
Chapter 1092

HK1077 once again, good news?


Rongcheng Military District Headquarters, tactical discussion room.

Shi Lei frankly listed his requirements and waited for the Rongcheng Military District to make a decision. The cooperation between Rongcheng Military District and Shi Lei has reached a very deep level, and the relationship between the two parties is very close. Therefore, Shi Lei proposed a plan to pull the thief boat on the Rongcheng Military District.

If the Rongcheng Military District has a thief boat, the cooperation between Shi Lei and Rongcheng Military District will go further!

He Zhenbang considered Shi Lei’s proposal, and Shi Lei’s request was a bit difficult. Rongcheng Military District As the official force of Xia Nation, if it is found that Rongcheng Military District is involved in the attack on Wo Sang Nation Tokyo Prefecture, a very serious diplomatic dispute will erupt between Xia Nation and Wo Sang Nation.

Under normal circumstances, He Zhenbang will definitely refuse Shi Lei and even block Shi Lei. But the situation is very subtle. Although Shi Lei is looking for the Rongcheng Military District, the Rongcheng Military District wants to get Second Generation Dawn’s technology and Thunderclash Electrolyte from Shi Lei.

Thunderclash Electrolyte’s distribution plan has just reached the cool point of the Rongcheng Military District, a total of 114 rise Thunderclash Electrolyte, Shi Lei as long as 54 rises, Rongcheng Military District gets 60 rise. If calculated according to the Second Generation Dawn’s energy storage volume, the Rongcheng Military District can be full of Equipment six Dawn.

After seeing Second Generation Dawn’s, He Zhenbang obviously won’t give up Second Generation Dawn and Thunderclash Electrolyte. In order to get Second Generation Dawn and Thunderclash Electrolyte, He Zhenbang took a deep breath and made a decision.

Su Ding looked at He Zhenbang’s expression and he already knew He Zhenbang’s decision. Su Ding is the eyeliner of the Xia Nation high-level in the Rongcheng Military District. Some particularly important decisions, Su Ding also has a say. However, this time, Su Ding also agreed to give priority to Second Generation Dawn and Thunderclash Electrolyte.

“Shi Lei, your request, we Rongcheng Military District promise you! However, once there is any accident, we Rongcheng Military District. Will definitely not recognize this action!” He Zhenbang said rationally.

Listening to He Zhenbang’s words, Su Ding’s hanging heart fell. He was worried that He Zhenbang had made some irrational things. Now it seems to be a concern.

Shi Lei in the heart sighed in relief ,said with a smile :”Commander He, believe me, this action, there will be no accidents!”

“Hēng!” He Zhenbang light snorted, “Hope is so!”

Shi Lei didn’t care about He Zhenbang’s tone. Looked towards Lu Qiang, teased: “Division Head Lu, our bet is still Right? It’s noon right now. What’s delicious?”

Lu Qiang said with a slight sigh: “All are ready! Rest assured. All are Mountain Precious Delicacy, absolutely satisfying you!”

“Yes? That would be great!” Shi Lei hā hā smiled, “Commander He, time is not early, can you have lunch?”

He Zhenbang nodded and said: “Today at noon. Let’s have a meal together!”

There are a total of six people in the tactical discussion room. Apart from Shi Lei, they are all Big Shots of the Rongcheng Military District. Although the factions are different, it is OK to have a meal together.

Under the leadership of Lu Qiang. The crowd followed Lu Qiang and went to the reception cafeteria.

Shi Lei’s covert eyes to He Zhenbang. Then deliberately fell behind two steps, indicating that He Zhenbang is also two steps behind, the two can go to the end, take the opportunity to discuss something.

He Zhenbang But the actual master of the Rongcheng Military District, if there is no chance, how can you set foot on the high position? For Shi Lei’s hint, how can he not understand?

The two fell to the end of the team, and others guessed that the two had something to say, they did not bother to disturb the two, speed up the pace and open the distance between the two.

