
Chapter 1073

hk1061 Kami? !

There is a subtle association between Dawn and Wo Sang Nation.

Wo Sang Nation is the original Dawn’s designer, just because Dawn’s development is too difficult, especially Dawn’s “Operation” as System issue, so that the Dawn project is sealed.

Although Wo Sang Nation did not develop Dawn’s prototypes, Wo Sang Nation was well aware of the relationship between Dawn and their Metal Exoskeleton technology.

If you only drive six Dawns, or Destroy six Dawns, Wo Sang Nation will never send a twenty main battle tank and sixteen oh-1 ninjas Armed Helicopter to round up Dawn.

It’s a pity that even though Wo Sang Nation places a lot of emphasis on the six Dawn’s combat powers, Dawn’s real combat power still exceeds their expectations.

Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, south, one kilometer away, a secret Underground Base.

An old man with white hair and a luscious face, looking at the six Dawn’s battle videos, the original turbid eyes became sharp in an instant.

“Metal Exoskeleton? It seems to be far more powerful than the prototype of Metal Exoskeleton!” the old man muttered to himself. Then he asked, “Where did the six Metal Exoskeleton come from?”

“Ikeda General, according to our investigate personnel, along the footprints of the other party, the other party should have emerged from the internal waters of the Harbour Bureau of Tokyo Prefecture. As for what forces they belong to, I don’t know for a moment.” A middle-aged man The attitude is extremely respectful. Hacker 1061

“The internal waters of the Hong Kong Bay Bureau of Tokyo Prefecture? So, do these six Metal Exoskeletons also have the function of diving? Just don’t know, the depth and time of diving can be maintained at what standard. If the time is too short, then There is no meaning.” The old man seems to be talking to himself, as if he is asking the middle-aged person next to him.

The middle-aged did not answer. He followed the old man and was not a teenager. He knew exactly what the old man was.

“Commanded, send ‘Kami’ to deal with it! Remember to catch them back, I want to see this Metal Exoskeleton, how much Outstanding?hēng hēng!” old man disdain hēng hēng two.

The middle-aged man said: “Follow, Ikeda General.” After that, the middle-aged man kept his whole body and retreat.

The old man named Ikeda, staring at Monitor, Second Generation Dawn’s battle video, his face “showing” a scornful god “color”, muttered to himself: “Metal Exoskeleton, after all, just outside! We human Your own body is the real treasure!”

The full name of the old man is Ikeda Katsutaro, who is the general of Wo Sang Nation and one of the main person-in-charges of Deity Plan.

Deity Plan exactly as stated, ie ‘Super Biological Project’. This plan, through the Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology, modifies the human’s own genes, thereby allowing human genetic evolution to strengthen human physical fitness.

Wo Sang Nation is not only the leader of Mechanical Technology Worldwide, but also in the science and genetic aspects, Wo Sang Nation can even be said to be Worldwide First!

Even though Li Jian Nation, in the Sophisticated’s creature and genetic aspects, Wo Sang Nation also surpassed them a little.

Wo Sang Nation Obviously the secret is working on the implement Deity Plan, and has achieved a lot of results. This time, ‘Kami’ sent by Ikeda Katsutaro is not the real Kami among the ancient Myth, but the ‘Kami’ created by human beings.

Tokyo Prefecture, Chiyoda District.

Six Dawns, under Izual’s control, rushed to the Tokyo Bay Authority at an extremely fast pace, and they were still preparing to leave by crossing the sea.

Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building The distance from the internal waters of the Harbour District of Tokyo Prefecture is only one point for Tawny-nine seconds for Izual-controlled Dawn.

In normal times, a minute Twenty-nine seconds is basically fleeting. This Twenty-nine second, which is in the current situation, is really a long time.

When the six Dawns were from the harbor bureau of Tokyo Prefecture, and there was twenty seconds away, there were two rockets on the road in front of them. Hacker 1061

Because the rocket’s “shooting” nest is a static object, Izual can’t identify what the rocket’s “shooting” nest is. The two rockets’ “shooting” nests appear within Shi Lei’s line of sight, and have not waited for Shi Lei to make any orders. The two rockets made a “shooting” nest, and they even blew the seeds directly, and they shot out a dense rocket!

Each rocket nest is the specification of 6×6, that is, a rocket nest is 36 rockets, and two rocket nests are seven 12 rockets! So many rockets, even if Sun Wukong has seven 12 changes, they have to be labeled as dogs!

Fortunately, the rockets did not fly fast. After the two rocket nests exploded, the six Dawns had no time to evade, all half on the ground, using the Alloy Shield, and entered the defense mode.

“hōng hōng hōng hōng hōng bombing…”

The sound of continuous explosions rang frequently in the early hours of the night.

The rocket can only be a straight line attack, does not have a guidance function, seven 12 rockets, not all hit the Dawn, only about 50 rockets, only hit six Dawn.

