
Chapter 1090

HK1075 EMPElectromagnetic Pulse weapon !


Rongcheng Military District formerly participated in the development of First Generation Dawn’s. For Dawn’s situation, except for Shi Lei, Rongcheng Military District is the clearest insider.

Dawn’s combat power is indeed very powerful, and the even though First Generation Dawn’s combat power is also very powerful. As for the Second Generation Dawn, just testing the demonstrated combat power is even more unstoppable.

However, both the First Generation Dawn and the Second Generation Dawn have a fatal weakness!

Rongcheng Military District gave up the development of Dawn, which has a lot of reasons for this weakness. After all, this weakness almost killed all the advantages of Dawn’s.

Dawn’s weakness, precisely as stated Dawn’s Communications System !

That’s right, it’s the Communications System!

Dawn’s Communications System, exact as stated Dawn’s shortcomings. Even though Dawn’s other aspects are very powerful, based on the shortcomings effect, Dawn’s Communications System shortcomings, Dawn’s overall strength, was immediately pulled down.

In general, Dawn’s enemies don’t even think of Dawn’s Communications System issue. After all, Dawn is so powerful that the usually thought issue, exactly as stated, uses what weaponry to play Dawn without considering Dawn’s own flaws. This does not mean that Dawn is not defective.

The Rongcheng Military District, which participated in Dawn’s research and development work, understands Dawn’s defects. Dawn’s Control System requires external Supercomputer support because it needs to calculate a very large amount of data.

If there is no support from the external Supercomputer, Dawn will basically become a waste wood, and even the action will become an issue, what about combat power? It was because of this shortcomings factor that the Rongcheng Military District gave up the Dawn project “intellectually” and did not carry out the next development work.

However, although the Rongcheng Military District did not develop the Second Generation Dawn, it knew Dawn’s weakness. He Zhenbang tells Lu Qiang that the weapon is emp, that is, the Electromagnetic Pulse weapon p can destroy the target Electronic Equipment, once the Rongcheng Military District uses empweapon. According to He Zhenbang’s estimate. Electronic Equipment inside Dawn is basically completely destroyed, including communication equipment. After the disruption of the Communications System, Dawn’s combat capability collapsed.

“Commander He, are you using empweapon?” Lu Qiang asked with some hesitation.

He Zhenbang definitely ordered, “Lu Qiang, authorizes you to use empweapon !”

Authorized by He Zhenbang, Lu Qiang no longer hesitated, directly in the WIRE less communication, issued orders to the relevant personnel. Let them launch emp electromagnetic Guided Missile.

Izual cracked the WIRE less communication channel of the Rongcheng Military District, whether it was He Zhenbang. Or Lu Qiang’s order, Shi Lei can hear very clearly, who told them to bring WIRE less headphones?

“Is empElectromagnetic Weapon?” Shi Lei’s expression is not tense and dignified, but has a sneer.

If Shi Lei is driving a First Generation Dawn, Shi Lei is really nervous when facing empweapon. after all. First Generation Dawn did not consider the impact of empweapon. The Second Generation Dawn is completely different from the First Generation Dawn, and the Second Generation Dawn has a very advanced combat capability.

This kind of combat power, not only refers to the hard combat power, but also all kinds of soft power. Including Dawn’s Software Systems and Dawn’s hardware Safety configuration, it’s a new level.

Shi Lei did not know that Lu Qiang had ordered the launch of the emp electromagnetic Guided Missile. He contacted the Wireless communication channel of the Rongcheng Military District on the on-board System contact and asked: “Commander He, test accomplished Right?”

“Slightly Wait!” He Zhenbang’s tone is firm: “Shi Lei. There is also a test, the test object is currently arriving!” He Zhenbang’s voice just fell, the sky, a flame, emp electromagnetic Guided Missile landed in Dawn Next to p electromagnetic Guidance Missile’s movement is very small, even arbitrarily, invisible, invisible Electromagnetic Pulse, not far from the Second Generation Dawn release, the dramatic Electromagnetic Pulse does affect the Second Generation Dawn’s Communications System.

“zī zī zī zī ~ ~~~”

The contact between Shi Lei and Izual was completely murmur. After a short three seconds, the communication returned to normal. Shi Lei First asked: “Izual, retrieve Dawn’s related hardware!”

Outside the No. 7 test site, He Zhenbang discovered the Dawn that Shi Lei drove through the telescope, stayed in place, without any movement, He Zhenbang hā hā laughed, “What about Dawn’s strength? Lost the Communications System and With the support of Electronic Equipment, Dawn is simply broken copper!”

Lu Qiang also looked at the Second Generation Dawn in the same place, with a comment: “Commander He wise!”

Yang Dingtian of the Equipment Department also laughed. As the Section Head of the Equipment Department, Yang Dingtian didn’t like Dawn very much, even The Steel and Iron and Lion d Combat System. He didn’t like it either.

