
Chapter 1055

hk1043 Dawn is invincible, rampage!

Wo Sang Nation time, June 13th, 9:51pm.

Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, Cyber ​​Security Department, Underground Base of Kasai Rinkai Park.

Cyber ​​Security Department Head Oda Shizuna, after standing up and asking aloud, the rest of the Security SpeCIA list responded: “Section Head, I can’t connect to the Internet!”

“Section Head, me too!”

“Section Head, have we broken the defense by Hacker?”


Aso Asao stood beside Oda Shizuna, his face was pale, and he reminded: “Section Head, you listen to the alarm!”

Oda Shizuna noticed that the red “color” alarm currently Crazy alarm, Oda Shizuna was shocked, “what situation? Our base entrance defense, how was it destroyed?”

Kasai Rinkai Park, Cyber ​​Security Department, Underground Base entrance. Hacker 1043

Ye Feng, Ma Liang, and Zheng Sanpao, driving Dawn, slowly stood up from the ground, holding Alloy Heavy Sword in their hands and pulling the Alloy Heavy Sword out of the Underground.

Based on feedback from Sonar Detection System, they found the network route for the Cyber ​​Security Department and external links. Shi Lei ordered three people to disconnect the Cyber ​​Security Department Underground Base from the external physical line.

The three people cut off the main route of the Cyber ​​Security Department external link, the alternate route, and the hidden route!

Chen Xingrui and Zhu Mingxuan are not idle, they are currently cleaning the entrance of the Underground Base.

“Boss, the entrance to the Underground Base is open!” Chen Xingrui opened the distorted antique door with a sword and used the on-board Communications System to report to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei nodded, started talking: “Ready to enter!”

“Understand!” everyone responded in unison, and Ye Feng acted as the advance personnel and entered the Underground channel. Shi Lei walks in the middle and is protected before and after.

The passage into the Underground Base is a ramp-down step that extends down the twenty meter, and at the end of the ladder, a thick metal wall blocks the road ahead.

Zheng Sanpao took a step forward and took out the Tool cabin that Dawn carried with him. He took out a special bottle of Bomb, which is a semi-liquid semi-foamed Bomb, which is very suitable for metal. wall.

Semi-“liquid” semi-foamed “liquid” Bomb, some similar to mousse, Zheng Sanpao sprayed them on the metal wall, using gesture to indicate the rest of the personnel concealed.

Chen Xingrui and Zhu Mingxuan immediately crouch, Ye Feng and Ma Liang stood beside Chen Xingrui and Zhu Mingxuan. The four men also removed the Alloy Shield, and the four-sided Alloy Shield formed a huge Alloy Shield to protect the Dawn body behind him.

Zheng Sanpao ignited the fuse of the semi-liquid semi-foam “Liquid” body Bomb. He quickly returned to the rear of the Large-scale shield composed of the four-sided Alloy Shield, and also pulled out the Alloy Shield, filling in the middle of the four sides of the shield, blocking The gapbetween the four sides of the shield.

“wēng ~ dīng dīng dōng dōng ~ ”

The dull explosion, not the violent shock wave, the metal fragments hit the sound of Alloy Shield, the semi-liquid state semi-foam “liquid” body Bomb, accomplish its mission, blasting the metal wall with a thickness of 50mm.

After the metal walls were blasted, a team armed with a Sub-machine Gun and armed with a body armor shot directly at six Dawns. Hacker 1043

“dīng dīng dīng ~ ”

The bullet hit the Dawn’s Alloy Shield and didn’t have any effect at all. Even the dent didn’t make one. Even though there are occasional bullets that hit Dawn’s body, the Second Generation Dawn has greatly increased the strength of the defense, and it is only a small-caliber Sub-machine Gun. The defense armor on Dawn has not undergone any deformation!

“A’Feng, Liang Zi, kill them!” Shi Lei ruthlessly ordered.

Two dark Dawns rushed to the defense personnel of the Cyber ​​Security Department. They pulled out Alloy Heavy Sword and ended the fight in less than twenty seconds.

Bulletproof vest, for the debt of Alloy Heavy Sword, basic EQ ual to zero!

“Sanpao, Mingxuan, kill the surveillance camera!” Shi Lei looked at the camera in the distance and pointed at the camera.

Cyber ​​Security Department, the work hall of Underground Base.

Aso Asao’s face “color” is full of horror god “color”, a team of 12 people’s Safety defense personnel, even without any resistance to being slaughtered, the dark Robot or mecha, what is it?

“Section Head, what should we do?” Aso Asao asked the six gods without the Lord.

Oda Shizuna’s forehead is cold and sweaty. In fact, the new Cyber ​​Security Department Head doesn’t know what to do! If it’s the case on the Internet, Oda Shizuna will try to find a way. But now the situation is that six robots with unknown conditions, or mecha, actually broke into their Underground Base.

Unless Oda Shizuna is incarnate to maintain the peace of the Ultraman, or as high as possession, I am afraid he has no way to block the six mysterious Robots or mecha.