Dawn, who was bombarded with rockets, suffered a lot of pressure. Fortunately, Second Generation Dawn’s Alloy Shield adds manufacturing cost, its defense strength is very high, and the body is very strong. Even if it is not as good as the mysterious Zhenndun brand of Li Jian Nation Captain, it is definitely not a knockoff shield made of inferior steel.

Second Generation Dawn’s Alloy Shield, designed to resist the Small-scale Guided Missile’s attack, zone rockets, can not damage the shield. Just a too dense rocket explosion, the driver inside Dawn, suffered a lot of psychological pressure and physical pressure.

The rockets of the two rocket nests were “shot” and the six Dawns stood up almost intact. Shi Lei quickly asked: “Izual, what is the situation? Check it out and see the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. In the Internal Network, there is no relevant information!”

“Boss, we are in trouble!” Ye Feng’s voice rang in the on-board Communications System.

“Well, I know!” Shi Lei certainly knew that they were in trouble. After all, such a large number of rockets, Wo Sang Nation did not hesitate to use it. Obviously they got a very high authorization and prepared a very good aftermath. working arrangement.

“This…” Ye Feng was hesitant, but Ye Feng was still loud: “Boss, you better look at the front!”

“Before?” Shi Lei was puzzled, but still looked forward to the front. “Is this?” Shi Lei looked at the front with some surprise.

In front of the six Dawn’s, next to the two rocket nests, six humans wearing black “color” ninja suits and holding Wo Sang Blade suddenly appeared.

“Is these guys funny? Are they ninjas? But they are holding Wo Sang Nation samurai swords!” Shi Lei said something. However, the next moment, Shi Lei can’t spit out!

Because, a man who is wearing a weird, just a knife, turned a rocket nest into two halves. Shi Lei swears that he hasn’t heard the obvious Steel and Iron crash, but also in other words, the wore of the Wo Sang samurai, which is a weird human being, is really a stone!

“Stop, squat, beg for mercy, let go of you, one, live!” Among the six weird human beings, the man standing at the forefront is a bit difficult to speak, as if he would not speak at all.

Shi Lei light snorted, how dare he surrender? If he dares to surrender, Wo Sang Nation will definitely make him very cool, definitely the cool way to die! If he surrendered, what should Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang do?

“Let’s go! Otherwise, kill without mercy!” Shi Lei said using the standard Japanese.

Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, South, Deity Plan’s Underground Secret Base.

Ikeda Katsutaro watched six weird ‘Kami’s through the Security Surveillance Camera, whether it was the opponent of the six Metal Exoskeleton.

According to Ikeda Katsutaro’s speculation, the six ‘Kami’ sent out by Deity Plan base can easily catch six Dawns. Ikeda Katsutaro Although full of disdain and disdain for the Metal Exoskeleton plan, Ikeda Katsutaro is very aware of the combat power of Metal Exoskeleton. However, in the thought of Ikeda Katsutaro, the power of the six ‘Kami’ surpassed the six Dawn too much too much!

The six ‘Kami’ made by Deity Plan, due to the modification of too many genes, resulted in an issue of dopamine secretion in the brain. The ‘Kami’ products produced by Deity Plan, although their individual strength is very strong, their personal emotions are very inert, basically belonging to the kind without personal emotions. They only ‘like’ to obey orders.

Six ‘Kami’ collective started talking: “target resistance, implement Second Set plan !”

Second Set plan exactly as stated defeated six Dawns, then caught them and sent them back to the Deity Plancle Underground research base.

Shi Lei turned over the roll one’s eyes. These six weird humans have been classified by Shi Lei into the category of snake disease. He is lightly snorted, “kill them!”

Six Dawn vs six ‘Kami’!

Dawn’s Alloy Heavy Sword is very huge; the Wo Sang Nation samurai sword used by ‘Kami’ has just shown the sharpness of cutting iron, but their threat is not as great as imagined. According to Dawn’s Alloy Heavy Sword strength, coupled with Dawn’s strength, Alloy Heavy Sword is very likely to directly break the fragile Wo Sang Nation samurai sword.

The sword of one big one small collided, but not as Shi Lei guessed, Alloy Heavy Sword broke the Wo Sang Nation samurai sword. The iron-skinned Wo Sang Nation samurai sword did not cut the Alloy Heavy Sword, and only a small gapwas made on the Alloy Heavy Sword.

The Wo Sang Nation samurai sword did make a difference. It cut out Dawn’s Alloy Heavy Sword. You can use the Wo Sang Nation katana’s ‘Kami’, but without the Wo Sang Nation samurai sword, tenacious, the six ‘Kami’ was hit by a huge force, and then fell heavily on the ground.

Shi Lei light snorted : “overestimate one’s capabilities !”.

(To be continued.)

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