
Chapter 1070

hk1058 War ! on

In the recent year, Wo Sang Nation suffered a very large loss.

Including Hacker, who hangs the hair, modified the data of the Tokyo Prefecture Earthquake Forecast Agency, causing the outer circle of Tokyo Prefecture to be attacked by the big earthquake. It also included an unknown force that attacked Yasukuni Shrine, so that Yasukuni Shrine A complete Destroy. Even Yasukuni Shrine’s SYM bolic Registry of Divinities was also burned by the video open to the public. This is an insult to Wo Sang Nation, and Wo Sang Nation has so far failed to capture the masked person who burned the SYM bolic Registry of Divinities.

This time, when the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department reported the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency and was attacked by an unknown person, the top of Wo Sang Nation was furious.

The Wo Sang Nation “Government”, which has been repeatedly ridiculed, responded quickly and dispatched a numerous fighter to make sure to capture the personnel of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building.

Perhaps, these roles are related to what happens in formly!

Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, first floor lobby.

Six Dawns found out the situation, and Shi Lei thought about how to fall-out and how to get six Dawn Safetys to retreat.

In the driving cabin of the Dawn No. 2 machine, Ye Feng’s face is quite depressed. Formerly as Xia Nation Elite SpeCIA l Forces, Ye Feng is very clear about how powerful the tanks are outside the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building.

Perhaps the Second Generation Dawn’s combat power is equally powerful, and Dawn’s combat positioning is not a battle with the tank. Dawn can damage the tank, almost EQ ual to no. Hacker 1058

Second Generation Dawn can easily flip through all types of cars, but it is very difficult to flip a tank. The weight of the tank is definitely not comparable to that of a car.

The tank has the main gun. As long as the main gun of the tank hits the Second Generation Dawn, even if the Second Generation Dawn of the defense is strengthened, it can only be properly smashed without any accident.

As for Dawn’s Alloy Heavy Sword, for the armor of the tank, it is like a nail to hit the steel plate, it can’t be nailed at all!

“Boss, it’s not very good!” Ye Feng said in the on-board Communications System: “Dawn is not the opponent of those tanks. In addition, Armed Helicopter in the sky, they carry Guided Missile.”

Shi Lei replied affirmatively: “Well, we are in trouble! From the current situation, Wo Sang Nation should want to completely surround us and force us to surrender. So, they are likely to come from us. Get some information in the mouth and get the full Dawn for them to research.”

Shi Lei is right this time. The purpose of Wo Sang Nation is really to get a complete Dawn and carry out a reverse study. The reverse research behavior of Wo Sang Nation cannot be called knockoff. Because some of Wo Sang Nation’s high-level personnel, after carefully watching the Security Monitoring video of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, confirmed Dawn exactly as stated a high-tech weapon plan of their Wo Sang Nation formerly.

Wo Sang Nation is the original design author of Dawn’s!

The Dawn made by Shi Lei, although it has undergone a major transformation, has even evolved into Second Generation, but for Wo Sang Nation, in the end, it is knockoff off their products, or stealing their Technical Information.

Wo Sang Nation failed to develop Dawn. When Dawn appeared in Wo Sang Nation, some of the top layers of Wo Sang Nation, very interested, they had a complete Dawn.

Outside the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, more and more tanks were opened, each of which blocked every exit of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, targeting the main gun at the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building . Once any suspicious objects are rushed out of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, there will be no hesitation in the main guns of these main battle tanks.

“Sir, Safety Monitoring System, found a high-rise building near the numerous sniper, currently Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building.” Izual prompted Shi Lei.

Shi Lei can only smile, a wave of unrest, the main battle tank, Armed Helicopter, sniper, what else? Is it the Ultraman of Safeguard World Peace? Still giant mecha up?

The action of Wo Sang Nation is a bit too big!

“Boss, the tank outside, accomplished the encirclement, what do we do now?” The youngest Zhu Mingxuan, the tone is a little anxious. Zhu Mingxuan is not yet an adult, he has been somewhat unsettled.

Shi Lei calmly said: “don’t worry, I am currently dispatching power!” Shi Lei is the backbone of the six people, he must not be “chaotic”, if Shi Lei “disorder”, the other five will definitely “disorder.” Hacker 1058

The more the moment of crisis, the more calm! Only when calmed down can you think of a solution to the issue.

