
Chapter 1062

hk1050 First Generation Hacker Organization, Takama-ga-hara!

Wo Sang Nation, Tokyo Bay.

Six dark Dawns move slowly in seawater. Izual detected the Sonar Detection System in the ocean in advance. If Dawn doesn’t want to be discovered by Sonar Detection System, it can’t move too fast and needs to be as close as possible to seabed.

Fortunately, near the coast, seawater is not deep and does not block the connection between Dawn and iMiwang.

Second Generation Dawn Number One machine, Shi Lei currently and Raphael contact. “Phinney, Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System, what’s the situation now?”

Phinney Dulles is Raphael, he is now Shi Lei’s ‘friend ‘!

“Stone, Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System has not fallen, it is currently Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group in the defense. A strange thing happened before, the Cyber ​​Security Department of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency suddenly stopped working on the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid. System’s defense, as if they were completely defeated by a powerful Hacker.” Raphael said his doubts, or Raphael in the temptation to ask if Shi Lei turned over the Cyber ​​Security Department.

Shi Lei chuckled and didn’t hide the Raphael. Anyway, once Wo Sang Nation announced that the Cyber ​​Security Department was destroyed, Raphael also guessed it. It is better to tell Raphael in advance, show your strength, show your muscles, and shake it. Raphael, let Raphael be more determined to deal with Gabriel with his friend.

“Phinney, Cyber ​​Security Department threats, I am afraid it will not exist in the short term. I have killed them all because of the failure of the Cyber ​​Security Department. The technology I need is not in the Cyber ​​Security Department, but in the Foreign Ministry. International Intelligence Agency’s Headquarters. Now, I need you to control the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System, can you do it?” Shi Lei asked with hope.

Originally attacked the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System, it was just a joke. I didn’t really want to turn over the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System. After all, that is the basic type of industrial control network, it is very difficult to dry the Power Grid System. Hacker 1050

However, the situation is different now!

Although Shi Lei said it was as easy as breaking into the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters, Shi Lei knew best that six Dawn’s could break into the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters. However, the whole process is very dangerous, and there are many variables.

However, if the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System is controlled, the entire Tokyo Metropolitan City will be powered out, causing a big mess in Tokyo Prefecture. The power of Wo Sang Nation’s “Government” will naturally be used for all kinds of emergency rescue, appease the public’s mood, maintain public order and other aspects.

The emergency forces around the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters will definitely be transferred. At that time, Shi Lei’s opportunity will come, in the opportunity of the city’s power outage. Six Dawns invaded the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency and will be very reliable.

“Stone. You are not kidding?” Raphael has always doubted the power of Shi Lei. In the eyes of Raphael, the power in Shi Lei’s hands can’t be too big.

But Shi Lei actually said that the group had destroyed the Cyber ​​Security Department of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency!

As a result, Raphael will need to reconsider Shi Lei’s cards and the relationship with Shi Lei’s. However, no matter what. Raphael needs to help Shi Lei to turn over the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System in order to pave the way for the next step.

“Phinney, I never kidding! I said, Wo Sang Nation has provoked me this time. They made a fatal mistake and shouldn’t target people around me!” Shi Lei said wickedly. “Cyber ​​Security Department doesn’t have the data I need, they don’t have the value!”

Raphael swallowed saliva and said, he used to think that he was crazy and proud, but now he feels that Shi Lei is really arrogant!

“Stone, if you want to invade the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System, it takes at least six hours.” Raphael tells the truth.

Shi Lei directly denied: “Time is too long! Phinney, you are not saying, are you a Hacker of World Summit Grade? Why is it so long?”

“Stone, Hacker is not God!” Raphael smirked and retorted: “The six hours is already fast!”

Does Shi Lei really don’t understand? Do not! This is Shi Lei’s intentional act cute!

Shi Lei certainly knows why it takes so long, even if Raphael is the World Summit Grade Hacker, it is very difficult to break through the basic type of industrial control system.

However, Shi Lei has a magic weapon! Hacker 1050

“Phinney, if I authorize you, use Mirror Science and Technology Group’s Server computing resources, and then Mirror Science and Technology Group’s ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System to assist you in the invasion. At the same time, command Mirror Science and Technology Group’s Defense System, protect Your Safety. Can you speed up the invasion?” Shi Lei proposed a favorable condition for series.

The Raphael was slightly startled and immediately asked: “How much can the Mirror Science and Technology Group’s Server computing resources? And Mirror Science and Technology Group’s Defense System, to what extent?”

“1tflops’ computing resources, how? As for the degree that the Defense System can do? Anyway, mxians can’t break our Defense System!” Shi Lei deliberately said in a proud tone.

“嘶Sī ~ ”

Raphael sucked in a cold breath !

