
Chapter 1091

HK1076 Pull He Zhenbang on the thief boat!


Xia Nation Time, June 16th, 11am.

Outside the No. 7 test site, He Zhenbang proposed to return to the tactical discussion room to discuss the ownership of Thunderclash Electrolyte again. Seeing Second Generation Dawn’s powerful, He Zhenbang clearly has a lot of heart on Thunderclash Electrolyte.

Shi Lei agreed with He Zhenbang that after testing, Shi Lei did not want to hand over Thunderclash Electrolyte to Rongcheng Military District. Shi Lei also made Hope in exchange for Thunderclash Electrolyte, allowing the Rongcheng Military District to promise him another condition!

“No issue!” Shi Lei smiled and promised He Zhenbang, and then did not avoid the Big Shots of the Rongcheng Military District, and made a direct finger, through the Bluetooth headset, ordered the order: “System, control Dawn, board the transporter. “”

He Zhenbang was surprised to see Shi Lei, Su Ding’s eyes had a bit of a shocking taste, he secretly said in heart : ‘System ? Is Second Generation Dawn already controllable by Dream Entertainment Company’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System? ‘

Under the control of Izual’s, Second Generation Dawn steadily boarded the military use transport truck. The whole process was very smooth and there was no sign of a half-delay.

‘It seems that Second Generation Dawn has perfected the optimization of the Communication Module! However, what communication scheme did Shi Lei take? ‘Su Ding guessed Second Generation Dawn’s Communications System, and he didn’t even think about the existence of Interweave Net Miwang.

Second Generation Dawn’s Communications System and Compute Task, with the presence of Interweave Net Miwang, perfectly surpassed First Generation Dawn and is close to the current Outstanding state of the WIRE less-like Communications System.

If you want to update Dawn’s Communications System. Unless it is a replacement of High Degree confidential Neutrino Communications, or legendary quantum entangled state communication technology. Otherwise, the current WIRE less-like Communications System foundation will not change at all. Even if the Third Generation Dawn is developed, it will only be based on the current WIRE less-like Communications System, which will further optimize some technologies without completely changing to other technologies.

Eleven twenty points, Rongcheng Military District Headquarters, tactical discussion room.

Still the last six people. Once again sitting in the tactical discussion room of the Rongcheng Military District Headquarters, they will discuss the ownership of Thunderclash Electrolyte at the second time.

In the tactical discussion room, He Zhenbang first spoke. He got right to the point and denied Shi Lei’s previous proposal. He said directly: “Shi Lei, Thunderclash Electrolyte can’t split in half!”

For this answer, Shi Lei is no accident!

Shi Lei also realized that He Zhenbang didn’t seem to care about Second Generation Dawn and the new Power Source before, because He Zhenbang was skeptical. After testing, whether it is Second Generation Dawn. Still the new Power Source has been confirmed, and He Zhenbang certainly has a different attitude.

“Commander He, what plan do you plan to allocate?” Shi Lei kicked the ball back. Let He Zhenbang propose a new distribution plan.

He Zhenbang did not directly propose a distribution plan. Instead, I asked an issue, “What is the cost of manufacturing the Second Generation Dawn’s?” He paused a little, and He Zhenbang reminded: “It’s just the price of raw materials!”

Shi Lei has no hidden opinion, one item of the opening said: “Five High Energy Motors, each 1 Million; body foundation structure and external ceramic alloy armor, almost 2 Million; electrification part with sterling silver route. And some miscellaneous The thing, added up is 1 Million. Yes, Alloy Sword and Shield Set 5 Million; additional diving kits require 2 Million dollars; and exclusive Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery 1 Million. All add up, only one thousand Six million. If you need an additional supporting service Center, you need to increase the 400 million budget.”

He Zhenbang’s forehead wrinkled into a ‘chuan’ character. “1600 million to 20 Million?”

“Yes! It’s just the cost of manufacturing, it doesn’t include R&D, processing, and profit margins. If you add these, the Dawn sale price 50 Million is not discussed, and it’s not compatible with Thunderclash Electrolyte!” Shi Lei Seriously speaking.

This set of external sales prices, Shi Lei is falsely reported high prices. For example, the Alloy Sword and Shield Set originally only required 400 million, Shi Lei increased the 1 Million element; the price of the diving kit increased by 80 million; the cost price of the exclusive Electromagnetic Artillery basically did not cost money, Shi Lei also dared to speak To 1 Million; as for the supporting service Center, only the Hundred-thousand block is required, mainly for Izual’s service fee. Supporting Service Center If there is no Izual support, there is absolutely no effect.

“With such a high cost, I have another issue!” He Zhenbang asked again. “Shi Lei, you said that you only got 11.4 cubic decimeter Thunderclash Raw Stone, isn’t that right?”

“Well, that’s right!” Shi Lei answered affirmatively.

He Zhenbang coldly snorted, “lied !Shi Lei , according to your own opinion, 10lThunderclash Electrolyte can only maintain twenty hours of combat time, and spent so much money to develop and manufacture Second Generation Dawn, are you just for twenty hours of combat? time?”

Su Ding’s eyes are also shining. ‘Commander He asked the idea, now I want to see how Shi Lei will answer! ‘

Shi Lei’s face showed a surprised look, and then the weird looked towards He Zhenbang, that kind of look, as if asking He Zhenbang’s mathematics is not taught by Sports Teacher?

“Commander He, when did I say that Thunderclash Electrolyte is a one-time Power Source?” Shi Lei’s expression is helpless. “Thunderclash Electrolyte is a repeated Power Source. It can be understood as a special battery. Thunderclash Electrolyte can be charged, but only You need to charge more than Ten Thousand Volt to charge Thunderclash Electrolyte.”

