
Chapter 1056

hk1044 non-dataized information!

Second Generation Dawn’s combat capability is very powerful, how can a Bulletproof Glass curtain wall block the progress of Dawn?

Shi Lei pulled out the Alloy Shield and slammed into the curtain wall of the Bulletproof Glass. The Bulletproof Glass curtain wall broke!

The Bulletproof Glass curtain wall can indeed block bullets, but it can’t stop the Alloy Shield with a weight of 550 kilograms, and the attack with a hundred and thirty-four horsepower!

Re-fixing the Alloy Shield to the back position, Shi Lei made a wave of action against the camera at the door, and Shiran went into the data library.

In the data library, Shi Lei pulled out a data line from Dawn’s left arm and connected it to a server’s usb interface.

“Izual, quickly scan the entire Data library for pre-specified data information!” Shi Lei commands Izual, the entire Data Center of the Cyber ​​Security Department.

Since the Data Center server was directly connected to the physical line, Izual was not blocked.

Izual’s “sex” can be very powerful. With the number One Dawn driven by Shi Lei as the transit point, it directly controls the Cyber ​​Security Department’s Main Server and quickly scans the entire Cyber ​​Security Department’s Data Center.

The Cyber ​​Security Department’s Defense System is very good, even if Shi Lei wants to breakthrough, it takes a lot of effort. If Shi Lei attempts to remotely scan the Cyber ​​Security Department’s Data Center remotely, the Cyber ​​Security Department will definitely disconnect the Data Center from the Internet and interrupt the Shi Lei’s scan. Hacker 1044

Hacker is known as Net World’s God, but after all, it is impossible to intervene in Reality!

If the Cyber ​​Security Department cuts off the connection between the Data Center and the Internet, even if Shi Lei has a great ability, it is impossible to enter the Data Center for scanning.

Therefore, Shi Lei must actually enter the Data Center to be able to fully scan all Data in the Data Center.

Izual controls the Cyber ​​Security Department’s Main Server and quickly scans the entire Data Center’s information for any information related to the Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology.

“Sir, System is expected to take 17 minutes and the scan is complete.” Izual reported the scanning process, and 17 minutes was not an unacceptable time, and the overall is still within the controllable range.

“A’Feng, pay attention to defense protection! Sanpao, start to arrange it!” Shi Lei issued the order.

After fifteen minutes, the process of scanning the Cyber ​​Security Department Data Center is almost complete, but Izual still has not found any information related to the Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology.

In the inner cabin of the Dawn Number One, Shi Lei’s face is getting more and more ugly. He feels a bad feeling in the heart. Perhaps there is no Transcription Activation in the Cyber ​​Security Department’s Data Center. -like Effect Nuclease Technology data.

As described by Murphy’s Law, if there is a possibility of “getting worse”, no matter how small the “sex” may be, it will happen.

Two minutes later, Shi Lei in the heart guessed the result, confirmed by Izual!

“Sir, sweeping compcomplish, no data related to Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology.” Izual’s voice is still cold and affectionate, completely do not understand the news, how will hit Shi Lei!

Shi Lei light snorted, pulled out the usb connection connected to the Server, immediately held the Alloy Heavy Sword in both hands, and immediately slammed the Server in front of him, the server was eavesdropped.

Destroy has a Server, Shi Lei is not deflated at all, but in the heart in the heart, deliberately destroyed!

Ye Feng and others watched Shi Lei Crazy in silence. They asked Izual and knew that Shi Lei did not find the Technical Information needed. They are different from Izual, they know that there is no consequence of finding data.

I vented for five minutes, Shi Lei started talking: “Sanpao, what I asked you to do, did you do it?” Hacker 1044

Zheng Sanpao responded: “Boss, everything is done!”

“Very good! Now, we are going to find the guy in the Cyber ​​Security Department and talk about it!” Shi Lei followed the detection of the Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector and walked to the refuge of the Cyber ​​Security Department.

All of the Cyber ​​Security Department’s personnel entered the shelter and attempted to evade the six poisons of The Steel and Iron. Originally their wish can be realized. If Shi Lei obtains the Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology, he will not care about the security of the Security Security SpeCIA list of the Cyber ​​Security Department. He will definitely leave Wo Sang Nation as soon as possible and return to Xia Nation. Save his younger sisters.

However, Shi Lei does not currently have the required Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology. There is no record of this technology in the Data Center. It shows that this technology should be preserved in paper and not recorded in the computer system. .

Shi Lei didn’t have time to look for paper data, only by asking Cyber ​​Security Department Security SpeCIA list to get the whereabouts of Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology.

As for the Security SpeCIA list of the Cyber ​​Security Department, will it be in line with Shi Lei’s inquiry, this Shi Lei will never worry!

Shi Lei doesn’t believe that every Security SpeCIA list of the Cyber ​​Security Department can be dead!


Cyber ​​Security Department, Underground Base, Refuge.

Senior executives such as Oda Shizuna and Aso Asao looked at the monitor in the refuge to show System, six black-painted Dawns, and now proceeded to the refuge.

