
Chapter 1054

hk1042 violent invasion!

Wo Sang Nation, Tokyo Bay, Edogawa District coastline.

Six Dawns successfully entered the offshore area of ​​Tokyo Bay, less than two nautical miles from Kasai Rinkai Park. Six Dawns arranged an arc array in the seawater of the twenty meters to surround the underwater part of Kasai Rinkai Park.

Compared to the First Generation Dawn, the Second Generation Dawn adds the Sonar Detection System and is a high-precision sonar detector. Six Second Generation Dawns, arranged in a curved array, Shi Lei intends to scan the structure diagram of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Cyber ​​Security Department Underground Base with the Sonar Detection System.

“Sir, Dawn No. 3 and No. 5 both need to move two meters to the left, and Dawn No. 6 needs to sink by five meters.” Izual reminds Shi Lei.

The scenario of scanning the Cyber ​​Security Department Underground Base with the Sonar Detection System is not accomplishable without Izual’s collaboration.

Shi Lei listened to Izual’s prompt, in the heart hesitated a bit, made a decision, he was ready to open the Izual’s authority, part of the Punishment Merc Warsquad, allowing the Punishment Merc Warsquad to directly contact Izual.

After all, Shi Lei and Punishment Merc Warsquad are about to fight high strength. If Izual’s prompts and needs Shi Lei to relay, an information delay will occur, which will inevitably lead to unexpected situations.

Izual prompts everyone directly, and will avoid the issue of delaying the aircraft to the greatest extent possible.

“All the attention, now open for you, connect the authority of the Mirror Science and Technology Group ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, some of my commands, and some combat information, will be issued by the Mirror Science and Technology Group’s ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System.” Shi Lei In the on-board communication channel, the situation is explained. “Izual, give everyone a greeting.” Hacker 1042

“yes, sir!” Izual icy voice, “Punishment Merc Warsquad member, hello!”

Ye Feng knows more about Izual’s, he first responded: “Hello, Izual.”

Shi Lei added: “You can understand Izual as a human being with Virtuality. Izual’s is very intelligent. Most of your issues, Izual can provide answers. At the same time, if you don’t like Izual’s cold tone, you guys You can set it yourself. Izual will communicate with you according to the voice you set. If you have any trouble, you can contact Izual to solve it.”

“Wow, like the ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System in science fiction movies? Boss, our company is amazing!” Zhu Mingxuan exclaimed. “Izual, my Hope, you use the voice of a beautiful girl to talk to me!”

Shi Lei rolled the roll one’s eyes, “Okay, adjust the position now and start scanning the architecture of the Cyber ​​Security Department Underground Base right away!”

Izual accesses each Dawn and sends the information that needs to be adjusted to the corresponding Dawn Communications System. Dawn No. 3, No. 5, and No. 6 were adjusted according to Izual’s prompts.

After Izual’s use authority and licensed it to Punishment Merc Warsquad, it was obviously the right thing to do.

“Turn on Dawn’s Sonar Detection System!” Shi Lei commands everyone.

Six Dawn’s Sonar Detection Systems were simultaneously turned on, and Izual combined the results of six Dawn’s Sonar Detection Systems feedback. The structure of the Cyber ​​Security Department Underground Base was quickly constructed in Unreal Graphics Processing Software.

“Sir, Sonar Detection takes three minutes to compcomplish, please keep Dawn’s queue.” Izual released the same information for each Dawn, only the title is different.

Three minutes later, with six Dawn’s Sonar Detection Systems, Izual successfully used the Unreal Graphics Processing Software to mapthe architecture of the Cyber ​​Security Department Underground Base.

“Sir, found the Underground Base entry, related information, has been sent to Dawn.” Izual reminded again.

Inside the Dawn cockpit, based on the Hud technology’s Transparent Display, shows what the Sonar Detection System scans. The entrance to the Underground Base is in Kasai Rinkai Park, close to a small house on the shore.

“Sanpao, arranged according to the Second Set plan!” Shi Lei told Zheng Sanpao.

Due to the way of entering Wo Sang Nation, it is not the expected smuggling by boat, and Zheng Sanpao has no time to make numerous plastic Bomb. He only made a small amount of plastic Bomb in more than an hour before the departure. Hacker 1042

In view of the different schemes of smuggling, Shi Lei and Zheng Sanpao developed the Second Set scheme, abandoned the Kasai Rinkai Park, and the surrounding traffic routes, arranged the numerous plastic Bomb, and chose another Bomb placement.

“Okay, Boss!” Zheng Sanpao responded simply.


Wo Sang Nation, Internet World.

The management systems of Narita Airport and Haneda Airport were both framed. The Bounty Hackers who participated in the Shi Lei reward were forced to transfer the intrusion target to the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System.

