
Chapter 1050

hk1038 conspired to sneak!

In Punishment Merc Warsquad, Zheng Sanpao is a snipe Specialist and an Explosives Expert. Zheng Sanpao is quite a color in the chemical and physics knowledge aspect. He can even make powerful plastic Bomb through some living household chemical products.

“Sanpao, this is your Task!” Shi Lei took out a stack of a4 paper and handed it to Zheng Sanpao. He said: “Let’s study it first, your Task is very difficult, Hope you can accomplish it. !”

Zheng Sanpao nodded silently and accepted the a4 paper that Shi Lei handed over, which means he is absolutely accomplish Task.

Shi Lei is very reassured by Zheng Sanpao, Zheng Sanpao is very cautious in doing things, quite a bit of Shi Lei’s style.

“A’Feng, Liang Zi, Xingrui, you also carry a full set of Equipment, whether it is the Alloy Sword and Shield Set or the Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery, all together. You will join me in the Underground Base of Kasai Rinkai Park.” Shi Lei’s face is a serious scan of Ye Feng, and he said seriously: “The Base Base of Kasai Rinkai Park, which is the base of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Cyber ​​Security Department, is sure that there are many traps, and you have the courage. Are you with me?”

Ye Feng is the confidant of Shi Lei’s most Core. He has no doubt about Shi Lei’s loyalty. Ye Feng first responded firmly: “Boss, I am leading you!”

Ma Liang and Zheng Sanpao are second only to Ye Feng’s status, and their loyalty doesn’t need to be said. Ma Liang is serious: “A District Ministry International Intelligence Agency, I don’t believe they can stop Dawn!”

Chen Xingrui is a member who joined the Punishment Merc Warsquad and was able to join the Punishment Merc Warsquad. The exact as stated was approved by Ye Feng, Zheng Sanpao and Ma Liang before they can join. Therefore, Chen Xingrui is also a sideline with the slightest hesitation: “No matter what the mountains of the blades and a sea of ​​fire, follow the Boss!”

“Very good!” Shi Lei’s face reveals a gratifying god’s color. This robbery trip is as dangerous as the previous Yasukuni Shrine event, and even more dangerous! Hacker 1038

After all, the Yasukuni Shrine event is in full control, and in general, according to Shi Lei’s script in the implement. This time forcibly breaking into the Underground Base of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Cyber ​​Security Department, it was a black eye.

I don’t know the topographic mapof the Cyber ​​Security Department Underground Base, I don’t know where the Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology is stored, and I don’t know what the danger of the danger is in the Underground Base!

All in all, everything is unknown!

“A’Feng, this time after the completion of the Task, reward each of you 500,000 USD! At the same time, give you a week of rest time. Ke ke, at the same time, up to two people take a break, don’t all go on vacation, no one does anything Annoyed!” Shi Lei coughed.

Zhu Mingxuan heard the reward of 500,000 USD, and a week of rest, and cheered up. “Boss, after the Accomplish Task, I want First vacation, I want to go to Hawaii, I want to go to blond, I want to Sexuality recruits seven, not every day!”

Zheng Sanpao coldly snorted, “Seven? Just your little body, one sucks!”

Zhu Mingxuan shrinks his head, Zheng Sanpao is his Master, he can’t have any rebuttal, can only ask for help towards Shi Lei, but Shi Lei is disregarded.

“Do you have any questions about this Task?” Shi Lei asked.

Ye Feng thought about it and asked: “Boss, this time, do we use The Steel and Iron? Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile? And Crush Sea Series Guided Missile !”

Shi Lei is dealing with the issue of AIRE n Island, blacking some of the Guided Missile in the Rongcheng Military District, and currently there are thirty-six Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile, Air-To-Air and Air-To-Surface series, each with eighteen Pie!

As for the fierce Crush Sea Series Air-To-Surface Guided Missile, Shi Lei is very cherished, and there are three stocks that are kept as a baby.

“Must be used!” Shi Lei has a cold color in his eyes. “Take up the sixteen The Steel and Iron. Follow us and sneak Wo Sang Nation by boat! Prepare a Swift Arrow for each of The Steel and Iron. The Series Guided Missile, eight of The Steel and Iron carry the Swift Arrow a Air-To-Surface Guided Missile, and the other eight carry the Air-To-Air b-Guided Missile.”

Shi Lei paused a bit, frowns said: “Zhenhai i-type Guided Missile will forget about it!”

Zhenhai i-type Air-To-Surface Guided Missile belongs to Medium-scale Guided Missile. Its power is very powerful, but its characteristics are very obvious. If Zhenhai i-type Guided Missile appears in Wo Sang Nation, Xia Nation can’t be pushed away anyway. .

Again, the Zhenhai i-type Air-To-Surface Guided Missile is not likely to be stolen like the Swift Arrow Series Small-scale Guided Missile. The Small-scale Guided Missile is small, easy to transport and hide, lost during transportation, and fooled into interpretation. Hacker 1038

However, if the medium-scale Guided Missile of the Zhenhai i-type Air-To-Surface Guided Missile is lost, it is completely insulting the enemy’s IQ!

“Understood, Boss, when do we depart?” Ye Feng asked again.

“Right! The sooner the better! A’Feng, you immediately arrange a smuggling vessel, we sneaked to Wo Sang Nation overnight.” Here, Shi Lei looked forward to Zheng Sanpao, and asked: ” Sanpao, if you are on board, can you make plastic Bomb accurately?”

