
Chapter 1066

hk1054 No one can block !

Wo Sang Nation time, June 13th, more than 11 o’clock in the evening, Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building.

Shi Lei entire group, entered the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, has been six minutes. It took a little time to break the Internet of Things of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building.

However, it is worth the time!

Shi Lei and Izual jointly cracked the defense of the Internet of Things and got the data library information of the Internet of Things.

The so-called Internet of Things, the abstract saying is ‘Internet connected to the object’, belongs to the extension of Internet technology and Extension network. Perhaps the abstract statement cannot be understood. In fact, the Internet of Things is widely used in life.

For example, Access Control System, exact as stated a standard Internet of Things!

The Internet of Things of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building is very well developed. Not only has the complete Access Control System, but also the numerous Defense System.

In the Headquarters Large Building of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, the Safety Stairs are not actually Safe!

Aso Asao Why did Shi Lei choose Twenty-second Floor as the destination, because the Safety Stairs are full of the deadly High-energy Laser Defense System! Hacker 1054

Once the identity of Shi Lei et al. is not certified, the Internet of Things will automatically lock Shi Lei et al., using the High-energy Laser Defense System, and trapShi Lei and others in the Safety staircase to completely capture Shi Lei and others.

Shi Lei and Izual overturned the IoT data library, and Izual successfully acquired the location of the paper data file storage room.

“Izual, paper data file storage room, where is it?” Shi Lei asked.

Izual didn’t have the first time to say the answer. It wasn’t that Izual wanted to sell it. Izual didn’t know how to sell it. Izual scanned the location of the paper data file storage room and immediately controlled the relevant camera through the Internet of Things System to check whether the corresponding location is really a paper data file.

“Sir, System has automatically verified Room signage information, paper data file storage room, located in Underground Seventh Layer !System has taken over the Highest Authority of the IoT System, the main elevator is confirmed Safety. The main elevator has a rated load of four tons and can be transported by Safety. Dawn.” Izual reported two messages.

Shi Lei removed the usb connection to the main processor of the computer. In Dawn’s on-board System, he ordered: “A’Feng, you and I took the main elevator into the Underground Seventh Layer; Sanpao, began to retreat. Safety cover; Liang Zi, you go to the lobby on the first floor, protect the safety of the import and export, don’t accident; Mingxuan, you go to the roof and observe whether there are suspicious flying objects in the sky, once there is Armed Helicopter, or police Helicopter When approaching us, turn it snipe Destroy !Xingrui, open the Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector, and find two hostages with high status!” Shi Lei made the most comprehensive arrangements to prevent any accidents, they can never fail.

The five men of Punishment Merc Warsquad, according to Shi Lei’s command, began the implement command.

Shi Lei and Ye Feng entered the main elevator that Izual controlled on the second 12 floor. The two Dawns were only about 3.5 tons and were within the rated load of the main elevator.

The main elevator is under Izual’s control and quickly descends from the Twenty-second Floor to the Underground Seventh Layer. In addition to the Underground Eighth Level, this is the reciprocal Second Level. The main elevator stopped at the negative 7-Layer. When the main elevator opened a gap, Shi Lei suddenly felt the arm as if it had been photographed. The next moment, the gunshot came!

Underground negative 7-Layer, there are actually 30 armed security personnel!

The bullet of the automatic rifle directly hits the Second Generation Dawn defense, and the maximum is as if the person took a shot and there was no adverse reaction at all.

Shi Lei and Ye Feng rushed out of the main elevator, and the two Dawns were not afraid of the small-caliber bullets of the automatic rifle.

“dīng dīng dīng ~ ”

The bullet of the automatic rifle, hitting Dawn’s armor non-stop, but it seems to have no effect!

“Drop Dead!” Shi Lei holds the Alloy Heavy Sword in his right hand. There is no subordinate affinity opinion. Quickly clean the armed Security personnel with Alloy Heavy Sword. Hacker 1054


An armed Security personnel attempted to block Alloy Heavy Sword with automatic rifle, but the only result was that Alloy Heavy Sword first cut off the automatic rifle and then cut him off!

The shock of the waist is very powerful!

The security personnel who have been shackled have not died immediately, and they are desperately desperate. The surviving Security personnel, the determination to fight began to shake.

Another leading Security personnel, using Japanese, shouted: “Don’t be afraid, there are only two Robots, let’s kill them! Throw the grenade!”

“Boss is careful!” Ye Feng can understand Japanese. When he hears the ‘Grenade’, he reminds Shi Lei through the on-board Communications System.

Currently a security personnel opposite Shi Lei, throwing a round small thing to Shi Lei, Shi Lei knows that it is a grenade. But Shi Lei was not afraid, holding the left hand of Alloy Shield and slightly retracting a little.

