
Chapter 1059

hk1047 Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters !

Oda Shizuna is not a brave person. If Oda Shizuna dares to face death and is willing to sacrifice for the country, why is it so troublesome to circle, just to pay an incomplete data to Shi Lei?

Oda Shizuna did not deceive Shi Lei, this Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology, and there is no issue. The real issue, not the Cyber ​​Security Department…

“Sir, according to the target’s infrared heat radiation “injection” feedback, the target has lost the Life Characteristics.” Izual reported a sad story!

Shi Lei returned to the refuge of the Cyber ​​Security Department Underground Base with Ye Feng and Ma Liang.

The Dawn Number One machine holds the brown paper bag of Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology. Shi Lei is now very pissed, Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology, which is related to Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang’s “sex” life safety.

If Shi Lei does not get this technology, Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang will die!

“Can anyone tell me why this Technical Information is not complete?” Shi Lei scanned everyone present, Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine, and currently retrieved each person’s facial expressions.

The Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine can determine whether a target is in a lied by recognizing subtle changes in human facial expressions. Just because the current technology is not mature, the accuracy of this lie detection is not too high and can only be used as a reference.

The Security SpeCIA list at the scene kept the quiet. Even no one dared to look up at Shi Lei, for fear of being misunderstood by Shi Lei, which caused him to kill himself. Hacker 1047

These Cyber ​​Security Specialists, who were forced to commit treason by Oda Shizuna, have spawned the idea of ​​breaking the cans, and they are willing to drag out an ignoble existence as long as they can survive.

“Don’t anyone want to tell me?” Shi Lei dropped the Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology on the floor. This technology has been uploaded to Interweave Net Miwang and Number One through Word Recognition Engine and camera technology. Server storage, Shi Lei no longer needs it.

Dropped the brown paper bag of Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology, Shi Lei pulled out the Alloy Heavy Sword in his right hand, and the tone was indifferent. “If you still don’t tell me, why is Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology, stored data? It’s not complete. Then, I will kill one of you every ten seconds! If you think you are lucky enough, you can stick to the end, then keep silent!”

“Ten!” Shi Lei began to count down as soon as he finished.




The countdown is like the death knell of death, striking the heart of every Security SpeCIA list.

When Shi Lei counted ‘three’, one of the young Security SpeCIA lists couldn’t stand the pressure. He shouted: “Yamete Yo! Stop! I tell you, I tell you!”

Shi Lei has a faint smile on his mouth, maybe death is not terrifying, but the feeling of waiting for death is absolutely very terrifying.

“So, tell me why the Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology is incomplete?” Shi Lei stared at the young Hacker Expert.

The young Security SpeCIA list, panting and quickly said: “I don’t know! But please wait, I know who knows!”

Shi Lei nodded and didn’t hurt Killer.

“Know that this secret should be Oda Section Head, and the various Group Leaders of the official Security SpeCIA list Little Group!” The young Security SpeCIA list directly pushed the issue to others.

“Very good!” Shi Lei praised the move without any harm to the youngster. Although this young Security SpeCIA list did not provide an accurate answer, he also provided clues. Hacker 1047

If at this time, Shi Lei irrational hurts the young Security SpeCIA list, what other information does Shi Lei need, and who dares to provide information?

Anyway, it’s hard to escape a death. It’s better to die with dignity. It’s better to use death as an enemy to create trouble!

“First of all, I want to tell you a sad news, your Oda Section Head, taking all of you as hostages to guarantee some of his actions. But it is very regrettable that Oda Section Head chose to abandon you and escape the Underground Base. Scope. However, we have some Defensive Power outside the base. So, Oda Section Head has returned to the arms of Amaterasu-Ō-Mi-Kami!” Shi Lei described the death of Oda Shizuna in a plain tone. .

At the same time, Shi Lei also blackened an Oda Shizuna and described Oda Shizuna as the slag of ‘leading first.’ This abandonment of subordinates’ escaping behavior will cause dissatisfaction among others in the Cyber ​​Security Department.

Sure enough, after Shi Lei finished, some Security SpeCIA list, whispered in the ear.

“ke ke ! About Oda Section Head’s issue, my Hope don’t happen again. Even if you escaped from the Underground Base, what about it? We have a numerous sniper outside, you can’t escape! Now, please call it Official Security SpeCIA list Little Group Head, stand up to the front. I need you to explain to me why this piece of data is incomplete.” Shi Lei glanced around and stared at Aso Asao.

Aso Asao is lowering his head, “Liang” has a slapin the face, Oda Shizuna is dead, and from the bottom of his heart, Aso Asao’s joy is more sad. If you can escape this disaster, Aso Asao will have great possibilities, the Section Head of the Ascend to Cyber ​​Security Department!

