
Chapter 1074

hk1062 Kami is falling!

On June 14, the morning was 1.55. Wo Sang Nation, Tokyo Prefecture, Chiyoda District and the Central District junction.

Deity Plan Secret Base, dispatched six so-called ‘Kami’ to block Dawn. However, Second Generation Dawn and Dawn’s prototype are two different things!

The First Generation Dawn, the prototype of the Wo Sang Nation Metal Exoskeleton plan, is exactly the same as the Second Generation Dawn, which is completely Cloud and Mud.

From the power aspect, First Generation Dawn uses the only three-horsepower Microturbine Engine, even with dual engines, and uses special technology to coordinate the power output of the dual Engine, First Generation Dawn’s maximum power output, only Forty-eight Horsepower is not available.

However, Second Generation Dawn’s Power System has taken five independent High Energy Motors, each with a power of up to one hundred and thirty-four horsepower!

The two generations of Dawn are not comparable in the dynamic aspect!

In addition to the dynamic aspect, the two generations of Dawn’s defense are still not the same. Second Generation Dawn’s defense is almost a strong to refuses to die. Unless the Second Generation Dawn’s driver kills himself and has ultra-high maneuverability, it is all kind. Otherwise, the Second Generation Dawn is hard to destroy.

It is precisely because Second Generation Dawn’s performance is promoted too much that the ‘Kami’ developed by Wo Sang Nation Deity Plan is not a Second Generation Dawn’s opponent in the power aspect.

However, Deity Plan uses the Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology as the Core, which can target specific genes, modify gene defects, and even adjust the type of genes to enhance the ability of certain genes!

Is such a dish a “product” made by such cutting-edge Biogenetics Science and Technology?

Six ‘Kami’ were hit by Second Generation Dawn and fell heavily on the ground. If it is the human of the Ordinary, it will fall down only if it falls off the air. What’s more, they also suffered from the tremendous impact of Dawn’s sword.

Shi Lei taunted, but the six people who fell to the ground, ‘Kami’, did not suffer any harm. They stood up from the ground, holding the Wo Sang Nation samurai sword and continued to rush to Dawn.

“Nani?” Shi Lei looked at the rushed ‘Kami’ in surprise. “These guys, is it really a ninja? Hēng! Even if you are a ninja, give me to die!”

Six black-painted Dawns, comparable to Abyss Demon God, face six ‘Kami’, Dawn does not retreat.

Shi Lei drove the Number One machine, holding the shield with his right hand holding the sword, blocking the ‘Kami’ Wo Sang Nation samurai sword with Alloy Shield, and then Alloy Heavy Sword slamming on the shoulder of ‘Kami’.

Second Generation Dawn’s Power System, featuring five independent High Energy Motors, each with independent High Energy Motor power. To put it another way, the impact power of exact as stated Alloy Heavy Sword has at least a thousand kilograms of strength.

However, thousands of kilograms of attack strength did not even break the shoulder of ‘Kami’!

If it is an Ordinary person, the weight of the two hundred Sixty kilograms of Alloy Heavy Sword, slamming on the shoulders, it is absolutely from the shoulders, directly split people into two! But the shoulder of ‘Kami’ hardened two hundred Sixty kilograms of Alloy Heavy Sword and Dawn’s powerful independent energy supply, not only did not get split in half, even the signs of fractures did not!

What is even more bizarre is that after ‘Kami’ was attacked, there was no painful look on his face. Instead, he waved the Wo Sang Nation samurai sword in an attempt to attack Shi Lei.

Shi Lei slammed his feet out and kicked ‘Kami’, then quickly shouted in the Dawn on-board Communications System: “Be careful! These guys are weird, they don’t seem to be human!”

‘Mother’s Egg, just the attack, even though a piece of steel plate, can also penetrate! Is this guy’s shoulder harder than steel? And with such tremendous power, he didn’t even bend his legs. Could it be that this guy is a bionic humanoid robot? ‘Shi Lei guessed in the heart.

To verify his guess, Shi Lei opens Dawn’s Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector. If these guys dressed as ninja suits are bionic humanoid robots, their thermal radiation images must be different from real humans. After all, the interior of the bionic Robot will also use numerous metal parts, and the thermal radiation image will not be exactly the same as humans.

However, what shocked Shi Lei happened!

The guy who was originally identified as a bionic robot has images of thermal radiation that are almost the same as humans. Although these guys’ infrared radiation images show a higher body temperature than Ordinary people, they are indeed human thermal radiation images. .

“How is this possible?” Shi Lei was shocked.

Ye Feng is driving a Dawn No. 2 machine, currently playing against a ‘Kami’. When ‘Kami’ shuns the Deal Heavy Sword from Ye Feng, the Wo Sang Nation Samurai in the ‘Kami’ hand is in the Shield of the Dawn No. 2.

“guāng ~ ”

‘Kami’ used the Wo Sang Nation samurai sword to take the Dawn No. 2 machine a step back, and the Wo Sang Nation samurai sword did not break, which is incredible.

Shi Lei reminded: “A’Feng, be careful!”

