
Chapter 1060

hk1048 Cyber ​​Security Department, ace!

Wo Sang Nation, Tokyo Prefecture, Edogawa District. Time, June 13th, Twenty-three points.

Cyber ​​Security Department’s Underground Base, Shi Lei looked at Aso Asao, Hope Aso Asao’s reply was positive, but Shi Lei himself guessed that Aso Asao could not carry the Transcription Activation-like from the Headquarters of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency. Effect Nuclease Technology’s data.

As Shi Lei predicted, Aso Asao hesitated again and finally sighed: “I am sorry, Ishimura-kun, I can’t bring the data you need from Headquarters!”

Aso Asao is only the First Security Team leader of the Cyber ​​Security Department. Even if he is the Section Head of the Cyber ​​Security Department, it is not possible to carry the Transcription Activation-like Effect Trait Nuclease data from the Headquarters of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency.

Because, there is no proper understanding!

For what reason does Aso Asao bring the Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology data from the Headquarters of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency?

Is Aso Asao honestly saying that he has decided to hand this data to a mysterious person who has violently entered the Cyber ​​Security Department Underground Base?

Shi Lei raised a deep regret, even if he guessed it in advance, but got the worst answer, Shi Lei was still very disappointed.

“Aso Jun, do you know, who can bring the Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology from the Headquarters of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency?” Shi Lei re-inquired about an issue. Hacker 1048

If there are other people who can do this, Shi Lei doesn’t mind accomplishing complicated things through the easiest way.

Aso Asao’s face “color” is somewhat uncertain. He understands that if he can’t say an answer that makes Shi Lei satisfied, he may be vented by the angry Shi Lei.

But if he makes an answer, if Shi Lei can investigate the relevant population data data at any time, he is more likely to be tragedy.

Therefore, Aso Asao does not know how to answer Shi Lei. Aso Asao does not know who is there. He can carry the top secret data from the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters.

Even though Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency’s Great Bureau Chief Fujishita Masato is not good either!

Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency has a strict system, paper-based top secret data, and wants to bring out the Headquarters of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, must be authorized by more than half of the cabinet members, or authorized by the Prime Minister.

Can Shi Lei also kidnapmore than half of the cabinet members, or the Prime Minister?

“Ishimura-kun, I…” Aso Asao decided to gamble, but he hadn’t finished it yet, and a serious voice came from the Cyber ​​Security Department Underground Base’s broadcast system.

“The mob inside listens, you have been surrounded, and you are limited to ten minutes, put down the weapon, and surrender. Otherwise, we will come insault!”

Aso Asao listened to the sound coming from the radio. He suppressed the joy in the heart. ‘Great, the guys in the east, finally found us out of the issue! ‘

Shi Lei face “color” slightly startled, “Izual, is there an enemy outside?”

“Sir, no enemies were found,” Izual responded.

Shi Lei took a look at the time, they should have about half an hour to be discovered by the outside world. But what is the situation now?

I haven’t waited for Shi Lei to guess an issue. Izual immediately reported: “Sir, System detected a kilometer to the east and a numerous armed personnel.”

Cyber ​​Security Department Underground Base, one kilometer to the east, is exactly a stated military base of Wo Sang Nation! Hacker 1048

‘It turned out to be the secret military base in the east. Their abacus was played finely. If people didn’t arrive, they would scare us first. However, I really thought that I was a summer graduate? ‘Shi Lei in the heart’ disdainful contempt.

“Sir, is it snipe enemy?” Izual asked Shi Lei.

Fifty-one The Steel and Iron, scattered around Kasai Rinkai Park, if fifty-one The Steel and Iron, at all costs, even the secret military base to the east of Destroy.

Shi Lei then said: “Izual, control all The Steel and Iron retreats, look for hidden places around the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters, and be careful not to be discovered! If The Steel and Iron were discovered and shot down by the other party, start Corresponding to The Steel and Iron’s Self-destruct System !”

“yes, sir!” Izual did not question Shi Lei’s unusual orders. Instead, he controlled 51 Steel The Iron and Iron and left Kasai Rinkai Park in advance.

After the fifty-one The Steel and Iron retreat, Shi Lei re-looked towards Aso Asao. Through Dawn’s external loudspeaker, Shi Lei sighed. “Aso Jun, finally ask you an issue. This issue determines all of you. Life and death. If your answer, let me be satisfied, we will leave immediately and will not kill you. But if you refuse to answer, we will kill all of you before leaving. The rescue personnel outside can’t stop our.”

