have the energy to learn? As for Izual to learn, it is not impossible, but this learning process, I am afraid it will take a while.

Shi Lei does not understand the rules, and the Izual learning rules take a long time. Both of these programs Shi Lei will not choose. Shi Lei has a better solution!

Currently. There are many chess games on the Internet, as well as a well-known chess game platform. In these board games platforms, there are many rules for board games.

Shi Lei is ready to find a board game platform, ‘borrowing’ the rules of various board games, and it is best to accurately as stated those board games platforms, directly contributing their chess card rules source code.

In the chess game platform of Internet World, Shi Lei originally valued the game. This is an old-fashioned board game platform, and the board game experience is very rich.

However, the number of chess games in Zhonglian Games is a little less, which does not meet Shi Lei’s critical eye. After picking it again and again, Shi Lei can’t always find a suitable target.

Just as Shi Lei decided to ‘deserve the honor,’ he suddenly thought of a very good board game platform.

This very good board game platform is really as stated as the game platform of Big Penguin Company!

In the afterlife, the game platform of Big Penguin Company squeezed the game platform of the public to almost no lift, and only survived on the edge. Shi Lei is still very positive about the technology of Big Penguin Company.

Although the Big Penguin Company has a large user circle, it is the foundation for easier success, but if the technical strength of the Big Penguin Company is not good, it is not easy for them to succeed.

‘It turned out to be Big Penguin Company! ‘Shi Lei has a little sense of the inconvenience, their Dream Entertainment Company’s suppression of the Big Penguin Company is very serious, especially Shi Lei, personally got rid of crossfIRE, let this future income break Ten Billion’s game , withered in the hands of Big Penguin Company in advance.

Although CrossfIRE still maintains a certain amount of users, it is far from reaching the popularity of the next generation!

Shi Lei has moved a little more to the Black Hand under the Big Penguin Company. However, this time, Shi Lei is destined to black the Big Penguin Company!

Because, from Big Penguin Company steal source code, it is far more convenient than writing source code yourself!



Special thanks to realholyword for rewarding 10000.

Thanks, book friend 130323180913919, sunken book friends, reward 588. Crown Big Brother Dong, evil man significant, ruthless じ ve ve, reward 100.