Izual locks the grenade’s flight path and quickly calculates the angle, reaction and possible relative speed between the grenade and the Alloy Shield.

After 172 seconds, Izual took over the Controlling Right of the Dawn Number One machine, using the Alloy Shield to accurately block the grenade, and using the appropriate power to bounce the grenade back.

The grenade bounced back and suddenly exploded when flying in midair. Although it is a high-explosive grenade, the number of shrapnel is very small, but it also injured four or five Security personnel.

Ye Feng’s Dawn No. 2 machine is not controlled by Izual’s. Due to the data issue of Dawn and Interweave Net Miwang’s data communication, Izual can’t control the two Dawns to make a rebound in the short time.

The grenade thrown at Ye Feng also hit the Alloy Shield and also bounced off a distance. Ye Feng drove the Dawn No. 2, kneeling on the ground, holding the Alloy Shield in his left hand, and his right hand on the Alloy Shield to help his left hand control the stable Alloy Shield.

Dawn’s No. 2 machine, slightly lower head, completely protects the entire Dawn behind the Alloy Shield.

“hōng ~ ”

The grenade exploded, and the rare shrapnel hit the Alloy Shield. There was no harm to the Dawn No. 2 machine or Ye Feng driving the inner cabin.

After the explosion, Ye Feng quickly stood up from the ground and let Shi Lei’s hanging heart fall.

Underground negative 7-Layer, the armed security personnel responsible for protecting the paper data storage room, was surprised to find that even the grenade could not be dealt with, and even the grenade did not cause a little damage to the two dark ‘Robot’.

This kind of battle, also make a “hair” Ah?

“retreat! Rely on the terrain to stop them!” The leading Security Person, released the order again.

Shi Lei sneered, chasing up with the Alloy Heavy Sword, as long as the leader personnel is killed, the rest of the Security personnel will definitely run away.

Twenty or thirty armed Security personnel, two Dawns in a narrow Underground environment, want to kill them is only a minute. However, Shi Lei is only ready to destroy the lead personnel, the rest of the Security personnel, they have to escape to escape, Shi Lei has no time to waste with them.

From the Internet of Things System of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building, the Defense System information has made Shi Lei in the heart full of vigilance. Once the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System resumes normal power supply, the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters Large Building The internal Safety System will automatically restart.

Including the high-energy Laser Defense System!

Once the High-energy Laser Defense System is turned on, with only six Dawns, they can’t escape! Therefore, Shi Lei must fight against time to save time!

Currently, Shi Lei, who chased the lead person, suddenly heard a Japanese shouting.

“quickly get out of the way !”

Before Shi Lei wanted to understand what the opinion was, Dawn’s was in front of him and suddenly “shot” a rocket.

“hōng lóng ~ ”

Shi Lei’s Dawn Number One machine, like a 10,000-ton hammer, fell from the air and approached a distance of ten meters!

At the end of the underground negative 7-Layer channel, an armed Security personnel carrying a soldier rpgrocket launcher on his shoulder, just the rocket, was exactly what he shot.

When the Dawn Number One machine flew out, the armed Security personnel hā hā laughed.

The Dawn No. 2 machine is used to drive the cabin. Ye Feng’s eyes slammed, and in the on-board Communications System, he shouted: “Boss!”

The Dawn Number One machine fell to the ground on the back, as if it had lost power. Ye Feng quickly retreat, came to Shi Lei’s, started Dawn’s Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector, and scanned the Dawn Number One.

“ke ke ~ ” Dawn Number One’s inside cabin, Shi Lei coughed, responding to Ye Feng: “A’Feng, I’m fine!”

Previously, when the armed Ministry of Intelligence Intelligence of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency was about to launch the rpg rocket, Shi Lei did not respond. He was still thinking about the meaning of Japanese ‘quickly get out of the way’.

Fortunately, Izual replaced the Control System of the Dawn Number One. When Izual identified the armed security personnel, Izual automatically took over the Controlling Right of the Dawn Number One. Izual controlled the Dawn Number One. The left hand raised the shield and blocked the explosion of the rpg rocket.

Blocked by Alloy Shield, both the shrapnel and the explosion shock wave are weakened. Therefore, Shi Lei was not hurt. In fact, even without Izual controlling Dawn to make a defense action, Second Generation Dawn’s Master System can still do something similar. Although there is no Izual well done, even Dawn may cause some damage, but Shi Lei will not have any issue.

The Dawn Number One machine stood up from the ground, and the armed security personnel who were originally cheering were all dumbfounded!

Automatic rifle refuses to die, they can still accept; grenade bombs can not die, they can understand; rpg rockets can not kill, it is not scientific, ah!

The current state of Second Generation Dawn is simply No one can block !

Armed Security personnel, completely lost their fighting spirit and chose to escape! .

(To be continued.)

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