
Chapter 1071

hk1059 War ! in

Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, first floor lobby.

Dawn Number One machine inboard cabin, Shi Lei currently and Izual contact, “Izual, record data, contrast to the route that provides power to the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, tracked using the Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector.” Shi Lei labeled Izual The target area.

Shi Lei is preparing to let Izual, control The Steel and Iron, destroy the route that powers the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building. In this operation, sixteen The Steel and Iron carried the Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile.

Although the Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile belongs to the Small-scale Guided Missile, it is quite secure in the power aspect. In Shi Lei’s plan, First Round attack will take two Swift Arrow a-type Air-To-Surface Guided Missile. If two Swift Arrow a-type Air-To-Surface Guided Missile can’t damage the power route, then Second Round attack remains. Launched two Swift Arrow Series Air-To-Surface Guided Missile.

In principle, First Round two Swift Arrow a-type Air-To-Surface Guided Missile can not destroy the power route, then the Second Round attack should use more Guided Missile. However, that is just a matter of reason! First Round Two Swift Arrow a Guided Missile, if they can’t destroy the power route, they will also blast some of the protection on the power route. Second Round Two Swift Arrow a Guilded Missile, naturally easier to compcomplish Task.

If the two rounds of attack do not destroy the power route, the Third wheel attack will launch four Swift Arrow a Air-To-Surface Guided Missile.

“Izual, do you understand Task?” Shi Lei describes the situation of Task and tries to use the way Izual can understand.

Izual’s artificial logic is very powerful, even though such a complex Task, Izual can still be very competent. “yes, sir!System has recorded the Task and implemented the simulation experiment. After ten simulation experiments, the success rate is 100%.”

Shi Lei sighed in relief, “Start the Implement Task!” Hacker 1059

“System starts the implement command, sir.” Izual returned to complied and immediately controlled the fifty-one The Steel and Iron around the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building.

Fifty-one The Steel and Iron, which took off quickly, flew over to the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building in accordance with a certain empty Intermediate Squadron.

The Steel and Iron’s High Degree is very low. Under the control of Izual’s, they have already calculated the all kinds route, just like the hummingbirds in the air.

However, near the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, it has become an absolute restricted area, both on the ground and in the air. When The Steel and Iron flew to the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, Armed Helicopter of Wo Sang Nation Self-Defense Force immediately discovered The Steel and Iron.

“Report, found unidentified identity Aircraft, suspected Unmanned driving class Remote Control Helicopter, waiting for the next command.” Wo Sang Nation’s Armed Helicopter, discovered The Steel and Iron of Ultra Low-altitude Flight, quickly reported to the Operations Command Center.

Tokyo Prefecture Armed Helicopter Action Command Center, analyzing the images from the Armed Helicopter on-board surveillance camera, the small The Steel and Iron, flying between the city’s tall buildings, the building, the flexibility, not Full-sized Armed Helicopter can be compared.

If you are Full-sized Armed Helicopter, you may be very difficult to block The Steel and Iron. Because The Steel and Iron’s flight High Degree is very low, and it is flying between the high-rise Large Building, regardless of Wo Sang Nation’s Armed Helicopter, the way to attack The Steel and Iron, they can’t guarantee, will it? accident.

In the event of any unexpected situation, it will directly threaten the safety of those high-rise buildings. For example, if Wo Sang Nation’s Full-sized Armed Helicopter uses on-board large-caliber aircraft gun attack First Generation The Steel and Iron, First Generation The Steel and Iron can’t resist it, but if it doesn’t hit The Steel and Iron The powerful aerial machine gun bullets will definitely be shot directly into the All kinds of high buildings. If there are any Office men and women in the high-rises of the Large Building, and now play some of the more awkward activities, and happen to be hit by the bullets of the aviation machine gun, that is the big tragedy!

As for the Small-scale Guided Missile using on-board?

Please believe in God, that is definitely not a good idea!

Armed Helicopter’s Operations Command Center clearly understands the embarrassing situation of Armed Helicopter, no matter how they handle The Steel and Iron, it doesn’t seem to be appropriate.

“Gentle Breeze First Formation, tracking unknown identity Remote Control Helicopter, once the opponent is in the right position, shoot down!” The Action Command Center issued an order to Armed Helicopter.

The so-called position is appropriate, precisely as stated Armed Helicopter attack, there will be no consequences of the location!

“Receive, understand!” The Armed Helicopter drivers at Gentle Breeze First Formation responded in the same way, representing that they understood the order and knew what to do.

Izual reported to Shi Lei about the tracking of The Steel and Iron. For this situation, Shi Lei certainly expected it in advance. He was not too surprised, but he said plainly: “Protect the The Swift Arrow Series. Steel and Iron, controlling Second Generation The Steel and Iron, attacking each other’s Armed Helicopter!” Hacker 1059

Shi Lei unreasonably issued the attack command!

Here is the domain of Wo Sang Nation, Shi Lei can not have so much scruples!

