
Chapter 1064

hk1052 Tokyo Prefecture Power outage!

The Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System’s safety measures are very tight, with a four-hour safety On-duty Personnel, and a powerful Safety System and the most important dual system protection.

Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System, in general, runs the Main System. The Main System manages Power Supply allocation and Power Supply request processing throughout the Tokyo Prefecture region.

Even with the Exceed Grade Hacker, the Safety On-duty Personnel’s defense broke the Safety System protection, controlled the Main System of the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System, but could not fully obtain all the authority of the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System.

Because, after the Main System fell, the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System also has a Reserve System. Once the issue occurs on the Main System, the Reserve System will replace it, thereby continuously protecting the Power Supply issue in the Tokyo Prefecture area.

Shi Lei and Raphael, although successfully obtained the Management Authority of the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System, they only got the authorization of the Main System. If the Safety On-duty Personnel of the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System is desperate to open the Reserve System, Shi Lei’s efforts are in vain.

Shi Lei is absolutely not a matter of Hope’s invasion of the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System. Any accidents occurred. Therefore, Shi Lei told Raphael to let the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System implement Safety self-test and restart.

Under normal circumstances, if the Main System is in the Self Test, the Reserve System can replace the Main System. However, if the Main System is not being played, if you want to start the Reserve System, you need the authorization of the Main System.

Is this set up?

Because the Main System controls the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System, it is also afraid that the Reserve System will seize power. In case of Reserve System, is it controlled by Hacker? Once the Reserve System successfully circumvented the Main System’s defense, it directly obtained the authority of the Main System to control the Power System. That Hacker controls the Reserve System, isn’t it a good shortcut? Hacker 1052

Just to avoid being controlled by the Hacker and directly seize the authority of the Main System, when the Main System is not played, that is, the Main System is not authorized to stop running, and the Reserve System is authorized to open, the Reserve System cannot obtain the authority.

To put it more clearly, if the Main System needs to perform a self-test, the Computer Security SpeCIA list of the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System before the Main System self-test. The Main System will be authorized to prepare for close. Before the close, the Reserve System will be authorized to take over the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System. Never close the Main System directly, and don’t authorize the Reserve System.

Shi Lei now has to do something that is exactly as stated ‘comparable’ directly close to the Main System. The Reserve System is not licensed and the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System is in a vacuum state.

Once in the vacuum state of the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System. Will follow the predetermined settings. Automatically close the entire Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System, thus ensuring that the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System will not cause accidental short circuit conditions, and let the entire Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System Destroy.

Shi Lei is the self-protection mechanism of Hope with the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System, resulting in the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System close, and then the entire Tokyo Prefecture power outage.

Although the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System protects the “sex” close. A warning notice of numerous will be issued without serious consequences, but this is what Shi Lei needs.

Shi Lei this time is almost half open to the public identity to Wo Sang Nation, if it is too stiff with Wo Sang Nation. War Sang Nation “Government” will not be able to repeat the assassination.

In order to avoid this situation, Shi Lei should not be too rigid with Wo Sang Nation.

“Safety self-test? Restart?” Raphael doesn’t understand.

Shi Lei explained a bit, of course, the origin of this intelligence, all pushed to the mysterious Mirror Science and Technology Group. “Phinney, now you understand Right? There aren’t many words for the Safety self-test. It takes at least twenty minutes. Restarting the Main System of the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System takes another ten minutes. We have thirty minutes!”

Raphael replied affirmatively, I understand! I immediately close the Main System of the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System! “After ten seconds, Raphael once again said Stone, the Main System close of the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System, and set up the Safety self-test!”


Wo Sang Nation.

Tokyo Prefecture Power Company, responsible for the Computer Security SpeCIA list of the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System, received commands from Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group, which currently convert the control conversions of the Main System and the Reserve System.

Switching from the Main System to the Reserve System is not a matter of accomplish by clicking ‘enter’. Changes to the two Control Systems require a series of authorization commands and activation of the Reserve System. Hacker 1052

However, just as the Computer Security SpeCIA list of the Tokyo Prefecture Power Company, when adjusting the Reserve System, they were shocked to control the Main System of the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System, which was out of their control!

“Oops!” One of the Security SpeCIA lists, currently validating the Main System. However, the password he typed was incorrect. This Security SpeCIA list can be guaranteed by 100%. The password he typed is not wrong. Since the prompt is wrong, it must be an issue with the Main System.

This Security SpeCIA list quickly looks at the Main System, but he has no authority to view the state of the System!

“We lost the Main System…” The Security SpeCIA list has not yet finished, and a synthetic electronic sound is heard in the ad system of the Tokyo Prefecture Power Company.