He Zhenbang walked beside Shi Lei’s and first asked: “Shi Lei, what are you looking for?”

Shi Lei smirked and smirked, whispered: “Commander He, do you know people from Navy?”

“Navy?” He Zhenbang wondered: “What are you looking for in Navy?”

“Nothing, just a simple question.” Shi Lei hā hā 讪said with a smile, did not tell He Zhenbang the specific reason.

How does He Zhenbang believe that Shi Lei is just a simple question?

‘Navy? ‘He Zhenbang thinking while thinking in the heart, ‘Hey! Hēng hēng , Shi Lei This brat, really is not a simple question! ‘He Zhenbang suddenly remembered, Shi Lei introduced Thunderclash Raw Stone, origin in the Bermuda Triangle area. According to He Zhenbang’s speculation, Shi Lei probably wants to contact Navy aspect, and by some means, inspires Navy to go to the Bermuda Triangle area for detection.

‘Well, a Shi Lei, I want sneakily’s search for Thunderclash Raw Stone, and I want to open our Rongcheng Military District. How easy is this? ‘He Zhenbang automatic brain made up Shi Lei’s plan.

Shi Lei has been observing He Zhenbang’s face expression, mentioning that ‘Navy’ is Shi Lei and dupe, deliberately let He Zhenbang go to the brain, deliberately in some casual places, showing N235 Metal, from the Bermuda Triangle area.

“Navy Ah? It’s not very familiar. You know, I am a person-in-charge on the Rongcheng Military District. There are more taboos!” He Zhenbang said casually.

He Zhenbang is the actual controller of the Rongcheng Military District. According to Xia Nation, if He Zhenbang contacts Navy again, I am afraid it will cause high level dissatisfaction!

The two men who are guilty of ghosts, on the surface, discuss some inconspicuous topics, but in the heart they have their own thoughts.

‘Damn Shi Lei, this time, it will be our Rongcheng Military District walking in front! Thunderclash Raw Stone This new Power Source, in the hands of our Rongcheng Military District, will definitely be better! ‘He Zhenbang is thinking about in the heart pleased.

In He Zhenbang’s thinking, Shi Lei has strong economic strength and strength of Science and Technology, but Shi Lei does not have some basic hard power. Therefore, Shi Lei knew that Thunderclash Raw Stone was in the Bermuda Triangle area, but there was no way to explore it.

He Zhenbang intends to leave Shi Lei, the Rongcheng Military District and Navy, to the Bermuda Triangle area to detect Thunderclash Raw Stone. If you find more Thunderclash Raw Stone by Rongcheng Military District, then Exceed Grade is a great achievement!

At noon, the Mountain Precious Delicacy prepared by Lu Qiang is indeed very good. Shi Lei gorge oneself’s Hu eats the sea and eats it. Shi Lei said to return to Shuangqing City.

He Zhenbang did not retain Shi Lei, but the He Zhenbang Hope Dawn Number One machine stayed. For this proposal, Shi Lei does not reject the slightest hesitation. Once the Dawn Number One machine is left in the Rongcheng Military District, I am afraid that it will become the experimental object of the Rongcheng Military District and will definitely be dismantled for research.

A Second Generation Dawn’s announced that the cost price is 1600 million, and the actual cost is more than 13 Million. Shi Lei is reluctant to give the Dawn Number One machine to the Rongcheng Military District for free.

June 16th. In the afternoon, more than two o’clock.

Rongcheng Military District dispatched an Armed Helicopter and sent Shi Lei back to Shuangqing City. When Shi Lei just set foot on Armed Helicopter and flew to Shuangqing City, He Zhenbang immediately held a discussion in the tactical discussion room.

The flight time of Rongcheng Military District Headquarters and Shuangqing City was only over an hour. Shi Lei did not let Armed Helicopter of Rongcheng Military District go to Fallen Jade Mountain Training Field, but flew directly to Shu’an Village in Shuanghu District.

