
Chapter 1072

hk1060 War ! under

The Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building’s defense is very powerful, and its Safety Measures can even be said to be one of the best in Wo Sang Nation. Such a safety place, even the armed personnel of the unknown identity has broken the defense.

Fortunately, the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building suddenly reverted to Power Supply, using the High-energy Laser Defense System to trapthe intruders. Otherwise, the entire Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency will become a nationwide joke for Wo Sang Nation.

In the night sky of about 500 meters, a dozen Wosang Nation’s Armed Helicopter, directly at high altitude, aimed at The Steel and Iron below.

The encirclement of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, after the advent of the tank and Armed Helicopter, quickly withdrew 500 meters to leave enough space for the tank and Armed Helicopter, and fear of being accidentally injured.

It must be said that the withdrawal of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is very sensible. Armed Helicopter of the Gentle Breeze First Formation, after aiming at The Steel and Iron at an altitude of 500 meters, directly shot the Small-scale Air-To-Air. Guided Missile !

Small-scale Air-To-Air Guided Missile’s tail flame, like a meteor in the night sky, hit the steel and Iron underneath very quickly, and the 15 The Steel and Iron have no chance to escape. It was hit by fifteen Small-scale Air-To-Air Guided Missile and turned into pieces.

Wo Sang Nation’s Armed Helicopter is definitely not the kind of knockoff goods of Nanyue Nation. They have a lot of combat power and can completely destroy The Steel and Iron.

Fortunately, the 15 destroyed The Steel and Iron are all guarding the escorts of The Steel and Iron carrying the Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile!

Outside the lobby on the first floor, Shi Lei listened to the information reported by Izual. For the loss of fifteen The Steel and Iron, Shi Lei did not feel any heartache. Hacker 1060

The cost of The Steel and Iron is only about Hundred-thousand Xia Nation Yuan. According to the battlefield Equipment Grade, it is the standard cannon fodder!

Cannon fodder is not used for sacrifice?

“Izual, implement Second Round attack!” Shi Lei ordered. First Round Two Swift Arrow a Air-To-Surface Guided Missile’s bombardment did not completely blow up the power route of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, and also needed Second Round attack.

Izual controlled two other Dawns and fired two more Swift Arrow a Air-To-Surface Guided Missile.

“hōng ~ hōng ~ ”

The one-on-one explosion finally completely Destroy the power route of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, the High-energy Laser Defense System of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, the layer of reddish-colored laser layer. Suddenly dimmed.

Shi Lei screamed in Dawn’s internal Communications System: “implement Casting Stone To InquIRE The Way plan !”

Six Dawns respectively threw out the items of Casting Stone To InquIRE The Way, and Shi Lei threw out half of the identity verification gate machine. In less than three seconds, there was a dense gunfire outside. And there are four huge explosions.

The four huge explosions were that Izual controlled The Steel and Iron carrying the remaining four Swift Arrow a Air-To-Surface Guided Missile, destroying four Wo Sang Nation main battle tanks for Shi Lei. Reduce the pressure of breakout.

“Sir, the total number of shots is the same as the total number of tanks, and you can breakthrough!” Izual reminded Shi Lei, and also reminded five other Dawns.

Six Dawns rushed out of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters, and four Wo Sang Nation’s main battle tanks were smoky. Even though the armor defense of the main battle tank is very thick, it can be accurately hit by the Air-To-Surface Guided Missile, even if it is only the Small-scale Air-To-Surface Guided Missile, it can not help the power of the explosion.

The Dawn Number One has an Alloy Shield on the left and an Alloy Heavy Sword on the right, but Dawn’s exclusive Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery. Alloy Heavy Sword is not suitable for the real battle tank, but Dawn’s exclusive Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery is a weapon against the main battle tank.

“wēng ~ ”

Dawn’s exclusive Electromagnetic Artillery made a dull sound, and Zheng Sanpao took the lead in aiming at the connecting part of the rotating turret and main body of a main battle tank.

The Three Thousand 600-meter high-speed projectile per second hit the connecting belt of the rotating turret and the main body of the tank, directly deforming the connecting belt, causing the rotating turret to not rotate, and the main battle tank lost 90% of combat power. Hacker 1060

Zhu Mingxuan is the identification of Zheng Sanpao. His snipe innate talent is very colorful. I saw that Zhu Mingxuan also successfully turned over a main battle tank. The master and disciple record, which fully demonstrates the advantages of the sniper.

Shi Lei doesn’t have such a powerful snipe innate talent. He doesn’t have a self-respecting aim at the rotating turret and the main body of the tank. Instead, he directly targets the turret. With the power of Dawn’s exclusive Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery, he can penetrate the turret!

Six Dawns suddenly rushed out of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, as if they were six shocking gods, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, killing 16 tanks within thirty seconds. Ten of them were the Zheng Sanpao master and disciple. The remaining six were accomplished by Shi Lei, and Izual controlled The Steel and Iron to kill four. The tenth battle of Wo Sang Nation The tank was completely wiped out in an instant!

The collapse of the tank group, Armed Helicopter in the sky, watching the whole process. At the same time, the Armed Helicopter Action Command Center also watched the whole process through video.

Ikeda Shinji Major General of Wo Sang ** Department, 800 meters west of the Ministry, through the night vision telescope, I also observed the whole process, Ikeda Shinji mouth is pumping, the face is very color Unsightly.

“Damn! These Metal Exoskeleton are so powerful!” Ikeda Shinji has a lot to do with Dawn’s prototype development project. The Dawn prototype data that Twilight Angel Duskiel stole has been confronted by Ikeda Shinji.

