
Chapter 1063

hk1051 Maximum damage: Safety self-test!

First Generation Hacker Organization, rarely appearing at Internet World, according to a secret agreement, First Generation Hacker and Worldwide Top Level Security SpeCIA list, in a strange balance state.

Takama-ga-hara is the only First Generation Hacker Organization in Wo Sang Nation. Under normal circumstances, Takama-ga-hara does not allow easy involvement in Internet disputes. The First Generation Hacker Organization is like the restriction level weapon. If all the Nation’s First Generation Hackers are “chaotic”, the entire Internet World has long been a mess.

However, in the face of other Nation Hacker invasions, the country’s First Generation Hacker Organization, as well as the Top Level Security SpeCIA list, is not subject to the concealment agreement, and Freedom can protect Nation Cyber ​​Security.

The strength of Takama-ga-hara is undoubted. Without the assistance of Takama-ga-hara, the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System has definitely been broken by Raphael, but the damn Takama-ga-hara has joined the battle!

Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System External network, Internet and nodes of the Tokyo Power Grid System.

The low-end Bounty Hacker, currently besieged the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System, they don’t know that Takama-ga-hara has joined the battle, and they don’t even know the existence of Takama-ga-hara.

The high-end Bounty Hacker knows that Wo Sang Nation owns the First Generation Hacker Organization and understands that Wo Sang Nation’s First Generation Hacker Organization Takama-ga-hara has added a defense sequence to protect the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System.

Among them, Inuyasha from Wo Sang Nation, although found the intervention of Takama-ga-hara, but Inuyasha is not afraid of them at all, or in the current situation, Inuyasha is really not afraid of them.

Inuyasha formerly did participate in the Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency. However, he only served as a foreign aid person and did not become the OffiCIA l Member of Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group. Hacker 1051

Not the OffiCIA l Member of Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group, not because of Inuyasha’s strength. It is the discrimination against Inuyasha by Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group.

Even though Inuyasha showed the strength of World Grade, some members of Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group still looked down on Inuyasha. They thought that Inuyasha was a wild path and not enough qualifications to enter Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group.

Under such pressure, Inuyasha did not join Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group.

After a period of time, the official personnel of Inuyasha, very aware of the power of Takama-ga-hara. Takama-ga-hara’s strength is strong, but now there is a Hacker who can withstand the power of Takama-ga-hara Top Level. Bounty Hackers are no longer worried about Takama-ga-hara.

‘No matter who they are, want to invade the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System; no matter what they want to do. I only want the bounty of 5 Million US Dollar! Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group, you regret it! ‘Inuyasha in the heart. I thought about it.


“Stone, your World Summit Grade Hacker from Mirror Science and Technology Company, joined the battle?” Raphael On the keyboard, enter the source code English letter. While asking Shi Lei.

Shi Lei used the voice control Raphael to help Raphael fight. How can he answer easily?

‘Damn Raphael. Intrusion will invade, chat engage in “hair”? ‘Shi Lei in the heart complained, quickly arranged a set of commands in the voice of the Izual implement, and then switched to the voice chat with Raphael, very fast. “Phinney. I am very busy now, we have been wo Sang Nation’s pursuit, there is no time to chat with you, you better control the Power Grid System in Tokyo Prefecture!”

“Okay!” Raphael. After a short response, I didn’t talk to Shi Lei, but concentrated on the invasion of the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System.

With the assistance of Shi Lei’s, Raphael has gained the upper hand and slowly suppressed the two World Summit Grade Hackers of Takama-ga-hara. The balance of victory began to tilt toward Shi Lei one side.

Raphael and Shi Lei, after all, have iMiwang’s over-computing resources help. They suppress two World Summit Grade Hackers of the same level. It’s really not a big issue.

Bounty Hacker Expert across the world, keenly discovered Shi Lei and Raphael, suppressing Honorable Heavens and Kuninotokotachi. These Bounty Hacker Experts have become more daring.

The number of Hacker of World Exceed Class, Quasi World Grade, and World Grade on Bounty Hacker one side is much higher than that of Takama-ga-hara. When their courage becomes bigger, Takama-ga-hara’s Defensive Power, again Suppressed.

The loss of high-end and second-end power has caused a gapin the low-end Defensive Power. The low-end and low-end forces led by Hacker Union quickly seized the low-end defense gapand accelerated the pace of intrusion. Hacker 1051

Raphael suppressed the Takanorable Heavens and Kuninotokotachi of Takama-ga-hara with iMiwang’s Outstanding sex ability. Once upon a time, when Raphael and mxians were right, they were always bullied by mxians, making Raphael extremely depressed.