“Warning! The Main System will close after one minute and the Main System will restart itself after the Self Test.”


Tokyo Prefecture Power Company’s Security SpeCIA list, each one understands that this prompt is an opinion. If, as normal, they accomplish a series of safety verification and hand over the work of the Main System to the Reserve System, the Main System will prompt The same warning.

But now they don’t have an accomplish authority to hand over!

Tokyo Prefecture Power Company’s computer Safety person-in-charge immediately contacted the Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency.

When Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group learned the specific news, Akagi Yukimura was so angry that the coffee cup in his hand fell heavily on the ground, and the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System was remotely closed!

The more advanced the information technology is, the more efficient it is, but the more risky it is.

The only thing that is fortunate to be accurate as stated Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System is active close, giving a one-minute buffer, with this minute of buffering, the loss of Tokyo Prefecture can be controlled within the acceptance range.

The value of this minute is very big!

For example. Shinkansen’s train, if there is no such minute buffer, I am afraid there will be many terrible disasters. But after this minute, all Shinkansen, all emergency operations stopped.

Although Shinkansen is completely out of service, it will cause huge economic losses, but there will be no large-scale personnel casualties. There are no words without personal casualties and some money. For Tokyo Prefecture, it is not unacceptable. Moreover. It is midnight, and there are not many Shinkansen currently operating.

It was this buffer of minutes that provided a buffer for the Tokyo Prefecture “Government”, and the Tokyo Prefecture “Government” was quickly arranged. Work after a power outage. And, issued a strict order. Forced Tokyo Prefecture Power Company. The issue must be resolved by 6 am on June 14.

The internal waters of the Harbour Bureau of Tokyo Prefecture.

Six dark Second Generation Dawn, quiet lurking under the water.

In the inner compartment of the Dawn Number One, Izual currently counts down. When the Izual countdown ends, the entire Tokyo Prefecture falls into a dark.

Originally belonging to the World Economic Center, the night city of Tokyo Prefecture. It seems to usher in World Doomsday!

Fortunately, there was a one-minute buffer, and the Tokyo Prefecture “Government” issued an urgent notice, which did not cause a large-scale public panic. but. Even so, the Defensive Power of the “Government” of Tokyo Prefecture fell to a record low.

Although some secret agencies have independent generators, the massive power failure has triggered a lot of issues, including the Social Security Surveillance Camera, a complete strike.

Lost the Security Surveillance Camera’s defense, six dark Dawns, in the protection of the night, even more powerful.

“Izual, get started, take control of Dawn!” Shi Lei gave orders to Izual.

Second Generation Dawn’s maximum speed can reach 300 kilometers per hour, but in general, human drivers simply can’t reach that speed.

In a complex urban traffic environment, it is even impossible to achieve such a high speed. Therefore, Izual controls six Dawns to achieve higher speeds.

Although Izual can remotely control Dawn implement some simple Tasks, but let Izual replace the human driver and control the Dawn, the Dawn’s combat power will decrease significantly.

Izual does not have human creativity, and some whimsy in the battle, not even Izual can be achieved. Therefore, Izual can only implement simple Dawn control, help to run or detect, but absolutely can not control Dawn battle.

“currently calculate the route, currently scan the route situation, route calculation accrelish, expect a minute after Twenty-nine seconds, arrive at the destination. Main System will take over Dawn Controlling Right after five seconds, five, four, three, two, one, The authority was handed over.” Izual issued a warning in the six Dawn’s driving cabins.

Izual controlled six Dawns, the two High Energy Motors that Dawn was responsible for providing propulsion in the water, and immediately received ample power supply, maximizing propulsion.

Six Dawns in the water, at an oblique upward angle, flew out of the water surface of the internal waters of the Harbour District of Tokyo Prefecture, just like the six hidden Missile.

Dawn slammed the High Degree about two meters above the surface of the water. When it fell back to the ground, Izual controlled the Dawn. There was no stopping at all. With a powerful power supply, the feet landed down, then jumped up, then quickly Run up.

According to the hudTransparent Display, the displayed information, after only ten seconds, Dawn’s speed has reached 150 kilometers. Subsequently, the speed continues to be promoted.

The six Dawns are like the fins of Hell, and the roads they trampled on have appeared one by one. Two of the Dawns, even under the control of Izual’s, stepped over the engine cover of the two cars.

One point Twenty-nine seconds.

Six Dawns stood outside the Headquarters of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency! .

(To be continued…)


hk1 Tokyo Prefecture Power outage! [Third is even more! ]

hk1 Tokyo Prefecture Power outage! [Third is even more! ] is by small / say * net,