
Chapter 1089

HK1074 is named after the strongest, absolutely Overlord!


Rongcheng Military District Headquarters, No. 7 test site.

Shi Lei drove the Second Generation Dawn and walked slowly into the No. 7 test site. In Dawn’s driving cabin, Shi Lei currently conducted the final data check with Izual.

“Izual, Thunderclash Electrolyte’s instantaneous energy output is exactly the same as N235 Metal?” Shi Lei asked Izual, Second Generation Dawn’s powerful, almost dependent on the powerful energy output of N235 Metal.

In particular, Dawn’s exclusive Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery, without the powerful energy output of N235 Metal, how can it achieve a charge time of only one second?

There is also Second Generation Dawn’s fast machine power, without the support of N235 Metal, it is impossible to achieve!

“Sir, the essence of Thunderclash Electrolyte, is still N235 Metal. There is no essential difference between the two. There is only a difference in energy storage.” Izual replied to Shi Lei.

The essence of Thunderclash dissolved solution, precisely as stated N235 Metal, is formed by a special chemical electrolyte. The relationship between Thunderclash dissolved solution and solid-state N235 Metal is like water and ice, but the shape is different, there is no essential difference.

The special chemical electrolyte has only slightly changed the existence of N235 Metal. Although it has changed its chemical properties, it is still dominated by N235 Metal. It is still a special Power Source that can release electricity.

“So good! Izual, get ready!” Shi Lei stretched his body and connected to the WIRE less Communications System outside the No. 7 test site via the on-board Communications System. Smiled and said: “Commander He, after ten seconds, I will control Dawn to officially launch the attack, let your personnel notice!”

“No issue!” He Zhenbang replied affirmatively.

Ten seconds passed, Shi Lei did not change position immediately, and Dawn’s exclusive Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery was right-handed, aiming at a tank turret with a knockout edge.

“wēng ~ ”

Dawn’s exclusive Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery fired ultra-high-speed projectiles with more than ten times the speed of the projectile. After almost shooting, after a blink of an eye, he hit the semi-eliminated tank prepared by the Rongcheng Military District.

“hōng ~ ”

Dawn’s exclusive Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery’s projectile quality is only 10 grams, but it has the effect of a large-caliber Anti-EQ uipment Sniper Rifle. The turret armor board of the semi-eliminated model tank is directly broken through a large hole, and Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery is special. The projectile also penetrated the armor board on the other side of the turret.

The tank was hit, two driving personnel. The forehead was cold and sweaty. They were called to participate in the test and thought that there was no danger. But from the current situation analysis. The opponent’s weapon can directly break the turret’s defense, which naturally breaks the cockpit’s defense. In case the other party has made any mistakes, their little life will not be guaranteed!

“Report, No. 4 tank lost its combat capability and requested to exit the battlefield.” The No. 4 tank was hit. The main driver reported to Lu Qiang outside the application.

Lu Qiang’s face is not very good-looking, this is just beginning to test, there is actually a tank out of the test. However, Lu Qiang also saw the situation of the No. 4 tank, and the turret was completely penetrated. Completely lost the fighting power.

“Allow withdrawal!” Lu Qiang responded briefly.

However, the next moment. There was another loud noise in the No. 7 test site. Through the telescope, Lu Qiang discovered that another tank was hit by the main turret.

“Damn!” Lu Qiang whispered cursed.

He Zhenbang also discovered the situation through the telescope. Through the WIRE less headphones, he strongly commanded: “All combat units pay attention to the test target and launch attack!”

The remaining eight tanks and two of The Steel and Iron’s Remote Control drivers received an order from He Zhenbang and immediately launched an attack on Second Generation Dawn.

The power of the tank’s main gun is indeed very powerful, but with a quote from Wuxia World, the world’s Martial Arts, is invincible, but it won’t break!

The Second Generation Dawn’s target is very small. How big can a single combat unit be? Even though Second Generation Dawn’s volume has increased compared to the First Generation Dawn, but only two meters.

