
Chapter 1061

hk1049 Nightingale Tokyo Prefecture! [to 00852alliance lord plus more]

Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, Cyber ​​Security Department, was attacked by a team of six heroes, so that the entire Cyber ​​Security Department was destroyed.

The conspiracy group headed by Shi Lei, with the Second Generation Dawn, opened the general Outstanding “Sex” ability, leaving the Cyber ​​Security Department Underground Base, which was flooded by seawater. And, no one has left yet, thinking that they are also buried in the Underground Base of the Cyber ​​Security Department.

Wo Sang Nation, June 13th, Twenty-three points Forty-eight points.

Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang have been infected with Mastery over Future and Fate Virus for more than 58 hours. With a little more than thirteen hours, it reaches the shortest latency of seven 12 hours.

According to the Specialist of Shuangqing City First Hospital Virus aspect, the incubation period is estimated to be seven 12 hours for both Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang. To be clear, the two women, Mushuang and Ling Yumo, who have been infected with Mastery over Future and Fate Virus for seven 12 hours, will develop into the first Phase with symptoms of colds and fever.

In order to compete, Shi Lei led the Punishment Merc Warsquad and, with the help of Izual’s navigation, rushed to the Headquarters of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency by diving.

Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency’s Headquarters In the Chiyoda District, the most core area of ​​Wo Sang Nation Tokyo Prefecture, not only is the Imperial Family’s residence, but Yasukuni Shrine, which was blown up by Shi Lei, is also here.

Chiyoda District is not a coastal area and cannot drive directly to the Second Generation Dawn, directly from the ocean to the destination. According to Izual’s navigation arrangement, six Dawns enter the Central District from the Edogawa District, through the ocean and river, and then sneak into the inland waters of the Harbour Bureau of Tokyo Prefecture.

Tokyo Prefecture The inland waters of the Harbour Bureau, located at the Headquarters of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency. There are still about two kilometers. According to the Second Generation Dawn’s speed, let Izual remotely control the Dawn, implement a simple running command, which takes about thirty seconds to Forty-five seconds. Hacker 1049

This is very fast!

Headquarters of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, next to Wo Sang Nation’s Emperor residence, less than one kilometer from the Imperial Residence. It is home to the “Government” department of Wo Sang Nation, not only the Foreign Ministry, but also the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and the notorious Maritime Security Guard.

In short, the Headquarters of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency. Belong to the Core area of ​​Wo Sang Nation Core!

Even though the six Dawn’s are very fast, there is only one chance to get into the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency. Once you lose this opportunity, you will face the payment of the Wo Sang Nation Rapid Response Force!

“A’Feng. Sanpao, Liang Zi. Xingrui. Mingxuan.” Shi Lei called out everyone’s name, and said in a solemn tone, finally asked you again, do you want to participate in this action? According to Izual’s calculation, the road ahead of us is extremely dangerous! Our target is the Headquarters of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, which is difficult to break into the Li Jian Nation Pentagon, or forcibly enter the Xia Nation South China Sea. We have life danger at all times. Are you willing to be with me? “Do not jump words.

Shi Lei paused a bit and continued. Even if you choose shrink back, I won’t blame you! ”

Ye Feng without the slightest hesitation responded to Boss! Stop talking! Even if it’s broken, Ye Feng will follow you! If there is no Boss. Can you have my Ye Feng today? ”

Ma Liang is also started talking Boss, thank you for taking care of my parents, if this action, I have an accident, please continue to take care of my parents! ”

Zheng Sanpao Briefly fight together! ”

Although Chen Xingrui and Zhu Mingxuan are members who join later, their loyalty can also be tested in life and death.

“Boss, remember my vacation, my bonus!” Zhu Mingxuan said cheerfully.

Chen Xingrui calmly said that I am an orphan, you are my family! Protect the family, can not be shirked without dishonor! ”

Shi Lei’s eyes flashed, “Okay! Let’s all work together! Izual, measure all possible “sex” and be foolproof!”

“yes, sir!” Izual responded.

… Hacker 1049

Xia Nation, Shuangqing City, X05X at 10:50 pm.

“ke ke ~ ke ~ ” Ling Yumo coughed, her face “color” had some abnormal “tidal” red, which is a sign of entering the First Phase. Although it has been confirmed Mastery over Future and Fate Virus, it is not contagious, but Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang are still isolated. This is to prevent them from being infected by others, Mastery over Future and Fate Virus, which destroys their immunity system on a large scale.

Mu Shuang’s breathing is a little short, lying on the bed without blood, “Yumo, you are fine”? No words.”

Ling Yumo coughed a few times and didn’t continue to cough. She whispered Mu Shuang, I think I am going to the First Phase. Is this a sign of a cold? Right? No word.”

“Yumo, Hold On! Shi Lei will save us! Isn’t the news saying that Wo Sang Nation’s Internet World has been hit by an unprecedented Hacker attack? And a research institute of Nanyue Nation has also been mysteriously attacked. If there is no guess, this should be his activity.” In the latter part of Mu Shuang, she did not say Shi Lei’s name, she did a good job in the details aspect.

Ling Yumo nodded, “My Stone Monster!”

Outside the ward, Ling Yumo’s mother Jiang Ling and Mu Shuang’s mother Shen Biling stood together.

Shen Biling is the Director-General of Shanghai City Sky and Sea Union Group Limited Company. As the helm of the Exceed-scale Group with a market capitalization over Hundred-billion, Shen Biling is also looking for Mastery over Future and Fate Virus in the whole world. 』.