Oda Shizuna is also Unable to Judge, the six black-painted toys, whether it is Robot or mecha. He only knows that the six black lacquered toys, very very dangerous!

“Damn! Hurry up to contact Ministry of Defense! We got Terrorist Attack! Hurry up let them send elite Armed Might to protect us!” Oda Shizuna disregarded the image.

Is it a matter of life and death, where do you still need to maintain your image?

“Section Head, we can’t connect to the external network, our external contact phone is completely disconnected. Even the WIRE less communication device, as well as the satellite phone, can’t communicate with the outside world. We are trapped by the other party, the other party must have already Premeditated!” Aso Asao responded to Oda Shizuna.

Shi Lei’s was premeditated. They cut off the Cyber ​​Security Department and the external Physical ConNEC tion, and Izual used The Steel and Iron to completely block the Cyber ​​Security Department’s external Wireless information connection. Under the double blockade, the Cyber ​​Security Department became an isolated island, and it was impossible to obtain any communication with the outside world.

Not only that, this situation will not cause outside doubts!

Under normal circumstances, if the Cyber ​​Security Department becomes an information island and loses contact with the outside world, Wo Sang Nation will definitely carryigate. But now it is different, now the Internet of Wo Sang Nation has been attacked by many Hacker. Even if the Cyber ​​Security Department loses its external connection, the rest of Wo Sang Nation will subconsciously believe that the Cyber ​​Security Department may be subject to Hacker attack and temporarily isolate the network. There is no doubt that the Cyber ​​Security Department has been attacked by Reality.

This is the real purpose of Shi Lei’s Internet target for Wo Sang Nation, launching a reward!

If it is not for the Cyber ​​Security Department to be an isolated island, there is a reasonable explanation. Why should Shi Lei offer a reward for Wo Sang Nation’s network target?

“Impossible! We still have a secret external contact route?” Oda Shizuna looked at Aso Asao with a shocked look.

Aso Asao shook his head: “Section Head, the hidden route has also been destroyed, we became an island of information, completely disconnected from the outside world. Given the current situation, at least two hours, no department suspects that we have been Attack. If we can hold on for two hours, at our secret military base in the east, we will send someone to explore our situation!”

“Two hours? What a joke!” Oda Shizuna angered at the computer desk, inside the work hall, showing the monitoring information on the wall, constantly losing the meeting.

Losing the picture means that the surveillance camera is being blown up, and the six black-painted toys are further away from them!

Aso Asao is obviously very afraid of death. He proposed: “Section Head, let’s hide now! There are emergency shelters in the base, all of us can hide in! The safety defense of the shelter is perfect, with refuge We may be able to hold on for two hours. This gang invades the personnel and enters our Cyber ​​Security Department. It is absolutely impossible to kill us. As long as we hide, it is very likely to escape!”

Oda Shizuna calmed down a bit. He considered a dozen seconds, surrounded by the Security SpeCIA list, all looking at Oda Shizuna. If Oda Shizuna insists on confronting the invaders, I am afraid that their “sex” life will not be guaranteed!

“Aso, you are right! If these invade the personnel, just to kill us, we don’t need to enter our Underground Base at all. Since they entered the base, they are exactly as stated Hope. What do you get from the base? Now, all personnel notice, Immediately evacuate the refuge!” Oda Shizuna shouted.

Cyber ​​Security Department All Security SpeCIA list sighed in relief, they are not ready to contribute to Emperor, they also stay in the world for a few days.

Cyber ​​Security Department’s Security SpeCIA list, a quick retreat into the refuge, Shi Lei found their retreat through Dawn on-board’s Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector. However, Shi Lei didn’t care about those guys at all.

Aso Asao guessed right, Shi Lei didn’t come in to kill them. If they dared to stop, Shi Lei didn’t mind killing them; if they were interested, don’t come to the intervention Shi Lei’s action, Shi Lei wouldn’t waste time looking for them. trouble.

To the east of Kasai Rinkai Park, exact as stated Wo Sang Nation’s secret military base. Shi Lei needs to rob the data’s Task in the shortest time and withdraw from Wo Sang Nation. How can he have time to entangle with the personnel of the Cyber ​​Security Department?

According to the Sonar Detection System, the six Dawns scan the acquired information and rampage in the Underground Base of the Cyber ​​Security Department, regardless of the all kinds Defense System in the Cyber ​​Security Department Underground Base.

Whether it’s an automatic firearm or an Armed Defense Personnel, it’s not a Second Generation Dawn’s opponent!

Second Generation Dawn is basically an invincible presence in the battlefield inside the building!

“Don’t go to the data library with these shrimp soldiers and crab generals!” Shi Lei shouted loudly.

“Understand!” Ye Feng responded.

Six black-painted Dawns, according to the architectural mapprovided by Sonar Detection System, were killed in a similar database library and no longer entangled with the defense personnel.

A few minutes later, Shi Lei stood in front of a Room full of Server, blocking in front of Shi Lei, there was only one Bulletproof Glass curtain wall…

(To be continued.)

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