
Chapter 1095

HK1080 arrests Shi Lei?


June 16th, at 8:10 pm.

Shi Lei returned to Jingya Garden and made a phone call with Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo. He greeted the physical condition of two younger sisters and put their energy into the optimization work of Interweave Net Miwang.

Interweave Net Miwang’s structure can be further optimized, and Shi Lei slowly optimizes Interweave Net Miwang, which takes a lot of time and Izual can’t help. Izual does not have the ability to innovate, so it can only assist Shi Lei in the verification work.

At 8:00 in the evening, For Qian, Bai Qiang came to the Jade District, Shuangqing City Government building.

Shuangqing City Government also pressed Xie Nanfeng’s missing news, and a DIRE ctly Subordinate to the Administration City’s solid authority Vice-mayor, even the Wireless cable disappeared, this is extremely funny!

In the Small-scale conference room of the Shuangqing City Government building, Mayor Wang Hong, First Vice-mayor Meng Xun, and three Vice-mayor, the Disciplinary Committee’s Head and the National Security Agency Leader discussed the Shi Lei’s.

The three Vice-mayors are the solid authority Vice-mayor Chen Boyi of Responsible for Construction. Chen Boyi has a very close relationship with Xie Nanfeng. The two even have a marriage contract. The son of Xie Nanfeng is the fiance of Chen Boyi daughter, and the two are standard political marriages.

The disappearance of Xie Nanfeng, Chen Boyi is very concerned, and Shi Lei’s investigate, Chen Boyi is also the most active, even a little radical. Chen Boyi advocated Shi Lei directly grabbing it, then tortured him and asked Xie Nanfeng’s whereabouts.

Chen Boyi thought that Xie Nanfeng was kidnapped by Shi Lei and he had never thought about it. Shi Lei had already killed Xie Nanfeng. After all, Xie Nanfeng is the solid authority Vice-mayor of Shuangqing City, a high Grade leader of Xia Nation, who thought that Shi Lei would not dare to move Xie Nanfeng.

The other two Vice-mayor are Fang Haowen of Responsible for Education and Qiao Yishang of Responsible for Environment. These two Vice-mayor are almost the same as soy sauce. The power profile is not as good as Xie Nanfeng and Chen Boyi, not as good as First Vice-mayor Meng. Xun.

The last person in the meeting is the Head of the Disciplinary Committee, the white-haired old man. The privilege in Shuangqing City is very large, except for Mayor Wang Hong, which is only a little lower than Meng Xun.

The privilege of the Disciplinary Committee is no small feat. This department is the department that Gov. Official is least willing to deal with. Anything that is related to the Disciplinary Committee is definitely not a good thing.

As for the National Security Agency, that’s a great place! Bureau Chief Wang Zhong of Shuangqing City National Security Agency. Shi Lei has a relationship with him.

Shuangqing City’s seven Big Shots, in the small meeting room of the City Government building, the atmosphere is suppressed and the meeting room is smoky, like a fairyland.

“dōng dōng dōng ~ ”

The wooden door of the conference room was ringing, and the lowest Qiao Yishang Vice-mayor was the status. Standing up, went to the door and whispered, “Who?”

“Bai Qiang.” The voice of Bai Qiang came from outside the door.

The cautious attitude of the two is as if they are working on the Underground!

Qiao Yishang opened the wooden door of the conference room and let Bai Qiang come in.

After Bai Qiang came in, the Big Shots of Shuangqing City all looked towards Bai Qiang. In the eyes, he revealed an opinion of the opinion, Bai Qiang went to the Shuanghu District investigate Shi Lei, which was ordered by Mayor Wang Hong.

“What is the situation with Old Bai, investigate? Is Shi Lei’s suspected?” Wang Hong first asked, about the disappearance of Xie Nanfeng, Shi Lei’s is not suspicious, who is suspected?

The entire Shuangqing City has a festival and power with Xie Nanfeng. There is also the courage to kidnapXie Nanfeng, only Shi Lei alone!

Bai Qiang shook his head. “Shi Lei’s suspicion has decreased. Mayor, we have neglected one thing. We blindly think that someone has falsified the image of the Safety Monitoring System, but is it possible that someone has a person who controls the Safety Monitoring System authority? Close the Safety Monitoring System?”

Chen Boyi was the first to question: “Close the Safety Monitoring System? What was the monitoring record that night?”

Bai Qiang coughed and explained without hesitation: “Vice-mayor Chen, on the way back. I have consulted the Specialist in the bureau. If the Safety Monitoring System is closed, another monitoring record will be given, just modify time. Marking, posing as a monitoring record for a certain period of time, is not too difficult.”

“Your opinion is, the night of Vice-mayor Xie’s disappearance, the Safety Monitoring System is close, the monitoring record is an image of other time, just after modifying the time, the clip is saved in the monitoring record that night?” Chen Boyi cold Hum asked.

“Yes! Vice-mayor Chen, I have already asked the Specialist in the bureau, the monitoring records stored in our Safety Monitoring System, there is a management flaw. The security monitoring record has very low authority, and the entire Shuangqing City has at least more than Three. The Thousand person has the authority to view the Security Monitoring records, and these Security Monitoring records are deleted every seven natural days. Even if someone used a past surveillance video instead of the monitoring record for the day of Mayor Xie’s disappearance, we I can’t find the original record either.” Bai Qiang bitter with a smile.