Although Ikeda Shinji overestimated Dawn’s combat power, he still underestimated Dawn’s combat power. Especially with the exclusive Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery, Dawn’s far attack shortcomings, has also been filled up, and now Dawn, there is really a ground invincible posture, who will destroy who, do not accept duel!

Ikeda Shinji put down the night vision telescope and pulled out a satellite secret phone to quickly press a string of numbers.

“I am Ikeda Shinji, the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency has changed things. The product of Metal Exoskeleton plan is unexpectedly unexpected. The twenty main battle tank group is completely destroyed. I need ‘Kami’ reinforcement!” Ikeda Shinji whispered.

Standing at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Second next to Ikeda Shinji, Director Matsushima Xiaoyou, “Show” a curious god “color”, ‘Kami reinforcement? Do you really have Kami? ‘

In the satellite secret phone, there was an old voice. “Shinji, are you sure?”

“I’m sure! You can immediately get the relevant battle record video. I think Armed Helicopter in the sky should record the relevant battle record. I said it at the beginning, we should fully develop Metal Exoskeleton instead of…” Ikeda Shinji was interrupted without speaking.

“Okay! These things have passed, and the complaints have no effect!” The old voice, with a majesty, even if Ikeda Shinji is Major General, he has no courage to refute. “I will send reinforcements, just use what Metal Exoskeleton to test our results!”

“Well, I will wait and see!” Ikeda Shinji, although he dare not refute, can still be resentful in the heart. At first, Ikeda Shinji pushed the Metal Exoskeleton plan, but due to various uncertainties, the Metal Exoskeleton plan was finally suspended.

Even the plan of Metal Exoskeleton was stolen.

Now, Metal Exoskeleton’s products, the explosive power of the explosion, is so powerful, how to prevent Ikeda Shinji from being depressed?

Returning to the battlefield of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters, the twist of the main battle tanks allowed the six Dawns to have no enemies on the ground.

In the sky, the Number One machine of Gentle Breeze First Formation asks the action command center, “Command Center, the ground finds the enemy, the tank group is all jade, does it launch the attack?”

Armed Helicopter Action Command Center’s Gov. Official, this time no longer cares about the consequences of the consequences, issued a death order: “full attack, be sure to leave at least one enemy’s body!”

Although some of the Big Shots of Wo Sang Nation, Hope got a complete Dawn, the situation is now not allowed to be picky. Without a complete Dawn, wreckage is acceptable.

Anyway, from the wreckage, you can also infer a lot of information!

“Understand!” Gentle Breeze First Formation’s Number One pilot, Captain, replied loudly, and they finally broke out. “Brothers, firepower is full, give me the ghost below attack!”

The Gentle Breeze First Formation has a total of sixteen Armed Helicopters, but has been killed by Second Generation The Steel and Iron, leaving fifteen. The Armed Helicopter of Gentle Breeze First Formation is the first Armed Helicopter developed by Wo Sang Nation. It is a biased type of Armed Helicopter, numbered oh-1 Ninja Armed Helicopter.

This kind of biased type of Armed Helicopter is far less powerful than Li Jian Nation’s famous Apache Armed Helicopter. Shi Lei didn’t really fear them, but instead developed Destroy’s plan.

Fifteen oh-1 ninjas Armed Helicopter, quickly lowered High Degree, their on-board aircraft machine gun, aimed at the Dawn below, seems to play Dawn, fifteen oh-1 ninja Armed Helicopter, obviously also own Air-To-Surface Guided Missile, but it is not used!

Unfortunately, they have no chance to use it anymore!

In the Dawn on-board Communications System, Shi Lei snorted: “Open fire!”

Izual controls eight of The Steel and Iron, and has shot eight Swift Arrow b-Air-To-Air Guided Missile up close, even though oh-1 Ninja Armed Helicopter has good electronic interference equipment and flexible maneuvering. Sexuality, but in the case of close range, they have no way to escape.

Eight oh-1 ninjas Armed Helicopter, hit by eight Swift Arrow b Air-To-Air Guided Missile, turned brilliant fireworks in the night sky.

During the Izual operation, six Dawns also selected six oh-1 ninjas Armed Helicopter as targets. Since all targets are assisted by Izual, it is impossible to select duplicate targets, whether it is Swift Arrow bseries Air-To-Air Guided Missile or six Dawns.

Six Dawns used the exclusive Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery to easily knock down six oh-1 ninjas Armed Helicopter!

In the night sky, there is only one lonely oh-1 ninja Armed Helicopter…

In this Dawn’s unequal battle against the main battle tank and Armed Helicopter, Dawn used the advantages of Equipment and information to reverse the unfavorable situation and win the defeated victory!

The last oh-1 ninja, Armed Helicopter, was not arrogant in the air for too long. Zheng Sanpao and Zhu Mingxuan hit it almost at the same time, letting it fall from the air.

Although it has achieved great success, Shi Lei’s expression is not easy. Here is the domain of Wo Sang Nation. There may be accidents anytime, anywhere!

“Retreat!” Shi Lei issued an order, and six Dawns rushed to the internal waters of the Harbour District of Tokyo Prefecture under the control of Izual’s.

However, is the battle really over?

The six Dawns, although showing a strong fighting power, and their embarrassing record, proved their very powerful facts. But because they are too powerful, Wo Sang Nation’s urgent Hope leaves them and then studies them!

Wo Sang Nation’s top management, for Second Generation Dawn, that’s a must….

(To be continued.)

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