
Chapter 1065

hk1053 is dead and sinister!

Izual’s calculations, no deviations!

Just a minute Twenty-nine seconds, six dark Second Generation Dawns, like Abyss Demon God, stand outside the Headquarters Large Building of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, with a chilling scent.

Although the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters has independent backup generators and is not affected by the power outage in Tokyo Prefecture, the defense of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters has only one Bulletproof Glass curtain wall, identity verification gate, and two night security. Personnel.

“assault!” Shi Lei issued a command in the on-board Communications System. He led the first draw of Alloy Heavy Sword and Alloy Shield to the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency.

Ye Feng The five people are behind, all of them are left-handed shields, and the right hand holds the standard combat posture of the sword.

The Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency’s two security personnel, they have heard the heavy footsteps of Dawn. When they found that six Dawns rushed over, the two Security personnel were very professional. They first started Safety. Alert and then drop the Safety Network.

In the middle of the quiet night, the voice of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency was extra bright. Bulletproof Glass Outside the curtain wall, a special alloy woven protective net, which is quickly and conveniently lowered. This special alloy protective net is precisely as the safety guarantee of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency.

Shi Lei’s eyes showed a sneer, could a layer of metal mesh block the Second Generation Dawn?

When the Dawn Number One machine stood at the entrance of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Large Building, Shi Lei raised the Alloy Heavy Sword with his right hand and slammed it against the special alloy protection net. Hacker 1053

“kā kā kā ~ ”

Alloy Heavy Sword and special alloy protective net, violent friction, fireworks splash!

Shi Lei lifted Alloy Heavy Sword. Izual has automatically compared the data information of Alloy Heavy Sword, prompting Shi Lei: “Sir, Alloy Heavy Sword has a gap, completeness is 90% 7:77.”

“Sī ~ ” Shi Lei sucked in a cold breath, he did not expect that it was just a layer of metal mesh, it was so strong. The Second Generation Dawn’s Alloy Heavy Sword is extremely outstanding, both in terms of robustness and flexibility. Can still appear a gap, this is quite abnormal!

“All the attention, don’t use Alloy Heavy Sword to collide with this metal mesh, use Alloy Shield together, smash it for me!” Shi Lei told the on-board Communications System.

“Received!” Ye Feng, as the leader of the Punishment Merc Warsquad, Shi Lei, when he gave orders to the entire Punishment Merc Warsquad, was usually answered by Ye Feng instead of everyone.

In the bottom level hall of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, two Security personnel saw that Shi Lei could not break the special alloy protection net, they were in the heart sighed in relief.

“Baka! What are you thing? Here is the International Intelligence Agency of the Foreign Ministry. If you don’t want to die, hurry up!” A Security personnel stood behind the glass wall and shouted loudly at the six Dawns. He doesn’t know Dawn, it’s Robot, or something else.

Shi Lei glanced at the Security personnel and ignored him. They are only thirty minutes and now it has been two minutes.

“kuāng dāng ~ ”

Alloy Shield is on the special alloy protective net surface. This time, with the solidity of the Alloy Shield and the huge impact, the special alloy protection net was directly torn into a small hole.

The arrogant Security personnel looked at the special protective net that had been torn apart by a small mouth. He was shocked and said: “Impossible! This is impossible! Our Security Door is absolutely impossible to be so fragile!”

Shi Lei sneered and turned on Dawn’s external loudspeaker, using the standard Japanese: “You, dead!” After that, Shi Lei used the Alloy Shield again, facing the small gapthat had just been opened, again. The embarrassing sighs down.

The five people of Punishment Merc Warsquad are also in the special antique protection net. Although on the special alloy protection network, a hole can be opened and six Dawns can pass. But six Dawns go in and out of a gapand consume more time.

In particular, once the situation has changed, the six Dawns will have to escape from the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency. There is only one gap, and I am afraid it will be very tragic. Hacker 1053

After fifteen seconds, the special alloy fencing finally couldn’t stand the six Dawn’s torment, and the six major cracks were cut by the Alloy Shield. Moreover, the Bulletproof Glass behind the insurance net only suffered a single blow from the Alloy Shield, and it was turned into pieces and sprinkled on the ground.

Two Security personnel of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, when the special alloy protection network showed an unbearable attack, they disappeared without a trace. Obviously, they did not regard the “fighting” of death.

Six Second Generation Dawns finally entered the International Intelligence Agency of the Foreign Ministry Headquarters!

“Izual, hurry to retrieve the interior of the building, is there a Wireless network!” Shi Lei commands Izual and, at the same time, drives the Dawn Number One and runs to the Safety staircase.