“Eh? ke ke ke!” He Zhenbang coughed fiercely. He thought he had found a fatal logical flaw, but he didn’t expect Thunderclash Electrolyte to charge!

‘Damn Shi Lei, actually did not finish the nature of Thunderclash Electrolyte, this guy must be deliberate! ‘He Zhenbang in the heart is very depressed, this is just a big oolong rhythm!

Su Ding’s expression is also a bit wrong, ‘Thunderclash Electrolyte can actually charge? So come. Everything can be said. Shi Lei has spent a lot of money to develop the Second Generation Dawn and made six finished products. It is not a hot head or a hidden one, but the number of Thunderclash Electrolyte should not be issued. However, where did Shi Lei get the secret that Wo Sang Nation didn’t know? ‘

“Since Thunderclash Electrolyte can be charged, Shi Lei brat. Our Rongcheng Military District can’t give you half of it! You have 20lThunderclash Electrolyte in your hand, if you give it to you half, you are better than our Rongcheng Military District. More?” He Zhenbang said dissatisfied.

Shi Lei helpless hand, did not speak.

He Zhenbang hesitated for a moment, started talking: “Shi Lei, our Rongcheng Military District can also give you 10!”

Shi Lei immediately retorted: “Commander He, 10, Thunderclash Electrolyte is not too little? Second Generation Dawn’s full set of technology was developed by us. Thunderclash Raw Stone was grabbed from Wo Sang Nation, and Thunderclash Electrolyte’s application technology is also What we found. Do you think that your Rongcheng Military District only gives us 10 Lith Thunderclash Electrolyte, is it right?”

Listening to Shi Lei’s narrative, including the Big Shot of the Rongcheng Military District, I feel a bit. Just give 10 a Thunderclash Electrolyte to Shi Lei. It doesn’t seem to be appropriate.

Shi Lei did not wait for He Zhenbang to refute and continued: “There are a total of 94 Thunderclash Electrolyte here, I still think it is appropriate for the semi-equal!”

“It’s a ghost for you!” He Zhenbang couldn’t help but swear. “Is the 47 a half-half? Isn’t your brat hiding 20? If you want to split up, you can count in 20!”

Shi Lei immediately shook his head. “No, no! Commander He. We…”

He Zhenbang, as the actual manager of the Rongcheng Military District, is a very good person. If it is not the technology that Shi Lei masters is too special, He Zhenbang will rarely discuss with Shi Lei, I am afraid to directly wave. It was confirmed that Thunderclash Electrolyte belonged to the Rongcheng Military District, and even six Dawns were requisitioned by the Rongcheng Military District.

He Zhenbang interrupted Shi Lei directly. Coldly snorted and said : “Shi Lei, the last time I told you, you can divide it equally, and the 20 liter you mastered is also calculated!”

Shi Lei smiled and looked towards He Zhenbang, “Okay! Commander He, you are Uncle!”

“Shi Lei, you brat don’t have to sell cheaply. Do you know how much pressure we have on the Rongcheng Military District? Well, our Nation executives are already very stressed about our Rongcheng Military District, and they are from Wo Sang. The pressure of Nation, all of these pressures are borne by our Rongcheng Military District, and your brat is in trouble and pats the butt and leaves!” He Zhenbang said the price of the Rongcheng Military District.

As He Zhenbang said, the pressure on the Rongcheng Military District is very great!

Shi Lei thought about it for a moment, started talking: “Commander He, Thunderclash Electrolyte’s total is 114 liters, and the half-half is 57 liters. I have six Dawns, I only need 54 liters, the rest 3 Li, I can hand it over to you Rongcheng Military District.”

He Zhenbang looked suspicious towards Shi Lei, Shi Lei took the initiative to give up the benefits, but some made He Zhenbang unable to make up his mind. He couldn’t help but say: “You little fox, suddenly so kind, what kind of ghost idea?”

Shi Lei chuckled, “Commander He, I have a small request!”

He Zhenbang didn’t believe Shi Lei. If it was really a very small request, how could Shi Lei give up 3 Lith Thunderclash Electrolyte?

“Shi Lei brat, you talk about it, what is the ‘small’ requirement?” He Zhenbang thinks he knows Shi Lei very well and he will not easily agree with Shi Lei’s requirements.

Shi Lei smiled at He Zhenbang. “Commander He, I believe you know why I am going to make Wo Sang Nation. I just want to say that the Vosang Nation’s Foreign Ministry is not a mastermind, maybe Wo Sang Nation’s Government is involved. But Wo Sang Nation Tokyo City’s Wo Sang Lifeline Company is the mastermind, at least the mastermind on the bright side! This damn company, even for Little Mo and Shuang Shuang, Commander He, replaced by you, you How to do?”

He Zhenbang expressionless Road: “harmony is to be prized !”

“chī ~ ” Shi Lei snorted. “Commander He, I have something to say! I need your Rongcheng Military District to discuss with me Wo Sang Lifeline Company! We provide Second Generation Dawn for your Rongcheng Military District, you Rongcheng Military District dispatched elite soldiers to serve as drivers, then went with me to Wo Sang Nation Tokyo Prefecture and then smashed a Wo Sang Lifeline Company !”

Shi Lei has never been a generous person. Wo Sang Lifeline Company dared to yell at him. Shi Lei didn’t think about putting Wo Sang Lifeline Company on a road, but Shi Lei didn’t have time before.

Now, Shi Lei not only has to learn from Wo Sang Lifeline Company, but also He Zhenbang and the entire Rongcheng Military District!