It seems that in order to give them psychological pressure, Shi Lei did not order Zheng Sanpao and Zhu Mingxuan to continue to break the surveillance camera, but directly exposed the camera under the surveillance camera, allowing the other party to see them currently to the refuge.

“Aso! You are not saying, we are hiding in the refuge, the other party will not be embarrassed to us? Why are they now coming to the refuge?” Oda Shizuna clasped the collar of Aso Asao with both hands, and asked Aso Asao with a look of anger. .

Aso Asao smiled and shook his head. “Section Head, the other party just stayed in our Data Center for about twenty minutes. Now we are coming over to us. It should be the intruders, not finding the data they need, ready to ask for help. ”

“What do we do then?” In fact, Oda Shizuna also got the same inference from Aso Asao, but Oda Shizuna couldn’t say it. He made Aso Asao say the solution, and then it was made by Aso Asao.

Cyber ​​Security Department has been invaded by Old Nest. It is such a big responsibility that you must drop a person-in-charge. Aso Asao seems to be the most suitable person!

Anyway, Aso Asao should be a scapegoat. It is better to let Aso Asao carry more black pots.

“Section Head, we can delay the time with them. Since the data needed by the other party is not in the Data Center, it must be very important data. It is not electronically saved. Only paper data, we only have to delay a little time. When other departments come to save us, they will win!” Aso Asao believe oneself infallible put forward a ‘good way’.

Oda Shizuna in the heart sigh, ‘stupid guy! From the actions of the invaders to kill and decisive, it can be seen that they are absolutely deeply malicious. How can the other party be procrastinated with such a precise plan? It really is Idiot! ‘

Although in the heart disdain, Oda Shizuna apparently smiled on the surface and encouraged: “Aso, wait for a moment, this arduous Task will be handed over to you! The fate of all of us needs you all. Come to save!”

Aso Asao suddenly changed his face, and he finally understood the idea of ​​Oda Shizuna, Oda Shizuna, this is Sacrifice The Rook To Save The King!

‘bad! Oda Shizuna This sly guy, I want to make me a scapegoat! ‘Aso Asao in the heart raised a hint of regret. However, in the twinkling of an eye, Aso Asao recognized the current situation, ‘Oda Shizuna, quoting a quote from Xia Nation, since you are not benevolent, then don’t blame me for being unjust! ‘

Aso Asao made a decision in silence in the heart!

Oda Shizuna and Aso Asao’s silent confrontation, but extremely incomparable, full of betrayal and deception.

“Section Head, you can rest assured, this Task, give it to me!” Aso Asao regained a faint smile and seemed to win the same.

Oda Shizuna glanced at Aso Asao, secretly eccentric, ‘Aso Asao, this guy, is it really Idiot, or is it out? Didn’t he notice that something is wrong? ‘

Oda Shizuna and Aso Asao each had a ghost, and outside the refuge came a heavy footstep.

Second Generation Dawn With a weight of more than 1,700 kilograms, how is the footstep sound?

Standing outside the refuge, Shi Lei tried the metal door of the refuge with Alloy Heavy Sword and turned to Zheng Sanpao: “Sanpao, blast it!”

Zheng Sanpao nodded without hesitation. From the Tool cabin of Dawn, he took out the semi-foamed “liquid” body Bomb and started spraying on the metal door of the shelter.

In the refuge, the Specialists at the Cyber ​​Security Department, through the Safety Monitoring System, saw the outside situation, and they were away from the metal door of the refuge.

A minute later, with a dull explosion, the metal door of the refuge was blasted. Shi Lei turned on Dawn’s external loudspeaker, shouted to the shelter using the standard Japanese: “Give you ten seconds, if you still don’t come out after ten seconds, we will throw Bomb inside!”

In the refuge, the Security SpeCIA list of the Cyber ​​Security Department, all reluctantly went outside.

Aso Asao is at the forefront, he has his own plan in the heart, and Oda Shizuna is behind Aso Asao with his eyes flashing.

Shi Lei looked at the Cyber ​​Security Specialist and he had a feeling of incomprehensibility in the heart. These Cyber ​​Security Specialists are very powerful in Internet World. If Shi Lei does not have Interweave Net Miwang, it is a nuisance to be entangled in these Cyber ​​Security Specialist.

But these Internet World’s Experts, once in the real world, they have no too much resistance!

Shi Lei in the heart, secretly vigilant, don’t one day, he also ended up like this!

“First, introduce myself, I am Shichiro Ishimura, specifically what identity, from what forces, you don’t need to know. Now, I need to know, Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology, where are you placed?” Shi Lei straight White asked.

Shi Lei is not interested in the tempering of the Specialists of the Cyber ​​Security Department, it takes time!

This is the home of Wo Sang Nation and close to the secret military base of Wo Sang Nation. Even though Second Generation Dawn’s is a powerful force, it can face the constant reinforcement of Wo Sang Nation, and Second Generation Dawn is only a part of it.

So, in the most direct way, Shi Lei asked about the issue he needed to know! .

(To be continued.)

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