Zhu Mingxuan’s Dawn No. 6 machine directly caught the upper hand in the battle with ‘Kami’. I saw Zhu Mingxuan using the Alloy Shield, pushing ‘Kami’ to the ground, then stepping on the hand of the Wo Sang Nation samurai sword in ‘Kami’, the downward movement of the Alloy Heavy Sword ,, the tip of the sword directly from The joint in the middle of the arm penetrated and cut off the ‘Kami’ arm.

After removing the ‘Kami’ arm, Zhu Mingxuan was not polite, using Alloy Heavy Sword again, aiming at Kami’s head.

Even if ‘Kami’ is the creation of Deity Plan, with many Outstanding transformation genes, he still belongs to the human category, not the real Kami.

So there is no ‘Kami’ in my head, and I can’t live naturally!

Zhu Mingxuan said in Dawn on-board Communications System: “Boss, I killed one!”

Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, South, Deity Plan secret Underground Base.

Ikeda Katsutaro watched the camera and watched the Dawn No. 6 machine, killing a ‘Kami’ with almost no effort, Ikeda Katsutaro’s brow, the corner of the mouth twitched.

“Is these Metal Exoskeleton so strong?” Ikeda Katsutaro said to herself, “Come on!”

The middle-aged man, who has been waiting outside the door, walked in silently. “General, what is the order.”

“Go take me the data of Metal Exoskeleton, I want to see.” Ikeda Katsutaro’s authorization level is very high, even though Metal Exoskeleton, does not belong to the Deity Plan system, but Ikeda Katsutaro wants to see, then you can definitely see Look.

The middle-aged man withdrew from Room, Ikeda Katsutaro picked up the phone, dialed a number, and the other party connected very quickly. Ikeda Shinji’s voice came over: “Have you caught it?”

“‘Kami’ has failed and has been killed by Metal Exoskeleton. If you want Seize Metal Exoskeleton, arrange your own power!” After Ikeda Katsutaro finished, he did not wait for Ikeda Shinji to respond and hang up the phone.

Ikeda Shinji is the Major General of the military. He listened to ‘Kami’ being dropped and could not block Metal Exoskeleton. The expression on his face was very complicated. As a personly-in-charge of formerly hosted Metal Exoskeleton plan, Ikeda Shinji has a strong impression on Dawn’s, and there is a feeling of exultation in the heart.

At the beginning, Wo Sang Nation executives vetoed the Metal Exoskeleton project and ordered the project to be sealed, leaving Ikeda Shinji very depressed. Now, Metal Exoskeleton kills the Quartet, not only kills the twenty main battle tank, but also cooperates with a Remote Control Helicopter to destroy the Gentle Breeze First Formation, even the top of the Wo Sang Nation Government, and the highly developed Deity Plan. Kami ‘ is still not an opponent of Metal Exoskeleton.

This situation makes Ikeda Shinji in the heart awesome!

However, ‘Kami’ can’t catch the situation of Metal Exoskeleton, and Ikeda Shinji has some egg pain. Six Dawn In the bustling urban environment of Tokyo Prefecture, it is impossible for Wo Sang Nation to use the Large-scale Guided Missile to kill Dawn. To play against Dawn in an urban environment, you can only use regular weapon, regular weapon, and not Dawn’s opponent at all.

Ikeda Shinji repeatedly thought about how to block the next six Dawns, but ultimately did not think of a reliable method. Dawn is invincible in the urban environment!

The junction of Chiyoda District and the Central District.

After the Dawn No. 6 machine killed a ‘Kami’, the remaining Dawn’s drivers quickly found the weakness of ‘Kami’. Although ‘Kami”s bone density and firmness exceeds Ordinary’s Steel and Iron, it can even block the extent of Alloy Heavy Sword. The joint of ‘Kami’ could not stop the attack of Alloy Heavy Sword.

Shi Lei drove a ‘Kami’ on the ground while driving a Dawn Number One. He was preparing to use the Alloy Heavy Sword to break the neck of ‘Kami’. Izual suddenly said: “sir, please wait, System check To abnormal information!”

Shi Lei immediately stopped the three people of Alloy Heavy Sword, Punishment Merc Warsquad, and had already killed five other ‘Kami’. They saw that Shi Lei did not kill ‘Kami’ and was ready to help.

“Boss, need help?” Ye Feng asked.

“A’Feng, you hold him down, Izual found something strange!” Shi Lei told, then quickly asked Izual, “Izual, what abnormality was detected?”

“Sir, please wait a moment …… System found that there is an internet conNEC tion in the target, System automatically invades successfully, and currently reads the data library information.” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

“Speed ​​is faster!” Shi Lei urged. Now they are still in the capital of Wo Sang Nation, it is best to leave soon.

After a few seconds, Izual prompts: “sir, information reads acccomplish.”

Shi Lei didn’t immediately ask what the information was, but raised Alloy Heavy Sword, which ended the life of the last ‘Kami’.

The ‘Kami’ made by six Deity Plan, all fallen….

(To be continued. Please search, novel is better to update faster!)