Using iMiwang to fight, let Raphael rise a strange feeling, ‘If you have iMiwang, mxians that silly crane, is not my opponent! The next time I battle with mxians, I must find Stone to borrow iMiwang’s usage authority. ‘

The powerful iMiwang has already made Raphael “fascinated”!

Like the addiction of nobleman’s dependence on the Yellow Triangle Region native products, Raphael is now somewhat dependent on the feeling of using iMiwang. iMiwang’s computing resources far exceed the Angel Parliament’s Supercomputer Holy, and Raphael likes this wonderful feeling of having enormous computing resources!

“Stone, it takes up to five minutes, we can control the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System, and the Mirror Science and Technology Group’s Expert is good!” Raphael praised a few words.

In the World Summit Grade circle, Raphael is not the bottom of the existence, Shi Lei uses voice control to invade, the strength has dropped to the standard of Raphael, but also worth Raphael praise!

Shi Lei did not respond to Raphael. Now that it is at a critical juncture, Shi Lei is too lazy to pay attention to the Raphael of the second youth, so as not to interrupt the rhythm of voice intrusion, so that Takama-ga-hara can be turned over.

Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters, 17th Floor, Office of Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group.

Akagi Yukimura Group Leader currently communicates with Honorable Heavens, “Honorable Heavens, are you serious? We received the exact message that the guys at the Cyber ​​Security Department were killed and they were thoroughly at the seabed base in Edogawa. Destroy strikes. Although the mobs who invaded the Cyber ​​Security Department Underground Base were said to have chosen the “suicide” attack, temporarily disarming the danger. But currently invading our Hacker, once the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System is controlled, it will definitely cause serious consequence.”

Takama-ga-hara’s Leader Honorable Heavens, with a helpless tone in his tone, “Akagi, not that we are not serious, but that we are really suppressed by the other side! This time, the Hacker who participated in the reward is very much, Xia Nation’s Oneness of Heaven and Humanity is almost half of World Summit Grade Hacker; Li Jian Nation’s Declared Dead, Batman, Dark Lord, which one is a simple character? Even your formerly mocking object, Inuyasha is now causing us a great deal. pressure.”

“What? You can’t stop the invasion of the other party?” Akagi is a little nervous.

“I’m afraid I can’t stop it! The intruders don’t just have the same power as us, and the computing resources they have mastered are really too much. Although we guessed it, the other’s computing resources come from distributed computing resources. But they have at least 1tflops of computing speed. Baka, those guys are really damn!” Honorable Heavens said bluntly.

“So, are we cutting off the connection between the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System and the Internet?” Akagi Yukimura said something helplessly. This is by no means a good idea. Once the grid is disconnected from the Internet, some features of the Power Grid System will not be realized.

The Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System is essentially an Internet of Things system. Power Supply, and all kinds of power regulations are adjusted through the network Main System. Once the contact with the Internet has been suspended, the simplest disaster is precisely as stated that the remotely transmitted power needs to be applied and cannot be processed in a timely manner.

Honorable Heavens snorted, “Akagi, put away your stupid face! You are the Group Leader of Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group, not me! I am the leader of Takama-ga-hara, above me, no Others will issue orders to me. The Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System, what should be done, it is up to you!”

Deciding the treatment plan of this major event, once it is not handled well, has caused adverse consequences, but it is responsible for it!

Akagi Yukimura saw no yin to Honorable Heavens, so he said, “Honorable Heavens, what do you say, I don’t understand. I am now ready to close the connection between the Tokyo Prefecture grid and the External Internet. You should resist it first.”

“Good!” Honorable Heavens responded.

However, when Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group was just preparing to cut off the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System’s contact with the Internet, Shi Lei and Raphael had successfully invaded the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System.

The surprise sound of Raphael was introduced into Shi Lei’s ear. He said loudly: “Stone, I control the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System!”

“Congratulations! Phinney, you first black out the tube of the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System, and then directly restart the Main System self-test of the entire grid system.” Shi Lei told the Raphael.

Shi Lei has obviously studied the power system of Tokyo Prefecture. The biggest damage to the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System is not directly causing the entire system to crash. Because of the existence of the Reserve System, the Main System crashes and the Reserve System is fully activated. The Task of the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System guarantees the safety of the entire grid system.

The real trick that can really hit Tokyo Prefecture, precisely as stated, let the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System perform a safety self-test and restart….

(To be continued…)


hk11 Maximum damage: Safety self-test!

hk11 Maximum damage: Safety self-test! Is made by small / say * net,