‘Oda Shizuna, now, do you believe that there are good reports, bad evils? ‘Aso Asao took a deep breath, step forward: “I introduce myself, I am the Cyber ​​Security Department First Security Team, Aso Asao.”

Shi Lei knows the identity of Aso Asao. If there is no external interference, Aso Asao will eventually become the Vice-section Head of the Cyber ​​Security Department according to the development path of ‘previous life’.

But now, maybe he has a chance to become a Section Head! Is not it?

“Aso Jun, do you have anything to tell me?” Shi Lei stared at Aso Asao, who dared to order Izual and kill Oda Shizuna. Exactly as stated because of the existence of Aso Asao.

What Oda Shizuna knows, Aso Asao knows basically; what Oda Shizuna doesn’t know, Aso Asao still knows. Oda Shizuna pays too much attention to some tricks and ignoring the power of actually controlling.

“Ishimura-kun, the Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology you need, should be in the Headquarters! Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, with a paper data file storage room dedicated to storing paper data. The paper data storage room, the entrance and exit inspection is very strict, it is not allowed to carry any Electronic Equipment entry, nor is it allowed to carry data to leave.” Aso Asao introduces the basic situation.

In order to increase the credibility, Aso Asao continued: “I formally entered once, and found several secret data that belonged to our Cyber ​​Security Department. At that time, I had a strong sleepy in the heart. Later After migrating to the Linhai Base of Edogawa, I discovered that the top secret data in Linhai Base is all part of the data, the complete data, all stored in the Headquarters of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency!”

“Headquarters?” Shi Lei whispered.

In fact, Shi Lei has already believed in Aso Asao’s rhetoric. The Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency deliberately stored some information in the Internal Network, covering some of the cutting-edge technologies, hidden in the Underground Base of the Cyber ​​Security Department. In fact, this approach is very reasonable. This approach has succeeded in attracting unscrupulous snoops from the outside world. Why can’t they use the Cyber ​​Security Department as a target?

Just at the beginning, Shi Lei didn’t think of it!

“Yes! Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology, is it Core Technology of Deity Plan?” Aso Asao also sneaked out, and everyone in the countercurrent field was responsible for treason, even though Aso Asao said more, they also It is impossible to report Aso Asao.

“Yes! It’s Deity Plan!” Shi Lei in the heart, a positive response.

“Then I can guarantee that Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology must be at Headquarters. Because Deity Plan’s full set of data is also in the paper data file storage room of Headquarters.” Aso Asao said Wo in nowhere. Sang Nation About Biogenetics Science Aspect, the highest achievement and scientific research.

Shi Lei puts down his mind. Since Aso Asao has said Deity Plan, it seems that this time the information will not be issued. Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology, must be at Headquarters of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency.

However, there is an issue here!

Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency’s Headquarters, located in Tokyo Prefecture, the capital of Wo Sang Nation.

It is definitely not an easy task to force into the Headquarters of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency. It can even be said that it is basically impossible!

“Aso Jun, if you return to Headquarters, can you access the paper data file storage room and take out the data of Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology or the data of Tenjin technology?” Shi Lei asked.

Aso Asao’s breathing was abrupt, and heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

‘good chance! ‘Aso Asao in the heart secretly exclaimed, Shi Lei’s issue, reveals the idea that he needs to use Aso Asao to enter the Headquarters of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, from the paper data archive. Remove the Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology.

If Aso Asao enters the Headquarters of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, he is basically Safety!

‘What should I say? Promise this Shichiro Ishimura, pretending to help him steal data from Headquarters and then return to Headquarters to inform other departments to destroy him? ‘Aso Asao in the heart thinking.

Shi Lei looked at the silent Aso Asao. He seems to know that Aso Asao is playing selfish calculations. He warned: “Aso Jun, Hope, you think about it, can you really get what I need from the Headquarters of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency? Data is taken out. If it is not, but you maliciously deceive me, you can, then I will personally send you to see Amaterasu-Ō-Mi-Kami!”

A little pause, Shi Lei pointed to other Cyber ​​Security Specialist: “I think they are very interested in exposing your cheating. In particular, if you say a lie and someone reports, I will check the person. Live the road, let him leave!”

Originally, Aso Asao had a gambling mentality. According to Aso Asao’s thoughts, if he could escape, he could pass the news of the Cyber ​​Security Department and inform the official to send troops to rescue other Security SpeCIA lists.

If Shi Lei didn’t say the latter part, the Specialists of the Cyber ​​Security Department may not really expose the lie of Aso Asao, but in the face of the living Hope, Aso Asao can’t guarantee that someone will betray him…

“How? Aso Jun, have you considered it?” Shi Lei asked impatiently.

(To be continued.)

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