
Chapter 1053

hk1041 grabbed the fruits of victory and successfully entered Wo Sang Nation!

Wo Sang Nation, at night, eight o’clock Forty.

The misty Moonlight, scattered on the undulating sea, sparkling, very beautiful.

Second Generation Dawn Number One In-cabin, Shi Lei currently and Izual contact, “Izual, can you interrogate Wo Sang Nation’s ultra low-altitude radar array?”

Izual gave a negative answer, “sir, can’t interfere!”

“Do you have a solution for the current situation?” Shi Lei asked with a look forward. However, Shi Lei also knows that Izual’s possible “sex” of the solution is almost impossible.

Izual’s answered and verified Shi Lei’s guess.

“Sir, System is not retrieved to the appropriate solution.”

Izual is just Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, even if it is High Grade, but it is only Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, not True ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System!

Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, how can it be innovative and how can it be effective to propose an effective solution? Hacker 1041

“Sir, Southern 12, found a ship sailing at 35 knots, is it evading?” Izual asked Shi Lei.

The Steel and Iron team, hovering over the sea, is under the height of twenty meters, successfully avoiding radar detection, but can’t avoid optical detection, that is, once the ship passes, the steel and Iron will be found to be spectacular. formation!

“A ship with a speed of thirty-five knots? What is the other ship?” Shi Lei turned his eyes, and he in the heart faintly raised a way to enter Wo Sang Nation.

“Unable to Judge.” Izual is responsive to the information, and because of the distance, the optical sighting device that comes with The Steel and Iron does not recognize the ship’s specific conditions.

Shi Lei asked again: “Izual, if you release Dawn, independent control of The Steel and Iron, can you use the Wo Sang Nation dense defense zone?”

The steel and Iron mounted the Dawn, resulting in a significant reduction in the flexibility of The Steel and Iron. At the same time, in order to ensure that the Dawn mounted below does not sink into the sea, dragging the speed of The Steel and Iron, The Steel and Iron also has the minimum flight High Degree restriction.

If Dawn is released, then The Steel and Iron’s flight flexibility will be significant promoted, and the minimum flight High Degree’s restriction will also be canceled!

“Sir, if the Dawn is released, fifty-one The Steel and Iron formations will cross the Wo Sang Nation’s dense defense zone!” Izual answered affirmatively.

Shi Lei smiled a little at the corner of his mouth and connected the System via on-board. He told the Ye Feng five people: “All members noticed that they were ready to release Dawn, and Freedom fell in the sea and stayed at the Levitate depth of twenty meters.”

“Received!” Five of the Punishment Merc Warsquad replied in unison.

“The countdown is five seconds, ready to release The Steel and Iron.” Shi Lei began to count down, and at the last second, Shi Lei first released his Dawn Number One machine.

With a full version of Dawn weighing 7,000 twenty and six kilograms, Freedom landed in seawater and set off a large wave. The second generation Dawn’s body weighs 916 kilograms, and after adding the sword shield set, it reaches nearly two tons.

Fortunately, Second Generation Dawn’s exclusive knockoff Electromagnetic Artillery doesn’t have much weight. Moreover, the exclusive knockoff Electromagnetic Artillery has a very good waterproof “sex” ability, even if it is corroded by seawater, it does not have any effect on “sex”.

Six Dawn Levitate are at a depth of twenty meters from the sea. This depth does not prevent network access, and Shi Lei remains connected to Izual.

“Izual, control all of The Steel and Iron, enter the Edogawa area of ​​Wo Sang Nation Tokyo Prefecture, be careful not to be discovered. After entering the Edogawa area, let all The Steel and Iron hide near Kasai Rinkai Park.” Shi Lei Izual developed the Task. Hacker 1041

Izual has very powerful computing “sex” ability, and also has very high Logical Thinking ability. Shi Lei arranges Task, which is very difficult for Ordinary people, but for Izual High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, it is not any issue at all. !

“yes, sir!” Izual doesn’t know what is called euphemism. If you can accomplish the Task, Izual will respond directly to ‘yes’. If you can’t accomplish the Task, Izual will also come up directly, and will never hide.

Izual controls fifty-one The Steel and Iron, flying to the High Degree of less than twenty centimeters below the sea, and quickly flew to Tokyo Bay in Tokyo Prefecture.

Under the sea twenty meters, Ye Feng asked Shi Lei through the on-board System, “Boss, do we dive into Wo Sang Nation?”

“Yes! We are now only a hundred nautical miles from the shoreline of Wo Sang Nation. The speed of the Dawn Sixty Festival is less than two hours.” Shi Lei said the plan.

After Shi Lei finished, he led all the Dawns and headed for the shoreline of Wo Sang Nation.

Wo Sang Nation, Internet World.

Xia Nation’s Hacker Union, a high-profile transfer of Narita Airport’s Management System, they did not meet the status quo, leaving only a part of the force to defend the Controlling Right of Narita Airport, and in the Management System of Narita Airport, there is a choice of modify With data.

