
Chapter 1051

hk1039 Hacker War begins!

Does Shi Lei have a private plane? The answer is no!

Shi Lei likes the Gulfstream g650 business jet, but the Gulfstream Company has not yet developed the g650 business airplane! The current state-of-the-art business jet of the Gulfstream Company is still the model of the Gulfstream g550, and it takes a year or more to make an appointment to get the private plane.

Not to mention that it is a year’s time, precisely as stated for a month, Shi Lei is also impossible. A month later, Shi Lei probably only prepared coffins for Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo.

“A’Feng, order down, prepare some steel safety hooks. At the same time, you need some steel cables! Send these things to Dawn’s hangar.” Shi Lei told Ye Feng.

Ye Feng nodded, called, and told Shi Lei what he said, curiously asked: “Boss, did you think of how to ship Dawn’s solution?”

“Èn!” Shi Lei explained, “A’Feng, we have The Steel and Iron! The Steel and Iron exactly as stated our private plane!”

Ye Feng suddenly realized: “Yes! We have The Steel and Iron!”

Although Second Generation The Steel and Iron has not yet been mass-produced, First Generation The Steel and Iron, with its Móng Cái City in Nanyue Nation, has more than 50 conventional reserves.

First Generation The Steel and Iron has a cruising speed of 200 twenty kilometers per hour and a distance of 600 kilometers from Three Thousand, which takes only 16 hours. Even if you count down on the way, you can take up to 18 hours to get to Tokyo Prefecture. Hacker 1039

The most important thing is to use the Steel and Iron to transport the Dawn, enough safety and confidentiality compared to the private plane. You don’t need to go to the Large-scale Airport. Instead, you can find a remote place and sneak into the Wo Sang Nation.

“A’Feng, do you understand Right?” Shi Lei smiled.

“En! However, the maximum take-off weight of Boss, The Steel and Iron is only 500 kilograms, and the full set of Equipment Dawn is more than 1,700 kilograms. The Steel and Iron can’t pull Dawn Right?” Ye Feng Thought of an issue.

Shi Lei snorted. “A Steel and Iron can’t move. Can’t you ship The Dawn Ah with the Steel and Iron? With five The Steel and Iron, build a Pentagonal Cable and transport a Dawn. There is no issue at all!”

Every five The Steel and Iron, carrying a Dawn, six Dawns would require thirty The Steel and Iron. Together with the 16 plans of The Steel and Iron, the entire smuggling formation will form the Forty-six The Steel and Iron formation.

Shi Lei’s idea, conveyed by command, the relevant personnel of Móng Cái City, quickly prepared the materials needed by Shi Lei. In The hangar where The Steel and Iron is parked, every five of The Steel and Iron are linked together in a steel cable sleeve. Below the cable sleeve, the Dawn will be suspended from the steel cable and suspended from the steel cable sleeve. Shipped by five The Steel and Iron to Wo Sang Nation.

In the hangar where The Steel and Iron parked, Shi Lei thought about the oil-added issue. Finally, the team of The Steel and Iron team has grown a little longer, and four of The Steel and Iron joined the formation, and the four The Steel and Iron will fully deliver the oil needed by The Steel and Iron!

At the same time, even the only Second Generation The Steel and Iron joined the formation, which will escort the entire formation. Second Generation The Steel and Iron’s on-board knockoff Electromagnetic Artillery is very powerful. In the event of any danger situation, Second Generation The Steel and Iron can also withstand it.

After nearly two hours of preparation, a total of fifty First Generation The Steel and Iron, a Second Generation The Steel and Iron, and six Dawns, formed a large formation, at three o’clock in the morning at Móng Cái City local time. With the cover of the night, flying to the vast sea.

Second Generation Dawn’s The inner cabin is equipped with a massage function. Shi Lei is a six-person in the inner cabin and can comfortably sleep. The entire formation of The Steel and Iron is controlled entirely by Izual.

If there is no Izual’s, five of The Steel and Iron want to coordinate Dawn, it’s a dream!

In the inner cabin of Dawn Number One, Shi Lei informed the rest of the five people that after sleeping and resting, he did not immediately fall asleep, but was communicating with Izual.

“Sir, the smuggling route is planned, the whole flight route Three Thousand five hundred Sixty eight kilometers, System automatically picks the route to avoid the rest of the aircraft.” Izual reminded Shi Lei.

Shi Lei un’ed, with a tired feeling: “How is the situation with Izual, Wo Sang Nation Internet? There are two reward posts from our Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum. Are there any new developments?”

“Sir, the Internet of Wo Sang Nation is getting more and more chaotic. The OffiCIA l Website of NHK Television Station has been repeatedly invaded. According to System, the Cyber ​​Security Specialist of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency is currently overloaded. It is impossible to track all the Hackers that invaded NHK Television Station.” Izual monitors the data of NHK Television Station. Hacker 1039

Shi Lei hā hā A smile, the Cyber ​​Security Department of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, wants to monitor the NHK’s intrusion information, and thus confirm the lock of the Hacker that is about to invade the Wo Sang Nation network. This is definitely a stun!

