
Chapter 1093

HK1078 will be completed, Bai Qiang will be closed


Xiao Bo and Shi Lei are not ignorant, and Xiao Bo is now in charge of the Dream Entertainment Li Jian Nation division.

Shi Lei received a call from Xiao Bo, in the heart secretly thinking, Xiao Bo has any good news, but Shi Lei can not think of any good news on Li Jian Nation.

“What good news?” Guai couldn’t guess the answer, Shi Lei asked directly.

“The Supercomputer that AMD Company gave us before, will assemble accomplish, and now it has reached the final Phase, and it is expected that the twenty will be completely completed within four hours.” Xiao Bo reported good news.

Shi Lei is a little bit stunned. Shi Lei has forgotten about the AMD Company Supercomputer because most of the energy was dragged down by Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo.

Mirror Science and Technology Group currently owns a share of AMD Company 90%, which was presented to Dream Entertainment’s Supercomputer, and Shi Lei directly decided to assemble at AMD Company’s Headquarters.

Originally this thing is expected to be accomplished in mid-June, and it is now June 16. According to the original plan, it should almost be accomplished.

“Xiao Bo, are you at the AMD Company’s Headquarters?” Xiao Bo is at Li Jian Nation New York City, AMD Company’s Headquarters in California Silicon Valley, how does Xiao Bo know that AMD Company Headquarters is about to compcomplish Supercomputer?

“No, I am in New York City. AMD Company’s Branch Company in New York City, specifically to inform me, it seems that they are not contacting Boss, you Right?” Xiao Bo replied.

‘Contact not? ‘Shi Lei immediately uses the gesture command to let Izual query the relevant phone records. On the screen of Number One Server. Sure enough, one of the phones was AMD Company. But because of this call, not the phone of AMD Company Headquarters, plus Shi Lei is not in the country, so it was blocked by Izual.

“Well, I received it.” Shi Lei responded casually, and it seemed that the Supercomputer, which had a performance of 300tflops, didn’t surprise him.

Xiao Bo said awkwardly: “Boss, that’s 300tflops computing performance Supercomputer. Don’t you come and see it?”

“Nothing! There are still a lot of recent things, this matter is handed over to you. Let AMD Company accomplish assembly and test work as soon as possible. This Supercomputer with 300tflops computing performance must be put into practical use by twenty days! Do you understand? ?” Shi Lei set a final accredation date for AMD Company.

This month’s twenty days, for the Dream Entertainment Company, it was a big day. Dream Entertainment Company’s only online game Brave’s World will open the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition.

This competition has a great influence on the Worldwide range, not only the participation of the numerous Xia Nation Gamer. There are also a large number of overseas Gamers who are also involved. The bonus for the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition has now reached the highest level of Worldwide, bringing a lot of attention.

Dream Entertainment now uses Main Server Supercomputer Origin, which only has 10tflops for computing performance. In general, Supercomputer Origin is integrated with Interweave Net Miwang. It can fully support the entire Brave’s World’s computing Task.

After all, although Brave’s World claims to have 10 million-level Gamers, these Gamers are not always online at any time and place, and they are distributed over a wide area, rather than being distributed in the same area.

When in Brave’s World. After more than a certain number of Gamers gathered in the same area, Supercomputer Origin and Interweave Net Miwang will be available. Causes a very large burden.

AMD Company’s Supercomputer, in Shi Lei’s plan, is a powerful support for the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition. Promoting Interweave Net Miwang with Supercomputer Origin does not fully exploit the performance of Interweave Net Miwang. Only the Supercomputer with more powerful performance can better play the performance of Interweave Net Miwang.

High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System Izual’s performance, also received the restriction of Supercomputer Origin, the current performance of Izual, 5% of design performance, if you use 300tflops Supercomputer, Izual’s overall performance, at least 5 % the above!

Izual, which has more powerful overall performance, will be more powerful in dealing with Parallel Computing aspect!

“Well, you are Boss, you have the final say.” Xiao Bo helplessly said, “Yes, Boss, Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, the personnel of Dream Entertainment Company, can you participate?” Xiao Bo Road.

Often, if a company has a campaign, in order to avoid the suspicion of Black Screen operations, there is a clear rule that prohibits the internal personnel of the Company and the relatives of the internal personnel.

But in fact, there is no doubt that there are activities with this rule, and in most cases, the rewards of the activities are operated by the Black Screen. Lack of open to the public fair and transparent operation, if there is no Black Screen, it is definitely to play the participants as Idiot.

Dream Entertainment Company’s First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition does not have a mandatory rule prohibiting internal personnel participation. Because, even though the internal personnel, do not know the details of Brave’s World’s!