Although the driver of Armed Helicopter was so unhappy, he asked the superior. After obtaining the route deflection approval, the driver of Armed Helicopter had to implement new commands.

It took more than an hour. Armed Helicopter of Rongcheng Military District. Landed at the Ruling Security Company training facility in Shu’an Village. Shi Lei ordered Izual to control the Second Generation Dawn, then temporarily placed the Dawn Number One machine at the Shu’an Village training base, and he hurried back to Shuanghu District.

After returning to Shuanghu District, Shi Lei first called Xie Hui. Shi Lei didn’t have a day at the company, Dream Entertainment Company large and small. Basically handled by Xie Hui.

Waiting for a while, after the phone is connected, Shi Lei is pre-started talking: “How is Old Xie, Company?”

Mu Shuang was infected with the company of Mastery over Future and Fate Virus, Mirror Science and Technology. Handed over to each Professional Manager for processing, if there is anything that can’t be handled. Shi Lei will be notified.

“Chief Shi, Dream Entertainment is normal for the company,” Xie Hui responded.

“Well, yes.” Shi Lei underestimated the way, as if he didn’t care much about the operation of Dream Entertainment Company. “Old Xie, there is one thing you need to deal with. I need to set up an Offshore Company in the Bermuda Islands. This thing needs High Degree is confidential, except for you and me, don’t let Third know, understand?”

Xie Hui swallowed saliva and said, cautiously responded: “Understand! Chief Shi, please rest assured, this matter, I will never reveal it. Yes, Chief Shi, what kind of Offshore Company is registered?”

“The personal investment company, Company’s name is ‘Stone Ocean Exploration Company’, and the registered capital is 1 Million US Dollar. The money will be credited to your account. Old Xie, you must be careful when registering for Offshore Company. Don’t let the wind leak, do you know?” Shi Lei shouted again.

“Well, I remember!” Xie Hui replied affirmatively.

Rongcheng Military District Headquarters, tactical discussion room.

Big Shots have been discussing for more than an hour, basically around the Second Generation Dawn, and the new Power Source, named ‘Thunderclash’. He Zhenbang frowns said: “Little Su, I will give you a Task!”

Su Ding nodded affirmatively and expressed willingness to accept Task, “Commander He, what is Task?”

“Little Su, you have to pay more attention to Shi Lei’s dynamics, including the dynamics of his companies. If there is any abnormal situation, you will report to me immediately, understand?” He Zhenbang This is Hope Su Ding monitoring Shi Lei related information. what!

Su Ding hesitated a little, and he replied affirmatively: “No issue!”

Shuangqing City.

Shi Lei told Xie Hui to hang up the phone directly, his mouth smirked. Shi Lei deliberately set up an Offshore Company in the Bermuda Triangle Islands and told Xie Hui to set up. This is a profound idea.

If Shi Lei really didn’t want to be discovered by anyone, he set up the Offshore Company in the Bermuda Triangle Islands, and he could sign up for an Offshore Company through the Offshore Company Representative Agency.

Shi Lei previously misled He Zhenbang in the Rongcheng Military District. This time, the Offshore Company was established in the Bermuda Triangle Islands, also to mislead He Zhenbang. The advantage of this is that Shi Lei is fully demonstrated. He does not have more N235 Metal. He has found more N235 Metal in the Bermuda Triangle.

In the case that the information is not equal, Shi Lei pits the Rongcheng Military District, which is properly not issued!

Shi Lei, who was in a good mood, returned to the Shuanghu District Jingya Garden. He just entered the house and started the Number One Server. The phone in the trouser pocket rang and picked up the phone and the Caller ID was Xiao Bo.

“Hey, what does Xiao Bo call to do?” Shi Lei said to herself, then pressed the answer button.

In the cell phone receiver, the voice of Xiao Bo came from the voice of Xiao Bo, and it was obvious that Xiao Bo was in a good mood.

“Boss, I have a good news to tell you!”