Aso Asao’s brows, other Cyber ​​Security Specialists, gave birth to a desire to survive.

Second official Little Group’s Group Leader, Kishi Yamonori loudly: “Aso Jun, everything is pleased! I, can’t die here!”

“Aso Group Leader, I don’t want to die!” Another Little Group Head started talking.

Shi Lei did not stop them, but let them yell at the noise. Three minutes later, Izual prompts: “Sir, secret Safety Monitoring System, finds the enemy’s trail, estimated by the Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine, and the enemy will arrive at the Underground Base entrance in five to six minutes.”

“Five minutes to six minutes?” Shi Lei suddenly understood why the military base in the east had discovered the changes in the Cyber ​​Security Department in advance. Because Oda Shizuna secretly reported to the military base in the east!

Oda Shizuna had 11 minutes for Shi Lei. If it was a normal walk, it would take 11 minutes to reach the location of the secret Monitoring System from the Underground Base. But if Oda Shizuna runs all the way, this time will save half. In the other half of the time, Oda Shizuna used a secret phone route behind a big tree to inform the military base in the east and let them come to rescue the Cyber ​​Security Department.

Oda Shizuna never believed in Shi Lei!

If the reinforcements sent by the eastern military base seized Shi Lei, then Oda Shizuna could completely erase the records of the Safety Monitoring System, so that the treason was eliminated, and the rest of the Security SpeCIA list would not be uninteresting.

That Oda Shizuna will not only be blamed, but will be commended!

Oda Shizuna’s plan is wonderful, but Oda Shizuna doesn’t know that the Cyber ​​Security Department’s Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology is only part of it.

This deadly flaw naturally made Oda Shizuna tragedy!

Aso Asao listened to the requests around, in fact, Aso Asao wants to die again? If Aso Asao is not afraid of death, it has already shown up! Aso Asao is silent, not afraid of death, but thinking about how to truly die!

Aso Asao is as smart as Oda Shizuna, and Aso Asao does not believe in Shi Lei. In case he answered Shi Lei’s issue, but Shi Lei violated his promise, Aso Asao didn’t even cry when he cried.

“Aso Jun, haven’t you considered it yet? My patience is very limited. Don’t try to delay the time. Are you looking forward to the rescue of the eastern secret military base? We have already considered this factor before implementing the plan. The secret military base, they are not our opponents at all.” Shi Lei’s tone, with a touch of disdain.

However, Aso Asao has not been easily dupe.

“Ishimura-kun, if you really don’t care about them, why bother to leave?” Aso Asao responded and immediately said: “Ishimura-kun, what does Hope know about the answer?”

Shi Lei pressed his anger, started talking: “I need the topographic mapof the Paper Data Archives of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters. I also need Deity Plan and Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology to save the location of the information! ”

The Foreignquarter International Intelligence Agency’s Headquarters is very large, and the former Cyber ​​Security Department is on the 11th floor. If Shi Lei breaks in and does not have detailed instructions, even if he finds a paper data storage room, it is difficult to find the required Technical Information in the storage room.

Aso Asao hesitated: “Ishimura-kun, I can tell you. But you need to swear in the name of Amaterasu-Ō-Mi-Kami, you won’t kill us!”

“Good!” Shi Lei without the slightest hesitation started talking: “I, Shichiro Ishimura, swear by Amaterasu-Ō-Mi-Kami, once Aso Jun handed me the data I needed, I would never kill Die them!”

Aso Asao shook his head and said: “Ishimura-kun, don’t play word games. Not only you, but also your five subordinates, all of you, are not allowed to kill us!”

Shi Lei swears back and puts everyone in. “Well, Right?” Shi Lei looked at the time. After so much tossing, four minutes passed. The rescue force at the secret military base in the east was about to arrive.

For the rescue forces dispatched by the secret military base, Shi Lei is not afraid of them, but does not have Hope’s unnecessary battle. If time is sufficient, Shi Lei will definitely give them an unforgettable lesson.

But time is not enough!

Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo are infected with the deadly Virus, and now is the time to race against time!

Aso Asao got a positive answer from Shi Lei’s, he can only gamble. Aso Asao can see that if he continues to delay the time, Shi Lei will definitely wash the audience.

