
Chapter 1088

HK1073 is half-half and intriguing!


When appropriate, a reasonable request will be made for the results for half the effort.

The current situation is the Rongcheng Military District, which is seeking for Shi Lei. Even if Shi Lei has a very serious major event, these things are nothing compared to the resources Shi Lei has.

Shi Lei has a high-efficiency new Power Source solution!

As Shi Lei guessed, He Zhenbang didn’t hesitate at all, and directly agreed with Shi Lei’s request, “Shi Lei, what are your requirements? Want Swift Arrow Guided Missile? Or Zhenhai Guidid Missile? Or something else?”

Shi Lei can take Guided Missile from the Rongcheng Military District, ‘open and aboveboard’, but it is absolutely impossible to buy the Guided Missile Level’s weapon from the black market. The so-called weapon transaction black market, Shi Lei only hē hē a smile, behind the black market, all the hair is the national government. If Shi Lei really buys the Guidid Missile Level’s weapon the black market, Xia Nation First will not let him go.

“No, no!” Shi Lei shook his head and pointed at the two silver-white metal lock boxes on the stainless steel conference table. The tone was serious: “These, I need half!”

He Zhenbang suddenly frowned, ‘Shi Lei this brat, even need a new Power Source? Could it be that Shi Lei did not secretly leave a little? ‘

Su Ding, sitting on the right side of Shi Lei, had a horror in his eyes. Apparently he did not believe that Shi Lei did not leave some N235 Metal.

Shi Lei certainly understands what He Zhenbang thinks. He started talking directly: “Commander He, are you thinking, haven’t I secretly left some new Power Source? I can tell you very responsible, I have left some “”

He Zhenbang suddenly stared at Shi Lei. The tone is not good: “Shi Lei brat, you have left some, and we have to be half-divided with us? Is this too much?”

“hē hē !” Shi Lei is bitter, “Commander He, if I tell you, I only left twenty of Thunderclash Electrolyte, you must not believe it. Right, Thunderclash Electrolyte. exact as stated this milk-white The electrolyte, this is what we name it. The name Thunderclash means it can make huge amounts of electricity.”

Whether it is He Zhenbang or the other Big Shot of the Rongcheng Military District, it really reveals the look of disbelief.

Shi Lei continues to explain: “The manufacturing volume ratio of Thunderclash Raw Stone and Thunderclash Electrolyte is 1: 10. There is also 8.4 cubic decimeter Thunderclash Raw Stone, which can be used to make 84 Lith Thunderclash Electrolyte, plus the already made 10 liter. A total of 94 Li Thunderclash Electrolyte. I only have 20 in my hands, Wo Sang Nation was in the Bermuda Triangle. I only found 11.4 cube decimeter Thunderclash Raw Stone, now all in my hands. Commander He, you said I want to Half divided?”

He Zhenbang hasn’t had time to refuse. Shi Lei continued: “I currently have a total of six Second Generation Dawns. If there is not enough Thunderclash Electrolyte, their combat capability cannot be guaranteed. So Commander He, I am very sincere to show how much I have. Resources. How much resources I have for Hope, it is fair to half-half.”

Shi Lei’s tone is so sincere that people can’t help but believe that he doesn’t say a lie. But Shi Lei is a master of dupe, what if Shi Lei says anything. It is not allowed to be sold by Shi Lei, but also actively bargaining. I think the price is low!

“This…” He Zhenbang was a little bit difficult at the time. Due to the cooperation between Shi Lei and Rongcheng Military District, Shi Lei has always been more ‘sincere’. If he wants Guilded Missile, he will say it directly. This makes He Zhenbang still believe in Shi Lei.

However, He Zhenbang is also reluctant to give up the new Power Source!

“Shi Lei, this thing, let’s postpone the discussion? We need to look at the Second Generation Dawn, whether it really has the qualifications to become the world’s strongest soldier War System!” He Zhenbang did not explicitly refuse, but chose Delaying Dafa.

He Zhenbang will not make any promises until he is unclear about the true strength of Second Generation Dawn’s.

Shi Lei thought about it and nodded: “No issue!”

Say, Shi Lei put together two silver-white metal lock boxes, and lifted it up and said, “Let’s go, let’s go to the test field! Or at the No. 7 test site, it’s bigger! Commander He, ready The Steel and Iron, as well as the main battle tanks, and the combat units you think might hurt the Second Generation Dawn!”

A little thought about it, Shi Lei coughed and said with a slight sigh: “First declare, Full-sized Large-scale Guided Missile, nothing will come, that toy is not informative!”

He Zhenbang nodded and then ordered Lu Qiang to let Lu Qiang arrange the test items. In the tactical discussion room, Lu Qiang’s status is relatively low, and he should deal with these things as it should be by rights.

Near an hour later, June 16th, 10:10 am. Rongcheng Military District Headquarters, No. 7 test site.

The No. 7 test site is the largest test site for the Rongcheng Military District Headquarters. In most cases, it is used to test Large-scale combat equipment such as tanks, armored vehicles, and Guided Missile Launch vehicles.