“Big Sister Jiang, what’s their situation?” Shen Biling arrived in Shuangqing City this evening. She did not tell Mu Shuang that she had arrived at Shuangqing City.

Jiang Ling sighed a kissed. “The situation is very bad! Now, just wait for that brat and see if he can find a solution!”

“Shi Lei?” Does not jump. Shen Biling’s eyes flashed through a stern sacred color, “If he fails, hehe…”

Cyber ​​Security Western Headquarters.

Ling Yuguo looked at the data on the display wall, his brows were always wrinkled, and his mouth whispered to himself! The power of those Bounty Hackers is not enough to break the defense of the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System! ”

Xia Yu stands behind Ling Yuguo, whispering Bureau Chief, are we…”

“Shut up!” Ling Yuguo said coldy. “That brat dare to do this. It is natural to do this. We look at quiet, we don’t have qualifications.”

It’s not that Ling Yuguo doesn’t want to plug in, but the power of Cyber ​​Security Western Headquarters. Without qualifications, Xia Nation doesn’t allow them to fight!

Ling Yumo is infected with the deadly Virus, Ling Yuguo, the father of the heart, who is less anxious than anyone. He has used all the power he can use. All World looks for any information about Mastery over Future and Fate Virus, but There is no clue.

Rongcheng Military District.

Even though late at night. The Big Shots in Rongcheng Military District still don’t sleep. The movement of Shi Lei was too big. From Nanyue Nation, they were afraid, and Shi Lei lost the wolf.

He Zhenbang looked at the report data and should not make a look. If normal. Nanyue Nation’s Navy has been taught, and Wo Sang Nation is about to happen with bad luck. He Zhenbang must be very happy.

But now He Zhenbang is not happy!

He Zhenbang is afraid that Shi Lei is going to make things big. In the unlikely event that Shi Lei has no scruples in Wo Sang Nation, Wo Sang Nation will find the trouble of the Rongcheng Military District based on Dawn’s relationship, and He Zhenbang will be very passive!

Together with He Zhenbang, Shi Lei will definitely use The Steel and Iron and Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile. How can he be happy?

‘fortunately. I first handed it to the Shi Lei’s Swift Arrow family, Guided Missile, all of which erased the logo, and I did enough to get rid of the responsibility. Otherwise, Shi Lei is the “hair” child. Really desperate…Oops, Damn, and Crush Sea Series Guided Missile! ‘He Zhenbang’s forehead is cold and sweaty.

The Rongcheng Military District did deliver four Zhenhai i-type Air-To-Surface Guided Missile to Shi Lei. If Shi Lei used the Zhenhai i-type Air-To-Surface Guided Missile, Wo Sang Nation would definitely be ups and downs with Xia Nation.

“Su Ding!” He Zhenbang shouted, but he was shocked by Su Ding. Because, usually, He Zhenbang called him ‘Little Su’, and now loudly called him ‘Su Ding’, so that Su Ding has a feeling, is he doing something?

Although Su Ding is the nail of the high-level security in the Rongcheng Military District, Su Ding has a very good duty and never does anything that the game rules do not allow.

“Commander He, are you calling me?” Su Ding asked.

He Zhenbang hēng hēng, please give me a contact Shi Lei, I want to stop that Madman! ”

“Okay!” Su Ding immediately took out the satellite and dialed the Shi Lei’s number. However, after dialing, no one was connected, only the automatic prompt.

“This is Shi Lei, it is not convenient to answer now. If it is a small matter, please hang up directly; if it is a major event, please hang up directly; if it is a life-saving emergency, please call inoneone!”

He Zhenbang listened to the ‘life-savings’, and thought that there was a coup, I did not expect to call the police, is this not a nonsense? Does He Zhenbang want to call inoneone and tell the other party Shi Lei to take attacked Wo Sang Nation with Guided Missile?

“Damn! Are you the ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System from Dream Entertainment Company?” Su Ding hasn’t, He Zhenbang asked loudly.

“Commander He, hello, I am very happy to talk to you again.” Izual responded to He Zhenbang.

“I don’t care if you are an ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, let Shi Lei answer, I want to talk to him!” He Zhenbang said with a tough attitude.

“Sorry, Commander He, Main System is temporarily disconnected from the stone. According to the last positioning of the Main System, the stone was in Tokyo Prefecture of Wo Sang Nation.” Izual responded to He Zhenbang.

In fact, this answer is not an answer made by Izual. Izual has no authority and cannot answer He Zhenbang. Instead, Shi Lei commands Izual’s treatment.

“Sure enough, Wo Sang Nation!” He Zhenbang coldly snorted and said.

“Commander He, if the Main System reconnects to the stone, I will contact you with the First notification stone. Thank you for your calls, I wish you a happy life, see you again later.” Izual hangs directly, no matter how He Zhenbang growls.

He Zhenbang put the satellite on the stainless steel conference table, and irritated Shi Lei, Hope, don’t provoke too much “chaos”! ”

Although He Zhenbang Hope Shi Lei did not cause big chaos in Wo Sang Nation, Shi Lei had already provoked a big mess in Wo Sang Nation, and he extinguished the Cyber ​​Security Department of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency.

Now, he is on the plan night in Tokyo Prefecture, attacking the Foreign Ministry!

The status of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters is definitely not comparable to the Cyber ​​Security Department. Whether it is official status or address, Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency is more important than the Cyber ​​Security Department.

(To be continued…)

Ps: Thanks to all the book friends who support Mt. Mt. Thank you!

hk149 Nightingale Tokyo Prefecture! [To x8alliance lord plus more]

hk149 Nightingale Tokyo Prefecture! [To x8alliance lord plus more] is by small / say * net,