Aso Asao found an a4 paper and a signature pen to quickly draw a simple mapon a4 paper, explaining to Shi Lei. When a simple mapis created, Aso Asao started talking: “Deity Plan’s data and Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology are not stored separately, they are put together. If you can access the paper data storage room, they are stored in x013 In the numbered cabinet, the password for the mechanical lock is 242424.”

Shi Lei put a4 paper into Dawn’s Small-scale storage bin, and Aso Asao looked at Shi Lei anxiously, fearing that Shi Lei suddenly wounded and wounded.

Shi Lei chuckled. “Aso Jun, I am a reasonable person and a trustworthy person.” After that, Shi Lei scored a gesture and put away the Alloy Heavy Sword, loudly: “All retreat!”

Six dark Dawns, leaving quickly. Aso Asao was soft and squatted on the floor, but his spirit was very high. “Jun, we are safe!”

“We, Safety?” The Specialists at the Cyber ​​Security Department, like Aso Asao, sat down on the ground.

On the other hand, Shi Lei left with six Dawns, and the Cyber ​​Security Department Underground Base’s broadcast system, another shouting.

“The mob inside listened, you have been surrounded, and surrendered immediately!” This time, they should be truly surrounded by the Underground Security Division of the Cyber ​​Security Department, so they no longer give Shi Lei and others time to consider, directly let them surrender immediately. .

Ye Feng listened to the radio and asked: “Boss, have we really let them go?”

Shi Lei said with a smile : “A’Feng, am I a person who keeps my promise?”

“Yes! Of course!” Ye Feng replied truthfully, Shi Lei’s is indeed a person who keeps his promise, but only for himself.

“hā hā hā !A’Feng, you also learn to flatter!” Shi Lei hā hā said while laughing loudly. “The guy at the Cyber ​​Security Department, I don’t want to let go! Sanpao, are you ready?”

Zheng Sanpao replied affirmatively: “Boss, everything is ready!”

“So, open Final Plan!” Shi Lei pulled out the shield from the back and said, “All defense!”

Everyone controlled Dawn and pulled out the Alloy Shield. Shi Lei continued to order: “Sanpao, handed it to you!”

Zheng Sanpao Debugged a program inside Dawn, with Izual’s assistance, the Dawn he drove, sent a piece of WIRE less information.

“Twenty the clock, pay attention to the explosion!” Zheng Sanpao reminded.


“hōng hōng hōng hōng ~ ~~~”

The violent explosion rang through the Underground space of the entire Cyber ​​Security Department, but it didn’t have a strong shock wave.

The Underground Base of Cyber ​​Security Department, Linhai Construction, Zheng Sanpao installed a “liquid” body bomb on the side of the ocean according to the pre-planned plan.

When Shi Lei got all the information he needed, they didn’t plan to retreat from the front. Instead, they relied on the “sex” ability that Dawn could dive, directly blasting the side walls of the Underground Base, allowing seawater to come in and create a kind. They confronted the rescue personnel and burned the jade and common stone illusion, thus earning them valuable time for action.

Zheng Sanpao did not have many plastic bombs, but he calculated the blasting point. Combined with the scan data of Sonar Detection System, the plastic bomb successfully broke the wall on the sea side.

Numerous seawaters poured in from the broken side walls, and the water pressure automatically expanded the cracks in the walls, only momentarily, seawater had flooded Dawn’s ankles.

Outside the Underground Base refuge, Aso Asao heard the explosion, his face changed dramatically, and his mouth snarled: “Baka, Shichiro Ishimura, you bastard!”

After Aso Asao roared, he shouted: “Everyone, give me all, hurry!”

However, how can the plan developed by Shi Lei and Zheng Sanpao have no backhand?

Outside the Underground Base, the rescue personnel of the eastern secret military base, currently quickly enter the Cyber ​​Security Department through the entrance of the Underground Base. Secret The rescue personnel of the military base, they are fully armed, even wearing gas masks, doing the most rigorous preliminary work, ready to hit the thugs invading the Cyber ​​Security Department.

However, the entrance to the Cyber ​​Security Department Underground Base suddenly exploded, and will now enter the Cyber ​​Security Department Underground Base rescue personnel, and it will be blown up! At the same time, it also blocked the entrance of the Underground Base!

A few minutes later, seawater drowned the entire Underlying Base of the Cyber ​​Security Department, except for the six Dawns that had the diving feature to escape, the other from the Cyber ​​Security Department’s Underground Base, the other personnel, no one survives.

Wo Sang Nation, Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, Cyber ​​Security Department, Mission!


(To be continued.)

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