The testing of First Generation Dawn, Lion d Combat System, First Generation The Steel and Iron was all accomplished at the No. 7 test site.

On the periphery of the No. 7 test site, Shi Lei tilted his legs and looked casually at the test site.

“Commander He, is your Rongcheng Military District too a bit too Right? Two tanks that are about to be scrapped, two damaged The Steel and Iron, have not carried Swift Arrow Guided Missile? What is that thing? armored vehicle Hey, Commander He, that is your garbage truck in the Rongcheng Military District Right?” Shi Lei opened the mocking mode and degraded the testing power invested by the Rongcheng Military District.

If the test object too is small, how does it reflect Second Generation Dawn’s powerful?

He Zhenbang’s face was a bit sloppy, did not respond to Shi Lei, but turned to Lu Qiang and said: “Lu Qiang, what’s your name?”

Lu Qiang scratched his head: “Commander He, if Second Generation Dawn, is really as powerful as Shi Lei said, is it a waste of us to invest in too much test objects?”

Shi Lei said with a smile : “Division Head Lu, too few test objects, can not collect Second Generation Dawn’s real data, you will not Hope like this Right? If it is such a broken tank, it can be increased to ten As for The Steel and Iron, two of them are two, but let them be equipped with the Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile. The garbage truck is still going back!”

“Shi Lei, are you sure?” Lu Qiang slightly estimated for about ten tanks and two heavily armed The Steel and Iron, about how powerful the combat power, in the heart secretly sneer, Shi Lei is probably overestimate one’s Capabilities.

“Division Head Lu, or else we have a bet? On the day of my absence, the standard of your Rongcheng Military District has dropped a lot. Division Head Lu, if I control the Second Generation Dawn and beat all the test subjects, please ask me well. How about eating stopped?” Shi Lei smiled at Lu Qiang with a playful look.

Although the Second Generation Dawn’s design is biased towards urban operations, the open area of ​​the No. 7 test site also provides a very good test space for Dawn.

With Shi Lei’s understanding of Second Generation Dawn’s, Second Generation Dawn’s comprehensive combat capability was gradually developed. According to Shi Lei’s calculation, the test object he just listed is not an issue for Second Generation Dawn!

Lu Qiang subconsciously glanced at He Zhenbang. After He Zhenbang’s incomprehensible nod, Lu Qiang replied: “No issue! Shi Lei, you can rest assured that once you can’t stand it, we will stop testing immediately!”

Shi Lei shook his head with a smile and didn’t care.

After another half an hour, Lu Qiang finally prepared to accomplish all the test objects, ten backward model tanks, almost in the semi-retired sequence. The two slightly damaged The Steel and Iron are each equipped with a Swift Arrow a Air-To-Surface Guided Missile.

“Shi Lei, are you ready?” Lu Qiang asked Shi Lei with a hint of provocation.

Shi Lei stood up and opened the silver metal suitcase of Thunderclash Electrolyte, started talking: “Commander He, Division Head Lu, Division Head Su, help!” Shi Lei gestured to help them pick up Thunderclash Electrolyte’s 1l standard glass. The bottle, he opened the Second Generation Dawn’s energy storage, one by one, added Thunderclash Electrolyte.

Thunderclash Electrolyte is very special, without any drops in the glass bottle, all flowing into Dawn’s energy storage. Close After the protective cover of the energy storage warehouse, Shi Lei entered the Second Generation Dawn’s driving cabin.

Before the protection of the close head, Shi Lei looked towards Lu Qiang and laughed and said: “Division Head Lu, get ready for all kinds Mountain Precious Delicacy! Test, it’s started!”

Second Generation Dawn’s driving cabin is completely close, Shi Lei holds the shield on the left, Dawn’s exclusive Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery in the right hand, calls Izual, “Izual, locked the two The Steel and Iron?”

“Sir, the location of the two The Steel and Iron is completely locked!” Izual showed the direction of The Steel and Iron on the hudTransparent Display.

No. 7 The observation area outside the test field, Lu Qiang asked He Zhenbang: “Commander He, how should we test?”

He Zhenbang blinked his eyes: “Don’t spare!”

“Commander He, what should we do if something happens,” Lu Qiang asked hesitantly.

Although the ten tanks dispatched by the Rongcheng Military District are already in a semi-retired state, they are genuine tanks, and the tank main gun can also be fired, which is very destructive.

The two The Steel and Iron are equipped with two Swift Arrow a-type Air-To-Surface Guided Missile! If you try your best to deal with Shi Lei, I am afraid that Shi Lei has a life danger!

He Zhenbang didn’t talk, just looking at the Second Generation Dawn who was currently entering the No. 7 test field. The expression on his face was very cold.

Lu Qiang in the heart, some understand He Zhenbang’s opinion, “I know!”

He Zhenbang’s attitude is so intriguing. He doesn’t seem to care about Shi Lei’s life and death, and he doesn’t care much about the so-called new Power Source?



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