In addition, the Second Generation Dawn can reach 83 meters per second, and with those half-eliminated tanks, it really can’t hit Dawn!

“hōng hōng hōng hōng ~ ”

The main guns of the four tanks fired. They all aimed at Dawn’s approximate position. Shi Lei’s mouth was disdainful. Dawn’s speed almost reached its final state. It was more than 70 meters in one second. It easily avoided the attack of the tank’s main gun. range.

He Zhenbang looked at Second Generation Dawn’s ultra-high speed, his brow wrinkled, “Lu Qiang, hurry up and think!”

Lu Qiang is a bit stunned. How does he know what to do?

Instead, next to the Equipment Department Head Yang Dingtian, he made a scream: “Division Head Lu, let the eight tanks not aim at the Dawn directly, but aim around the Dawn, let the shells surround the Dawn. Then use The Steel and Iron. Launch Guided Missile against Dawn!”

Lu Qiang’s eyes lit up and quickly said: “Good idea! Division Head Yang, this idea is brilliant!”

Dawn’s moving the courier is too fast to hit the Dawn accurately, and instead of hitting the Dawn directly, it uses a wide range of attacks, restricting Dawn’s to move the area.

Lu Qiang immediately conveyed the approach proposed by Yang Dingtian to the eight tanks of the fighter and the two Steel and Iron operating personnel.

Inside the Dawn cockpit, Izual cracked the temporary WIRE less communication channel of the test site. Listening to the orders issued by Lu Qiang and He Zhenbang, Shi Lei was light snorted, “Izual, controlling Dawn action, avoiding each other’s attack!”

Izual immediately took over Dawn’s action and began to move irregularly. Shi Lei held Dawn’s exclusive Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery in his right hand and aimed at a tank to fire.

“hōng ~ ”

The semi-removed model of the tank, which has been proven by third time, is definitely not Dawn’s opponent!

Within the next fifteen seconds, almost every three seconds, Shi Lei took Thunderclash. Five tanks were destroyed, leaving only the last two tanks.

From Dawn’s entry into the No. 7 test site to eight tanks hit, about half a minute before and after, and the Rongcheng Military District has already lost more than half of the test objects.

The remaining two tanks finally locked the Dawn’s position, and the main guns of the two tanks were fired in less than one second in tandem.

The two shells are extremely fast. Under normal circumstances, Dawn should not be able to avoid, just like the master of the country to avoid firearm shooting, the speed of the master can not be faster than the bullet, Dawn’s speed can not be faster than the shell, but the master can be determined according to the action of the gunner So avoiding!

Dawn also observed the position change of the tank turret in advance, and changed the position of the tank turret. Determines the direction in which the tank’s main gun is aimed. When the tank’s main gun has not yet fired, Izual has already taken control of the Dawn to avoid it.

Izual controls Dawn. Escaped the attack of two shells. Shi Lei gave a counterattack without politeness. Dawn’s exclusive Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery had a charge time of only one second. This is because Dawn’s power supply platform is more outstanding to achieve high-speed and stable power supply.

Five seconds later, the last two tanks announced their withdrawal from the test!

In the sky, two First Generation The Steel and Iron. Aiming correction is still being performed. Swift Arrow a Air-To-Surface Guided Missile The flying speed is only 240 meters per second. For the Second Generation Dawn, there are some flaws.

The target targeted by the original Air-To-Surface Guided Missile is mainly fixed buildings and the slower ground-scale target. Rather than Dawn, this is a fast, small target.

The two The Steel and Iron did not find a chance to deal with Dawn. Two Swift Arrow a Air-To-Surface Guided Missile, can’t be launched.

Shi Lei looked at The Steel and Iron in the sky, thinking about how to make the most shocking effect. If you use Dawn’s exclusive Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery directly, and the two guns kill two of The Steel and Iron, there is no vision. Shocked!

‘First Generation The Steel and Iron If you deal with the Ordinary soldiers, it is really amazing, but it is almost completely ineffective for Second Generation The Steel and Iron! ‘Shi Lei in the heart sighs.