Zheng Sanpao nodded, “Boss, this is not an issue. Just prepare the material in advance, even though in the bumpy cabin, you can also make Bomb, but the speed will be slower.”

“Well, A’Feng, Sanpao, give you an hour of preparation time. After an hour, my Hope is all arranged Dāng!” Shi Lei issued the final decision.

Zheng Sanpao immediately got up and left. He called Zhu Mingxuan and prepared the raw materials needed to make the plastic Bomb. Ye Feng picked up the phone and dialed Ren Gudu’s phone number.

Ren Gudu’s master of Lonely Massacre, currently operating in the Yellow Triangle Region, transports the Yellow Triangle’s native products to Wo Sang Nation, Nanchao Nation, Ao Ya Nation, and further to Li Jian Nation and Europe. .

Due to the local specialties of the Yellow Triangle Region, it is not popular with everyone. Therefore, Lonely Massacre often secretly “touches” the “touch” when transporting the Yellow Triangle native products.

In the current situation, it is exactly the need for Lonely Massacre to secretly “touch” and “touch” the ability to transport souvenirs, and send Shi Lei to the secret Wo Sang Nation.

Ye Feng contact went to Ren Gudu. After a short conversation, Ren Gudu immediately arranged a boat to Wo Sang Nation.

“Boss Ye, I personally escorted you in the past!” Ren Gudu had a rare opportunity to get close to Shi Lei, who was ready to personally participate in the smuggling plan.

Ye Feng thought about it and nodded. “Gudu, you are going to prepare the boat right away. After we are ready, come over immediately! Yes, clean up the deck of the ship and make enough of the 16 The Steel and Iron to land. Space.”

“No issue, Boss Ye!” Ren Gudu said with a hint of excitement.

“Well, that’s good!” Ye Feng hung up and turned to Shi Lei. “Boss, the ship’s issue was arranged, and Ren Gudu sent us in person. There should be no issue!”

Shi Lei nodded and continued with eyes closed. He is secretly calculating the time it takes to get to Tokyo Prefecture from Nónue Nation’s Móng Cái City. Móng Cái City is a waterway from Tokyo Prefecture, almost three hundred kilometers from Three Thousand. Even though 100 kilometers per hour, it takes thirty-six hours.

This is really too long!

However, Shi Lei does not have a private plane, and Second Generation Dawn is definitely not able to board the Civil Passenger Plane. Therefore, the waterway has become the only choice.

“A’Feng, ask Ren Gudu, their fastest boat, the speed of the hour!” Shi Lei asked.

Ye Feng thought about Shi Lei’s opinion a little, and he quickly called Ren Gudu and asked about Shi Lei’s just issue.

Ren Gudu replied confidently: “Boss Ye, our fastest vessel, has reached the Forty-five festival, and Nanyue Nation does not have any military naval vessel to catch up with us!”

“wait a moment!” Ye Feng grabbed the phone and reported to Shi Lei: “Boss, their fastest ship, can reach the speed of the Forty-five festival, the fastest ship in Nanyue Nation, no military naval Vessel catching up!”

The Yellow Triangle operated by Lonely Massacre has the meaning that the speed of the vessel must be fast, or else it will be caught up by the law enforcement vessels of Nanyue Nation, which is not good!

Although the speed of the Forty-five festival has dominated the Nanyue Nation invincible, it is far from meeting Shi Lei’s requirements! After all, the speed of the Forty-five section is not as fast as that of the Second Generation Dawn’s own Sixty section.

The Forty-five speed conversion is about 83 kilometers per hour. Three Thousand Six hundred kilometers of voyage, this is the sailing time that needs more than Forty hours!

Time for Shi Lei, exact as stated life! The latency of Lingymo and Mu Shuang infected Mastery over Future and Fate Virus is about thirty-six hours left. How much time does Shi Lei waste?

“The speed is too slow! We need a faster way of transportation!” Shi Lei “揉” with the sun’s “hole”, negating the decision to take the boat and thinking about other modes of transportation.

Ye Feng suspected “confusing”: “Boss, if we don’t take the boat, how come?”

“Let me think about it!” Shi Lei meditated. “If there is a private plane, that’s fine!” Shi Lei whispered.

Suddenly, Shi Lei’s mind crossed an aura, and he opened his eyes sharply. “Private plane! We also have! A’Feng, reply to Ren Gudu, we don’t need to take the boat! We take the airplane in the past!”

“Eh!” Ye Feng doesn’t understand Shi Lei’s opinion, he speculated: “Boss, do we have to borrow Li Jian Nation that Gamer’s private plane? From Li Jian Nation to Nanyue Nation, it takes about thirteen hours, then from Nanyue Nation to Wo Sang Nation, which takes about four hours, plus all kinds procedures and safety checks, requires a total of five hours of twenty. However, Boss uses a private plane to transport the Dawn and, after landing, enters the transit of Wo Sang Nation. Inevitably, I have to check it!”

Previously in Li Jian Nation’s New York, although Ye Feng did not return to Xia Nation with a private plane, Ye Feng also knew Nouveau Riche Storm’s private plane, which was loaned to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei shook his head. “Without Storm’s private plane! We also own private plane!”.

(To be continued.)

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