Hacker Union is very measured. They modified the data of Narita Airport Management System. They didn’t let the airplane collide, or they just modified the waterway. They just notified the landing of Narita Airport’s airplane and it was forbidden to land!

The Hacker Union’s great cause is big, and it belongs to the kind of “sex” that the monks can’t run the temple. They don’t dare to control the Airport Management System like Mr. M, and they can’t use the “disorder”.

“brothers, we have already won the reward of 2.5 Million USD. Do you still have combat power? The management system of Haneda Airport is waiting for us to fight! In addition, 2.5 Million USD is waiting for us to collect! You can still Fight?” The Black Blade asked aloud in the Voice Communication Channel.

This Voice Communication Channel is not the communication channel of the Core Layer inside Hacker Union, but the Hacker Alliance Leader Communication channel formed by Hacker Union. Among them, there are large and small Leaders of each Hacker Organization.

When the Black Blade asked, it temporarily opened the voice of the owner of the Alliance Leader’s communication channel, and the top message of the Alliance Leader’s communication channel prompted everyone to cancel their voice. Suddenly, in the Alliance’s Leader communication channel, there was a loud response, and all the responses, all expressed a positive opinion, indicating that the Hacker coalition has the ability to continue fighting!

Hacker Union rectified and killed the management system at Haneda Airport. The Cyber ​​Security defense strength of the Haneda Airport Management System is virtually the same as Narita Airport.

If there is no external force involved, Hacker Union has captured the Haneda Airport Management System, just a time issue!

Originally, when Hacker Union captured the Narita Airport Management System, the Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency was ready to block.

But Hacker Union did not lose the chaos, and Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group ignored the Hacker Union’s invasion. Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group, in preventing the mysterious reward of the personnel. The other party paid such a big price and disturbed the Internet world of Wo Sang Nation. It was impossible to have nothing to ask for. It was just a lot of money to lose 10 Million US Dollar and learn Wo Sang Nation.

That doesn’t make any sense at all!

The mysterious reward of the personnel, in the view of Amaterasu SpeCIA l Operations Group, he must have a very big ambition, very likely to attack the secret network of Wo Sang Nation, will pay such a large price, disturbing the “disorder” of Wo Sang Nation Network peace.

Hacker Union’s invasion of the Haneda Airport Management System went very smoothly. At the current schedule, it can take up to ten minutes for the Highest Authority of the Haneda Airport Management System.

With the Highest Authority of the two Airport Management Systems, Hacker Union will receive a reward for 5 Million US Dollar. Converted to Xia Nation Yuan, exact as stated exceeds 40 Million Xia Nation Yuan!

Even if the Hacker Union unites the numerous allies, they need to get a bonus. According to Black Blade’s prediction, they only need to get out of 20 Million to meet the apprentice’s appetite. Hacker Union itself can get more than 20 million!

This sum of money is almost the income of Hacker Union for two years!

However, when Hacker Union was about to break the Haneda Airport Management System defense, a sharp invasion, the first step to open the Haneda Airport Management System’s defense, and quickly reinforce the Haneda Airport Management System Server’s defense, blocking Hacker Union Out.

Hacker Union’s Core Member, quickly discovered the issue, Third Leader Black Panther immediately opened the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum’s reward stickers, he found out who is who, grabbed the Hacker Union’s reward.

“Boss, our Xia Nation’s Bounty Hacker Oneness of Heaven and Humanity, took away the rewards that belonged to us!” said Black Panther gnashing teeth.

Oneness of Heaven and Humanity is a legend in Xia Nation Hacker World. Although the technical strength of Oneness of Heaven and Humanity is very high, Hacker Union is not afraid of him.

Black Blade is an angry shout: “Oneness of Heaven and Humanity that shameless beast! Damn Tamar!”


Twenty meters deep under the sea, there are no waves and waves, everything seems very calm.

The five people of Shi Lei and Punishment Merc Warsquad, who controlled the Second Generation Dawn, used Dawn’s diving function to pass through the dense defense zone of Wo Sang Nation and successfully entered the offshore area of ​​Wo Sang Nation.

They are now rushing to Tokyo Bay. Kasai Rinkai Park is in the middle of Tokyo Bay. With Tokyo Bay, Shi Lei can directly enter Kasai Rinkai Park!

Under Kasai Rinkai Park, the base of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Cyber ​​Security Department holds the Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology required by Shi Lei.

For this technology, Shi Lei does not hesitate to take risks!

Shi Lei is about to arrive at Kasai Rinkai Park to snatch the Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology from the Cyber ​​Security Department. But the Cyber ​​Security Department, who doesn’t even know about this information, is still fighting Bounty Hacker across the world.

The inequality of information determines the tragedy of the Cyber ​​Security Department….

(To be continued.)

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