
Chapter 1094

HK1079 dupe, see dupe again!


Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo were attacked by Wo Sang Lifeline, and the solid authority Vice-mayor Xie Nanfeng of Shuangqing City Responsible for Economy played a disgraceful character.

Shuangqing City is the armed personnel of Wo Sang Nation in the hinterland of Xia Nation. Under normal circumstances, it is absolutely impossible to enter Shuangqing City. Even if you enter Shuangqing City, it will definitely be discovered by the Safety Monitoring System covering the entire Shuangqing City.

Xie Nanfeng provided a lot of help to Wo Sang Lifeline’s armed personnel, making it easy for Wo Sang Lifeline’s personnel to operate in Shuangqing City.

Shi Lei investigate After this incident, I found Xie Nanfeng directly, and then both parties were ‘happy’ to reach a consensus agreement. Xie Nanfeng, although reluctant, still paid a heavy price.

Just don’t know if Mayor Xie is used to living in Leng River? With Mayor Xie’s personal approach, it should now be a good friend Right with Long Prince of Leng River?

‘Mo Fei Bai Qiang Looking for me because of Xie Nanfeng? ‘Shi Lei in the heart thought of a possibility. Usually, if Bai Qiang is looking for Shi Lei, he always calls to contact. Even if he needs to meet, Shi Lei takes the initiative to find Bai Qiang. Unless there is something very important, Bai Qiang can’t be sure if Shi Lei will come in person, Bai Qiang may come to Shi Lei personally.

This important thing, precisely as stated Shuangqing City’s top, suspects that Shi Lei is related to the disappearance of Xie Nanfeng!

Guinei guessed why Bai Qiang came to him, and Shi Lei didn’t feel a little scared at all. Shi Lei erased all the evidence and he did not believe what evidence could be found by Shuangqing City’s Police Force.

“Who?” Shi Lei to ask a question, when already knows the answer.

Outside the door, Bai Qiang is a person looking for Shi Lei’s, Shi Lei in Shuangqing City. Especially the Shuanghu District, rooted very deep. If Bai Qiang brought people directly to Shi Lei, it would not work. The Police Department needs arrest warrants and wants to issue arrest warrants.

If it is against the average person, it does not matter whether there is an arrest warrant. But Shi Lei’s identity was different, and Shi Lei was arrested without an arrest warrant. I am afraid it will cause very big trouble.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Mayor Wang Hong of Shuangqing City did not directly arrest Shi Lei after understanding the situation, but only accepted Bai Qiang’s suggestion. Let Bai Qiang independent talk to Shi Lei.

“Buddy Shi, I am Bai Qiang!” Bai Qiang replied outside the door.

Shi Lei heard the voice of Bai Qiang, and then got up and walked to the door of the living room, opened the security door, and said warmly: “Old Brother Bai, how come you? Come in. Come in.”

Bai Qiang came in and put on a pair of sandals and slippers, watching the passionate Shi Lei. Bai Qiang in the heart is a bit confused, ‘Weird, Shi Lei saw me not a little nervous? Could it be that he has nothing to do with Xie Nanfeng? Not right! Gratitude and grudges between Xie Nanfeng and Shi Lei. It’s not a secret in Shuangqing City, and this time Xie Nanfeng has helped those people and let those people do something that will definitely anger Shi Lei. Shi Lei should be related to the disappearance of Xie Nanfeng! ‘

“Old Brother Bai, there is no Ah for dinner?” Shi Lei took out two bottles of cola from the refrigerator and opened it. Lower a bottle to Bai Qiang.

June’s Shuangqing City, the temperature is not low, even if it is already six o’clock, the sun is still hanging in the sky, there is no falling opinion.

Bai Qiang took over the cola that Shi Lei handed over, and he sipped two drinks. He said: “I haven’t eaten yet! Hurry up from Jade District, how can I have time to eat Ah?”

‘In the Jade District? ‘Shi Lei complexion as usual, but in the heart quickly thinking, ‘Shuangqing City’s Police Department in Beiyu District, Bai Qiang from Jade District? Was it Bai Qiang before Shuangqing City Government? ‘

“Old Brother Bai, you didn’t eat just right, I didn’t eat it! I was still guilty. It was a bit lonely to go out for dinner. Fortunately, Old Brother Bai is coming, so eat together!” Shi Lei sent out an invitation.

Bai Qiang thought for a moment and agreed: “Good! Eat your stopped meal, you can’t be said to accept bribes.”

The two put down the bottle of cola in their hands, Shi Lei went back to the bedroom and picked up the Porsche Cayenne’s car key, as well as the wallet and cell phone, and went to the living room: “Old Brother Bai, what do you like to eat?”

“It doesn’t matter! Buddy Shi, if you say something delicious, you are a connoisseur. Let’s go, you lead the way, what do you think is delicious, we will eat.” Bai Qiang A deputy with the main look, it seems comparative easy going.

“Right, Buddy Shi, I have three colleagues downstairs, bring them together, how?” Bai Qiang explained in advance, so as not to wait for a while, Shi Lei found other people, and what misunderstanding.

“No issue!” Shi Lei didn’t care about someone’s meal, couldn’t he still bankrupt him?

The two took the elevator downstairs, outside the Jingya Garden Building Ten, parked a police car, three police forces sitting in the police car, the three Police Force watching Bai Qiang and Shi Lei come out together, immediately from the car Go down.

One of Police Force, quickly asked: “Chief Bai, what is the situation?” He said, he was also watching Vi Lei with vigilance, as if Shi Lei was a murderer.