First Generation The Steel and Iron has only two attack methods, one is the on-board Mini Sub-machine Gun and the other is the Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile. With Second Generation Dawn’s defense strength, even though Second Generation Dawn stood still, First Generation The Steel and Iron on-board’s Mini Sub-machine Gun, and within a short time also wanted to break Second Generation Dawn’s armor defense.

As for the Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile, or the old issue, the Second Generation Dawn is a small target, and the Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile is not a panacea!

‘forget about it forget about it, it seems that only Zhou Yu hit the yellow cover! ‘Shi Lei in the heart made up his mind to use Dawn’s exclusive Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery to target a steel and Iron in the sky.

“wēng ~ ”

More than ten times the speed of the projectile, easily hit a The Steel and Iron, let The Steel and Iron burst into the Fireball in the air!

After killing a Dawn, Shi Lei put Dawn’s exclusive Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery back into the back kit, then stopped Dawn’s movement, and extended his right hand to the Sky and Iron in the sky, beckoning The Steel and Iron attack him.

The Steel and Iron’s Remote Control driver, through the 360° No-Dead-Angle Camera System, looked at Shi Lei’s action and immediately asked Lu Qiang: “Division Head Lu, is the attack test object?”

Lu Qiang took a look at the indifferent He Zhenbang and replied with a bite: “attack! Use Swift Arrow a Air-To-Surface Guided Missile attack!” After giving the order, Lu Qiang showed a smile on his face.

What exactly is ‘Commander He’? Do you just want to test the ultimate limit of Second Generation Dawn’s? ‘Lu Qiang can’t understand He Zhenbang’s opinion.

In the sky, the last The Steel and Iron, aimed at the stationary Second Generation Dawn, launched the Swift Arrow a Air-To-Surface Guided Missile, Swift Arrow a Air-To-Surface Guided Missile, facing Shi Lei shot quickly.

Izual has long locked the position of The Steel and Iron. According to the position of The Steel and Iron, the trajectory of the Swift Arrow a Air-To-Surface Guided Missile is calculated. Izual controls Dawn’s fast retreat two steps, then 蹲Now, hold the Alloy Shield with both hands and expand the defense mode.

Nearly five seconds later, the Swift Arrow a Air-To-Surface Guided Missile hit the Second Generation Dawn. The high-level Big Shots of the Rongcheng Military District gaze at the inside of the No. 7 test site through a telescope.

However, when they thought that the Second Generation Dawn was killed by the Swift Arrow a Air-To-Surface Guided Missile, the Second Generation Dawn stepped out of the dust, Second Generation Dawn’s surface, except for some dust and smoked black ash. There is no damage outside!

Second Generation Dawn is known as Worldwide’s strongest soldier, War System. It is truly a name, it is in the field of individual War System, it is absolutely Overlord!

Dawn drove the inner cabin, Shi Lei’s mouth bent, connected to Lu Qiang’s WIRE less channel, started talking: “Division Head Lu, your Rongcheng Military District test object, simply unable to withstand a single blow!”

It was so ridiculed by Shi Lei that Lu Qiang didn’t know how to refute it for a while. After all, the power of Second Generation Dawn is beyond the scope of Lu Qiang’s understanding.

Even if Lu Qiang received related data, it indicates that Dawn’s is really strong, and there is a lot of noise in Wo Sang Nation. But looking at the data and witnessing Dawn’s powerful, it is exactly two different feelings!

Lu Qiang didn’t even know how Shi Lei would stop Shi Lei if it broke out in the Rongcheng Military District. Because neither the tank nor the Small-scale Guided Missile seems to have any effect on the Second Generation Dawn!

“Commander He, end the test?” Lu Qiang asked He Zhenbang, and the final decision was in the hands of He Zhenbang.

He Zhenbang shook his head directly. For Second Generation Dawn’s, He Zhenbang didn’t seem to be shocked by too much. “Shi Lei This brat is too arrogant, you need to press his arrogance, use that weapon, give him a look! ”

