
Chapter 1075

hk1063 Rongcheng Military District Back to the black pot!

.Wo Sang Nation Time, June 14th, two in the morning.

Six Dawns defeated six ‘Kami’s, and Izual discovered the internet conNEC tion from one of the ‘Kami’ bodies, and the intrusion gained some information data.

Shi Lei did not die and immediately looked at the information obtained by Izual. Instead, he took the Punishment Merc Warsquad and stepped into the Harbour Authority of Tokyo Prefecture, leaving through the internal waters of the Harbour District of Tokyo Prefecture.

Wo Sang Nation didn’t send more power to block the six Dawns, it didn’t stop the Dawn, but the cost of stopping Dawn’s would be huge. In order to avoid paying a higher price, Wo Sang Nation can only let Dawn leave.

Letting Dawn leave, does not mean that Wo Sang Nation recognizes bad luck. This is just about get about it. Wo Sang Nation just doesn’t want to confront Dawn in Tokyo Prefecture. Once Dawn leaves Tokyo Prefecture, Wo Sang Nation will naturally look for it. Dawn’s trouble.

The relevant decision makers of Wo Sang Nation have been investigate and Dawn is diving into the Tokyo Prefecture from the sea. Once Dawn leaves the ocean again, the Wo Sang Nation aspect is ready to dispatch the submarine to intercept the Dawn.

When Dawn was in Tokyo Prefecture, Wo Sang Nation did not deal with Dawn in order to avoid damage to the city. If it is in the ocean, Wo Sang Nation has no restriction, I am afraid they will immediately use the most powerful force to start with Dawn.

Tokyo Bay.

The six Dawns are fully powered, moving below sea level and moving quickly towards the sea.

Dawn Number One drove the cabin, Shi Lei asked Izual, “Izual, what information was just discovered?”

Izual responded: “Sir, System currently for information Decryption, please wait a moment …”

Shi Lei in the heart secretly thinking, just Izual prompted to find that in the body of the strange guy wearing a ninja suit, found the internet conNEC tion, this message hides the subtle information!

Through Dawn on-board Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector, Shi Lei has determined that those who wear weird guys are indeed human. Even if it is not human, it will not be a bionic robot.

A few minutes later, Izual finally cracked the accomplish encryption information. “Sir, information is cracked, read?”

“Come and check it out!” Shi Lei certainly wants to check the information obtained by Izual, and perhaps the information discovered by Izual, which will explain the confusion of Shi Lei in the heart.

The hudTransparent Display of Dawn’s eye area shows the information obtained by Izual, and Shi Lei reads it quickly. Image delivery through images is the fastest channel, far beyond the exchange of information through sound.

Shi Lei took less than two minutes to read the information obtained by Izual. ‘The original guy who is wearing a weird, turned out to be Deity Plan’s Product! Kami? 妄 Self-respecting Wo Sang Nation Little ‘Devil’! However, Wo Sang Nation has secretly studied Biological Gene Technology and has achieved good results. What do they want to do? ‘

The fear of Shi Lei in the heart is just a flash, Wo Sang Nation has no similar plan in implement Deity Plan, Xia Nation? Xia Nation owns the Dragon Rise’ Plan and also ‘develops and manufactures’ a ‘product’ like Jian Wushuang.

According to Shi Lei’s determine, Jian Wushuang is in the force aspect, although not the opponent of Wo Sang Nation ‘Kami ‘, but Jian Wushuang has complete emotion and wisdom, while Wo Sang Nation’s ‘Kami’, due to damage to the brain dopamine, their The emotions are very thin. In order to strengthen the control of ‘Kami’, Wo Sang Nation’s Deity Plan research project leader, in the ‘Kami’ head, added the Biological Control Chip to control ‘Kami’. It was because of the Biological Control Chip of the brain that Izual discovered the ‘Kami’ body and there was an internet conNEC tion signal.

‘Muscle fibrosis enhancement, pain nerve shielding, bone sediment optimization, strength enhancement…’Shi Lei lamented the power of Deity Plan, ‘No wonder these guys are not afraid of death, they have basically not counted as humans! ‘Shi Lei in the heart flashed a trace of sadness.

Is it human beings to replace human genes by modification, graft genes from other species, and promote genetic enhancement of human beings?

Although Shi Lei in the heart is sad, it does not affect his inner joy. The product of Wo Sang Nation Deity Plan confirms the fact that Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology can produce Mastery over Future and Fate Virus.

“Izual, our The Steel and Iron, have you withdrawn?” Shi Lei asked Izual. In this operation, a total of 51 Dawns were dispatched, including Gentle Breeze First Formation, which destroyed 15 of them. The Steel and Iron had no further losses before Shi Lei left.

“Sir, The Steel and Iron currently retreat. However, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department had a numerous sniper between the tall buildings, and The Steel and Iron lost another 15…data update, The Steel and Iron lost Sixteen. Second Generation The Steel and Iron has left the battlefield of Tokyo Prefecture, and the remaining 19 First Generation The Steel and Iron are currently out of the battlefield.” Izual reports on information.

For the loss of thirty-one First Generation The Steel and Iron, Shi Lei was not at all concerned. However, Shi Lei does not have Hope Wo Sang Nation from the disintegration of The Steel and Iron. “Izual, shot down by The Steel and Iron, started the Self-destruct System?”

