
Chapter 1052

hk1040 Narita Airport is falling!

Xia Nation Time, June 13, 18:57; Wo Sang Nation time, June 13, 19:57.

A large formation of fifty-one Dawns, from the coastline of Wo Sang Nation Tokyo Prefecture, there are two hundred Sixty kilometers.

Wo Sang Nation’s tight defense range is one hundred nautical miles, or one hundred and eighty-five kilometers. After entering this range, Wo Sang Nation’s defense intensity will increase a lot.

Wo Sang Nation’s Internet World is in a state of chaos.

Xia Nation’s Hacker Union, which took some time, finally formed an accomplished Hacker coalition. Don’t think that Hacker Union’s high-end power is not enough, but the Hacker Union unites the Hacker army with more than Hundred-thousand, and their overall strength is very strong!

“Black Blade Big Bro, which target do we deal with first?” Hacker Union Core Layer, Ranked Tenth’s rich younger Black Sir Black Heart, in the internal Voice Communication Channel, asked about the Leader Black Blade.

Black Blade started talking : “Narita Airport !”

Narita Airport, formerly known as the new Tokyo International Airport, is the largest international airport in Wo Sang Nation, serving mainly International flights. At the same time, cargo throughput is ranked in Wo Sang Nation First, Worldwide Third! It is an Internationalized Exceed-Scale Airport!

Hacker Union let go of the more famous Haneda Airport, but chose to use Narita Airport as the attack target, a team of Hacker Union, who really have the ability to fight Narita Airport’s Management System. Hacker 1040

Narita Airport’s Management System is being attacked by Bounty Hacker from around the world, but the really powerful Hacker, all in the attack Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System, does not have to start with the management systems of the two airports. Therefore, Narita Airport’s Management System, although it was attacked by Bounty Hacker, they can still insist.

Hacker Union, the Hacker army, determined that after the attack target was Narita Airport, the numerous Xia Nation Hacker launched an attack on the Narita Airport Management System.

Xia Nation Hacker’s individual strength is weak, but the overall strength is very terrifying!

The Xia Nation Hacker of Hundred-thousand, which flocked to the network where the Narita Airport Management System was located, caused the data feedback delay of the Narita Airport Management System almost instantaneously.

Numerous malicious request connections have made the main computer of the Narita Airport Management System unable to process every connection request, resulting in a stack of access requests.

More and more malicious access, garbage data packets, blocked the network channel of the Narita Airport Management System, resulting in normal user access, simply unable to access.

“Boss, we have broken the external defense of the Narita Airport Management System!” Hacker Union’s Second Leader Black Tiger started talking.

Black Tiger’s invasion is very sharp. If it is only the strength of the invasion, Black Tiger has at least Quasi World Grade. But Black Tiger is too bad in other aspects, especially the defense aspect, not even as good as World Third-rate. Taken together, the Black Tiger can only count the standard of the Quasi Exceed Class.

Black Blade knows Black Tiger’s ability, he immediately said: “A’Hui, hurry to share the interface of the breakthrough, let us all go in!”

“Well!” Black Tiger’s voice, with a satisfying smile, Black Blade’s approach, expressed his affirmation, which makes Black Tiger’s heart full of spiritual pleasure.

Xia Nation Hacker World’s army, through the Black Tiger’s broken interface, rushed into the external defense of the Narita Airport Management System, threatening the internal Cyber ​​Security of the Narita Airport Management System.

Narita Airport, Safety duty department.

A bald-headed middle-aged man with a sullen face like a black cloud, he roared: “You, this group of rice buckets, block me from the damn, stupid, disgusting Hacker! Our Airport Management System has the most advanced Network Defense, the entire System is also semi-closed, how could it be broken defense by them?”

A Safety On-duty Personnel, carefully said: “Section Chief, I am afraid we can’t stop it! Our Server has reached the 90% eight load, and can still hold up to twenty minutes, it will restart directly. At that time…” The name Safety On-duty Personnel did not tell the consequences.

Narita Airport does use the state-of-the-art network Security Defense System because Narita Airport has adopted a large-scale electronic information management system. The cargo system, including Narita Airport, is fully electronically controlled. Hacker 1040

This approach significantly increases the cargo throughput of Narita Airport and increases the efficiency of freight and labor costs. The downside is that the entire shipping system can be controlled by the remote network!

Not only the freight system, but also the electronic control, fully as stated aviation management system, also uses electronic information control!

Narita Airport has a lot of flights per day, and if it is managed manually, it is impossible to process the information quickly. It is only possible to accomplish work by adopting an electronic information Control System.

Once Hacker invaded Airport’s Management System, Hacker could control the aeronautical management system to “follow the flight of Narita Airport.”

If Hacker passes the Aviation Management System, when the flight is about to land, ordering the ground flight to take off at the same time will definitely lead to a very serious aviation disaster!

The Bald Section Chief apparently knew that Hacker had controlled the danger of the Airport Management System. He quickly called the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency. When the call was connected, the bald Section Chief said: “This is the Narita Airport Safety Management Office. Airport Management System, attacked by numerous Xia Nation Hacker, we need reinforcements, we need the assistance of Cyber ​​Security Department!”