Haneda Airport was picked up by Bounty Hacker Oneness of Heaven and Humanity, which is almost a steal, motivating other Bounty Hackers. Maybe they can also steal the final invasion of the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System!

The numerous Bounty Hackers flooded into the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System, which caused a huge impact on the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System. Even if the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Cyber ​​Security Department, the entire Security SpeCIA list, put in the defense against the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System, it still can’t stop Bounty Hacker’s enthusiasm for the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System.

Oda Shizuna of Cyber ​​Security Department, with his hands on the keyboard, quickly tapping on the letters, and a dense sweat on his forehead.

“Section Head, First Level defense was broken through!” Aso Asao shouted.

After the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System was selected as the Reward Target, the Cyber ​​Security Department urgently added the 3-Layer External Defense System to the Power Grid System. Currently, the added 3-Layer external Defense System has been broken by First Level.

Wo Sang Nation’s World Grade Bounty Hacker Inuyasha has not yet been offered a reward. Inuyasha did not invade the Tokyo Prefecture Power System, not the last moment of Inuyasha’s conscience discovery, but Inuyasha is waiting for a good time!

Aso Asao just reported that First Level defense was breached, and in less than thirty seconds, Second Level defense was also numerous by Hacker breakthrough. Worldwide’s Bounty Hacker, which is more than the Five Thousand World Third-rate, and the vacant Hacker of the numerous squid, and the half of Hacker World’s participation in the Xia Nation, are not a Cyber ​​Security Department at all, and can withstand it!

After the Second Level defense was breached, World Grade Hacker Inuyasha quickly joined the battle to prepare for the victory. A lot of Bounty Hacker Experts like Inuyasha, including Xia Nation’s Oneness of Heaven and Humanity, also want to re-apply and re-steal the results.

Li Jian Nation’s three Bounty Hacker Experts, Declared Dead, Batman, and Dark Lord joined the battle almost at the same time. In addition to the five World Grade and Quasi World Grade Hacker Expert, suddenly participated in the battle, there are five or six Hacker Expert with their level, and more than ten First Grade Hacker, also joined the battle sequence.

Nearly 30 heavyweight Hackers, after joining the battle, the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System’s Third Level defense was quickly broken through. Bounty Hackers have already reached the ontology defense of the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System.

Once they break through the ontology defense again, it is possible to get inside the Power Grid System!

Waiting for the Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group, they couldn’t continue to stand by and they joined the battle. Start snipe for the cutting-edge Expert in Bounty Hacker.

Kasai Rinkai Park.

Six black Dawn matte-treated Dawns came to the shore and walked step by step from the seawater to the beach. Moonlight casts a shot, the dark Dawn, as if it were an alien visitor, or a deep sea monster.

The night is a very good cover for the Dawn of the black “color” matte, plus the seaside at Kasai Rinkai Park, and there is no Outstanding beach. Therefore, Dawn came ashore from Signed In in the ocean and was not discovered by anyone.

Six Dawns, following the feedback from Sonar Detection System, went to the entrance of the Cyber ​​Security Department Underground Base. In the process of advancement, Shi Lei ordered Zheng Sanpao and Zhu Mingxuan to use the knockoff Electromagnetic Artillery, Destroy to cover the cabin of the Underground Base entrance.

When the cabin at the entrance of the Underground Base was concealed and the Electromagnetic Artillery Destroy was counted, in the Cyber ​​Security Department Underground Base, Crazy flashed a red color alarm. The synthesized electronic sound reminded the staff of the Cyber ​​Security Department Underground Base. .

“Warning, the base entrance was attacked by attack, Monitoring System and Defense System, completely damaged!”

“Warning, base entrance…”

Safety warning repeated again and again, Aso Asao turned to look at Oda Shizuna, who was now fully focused on the keyboard, and his face “color” “lu” was hesitant.

The shelter of the Cyber ​​Security Department Underground Base has a very strong design. In general, not to mention the 12.7mm sniper rifle, the Bob that is exactly as stated Ordinary, nor the cabin that protects the Underground Base entrance.

However, the Defense System that protects the Underground Base entry is now completely corrupted, which illustrates an issue, that is, the enemy has taken a very powerful weapon.

Aso Asao guessed what the role was, destroying the entrance to the Cyber ​​Security Department Underground Base.

Is it the mysterious poster? ‘Aso Asao in the heart raised a bad feeling.

Just as Aso Asao was preparing to remind Oda Shizuna, Oda Shizuna said loudly: “What happened? How can I not connect to the Internet?”

Cyber ​​Security Department’s Underground Base, all currently protecting the Security SpeCIA list of the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System, found that they could not connect to the Internet, they lost contact with the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System! .

(To be continued.)

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