The first fifteen of The Steel and Iron were attacked by the Small-scale Air-To-Air Guided Missile of Gentle Breeze First Formation, which was blown up into pieces and did not need to be self-destructive. The back of the sixteen The Steel and Iron, mainly hit by sniper rifle, fell for various reasons. Fortunately, The Steel and Iron’s Self-destruct System and Main System have independent hardware settings, and even if The Steel and Iron’s main control system hardware is destroyed, Izual can launch The Steel and Iron’s Self-destruct System.

“Sir, all of The Steel and Iron, all self-destructed.” Izual replied good news.

Shi Lei in the heart sighed in relief , “Izual , calculate the optimal path, directly control Dawn, return to Xia Nation.”

Dawn’s underwater speed is not slow, Wo Sang Nation and Xia Nation’s HNA distance is not too far away, from Tokyo Prefecture to Shanghai, about 1800 kilometers. According to Dawn’s underwater speed, it takes about 18 hours. Dawn’s energy reserve is completely enough, just Shi Lei and others, I am afraid I need to be hungry!


Wo Sang Nation, Tokyo Prefecture, Military Department, location confidential.

Ikeda Shinji looked at a middle-aged man across the street and started talking in a tone: “Shimoya Riko, I need you Navy to cooperate and grab the six Metal Exoskeleton in Tokyo Prefecture.”

Shimoya Riko is Wo Sang Nation Navy Major General, who has a very strong power to control Navy in Tokyo Prefecture. To grab six Dawns that leave the ocean, you must have Shimoya Riko help. Otherwise, the power in the hands of Ikeda Shinji couldn’t catch six Dawns.

“Shinji Jun, I am very sorry, there is no cabinet minister, or the order of Prime Minister. I can’t mobilize Navy power privately. After all, the Navy power I control is mainly responsible for protecting the safety of Tokyo Prefecture. Once it is mobilized, it causes a defense flaw. “Can you be responsible?” Shimoya Riko’s relationship with Ikeda Shinji is obviously not good. If it is not Ikeda Shinji, there is absolutely no way. He will never find Shimoya Riko.

“Shimoya Riko!” Ikeda Shinji gnashing one’s teeth said: “The six Metal Exoskeleton, apparently through the ocean channel, broke into Tokyo Prefecture. And also invaded the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building. Foreign Ministry aspect, Currently check the losses, if you don’t catch them, can you take responsibility?”

Shimoya Riko’s face changed slightly, but he didn’t want to lose sight of it. He barely said: “Ikeda Shinji, even if you are the Military Quarters, you are just Major General, we belong to the same level, you should not be too much!”

Ikeda Shinji coldly snorted, “Shimoya Riko, I can’t overdo it. I am helping you. You have a flaw in the Navy’s defense, and put the unknown enemy in. Shouldn’t it be handled by your Navy?”

Shimoya Riko’s face changed, and after about ten seconds of stalemate, Shimoya Riko lost his momentum. “The six Metal Exoskeleton, are you exactly responsible for the project? If we are looking for the six Metal Exoskeleton, what should be done? Where to find it?”

Ikeda Shinji sighed in relief, he is really afraid that Shimoya Riko doesn’t understand the work. “Metal Exoskeleton is indeed the project I am responsible for, but this technology was leaked by the stupid Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency! You Navy blocked the Tokyo Bay waters as soon as possible, focusing on the route from Tokyo Bay to Xia Nation and Nanchao Nation. And don’t let Ao Ya Nation go, they are also the main target of doubt!”

After a little pause, Ikeda Shinji continued: “The six Dawns have diving capabilities, and you can use the Sonar Detection System to find their tracks!”

Shimoya Riko immediately issued a command via video call, blocking the entire Tokyo Bay, focusing on the navigation channel from Tokyo Bay to Xia Nation, Nanchao Nation and Ao Ya Nation.

Looking at Shimoya Riko one by one, Ikeda Shinji smiled on his face, and the name Shimoya Riko was also polite. “Riko-kun, if the six Metal Exoskeletons are captured, we can restart the research plan of Metal Exoskeleton. As long as our research is successful, your Navy department will be equipped with Metal Exoskeleton for the first time!”

Shimoya Riko’s face looked a little better, and Ikeda Shinji’s words were both a promise of good fortune and a decent step that made Shimoya Riko’s face pass.

“So great!” Shimoya Riko nodded, replied affirmatively.

“dōng dōng dōng ~ ”

The tactical discussion rooms where Ikeda Shinji and Shimoya Riko are located are ringing. They are now in the Headquarters of the military. If there is nothing particularly urgent, no one knocks at the door.

“Come in!” Ikeda Shinji loudly.

Outside the door, a man who looked like a 30-year-old walked in with a document. He first honored a military ceremony and then said: “Ikeda General, this is what you told investigate.”

“Get it!” Ikeda Shinji’s eyes lit up, took the file in the man’s hand and quickly opened it.

The First page of the open file is a colored picture of The Steel and Iron with a text description below it.

‘The Steel and Iron, Small-scale Unmanned drives the Remote Control Helicopter, which is part of the Xia Nation Rongcheng Military District and is independently developed and manufactured for the Xia Nation Rongcheng Military District…’.

(To be continued. Please search, novel is better to update faster!)