The operator of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, apparently knowing something, responded: “Haneda Airport has also been attacked by the Power Grid System in Tokyo Prefecture, and it has suffered a more serious attack! The Cyber ​​Security Department needs priority to protect the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid. System’s Safety. You can disconnect the Airport Management System from the Internet, transfer the Aviation Management System to offline, and manually manage the air management.”

Narita Airport’s Management System, if it is disconnected from the Internet, cannot be highly time-sensitive and highly accurate. For example, if the airplane is flying in the sky, there is always an unexpected situation with varying sorts and varieties. It is normal for the delay to be delayed.

If there is no internet conNEC tion, how do you know the situation of the airplane?

I am afraid that the airplane in the sky, even though the waterway has a meeting point, there is a risk of collision, and it is impossible to know!

Bald Section Chief roared: “Baka! You Idiot, do you know, the important “nature” of our Narita Airport? The Airport Management System is offline, isn’t it a bad result that was invaded by Hacker? ”

“Transfer the Cyber ​​Security Department for you right away!” The operator seemed to be awakened by the bald Section Chief and immediately transferred the call to the Cyber ​​Security Department.

The bald Section Chief has a pleased god “color” on his face, turning his head to the subordinate’s personnel channel: “Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, the gang of bastards is owed, so they said to them, they simply don’t listen, only Look at them, they will be obedient!”

Waiting for a while, the call was connected by Aso Asao, the First Security Team of the Cyber ​​Security Department. He took the initiative to start talking: “This is the Cyber ​​Security Department Aso Asao.”

“Cyber ​​Security Department? Here is the Narita Airport Safety Management Office! We need your help, our Airport Management System, will be the Hacker breakthrough of Xia Nation! Once our Airport Management System is controlled by Xia Nation’s Hacker, the consequences are unimaginable. Ah!” In fact, the bald Section Chief can’t be confirmed at all, invading the Hacker of Narita Airport, whether it is the Hacker of Xia Nation.

The bald Section Chief described the invading Hacker as Xia Nation’s Hacker. Just because of the relationship between Wo Sang Nation and Xia Nation, once the intrusive Hacker is described as Xia Nation Hacker, it is helpful to help the Cyber ​​Security Department.

However, the selfish calculations of the bald Section Chief are obviously lost. Even if the Hacker of Narita Airport is invaded, it is really the Hacker Union of Xia Nation, but the Security SpeCIA list of the Cyber ​​Security Department is all caught in the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System. No strength to rescue Narita Airport.

“Sorry, the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System is more important! Please contact the higher authorities to apply for a temporary close airport!” Aso Asao bluntly replied, and hangs up directly.

The important “sex” of the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System far exceeds the Airport Management System at Narita Airport. No matter how noisy Narita Airport is, it is the issue of several airplanes.

But the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System is different!

Once the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System was successfully invaded by Hacker, if the Hacker of the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System was controlled and the Power Supply of Tokyo Prefecture was interrupted, the entire Tokyo Prefecture would be in an absolute disaster.

There are no more examples of other disasters. Just say one Shinkansen issue!

Once the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System strikes, the numerous running Shinkansen is definitely a big issue! It is difficult to estimate the personnel casualties and economic losses caused by the issue of Shinkansen.

Not to mention the public panic after the collective power outage in Tokyo Prefecture!

So, Narita Airport’s Airport Management System, no matter what the issue, the Foreign Security International Intelligence Agency’s Cyber ​​Security Department, they are too lazy to manage.

After the help of the Cyber ​​Management Department of Narita Airport’s Safety Management Office, the Bald Section Chief immediately contacted the superior department, and Hope temporarily closed Narita Airport.

However, at the bald Section Chief of the Narita Airport Safety Administration, when contacting the superior department, Xia Nation’s Hacker Union, led by Xia Nation’s Hacker army, had broken through all the defenses of the Narita Airport Management System and obtained Airport Management. The full authority of the System!

Hacker Union took control of Narita Airport’s Management System and, through the Airport Management System, in each ledMonitor inside Narita Airport, showing that Narita Airport has been controlled by Hacker Union.

Hacker Union’s Logistics Supervisor, Black Panther quickly responded to the rewards posted by Shi Lei at the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum, indicating that Hacker Union has captured Narita Airport’s Management System and attached a full authority screenshot of the Narita Airport Management System. .

One of Wo Sang Nation’s three network Reward Targets, Narita Airport was first captured by Hacker Union, which gave other Bounty Hackers a passion for motivation. Because, these network Reward Targets are not unbreakable and can be completely compromised!

Hacker Union’s high-end power is definitely not the most powerful in this operation. In this operation, there are quite a few World Grade Hackers. They are definitely better than Hacker Union. But Hacker Union has an absolute number of advantages, which is why the Xia Nation Hacker World overall strength is strong.

Tokyo Prefecture, outside the coastline, one hundred and ten nautical miles away.

The Steel and Iron’s big formation stopped here, and ten nautical miles ahead, precisely as stated Wo Sang Nation’s intensive defense area, The Steel and Iron could not lift Dawn through.

To get through the dense defense zone of Wo Sang Nation, you have to change the way you can’t rely on The Steel and Iron. Otherwise, Shi Lei’s plan, already unfolded, has been killed…

(To be continued.)

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