Brave’s World’s biggest feature, accurately as stated, has High Degree’s intelligent Non-player Controlled Characters, and all kinds of strange random Tasks. These are all controlled by High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System Izual, the internal staff of Dream Entertainment Company, and really don’t know Brave’s World’s insider.

“You can participate!” Shi Lei replied affirmatively, “What? You brat want to participate? I remember that Brat didn’t play Brave’s World’s before, now I’m playing? How many levels?”

Xiao Bo hēi hēi A smile, “Level 17, Grade is not high, but not too low. Can not get the first thousand rewards, but the win award is still not issued, I believe I can win at least three games! ”

“You have to play and play! The small rookie of Level 17 in the district, beware of being vomiting blood!” Shi Lei deliberately spit.

Currently, Brave’s World’s High-end Player has surpassed Twentieth Grade, the highest Grade Gamer. According to Izual’s estimates, at the start of the June twenty five-day, Grade is likely to reach Twenty-fifth Grade.

Although Brave’s World’s Grade is not particularly obvious, the higher Grade represents better technology, better Equipment, stronger attribute data, Xiao Bo only Level 17’s Grade, and Grade in Brave’s World. Bit, at least after the 3 Million name.

“Boss, don’t scare me. If you win a game and get a win, I won’t lose it!” Xiao Bo hā hā said with a smile, then worried, “Boss, you get it out.” Will this win-win award cause a financial crisis inside the game? In the event that Gamer gets the too High High Item, the game will speed up!”

Shi Lei snorted. “Xiao Bo, you brat is a little stupid! You don’t have to worry about this thing! Yes, you said this, I thought of one thing. Li Jian Nation has a lot of economics. Right. ? Help me recruit some talents in economic aspects, especially those about inflation and currency aspect.”

“Hey, Boss, what are you going to do?” Xiao Bo and Shi Lei’s relationship, although it is now a subordinate, but Dia Bo still regards Shi Lei as benefactor and friend, speaking less restrained.

“The talent of economics, of course, is the issue of economics! Well, you brat don’t ask too much, this thing is a little bit better.” Shi Lei did not say too much, this is not Shi Lei, not believe in Xiao Bo, but Some things are too shocking and a bit strange. It is better to keep a low profile than the last moment.

Besides, the plan of Shi Lei in the heart, at least after the listing of Doomsday War, is likely to be launched. It is only a good job of preparing talent reserves in advance, as well as prior work.

“Well, Boss, I remembered it. If I have the right talent, I will pay attention.” Xiao Bo answered affirmatively, indicating that he had already remembered it.

“That’s it, I still have something.” Shi Lei hung up the phone and sat in front of Number One Server to see what Brave’s World’s was.

As the date of the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition approaches, the smell of gunpowder inside Brave’s World is getting heavier. Some of the crafty plots and machinations that are not normally seen are being played almost every day.

Brave’s World’s Death Penalty is very serious. In the current environment of only the Higher Grade, only the Fourth Fourth Grade, once the Gamer dies, the Gamer will directly cancel the account and re-create the new account. It can be said that it has worked hard for decades and returned to liberation. Grader, which is larger than 1Level 0, has a complete death and will have a Cycle of Rebirth opportunity.

Even though Cycle of Rebirth, Gamer will not lose much. At least, all the items carried on the body will be tragic and will be taken away by the killer.

However, compared to the seriousness of Death Penalty, the killer’s publishing will be very serious. As the saying goes, killing people, in the background environment of Brave’s World’s Xia Nation Ancient Era, this is not to say play!

Once the murderer has left a clue, it is very likely that it will be caught by the official dispatch of the government. That is the rhythm of bad luck in the afternoon.

So, under normal circumstances, the environment inside Brave’s World is more harmonious. In addition to Non-player, he was offended by the death of the person, but also deliberately went to the deep forest. This kind of behavior is definitely a funny act of summon’s own enemies to kill!

Brave’s World is not a game that relies on Slaughter to maintain a cool feeling, a huge game background and Task, and a High Degree intelligent Non-player Controlled Characters, which is Brave’s World’s essence.

“dōng dōng dōng ~ ”

Currently, Shi Lei, who is in the situation of Brave’s World, heard a knock on the outside and Shi Lei did not lift his head. He asked directly: “Izual, who is knocking at the door?”

Izual responded: “Sir, outside is Bai Qiang of Shuangqing City Police Department.”

Bai Qiang ?

Bai Qiang is the Bureau Chief of the Shuangqing City Police Department, and after the death of First Vice-chief Dai Guanghua, Bai Qiang became the absolute Hierarch of the Shuangqing City Police Department.

“Bai Qiang, what is he doing?”