Dawn obviously can’t take the elevator. With Dawn’s weight, taking the elevator is definitely a big tragedy. And, in case the other party’s twenty-hour emergency Safety On-duty Personnel, currently control the elevator? Once the Dawn enters the elevator, it is convenient to lift the elevator to the highest level first, then release the elevator directly and let the elevator tell the fall.

For its own safety, six Dawns are better from the Safety stairs upstairs.

Aso Asao gave Shi Lei a topographic mapof the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters, detailing how to access the paper data archive from the first floor of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters.

When Izual was scanning the internal Wireless LAN, Shi Lei had taken everyone to the Twenty-second Floor, the High Degree, which is already close to the top floor of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters.

Shi Lei does not understand why the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency wants to store such an important confidential archive on the Twenty-second Floor?

In less than a minute, six Dawns were on the Twenty-second Floor, Dawn’s power, perfect for “color.”

The whole process of going upstairs was unimpeded and there was no blocking power. Shi Lei also believes that the two Security personnel will at least create some trouble for them. But now it seems that the two guys, I am afraid to hide up Right?

However, Shi Lei’s good mood, did not last until ten seconds! Because, Twenty-second Floor is not a paper data file storage room at all! Damn Aso Asao cheated Shi Lei!

Aso Asao was ready to deceive Shi Lei from the beginning. He never thought about telling Shi Lei the real information. At that time, Shi Lei did not know the information given by Aso Asao anyway, whether it was Fake or not, and only Aso Asao knew the real answer.

So, Aso Asao obviously chose to give Shi Lei a false answer!

Aso Asao’s strategy is perfect, giving a virtual Fake data to Shi Lei. If Shi Lei fulfilled his promise and let them go through a “sexual” life, then Aso Asao saved the entire Cyber ​​Security Department with a virtual Fake information, which is a great credit. At the same time, Aso Asao over-reliance on the power of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters.

According to Aso Asao’s knowledge, once Shi Lei and others really dare to enter the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters, they are exactly as stated and there is no return, there is no death!

However, how does Aso Asao know that Shi Lei has remotely controlled the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System and closed the Power Grid System, causing power outages throughout Tokyo Prefecture.

The Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters is indeed equipped with independent generators, but the electricity generated by the generators can only be supplied to the basic work needs of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters. As for the high-energydefense weapon, the generator simply cannot supply energy. For example, within the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, there are many High-energy Laser defense traps. If the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System is not harmonious, the six Dawns will not enter the Headquarters Large Building of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency.

Aso Asao gave Shi Lei a virtual Fake answer. Even in the worst case, Shi Lei saw that the mapinformation given by Aso Asao was Fake, and Aso Asao could also give Shi Lei ‘real’ mapinformation at the second time.

Unfortunately, all the selfish calculations of Aso Asao are lost!

Like Aso Asao with a Shi Lei, Shi Lei also stunned Aso Asao. The Underground Base of the entire Cyber ​​Security Department was completely submerged by seawater and became a lonely place.

Shi Lei stood in the Twenty-second building of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency and looked at the office area around the Ordinary. He suppressed the anger and wasted time without venting.

“Boss, what do we do?” Ye Feng asked cautiously.

Shi Lei calmly said: “Since we don’t have intelligence, then investigate intelligence!” Shi Lei said as he folded the Alloy Heavy Sword and Alloy Shield into the office area.

The two-meter Six Generation Dawn shows a dexterous side. I saw Shi Lei lifting the start button of a computer lightly, then pulling a usb cable on Dawn’s left arm and plugging it into the computer. With the usb interface inside.

Shi Lei ordered Izual to invade directly from the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency in a voice control manner. The perfect defense is also crashing from the inside!

Invading the Safety System of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters from within is not much difficulty. Shi Lei teamed up with Izual to quickly acquire the Management Authority of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, Building Automation.

In the IoT System, Shi Lei quickly read the numerous information, including the Defense System inside the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building. When he looked at the High-energy Laser Defense System, Shi Lei’s eyes shrank.

‘Damn Aso Asao, you must die when you die! Fortunately, This Old Uncle has a foresight to black out the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System! Otherwise, don’t say six Dawns, exactly as stated Sixty, and six hundred will also beg for the rhythm! ‘Shi Lei in the heart is thinking about it.

“Izual, retrieve to the paper data file storage room?” Shi Lei asked Izual.

In the data library of the Internet of Things System, the information of numerous is stored. If Shi Lei manually queries those information, I don’t know when to query it!

“sir, retrieve to the paper data file storage room location!” Izual sent good news! .

(To be continued.)

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