Wo Sang Nation time, June 14th, 1:39 am.

Wo Sang Nation Armed Might outside the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building was finally accomplished. A middle-aged man dressed in Wo Sang **, with a look of majesty, came to the gate of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, holding a loudspeaker and shouting inside.

“The mob inside listens, I am Wo Sang ** Major General Ikeda Shinji, you have been surrounded by the main force of the military, you don’t have any escape from Hope, now, I command you, put down the weapon and immediately surrender. Otherwise, We will thoroughly Destroy you!” Ikeda Shinji is indeed the Major General of Wo Sang ** and is the solid authority Major General.

Listening to the outside shouts, Shi Lei’s mouth was exposed to contempt, although they were temporarily trapped in the lobby of the first floor of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, but they are still safe.

“A’Feng, you will collect all the items that can be moved in the hall, the small coffee table and the sofa over there, and the gate machines, all!” Shi Lei said.

Collecting these things is to prevent the last need to break through, let these things as the ‘stone’ of Casting Stone To InquIRE The Way, Dawn throws these things first, defrauding the outer tank main gun attack, then Dawn rushes out again, With the ultra-high maneuvering speed, I finally get rid of Wo Sang Nation.

Ye Feng et al. did not ask why, directly start the implement Shi Lei’s command.

Outside the International Ministry of Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, Ikeda Shinji used a loudspeaker and slammed it many times, but did not receive any response at all. Ikeda Shinji is irritated in the eyes. This time, he is responsible for resolving the invasion of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building. In fact, it is a bad thing, at least most people think so.

Because the mob of the invasion of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building has been trapped by the Defense System of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, no matter who is responsible for solving this, they are only going to the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, ‘receive’ in the middle of it!

But no one thought that the so-called shackles of the shackles would still be a beastly beast!

Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department’s Second is Director, and Matsushima Xiaoyou is standing next to Ikeda Shinji. Carefully compensated with a smile: “Ikeda General, the inside of the bardard is not willing to come out, let us put them out. Anyway, the numerous defense force is placed outside. I don’t believe they can run away!”

Ikeda Shinji thought about it, started talking: “People continue to scream, wait another five minutes. If after five minutes, the thugs will still resist, and we will close the Safety Defense of Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building.”

Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, first floor lobby.

Shi Lei silent thought, he stood at the gate and looked at the outside defense. Although it was already a Dragon Pond tiger, it could not see anything unusual.

The silence before ‘Tempest! ‘Shi Lei sighed in the heart and opened Dawn’s Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector. He wanted to see how many people were hidden outside.

Second Generation Dawn’s Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector, quite advanced, when Shi Lei started, the Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector immediately scanned the outside heat radiation.

In the interface of hudTransparent Display, the numerous human-shaped hot-radiation image appears, not only the human-shaped hot-radiation image, Shi Lei also found a very thick linear hot-radiation image!

Shi Lei’s eyes jerked, and the corner of his mouth had a smear of curvature. “Turning the iron shoes innocent, it’s here!”

This sturdy linear hot-radiation image is precisely as the foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building’s power supply route! Within the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, although Shi Lei did not know what approach the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency had in place, there was no hot-radiation effect on the route transmission, but outside the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, Those basic routes belong to the Tokyo Prefecture Power Company, and they are not likely to use a special method to deal with the route of the hot-spray.

Besides, the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building is no longer possible to open the High-energy Laser Defense System anytime, anywhere. The High-energy Laser Defense System is indeed a high-energy product, but it can be opened in both hands.

With so few uses, it is impossible for the Tokyo Prefecture Electric Company to lay a very expensive special cable for the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building.

In fact, the cable issue outside the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building is not a big issue at all. Like Shi Lei, they have been trapped inside the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, how can they solve the external line? Cable issue?

It is a pity that Shi Lei has also deployed reinforcements outside the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building!

Fifty of The Steel and Iron, and a Second Generation The Steel and Iron, are all hidden around the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building. Once something happens, they can arrive in five minutes. on site!

“The mob inside listens, now, I will give you the last five minutes to consider, you choose to put down the weapon surrender, or choose Hell, all in your mind!” Ikeda Shinji only shouted, looked towards retreat.

In the last five minutes, Shi Lei and Wo Sang Nation’s War are on the verge…

(To be continued.)

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