Whether it’s a work on Film and Television or a novel, there is always a rule, why is villain always better than Police Force? In fact, it is not that Uncle Police Force does not give force, but villain does not have enough scruples and restraint.

Wo Sang Nation’s Armed Helicopter, who needs to avoid accidental injury, Shi Lei does not have this aspect consideration. Although Shi Lei needs to consider using the Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile with caution, it is used at the most appropriate time, but Second Generation Dawn’s knockoff Electromagnetic Artillery has almost no energy restriction and can be used casually.

Second Generation The Steel and Iron’s knockoff Electromagnetic Artillery, although not as powerful as Second Generation Dawn’s exclusive Electromagnetic Artillery, is more powerful than Ordinary’s Anti-EQ uipment Sniper Rifle.

With the Second Generation The Steel and Iron’s knockoff Electromagnetic Artillery, you can shoot down the Full-sized Armed Helicopter!

“yes, sir!” Izual received the Shi Lei’s command, immediately controlled Second Generation The Steel and Iron, adjusted the position, and charged the knockoff Electromagnetic Artillery while flying.

Second Generation The Steel and Iron’s knockoff Electromagnetic Artillery, which is very fast, when the Second Generation The Steel and Iron is aimed at a tracked Armed Helicopter, the knockoff Electromagnetic Artillery is accomplish, and the mass is only 10 grams. “Shooted out”.

Although the knockoff Electromagnetic Artillery from Second Generation The Steel and Iron does not increase the speed of the projectile to the same level as the Second Generation Dawn’s exclusive Electromagnetic Artillery, its power is not to be underestimated.

The small-quality, ultra-high-speed projectile, like a torn piece of a4 paper, easily torn the body skin of the Wo Sang Nation Armed Helicopter, penetrates inside the body and smashes the transmission shaft of the Armed Helicopter main propeller section.

Hit by the Gentle Breeze First Formation’s No. 7 machine, its main propeller quickly reduced speed, unable to provide sufficient lift for the No. 7 machine, and could not provide centrifugal force to neutralize the tail rotor, thus Causes the No. 7 machine to spin down from the air.

Helicopter Unlike Fighter, 99% of Helicopters are not equipped with a bombing capsule, and the driver can only live and die with Helicopter. If it is in an open space, the No. 7 machine of Gentle Breeze First Formation may have the opportunity to fall under the driver’s control.

But here is Wo Sang Nation’s most prosperous Tokyo Prefecture, Gentle Breeze First Formation’s No. 7 machine, which crashed directly onto a Large Building, causing the outer glass of the Large Building to shatter. .

Fortunately, it is early in the morning, otherwise the pedestrians under the Large Building will be very tragic!

“Command Center, we were attacked by an unknown identity Remote Control Helicopter, the other party has the ability to shoot down our weapon, request attack!” Gentle Breeze First Formation’s Great Captain, the driver of the Number One machine, found No. 7 The machine was shot behind and quickly contacted the Action Command Center.

“Apply refusal! Repeat the order, apply for refusal!” The Action Command Center firmly rejected the request of Gentle Breeze First Formation. Political and military, perhaps the ultimate goal is the same, but the process of implementation is absolutely different.

Even if one Armed Helicopter is lost, the Command Center is still considering how much damage and loss will be caused by lifting the attack command of Gentle Breeze First Formation.

Gentle Breeze First Formation’s Great Captain, considers how to destroy enemies and protect their team’s safety. After the application was rejected, Gentle Breeze First Formation’s Great Captain, coldly snorted, directly in the formation of the internal Communications System, issued the command: “All brothers note, climb High Degree, use the radar tracking below the Remote Control Helicopter, do not They are in close contact!”

“Captain wise!” Armed Helicopter of Gentle Breeze First Formation quickly prompted High Degree and used radar to track the whereabouts of The Steel and Iron.

Izual reported this situation to Shi Lei, Shi Lei hā hā smiled, “Climb the High Degree? Since the other party is interested in avoiding the war, don’t chase after the battle, priority acc Editorial session,” Shi Lei said.

“yes, sir! is expected to arrive in the theater of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building within one minute,” Izual reminded.

About a minute, all of The Steel and Iron, gathered outside the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, two of them carrying the Dawn of the Swift Arrow a Air-To-Surface Guided Missile, targeting the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building The location of the power route, followed by the direct “shot” of the slightest hesitation.

The huge explosion sounded, the strong shock wave spread silently, and the dust of the concrete flew up.

In the first floor lobby of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, the originally well-powered lights suddenly flashed a few times, and then fell into the Dark Night.

Near the 500-meter sky, more than a dozen Wo-Sef Nation’s Self-Defense Force Gentle Breeze First Formation’s Armed Helicopter, currently waiting for an opportunity, and watching the battle formation of The Steel and Iron.

Gentle Breeze First Formation’s Captain, looking at The Steel and Iron below, sneered.

“It turns out that these Remote Control Helicopters are also targeted at the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building. That would be great…”.

(To be continued.)

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