Bai Qiang glanced at the Police Force and snorted: “Little Zhao!”

The full name of Little Zhao is Zhao Rong, Shuangqing City Police Department, a very special department person-in-charge, this special department is SoCIA l Security and Stability Branch.

As the Division Head of SoCIA l Security and Stability Branch, Zhao Rong is not a personal body of Bai Qiang, nor is it a former Dai Guanghua group. Zhao Rong is directly affiliated to Shuangqing City Mayor Wang Hong.

This time, Zhao Rong joined the Shi Lei’s investigate, precisely as stated Shuangqing Mayor Wang Hong, and intervened to deal with the symptoms.

Shi Lei took a look at Zhao Rong, the right hand behind him, as if moving unconsciously, the Security Surveillance Camera inside Jingya Garden, turned the angle, Seize to Zhao Rong’s Human FaCIA l Feature, began further analysis and inquiry. Data.

Bai Qiang briefly explained that Shi Lei had a meal for him. He sat in the co-pilot of Porsche Cayenne himself, and the other three police, followed by driving.

Shi Lei took them to the back street of Shuangqing University and chose Old Jiang Pickled Chicken in the alley in Backstreet.

Old Jiang Pickled Chicken in Shuangqing City Backstreet tastes very good. It took more than ten years to make Pickled Chicken. Apart from the price, it is basically not bad.

In the Old Jiang Pickled Chicken restaurant, there is only one main dish, which is Pickled Chicken. There is no other main dish besides Pickled Chicken. Focusing on a dish has earned the reputation of Old Jiang Pickled Chicken.

After the order was finished, Old Jiang limped on the two dishes and boiled peanuts. He watched Shi Lei saying, “Brat Shi, I haven’t been here for a while.”

“Old Jiang, I’ve been busy for a while, it’s not time, is it coming soon?” Shi Lei replied with an answer to Old Jiang, who had a good relationship with Old Jiang, whether it’s ‘previous life’ or this life.

Five people sat around the square table, Shi Lei and Bai Qiang sat face to face, Zhao Rong sat on the left, and two other Police Force sat on the right.

Bai Qiang picked up a boiled peanut, peeled the flowering shell, and put the peanuts in the mouth and chewed it. He ate some peanuts and took a sip of tea before he asked: “Shi Lei, I have an issue.” You, don’t know if there is a technology that can specifically remove certain images from the video?”

“Chief Bai, I don’t understand your opinion. Can you elaborate on it?” Shi Lei certainly knows what impact Baiqg is. Bai Qiang asks if there is any technical means to eliminate some images of the monitor screen in real time.

Bai Qiang hesitated a bit, did not choose to tell the truth directly, but an example: “Shi Lei, for example, Shuangqing University has Campus Security System, isn’t that right?”

“Well, that’s right.” Shi Lei nodded affirmatively. Shuangqing University was the first educational institute to deploy the Campus Security System. Referring to Shuangqing University, Shi Lei thought of Li Zhiyue, who had not seen Li Zhiyue for some time.

“Shi Lei, is there a technology that can shield the monitoring of the Campus Security System? For example, through technical means, let us enter Shuangqing University and kidnapa student without triggering the alarm of the Campus Security System?” Bai Qiang said Specific examples.

Shi Lei immediately shook his head: “Impossible! This technology definitely does not exist. As long as we enter the scope of the surveillance camera, it will be recorded. Security Monitoring image information, unlike general information data, wants to modify image image, Without being discovered, it is almost impossible.”

“Your opinion is, Safety Monitoring System, is it absolutely impossible to issue an issue?” Bai Qiang looked at Shi Lei suspiciously.

“Of course not!” Shi Lei frowned, “I just said that by technical means, it is very difficult to modify the image of the Security Monitoring image, which is almost impossible. But this is not to say that the Safety Monitoring System cannot be cracked.”

“Hey?” Bai Qiang didn’t understand the technical aspect. He didn’t understand what Shi Lei said. “Shi Lei, is your opinion?”

“Chief Bai, we also use Shuangqing University as an example. If I want to enter Shuangqing University without authorization, and I don’t want to alarm the Safety alarm, I will definitely not do the modify image data through technical means. I will bribe control Shuangqing. The personnel of the University Safety Monitoring System, let them close Campus Security System. So, did I just go in directly?” Shi Lei hēi hēi smiled. “Chief Bai, there are things, the issue is very simple, why do you always think so complicated?”

Bai Qiang’s expression was a glimpse, apparently they did not consider the issue at all. ‘If the Safety Monitoring System of Zhongshan Road is closed, it is really impossible to shoot what happened. ‘

Shi Lei No matter what Bai Qiang in the heart is thinking, when Old Jiang comes up with Pickled Chicken, Shi Lei is not polite at all, and eats cheerfully.

At eight o’clock in the evening, everyone finished Pickled Chicken, and Shi Lei smiled and said: “Chief Bai, do you want to entertain?”

Bai Qiang immediately shook his head and refused. “No, wait a minute for official business, so today!”

“Okay, since Chief Bai has something to do, I will not stay much. If there is anything I need to do, please let me know!” Shi Lei said with a smile.

“En!” Bai Qiang left the Shuanghu District with three Police Forces.

Shi Lei looked at Bai Qiang and left, the smile on the corner of his mouth was thicker. This dupe skill is really very easy to use!



“Deeply hidden, no longer struggling…” – m