So many Hackers invaded the NHK Television Station OffiCIA l Website. With the people at the Cyber ​​Security Department, are they busy? The current situation, as expected by Shi Lei, Right?

“Sir, in the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum, the posts we posted are still very popular. At present, there are more than 500 Hacker, and we have announced our rewards. We are ready to launch the attack on Wo Sang Nation’s three network targets.” Izual reported Good news.

Then, Izual once again reported good news, “sir, the reward of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, because System follows your prompts for the interference, the reward is temporarily not any Hacker, indicating official participation in the war.”

Shi Lei laughed again, obviously, those Bounty Hackers are not ready to be mixed with Wo Sang Nation’s Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency!

Aso Asao, who made a reverse reward plan, is staring nervously at the moment, posting in the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum. Aso Asao’s expression was very gloomy. He didn’t understand why those Bounty Hackers had to give up the simple Task and choose the more difficult Task?

“Izual, record the default command, after 16 hours, update the reward sticker, announce all the Hacker participating in the battle, start the attack on Wo Sang Nation’s three network targets!” Shi Lei released the default command.

Sixteen hours later, Shi Lei and Ye Feng should be close to the waters of Tokyo Prefecture in Wo Sang Nation. If Wo Sang Nation’s Internet is “chaotic”, it will provide Shi Lei with a more favorable condition for them to sneak into Wo Sang Nation.

“yes, sir, command record accomplish!” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

“I am ready to rest, in any case, wake me up immediately!” Shi Lei cut off the voice connection and drove directly into Dawn’s inner cabin, slowly sleeping.

Second Generation Dawn’s driving cabin is very comfortable, even though they are standing still, they can still sleep comfortably.

Time passed by.

At Shi Lei, when they were asleep, Izual controlled fifty-one The Steel and Iron, flying at a very low altitude, without any surprises.

When Shi Lei woke up, Time Axis had moved forward for 13 hours, now it is Xia Nation Time, and on June 13th, just after 4 pm.

After less than five minutes of waking up in Shi Lei, Izual prompts: “Sir, please add Fuel for all First Generation The Steel and Iron. The system will control all The Steel and Iron after thirteen minutes, landing in an Unmanned Small island.”

Izual’s planned flight route naturally takes into account the issue added by Fuel. If Shi Lei still doesn’t wake up, Izual will also prompt Shi Lei to wake up.

Thirteen minutes later, Izual controlled fifty-one Dawns and carefully landed on the beach of a nameless island. Before landing, Izual first used the Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector to scan the entire island and found no humanoid heat radiation images.

Shi Lei Six people drove Dawn directly and added fuel to fifty of The Steel and Iron. Among them, the four The Steel and Iron, which transported oil, did not have an external fuel tank, and they were converted into escort positions.

The work of adding keep it up took more than an hour, and the Steel and Iron formation took off again. Nearly two hours later, Izual issued a prompt, “sir, the reward update is complete, officially announced all Bounty Hacker, you can start with Wo Sang Nation’s three network targets!”

Internet World.

According to Shi Lei’s command, Izual updated the rewards posted by Shi Lei, the world-wide Bounty Hacker, and First Time to the Internet World of Wo Sang Nation.

Xia Nation’s Hacker Union, who did not immediately invade, is gathering the Hacker army at Xia Nation Hacker World. Due to the large number of Xia Nation Hacker World, they need a little time to assemble the team.

In the Internet of Wo Sang Nation, Bounty Hacker, who participated in the reward, discovered an amazing fact. Originally, in the post published by Shi Lei, there were only more than 500 Hacker, officially replying to participate in the reward.

But in fact, when these Bounty Hackers invaded the rewarded network target, they found the Hacker that invaded the Reward Target, far more than 500 Hacker, at least the Five Thousand Hacker!

Money is moving!

Although the numerous Hackers did not officially reply participate in the war, it was only that they did not want to be on the blacklist of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, and did not mean that they did not participate in the war.

Even some Cyber ​​Security Specialist couldn’t stand the green US Dollar temptation to participate in the reward. Of course, these Cyber ​​Security Specialist, all put on a gorgeous Sockpuppet!

The Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System, Narita Airport and Haneda Airport’s Management System, which were rewarded by Shi Lei, were under great pressure. In particular, the Tokyo Prefecture Power System, the semi-internal Network, withstood the network load, almost immediately delayed its Server.

Fortunately, the Cyber ​​Security Department of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency took out the numerous Security SpeCIA list and guarded the safety of the Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System.

But this is just the first attack!

Since ancient times, only a thousand days to be a thief, how can there be a thousand days to prevent thieves?

Is Wo Sang Nation able to withstand Bounty Hackers who are tempted by high bounty?

Shi Lei only knows an idiom called: Extensive Defense Must Fall ….

(To be continued.)

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