The Large-scale Combat Equipment of Rongcheng Military District has always been managed by the Equipment Department. However, The Steel and Iron and Lion d Combat System’s Fearless and Explorer broke this precedent. Because of these Equipment’s Operating System, which relies on Shi Lei’s authorization, their management rights are directly managed by He Zhenbang.

How is Yang Dingtian happy with this kind of disguised power?

Zhang Liming of the Logistics Department has a complicated look. As a representative of the Li Department, Zhang Liming’s mood is very complicated and can’t be described in a few words.

The only expression difference is Su Ding, Su Ding is the master of Electronic Information Security Force. For technical aspects, Su Ding has the most say and the most authoritative.

‘wrong! This is definitely not right! According to previous intelligence, the six Dawns controlled by Shi Lei entered the Headquarters Large Building of the Wo Sang Nation Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency and were also trapped inside. Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency’s Headquarters Large Building, which is almost a sealed environment, it is difficult to receive the external Electronic Signal Right? If the Second Generation Dawn’s Communications System has an issue, I am afraid they have been caught by Wo Sang Nation. Since the Second Generation Dawn retreats from Wo Sang Nation Safety, the Second Generation Dawn has a very strong anti-electromagnetic Interference Capability! ‘Su Ding secretly guessed, but did not say it.

Sure enough, three seconds later, Su Ding discovered the Second Generation Dawn’s anomaly, and the Second Generation Dawn quickly pulled out the exclusive Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery behind him, aiming at the last First Generation The Steel and Iron in the air, and easily killed it.

Looking at Dawn’s movements, it wasn’t like the impact of empElectromagnetic Pulse Bomb, Su Ding showed a bitter smile.

‘it is as expected! The First Generation Dawn has such a serious flaw that it is impossible for the Second Generation Dawn to keep the issue. In particular, according to Shi Lei, the Second Generation Dawn’s Energy System can take a long time for Supply of Power, so the Second Generation Dawn can’t be without the emp shield system. ‘Su Ding in the heart, definitely thinking about it.

He Zhenbang’s face is uncertain and he doesn’t know what he is thinking. Anyway, the test results are what He Zhenbang wants, and He Zhenbang doesn’t see Hope.

He Zhenbang only needs the Second Generation Dawn to be powerful enough, but not Hope sees Dawn drift and fall outside, and controls in the hands of uncontrolled forces.

Shi Lei Regardless of the complex mood of He Zhenbang, Second Generation Dawn achieved the test of empElectromagnetic Pulse Bomb. Shi Lei guessed that there is no weapon in Rongcheng Military District, which can cause damage to Dawn.

Of course, those Full-sized Guided Missile, and all kinds of Inter-Guided Missile 啥, for Dawn, are completely obsolete. However, the tests in the Rongcheng Military District cannot be so boring!

“Commander He, is there anything else to test?” Shi Lei used Dawn on-board Communications System and asked He Zhenbang on the WIRE less channel.

He Zhenbang, regardless of whether Shi Lei can see it, smiled and shook his head. In the WIRE less communication channel, he replied: “No need to test! Shi Lei brat, come back and talk about it!”

“Okay, Commander He, trouble you to tell the Division Head Lu, it’s noon right now, my Hope sees Division Head Lu, prepares a table for lunch, good Right?” Shi Lei deliberately said to He Zhenbang to protest He Zhenbang’s arrangement. Inferior breakfast.

He Zhenbang didn’t understand why, Shi Lei, in the name of Lu Qiang, deliberately told him to listen. However, as a superior, He Zhenbang looks very thin about the face. If the face can be exchanged, He Zhenbang will definitely take it out for money. Anyway, in normal times, He Zhenbang hides his face in his pocket.

“No issue!” He Zhenbang responded simply.

He Zhenbang’s affirmative answer, Shi Lei walked back with Dawn Shi Shiran, the kind of understatement action, as if going out for an outing, and then returning home is as easy as writing.

Second Generation Dawn came to the No. 7 test site. Shi Lei came out of the cabin and had a pleased expression on his face. He walked to He Zhenbang and smiled at the cocky. “Commander He, Second Generation Dawn has qualifications. It is called Planet’s. Strongest Soldier War System Right? ”

He Zhenbang corner of mouth twitching, nodded: “En! Second Generation Dawn’s is really powerful!”

“hēi hēi, Commander He, I intend to use the complete set of Second Generation Dawn’s technology for free to you in the Rongcheng Military District. Now, we need to split the Thunderclash solution in half, do you think there is any issue?” Shi Lei said.

This is not Shi Lei reluctant to N235 Metal, but an attitude issue. If Shi Lei easily handed over N235 Metal, then the Rongcheng Military District would doubt how much N235 Metal Shi Lei had, which led to the trouble of numerous for Shi Lei.

Only in the case of ruthlessness, the Rongcheng Military District will reduce doubts and believe in Shi Lei’s dupe.

This is the inherent suspicious nature of mankind!

He Zhenbang didn’t answer immediately, “Shi Lei, this issue, we will talk about it after we go back!”

Seeing Dawn’s strong, He Zhenbang’s enthusiasm for N235 Metal has risen a lot…