Wang Hong’s face is not very nice to start talking: “Old Bai, your opinion is, the case of Vice-mayor Xie is missing, can we not investigate?”

“Mayor, not investigate does not go down, but investigate is very difficult. The Specialist in the bureau, currently investigate statistics query the personnel of the Zhongshan road monitoring record, and filter the personnel that are downloaded. These personnel are suspect personnel, the security in their hands The Monitoring record may be replaced with the monitoring record of the missing case of Vice-mayor Xie.” Bai Qiang explained the investigate plan.

However, Bai Qiang immediately bitterly said: “Mayor, the amount of investigate of this investigate program is very large, and within a short time, there is no such thing as investigate!”

Wang Hong’s deep frown, Shuangqing City aspect, can’t keep pressing a solid authority Vice-mayor missing.

Chen Boyi coldly snorted, “Bureau Chief Bai, in my opinion, the case of investigate Vice-mayor Xie’s disappearance is not a difficult matter at all. As long as we directly grasp Shi Lei, interrogate Shi Lei and it will be fine! hēng hēng, Bureau Chief Bai, I heard that you have a close relationship with Shi Lei’s. Is it because of this reason that you are not willing to arrest Shi Lei’s?”

Bai Qiang’s face changed slightly.

Wang Hong slammed toward Bai Qiang and frowned. “Old Bai, Vice-mayor Chen said that it is true?”

“Mayor, my personal relationship with Shi Lei’s is really good. However, this is not the reason why I protect Shi Lei’s.” Bai Qiang did not argue that he had a personal relationship with Shi Lei’s. Many people in Shuangqing City know that there is no sophistry. effect.

Wang Hong lightly snorted, “Old Bai, you have to be public and private! This matter is related to the disappearance of a Vice-mayor, this is a serious case! Do you understand?”

Bai Qiang said with a bitter smile : “Mayor, is Bai Qiang the kind of public and private? Shi Lei is not an Ordinary person, his influence in Shuangqing City is very big. Moreover, Shi Lei and Rongcheng Military District The relationship is not normal. If we easily move Shi Lei, we are not allowed to find the person in the Rongcheng Military District.”

“Hey?” Wang Hong’s face reveals a hint of disbelief.

Bai Qiang looked towards Meng Xun and signaled Meng Xun to support him.

Meng Xun and Bai Qiang belong to the offensive and defensive alliance. Even if Bai Qiang does not prompt him, he is also ready to help Bai Qiang. “Old Wang, this relationship between Shi Lei and Rongcheng Military District is indeed very good. It is rumored that Commander He of Rongcheng Military District Have a good personal relationship with Shi Lei.”

“He Zhenbang?” Wang Hong’s face suddenly changed, and the issue of the military’s issue was indeed very tricky.

“Well, it is Commander He Zhenbang. Old Wang, this Shi Lei is also the active dutynel of the Rongcheng Military District, the rank is Major. He is only twenty years old, twenty old, do you understand what the opposite?” Meng Xun is Shuangqing City First Vice-mayor, he has a direct competitive relationship with Wang Hong. In fact, he wants Wang Hong to issue an issue, but in Shi Lei’s case, he has to help Bai Qiang and Shi Lei.

“Old Meng, where is this Shi Lei? Is it the illegitimate child of a Big Shot of Capital City? Or is it another?” Wang Hong is Mayor of Shuangqing City, and he has almost stood up in the Xia Nation Official system. High Grade.

The highest Grade Gradation of the Xia Nation Official system, usually Shuangqing Mayor, is currently among the top nine Elders Councils in Xia Nation, one of which is the former Shuangqing Mayor.

This is why Wang Hong stayed in Capital City for a long time. Wang Hong can basically confirm that the next time the Great Elder is changed, even if he can’t enter the nine Elders Council, he can enter the Headquarters of First Grade.

With Wang Hong’s identity, if Shi Lei is really a high-level illegitimate child, Wang Hong cannot know. Therefore, Wang Hong is very curious about Shi Lei’s identity.

Bai Qiang hesitated and replied truthfully: “Mayor, Shi Lei’s identity is nothing special.”

“Is there no special identity?” Wang Hong licked his temple and tried to ask: “Old Bai, if we insist on Shi Lei, what are the consequences?”

Listening to Wang Hong, Chen Boyi had a smile on his face, and Bai Qiang and Meng Xun were not very good-looking.

“Mayor, if we have to catch Shi Lei, I am afraid it will be a bit difficult. I have said before that Shi Lei’s power in Shuangqing City is very large and its influence is very big. If we want to catch him, it may cause a very big Trouble.” Bai Qiang apparently did not want to force Shi Lei to be arrested, so he pushed away.

“How much power? Here is Shuangqing City, I am Mayor !Old Bai of Shuangqing City. I only ask, if I want to catch Shi Lei, you Police Department aspect, can you catch Shi Lei?” Wang Hong The tone is serious.

Wang Hong’s tough attitude shows a position, here is Shuangqing City, he is the first person of Shuangqing City! His authority cannot be challenged!

Bai Qiang nodded affirmatively, “can catch!”

“Can catch it!” Wang Hong laughed.

Chen Boyi quickly said: “Bureau Chief Bai, are you not going to catch Shi Lei?”

Bai Qiang took a look at Meng Xun. As the First Vice-mayor of Shuangqing City, Meng Xun was above 10,000 people, but after all, he was under one person, and he nodded invisibly.

Bai Qiang sighed and turned and walked to the door of the conference room.