Even as one of the Four Great Giants of the Angel Parliament, Raphael has not mastered so much computing resources. “If you have such Outstanding conditions, I can guarantee that the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System will be controlled soon!”

“How fast?” Shi Lei asked.

At present, the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System has been attacked by many World Bounty Hackers, and most of the Hacker World of Xia Nation has been pressed. In this case, Shi Lei personally takes only twenty minutes to get it. Defence of the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System.

Raphael thought about it and replied: “Up to thirty minutes!” Raphael’s technology is not as good as Shi Lei, and it takes more time. Shi Lei is not surprised.

“Phinney, the invasion of the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System, is handed over to you!” Shi Lei said earnestly.

Raphael smiled and said: “Stone, what resources are you talking about?”

“wait a moment, I am currently in contact with Mirror Science and Technology Group’s ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System.” Shi Lei made a series restriction on Izual, mainly in front of the Raphael, not too strong, and then let Izual generate An ipaddress, he ipaddress Raphael, let Raphael Signed In ipaddress, take over all resources.

Two minutes later, Raphael made a cheer in the voice communication.

“Wow~” Raphael got all the resources Shi Lei provided. He was obviously very happy. “Stone, give me half an hour, I will power off the entire Tokyo Prefecture!”

The confusion of Wo Sang Nation Internet has attracted the attention of the whole world of Hacker World and Cyber ​​Security.

As the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Cyber ​​Security Department was destroyed, Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group replaced them to protect the safety of the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System. However, the number of Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group is not large, and they are gradually unable to do so.

The organization of the military Cyber ​​Security’s Organization Yamata does not move, not that they do not move, but they can not move, do not dare to move!

Whether it’s Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group or the military Yamata, they all have their own Tasks. Once they leave the post privately, they may cause a chain reaction.

Especially at present, Hacker World and Cyber ​​Security in the whole world are paying attention to them. If they dare to reveal a slight weakness and defense gap, I am afraid that the power of watching the movie will immediately join the battle. .

Once that happens, for Wo Sang Nation, that’s an absolute disaster!

In order to avoid greater losses, the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System can only be operated by Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group defense, and the military Yamata cannot participate. Over time, Raphael integrated accomplish resources, although he found 1tflops’ computing resources, which belong to distributed computing resources, but such a large amount of computing resources is still scary.

Raphael took a couple of hands and fingers, twisted and added his neck, hēi hēi blame a few laughs, “Everything is accomplish, Wo Sang Nation, accept Angel’s Judgement!”

Shi Lei and Raphael’s voice communication connection has not been interrupted. Listening to Raphael’s self-talk, Shi Lei turned over roll one’s eyes, ‘Raphael, the second boy, who was poisoned by Angel Parliament! ‘

When the Raphael attack began, the shortcomings of the Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group were highlighted, and they struggled against the Raphael. Fortunately, at this time, Woer Sang Nation’s Hacker World also accessed the sequence of defenses.

In particular, the addition of the First Generation Hacker Organization Takama-ga-hara has revived the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System!

Shi Lei discovered this through Izual, and there was a anger in his eyes. Shi Lei quickly blocked the voice connection with Raphael and told Izual: “Izual, ready to attack with me!”

Since Shi Lei can’t use the keyboard to operate inside Dawn, Shi Lei directly controls Izual to fight in the way of Voice Command.

Raphael is the Hacker of World Summit Grade, and Shi Lei is also the Hacker of World Summit Grade. Shi Lei used the Voice Command to control Izual, and the combat power dropped a bit, almost to the same extent as the Raphael, but he is still fierce and tough’s World Summit Grade Hacker.

Takama-ga-hara also has two World Summit Grade Hackers, one is Takama-ga-hara’s Leader Honorable Heavens and the other is Elite member Kuninotokotachi. In addition to them, there are some members of World Grade.

Takama-ga-hara’s participation in the battle, with the advantage of two World Summit Grade Hackers, suppressed the attack of Bounty Hacker and suppressed the Raphael. Shi Lei suddenly entered the battle, and the strength of the two sides remained almost balanced.

Raphael and Shi Lei, Honorable Heavens and Kuninotokotachi, four World Summit Grade Hackers!

Takama-ga-hara’s World Grade Hacker is a little less than the World Grade Hacker Expert in Bounty Hacker, but Takama-ga-hara’s World Grade Hacker is the kind that can be used to get rid of the real address, and Bounty Hacker will never be shopping. In the case where one good and one bad offset each other, the strength of both sides is almost maintained.

(To be continued…)


hk1 First Generation Hacker Organization, Takama-ga-hara!

hk1 First Generation Hacker Organization, Takama-ga-hara! Is made by small / say * net,